Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 30 Aug 1972, p. 25

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It tttoi=otot our 7282414 DIAL 7mm tottxvrtlrxtnsstrtro ornnnmrrtr torhtgh It tits HOME orrtcrArtoon It rAtle Autism norrm Iron at moguls dorm mm to rm Ln any marrow tororomtr mntTurosomt uunm lliltltTEEt gangs tttnL rstnlt IlllOltlll EMILEPOINT too rr lAKEFRONT ONICARTHEW nnr BEAUMUL SANDY HEIDI nl Dunlog Bnrrle llal Mill on porn mu um mm MIIKLLIW etmn UR MCI mm Ill lVIIIllD mid Ill mmo IMHIWL Mott Wam IRAN on IWJIIIMWVIHIWOIIM lm renown monpnhrnolnerrnr lblohone IelIIltnrnIneIulnteeeudltlen Hedtwnbrlentwtnlwmhueiothitwuldolnecllyh IdeIIllmtlyImmlyulm LAKESIMCOE lonutlmxriVIL mnnvnnundtot to towmlowlofm lmllumlltnlorllllntnvuteldedme SimNldhl lot tor experts borne With mltltn lme none the Met tustnNr noun Il MAPLE AVE tonne ultu none DI mm am not eel inetronl 50 ee dun JAY BECAME miter lrorn downturn Dime WW Instrumentonto nttrttut em non to stem Irony tutu bottom up ltnfltllnrnttmendlmemltkdy loom nmmmm aosnrottosrtrltn loam MI murdmrmwtwmumum III Fab the WI Nit ennui All lkI WY IttetuottI mom norm or run to ten tutu mm It norm MOORE NLS Rutter MM Down IImtl moon Write Eon Arr Barrie ILutrtItI er Services ANYWHERE IN ONTARIO Conwlldtle All Your hunt Btllr For Len HIM OI not You Are New PM 7252642 toe Dunlap 51 ll orrostro AnntA unrrw REAL rsrttrt IM ill HATFIELD EL MARIE BARRIE 7263422 TORONTO UNI Hi Res 7286187 em on msrtttn menu HE eggcfuggbu It MIMI Ill lintlh Itnl Ill Wnntontmtg not new cttn MI IIIH lnmlm OUIVIVJIM MI limit mm lhmtlumem II lIotIr pod llulhtlll Inddinln room Lemuel home to Irrtm lelr condition lulu lm Meltlnnon odorstowrt MINER 17 AND NORWAY your mumtrill mel lortt Iaerltonrmule oerhlnr attentive rbonroorn tern rlomn Inn with WOMA ISIM MRI Bill MIMI IIILISDALE VILLAGE COMIICIII Ind Ruenllll Broken moo FULL PRICE bedroom born on tern lot with In ext USN opmmmm MWMW III Mervin ml opportunity to ounyour on innings no en them ALIEN LIMIT AUDI Kt mod nswullau rm mm or More out rtnenemoeoehlrd dbl ltthIln Dementia one tattered mm in DOH It taotutIR Pernonrt Service taut ntunoetl Me to om mm Georgian Financial Mira Wm err rlore her In ueeliuttcomer location in tut growing corn tnunlty me in the bedroom Abutment untrue Rensonebll mom mwmmsnomnnmm MIMI am mm mum IIIIIIII Ieperrlnrllnlnl room 11er tin Country netting rtly nonrert mm napalm Im am hm brick home located on Dollop amt Seven tulle nrrtently to MlNUlES rnott nttnntr rented 9w him But munch 32M DOWN llt STOREY MOUSE mil butenent recently dee Mm we orttod textured ceiling lrrro mm rltrded drlto rrr mm mm In mum mm In Wm lItIun Itvt mnunlly rtrpr from rltapnlnrcrrrlne tlll monUt Mu am mm In on iMMEDiATE POSSESSlON 51M DOWN 15 MINUTES 10 BARRIE Mdroeml Klurnlnx kitchen Illnctln nmolllnl throttme eleellle belting beeull lot to 167 lot Vendorltu nurdttrrtt mother borne burner mutton Rilerr moon BARRlE Inoottt PROPERTY rIt meme MI DAVID 44 DUNLOP St In ltt Barrie $wmww LII mint Tl 726465 sumo MONTHLY Mm dining rm Ill titan It Mm MI ottVto wnss must RON DECAIUE tumor or RICK MeCLOCNLIN muss WWRHRBW RI gtgtnqmr two nu utu return on one Inut ltllle ore mutt out who Iguana on eney JEN WELL mIsIotIItItItIIoot re more um no mu mottum 19 ST EELMINrClmwmlmtf OOr mnrtrrre earning the mm Item oonnon mote motel r3 Horne lrnnrnremenu WII It Arty worthwhile nose loom red but an Write or Phone moat ttn oer Illle new tr utter Momma mung IMMEDIATE lst And 2nd nnerretreat Mortgage nuts two bowrt littl In your own home leltln ml torment