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heroine tiC Lanrrkl Bond Hosts Sheep DogTrinlr none READ motiftori ing ehcep dog erhlbitmircrn arai the Unitndbiu will hoillinaihhttln be in la hurt the Rtheri Walkrr oi 0mm who has won the Canadian ree tion three times wilbo com oethie uIn to nurture nouns DUNTROON tStaiit Notice whirl Turimli rite at lot to Marion ltmwiil be open noiyon blooded Tires xvi35hr iii rigg ii in teen going 35 13an minim rm ANGUS iStaiilaaier peek idnnt oi the Anna District Noon Club who rened tor the them turn nae Nd Rose hewn local druggart and term mem ber oi marmmdt incur returnees ANGUS Stall hieinberr oi the at true MI at two year term teem Cecil whore winiun Gibbs and mini tidL SUBJECT 10 nor ORDER when or per awn has given notice that stop on item will be towed against any new building reptile reinovrh or alteratiocelihere building hermit have not first been oh tained Iii Slnoidaie ownshlp The bylaw provider penalty tip to the noticeeald RETIIMATOSTAYNEI STAYNER tSteitr iter overturned Winnipeg will at United com me toil Tournament Sei Iniiiedonto commie iStaiit An Il Kmart If or be eld this meeting Slum Sept ember to at thh tiedonte tore vepr course near here ten lineman goli pro raid the din will he made shortly ff harm evens rare IIIa Cult larde hidinecmnaiens Gain Momeniuin ANGUS tmii With the federal election dole definitely ann tor hiooday Dunner areas The tittth member tirnee Beergll Brannon annoure ted acme time ago he would not be eeeng reelection niter to year in Parliament the Liber Ii candidate la Rosa hillne aiae oi Brampton who was chosen at cm at Marileid no odd uhooi last Airy lie tic hearer Elwood htadilt war Inner mention tor iMti turn who Lr errierrnring to make comeback liter hk deteat bx Beer In the hue its votthe turner thriieriir hime warden Air edill he been active In iarrn traiernri and burinesr oraenraattla artr the New De ic Party errirfdate ataorn era will break tradition and nerai ugpori tor the Inerti tn the tart indent at in M0 rare Retire Beer polled loam mot voter to title tor hlr hintiiit and not ior loom itili NDP candidate The Titi deair ted liberal govnt wee eluted liter peondsea to establish Just Society 10 MEET AT MIDLAND MIDLAND ISIIIII Horticul ilnitI IodeiIoe oi district 16 will day andSat ye item In Mile will allow nee main be sendinn delnnetre to their en ati runner in ltrqual Which here who loin pol tor the im terrain to participate lanai wittdiwlliheheld atidtdiandonliiednesdny0cti too Showing live Wm TIIIVSvndey mm ranummr it menuerr arena to it NHMWIMH lial HUI Innlll IN ruinmud rue adorned we alerting tor the nomination at the 8mm Liberal curren if 5332 regerzi Eggs iii Sigiiiiie hfaidbeallrnitaiimoucandiv aesugtm pu cent wereandaevenviaeeor wen There we tide variety In the limit that people thwart approprtat tiort irequeot cited items In in the troooo to terror range tary tor regional minor tn hi rst learn Beinra be elected he Iaa not with out BM within exper lence iii Ive adeniic Mlltieatinm also meant hair to ihieirced the voters what he de tented it late Senator Wriiace lkOrtdwn poilkal science eiudent at Unlinsity oi Toronto Ire receiv rd hIa BA degree in tin winn Ing echoixihlp ior preterm rte work at Oxiord University In England tie uihnNueotty re ceived his doctorate iron in lord and entered the eervire oi the dqraiirnent oi external air lair in Mr Rootrt at onetime war Adviser to the Canadian dclega lien to the United Nation ammo AGAIN ttnuwhlchta to habcu to Ali ora err Maidauminx Seeder MANY SHADE The miner tloiinde apedee oi tlsir can make lleetl rtnaiet onehrdeniereyorbmmir gitw ltaeli itna necking to match rand in large eprcklu to match gravel Iiempview tire gt TONIGHT AND SATURDAY ONLY mwooinimnuomo Aidttntrtieqyiegntthm CAN m3 SERVE you Oninurdry8epciiin ma and on the record Thursday or each mg month One oi Our Repreuntalivee hir Stool willboat The Continental inn Barrie Tn LBW Ind Clnldl perm lid in mm It burrs hitting Wm on Rmthraili Thaneponta Indde Banktoeoeninilnd andnn ioworkiirgupitrttie etartanew Indioeothre ItyonthetTDBeanbeoi you anirrwihedhoanappoirrtaieeaatwlth theIDHiltivelty Barrie0nt7261334 or in advance by writing to nonunionution 1th llltliSTltiltL DEVELOPMENT BANK 250 tinireriity Avenue Toronto Ontario Telephone twttth Bowl SAT SEPT Youth Bowling Registrations Bentemr I0 erri Age not I2 or of Sept I971 Juniors 1230 gun Age not IE or of Sept I972 Seniore 1230 pm Age not 20 oi Sept I912 Regirtretien tea $150 IST DAY ONLY lEAGUE BOWLING FREE WITH REGISTRATION wi BLAKE sinf Kempvicw merit Holt over Shown Nightly at mnnemenhrhhiini motiomnocnienrhhwt era WUAFCMJ ANKOAGinyeMRONKATSEAS ADUll tNTtRIiIIIMItiI