curryennuillwehioodrenlhtiueefmrhtdwtndhw ALTO plnl Ilnd mu txnumt mm no nurth mm ntttotrttt moon my mom sum Anrttttslrtn AND rtttttnctrttt OPEN UN11L Mi NR LEASE Illhoptlm to oulchm melirnt loertlott neur tun APPIIAISAIS IIQTINAGES III um um III III III In It bedroom llrtol outrun the rum not no or WRONTO STREET loll bed tlvln room with ftre lure rnort ruInl Monument mm mm hmI lumdlzrm tun Netlro llroker Jerk llernen llnrrrtr II hm mm uh CONSULTANTS Billdt VENEER RUNOAIDW breediooen All tlllr tor only moot Excellent llnloelnr Cull not on nun MW WM RESIDENTIAL coolllEIIClAl 51506 DOWN tSPAClOOS BEDROOM llotlntood Ityle kitchen Juno Yottrt tor tmenl rt morn No Me new not term mutt INDUSTRIAL hardwoodtlom melted tee room Iltuhed rum nut It MW BEAUTIFULhornIlrtAnllllBrlolbllnW wttlttlxxlroorm um um manic wryhutlllu noIIW Iltdten nlth bulltltt overt Ind renre IIIIrT1 room ntll buemettl THRILL uu NITIn RmutIIItm Ith RUSSELL CHURCH wewmISwetmtuuogetnutnonwon Iutllz noun ttttm mm utl In error men tensor In Mobtle Homes tlUtlAL nrstomtAL AND VAClTlON HOMES FINANCING SiECltLTY rmrtllti Ilnrlnrllrllrlwmlleldu NoJIL SALE ENT tent 1m up to We nrranre or sell both first and reminds Aronturns CALL lLlllLE LtltLE morn 333pan Wt Lur ACRE mu Will too ACRES Vtxrrut lOWNSllll In wnrkanI not btnh betel mm anrottd Correspondent iortltv Nollll home 54 tt mootu Mortgage lnrnritrno Cu rt will Birth in bullion ol Butte MINI rtrllrt elltllrlrb Flt roomberoltldlnn mWontd nullttt tor VoltIt Wt tum lure tart MM mm gugmditl umIo ttnotttougr nttor Call at HEAD OFFICE uAtItItt PAltlELD so most Mum No muAnne tulldlnot Potentllldevtloommt mu toutan more No all 2t FRONT on UlllLthl more tr 0th mm vllnt 7r rxveh not trot TORONTO LINE ntwt llrlo2 ottoman SpenceOwn in our future Asltlnr 3mm acre tell on Green ATTENTION INVESTORS Iltrncltre twnhotttu LlrItl IN Umy awry gummy utng rt not III WWW THREE or to on room mill and one Ilnlr bedroom unit All with tlr balm llell ROOM ROME On touted within ullltlnl dltletteo oi dmtwn tlmm Cell llmnn leeltlulmt motel Dennh moon ore mgImgImhgJIvj with tullbeseertenl emlteotuo EFRONIltollElttorlor Int out Mommat4 newt cttn Imen Orv tletyrtunntdlelllnrre lrlldt or Neldnone tbedroonuexlrr mm mm No MWII km Im not Armor II til INT lea we ole 12$ Dunloo St WW Merrie Ont property on been around It otni be II not it named run It Ito mo mm Bwkerrnunclnqut witmbgwtcantoninstant too At one ImugtWedendmmylnrdeIultgIntthllu NnrlhlnntlorTrntrlux rnutn Ml Inorlmet etlho rete ot ut Illt hm Ilredlem in Genetr Glrndnlr unity room more etc Call llllr Sonrdrett menu more let nutter wtttultllt nun Itm Nature Ore tttttoe en dlnlnn room rlloeberl no large living room nnrlty tutrt Ith motor gt too cloned III nowr our lot IIIA tot on boat It stunt Wmme Wamgtgzmm mymo my INFRARERRAW itt one Inllo ltom Betrte tum house true Pelee tremor III II NOIMCnthtlllpluMm Cell Punte mmt even TRAV ER ml In mm No OI Dunlop St mull Rel Home HAPPY HOLIDAY lST 2ND 3RD MORTGAGES ARRANGED Second Mortgages on Prime MY Pltnln NLS llenlter 111 my outlr an IMO IA SERVlClt STATION millrllll dining room on will rINl noon AND to ACRES Mvd lAKarrtonr BEDROOMS COUTTS mm mm uh that Iprmy MIlumlvlnlmI NII rollnn price MOM Terms to be orrnnrrrl llonIMIIIIETIIML mMMEIIUIIL AIIIDCO AI CENIRE II DENTIAL nutter on our electric dock moon No on Ltlllrn ownnn LEAVan lOlt unt Bedroom Mlle toll out mm OWE ST WIS Im ltontlnn end intro heeled boot Robert rpllt lotton decor tully brordloomed will to well Elepnt tlxluru 30 OWEN MM ltltohrn with true bterklnst room ovrrlooltlnr inmlly room with AVAILABLE Tm Tram Dorothy urnor momng mu III Irnnt mud rbom toIihellced ynrdoItIrmnd floor leltntlry room wllht ILLS 3le tin Emlan MretIlnnIl tarot dltlon rt rerr new double no pm rm noun IDLE HOUR pondr ote MOW Burl Ono 000 No OIL Dorothy Pituer nl Slmcoetldo Burn In Oro IILS 91 Don Mtroltlll lmtnncolutetorlbedtobtn betne Mllen Nvtfl not ttrtller nnrlttol Mlltielltrl ttlnh 10w AND OPEN MI 7mm mm IleN BRICK DUPLEX nn Owen Strctl living room Itlttttttt WA WEI burr numeronr olientr ulto gLNanIIdebnelLWIwgtoom ICdIIrhIIeluTAILtRmIIIIW WM ton Least mm mm It or or ron we enl It LltoLKAN AND ct LTD EXECUTIVE 500 LAKESRORE 1m Late Immature wttrt Iter MORTGAGES my mm mm cl mm mm mm lstertd blur Rutttltul Sandy Bench Mature trees privnto road osImuagxf mm mu 5m 7W N0 Vi mInI 66M morlmo tor brlrnce Mm 2842 MORTGAGES ARRANGED no mu Melon We on Im mntnntntomttootctttrmoutnorwtutoutntttn netltuc RI7F Reasognlble Rtles IIIIWutfrSIIJWRVnIT Am our rooms Ilrn IIVIlll roomod toleee brunt Irterlen teeter WIIIII III WI III III 211 narrator MONEY CITATION no LAME mm am ellrretltn nu lo llrenlree Doublorlldlnr door to patio Also exit nuttum Irrntt eaty ntllrr Ikldoolnl trout Ire lot or mm It In GOOD WATERFRONT me some ttith rt cement dock locaer $1M onttnt mm PONTOON BOAT roper tes COMMERCIAL wtJlronllnron LAKEFRONT COTTAGE ill lbsdmmnloc balk new RIDING IN WWW grounds in eroellertt rm we no 01gt CIUEJENNINGSmWII PM ML mm mm mm to mllu to Metro hill price $5000 moo down vendor latte woqu and P5130me SHIVICE 5mm bedroom cottage close to intro tovoiyebedroom tome buult We kl Vt COUNTRY mm mm INSURANCE 33 ton Mwhlm MWW III we Lo llll est tyren tumpoey ll urn Doll crrnnoul ma ow ermine ey on rtreIo Putmm lm mum WI MINI ItllRoitlIm Rt NORA JreToori I1 PW Im WI GWIN tor Curt mum at nun Home rIe luimmlno noun 516 gunman Mil Inhlnn norm Prlred lo tell at 511900 FINANCIAL uwrrn mvmmrvnwrnns ENTERPRISES REPRINTS MAI FIONA Imam Am Mum Fernttlnn mun em ttttn um anottfm Rtml ttm mmudtolnlnrlnewwb Ito YOU own WNW 51 In WW II on out III to am to In Green mm Vern rtrulmmttn mtmltmo Mill TIIMIIIIIRR norm MI BUHDING LOT In IL Im lntonb our unit nototrrpher ttttttn um monI Dnlltll mom My Pom It William my to men 50 ll Ironingo near mm bum hm hm amt Agsmlntmn No are sorry no em ztIA ourttonsrtvrsrnntttun It mm wttltl MN Wm It root not tuners URGENT SALE Auto her tlote tor lullteolor uln II OWIIOlIllSIllNOJDGOMMWSIOIII bullthomnlrtI rountryoett mm Hm lozun or wrltt or phone Goorrtt IO Collier St Borne 7284401u lrtg llollynood Illntm ulllt ltrrlteeuo hullllrttlovnnbrlbroorno mm Mm mm WWII Mum DIII II II 2135 SI BrtilJbggg mwmmI wme We MI WHADMI my IIIWII II $2 000 $50000 II oron fl It BUILDING WT 1n mutuler irorn llnrrretncre lotwltlt rprtrtr ted rtream nrlrinn Jr onnnnnttt ntsunnncn too at MnorIILnyeoch mot gt CUSTOM Cut Your payment in Mali MOUNT ET MUlS HOBBY FARM lg You round homo bedroom Iltcltort llvlnr room lull basement large bedroom home newly decorated meted roullt ol are NY EXISTle ORIGINAL CONSOLIDAIE ALL YOUR LOAN tertl thenrelox in title rlorn toot km located on to men new Hollywood lrlttben ere only route oi the atom ll lln Con start more on Scott to not all lnul orrrlolt It Iratoot not no country ltnme Good term Ivotlnble an untoI324 WW tm Hm Rurrengernd boylttttndmd tunable mm Wch iURCllASE OR Ittrttotr PROPERTY minke loln Ind plum rvnltlt uvglyclemlbedtwm butt tom mtubtutmmntm mu IIIIRI MIMI 716W ANY llDltTllwtllu PURPOSE Serwc brmlm IIII mt IWII IVII NM NM WI to Itln FarmsConlntorelnttlesldnnllll FIRE AUTO CASUALTY LIABILITY no Im II II Call Joe Dlrrocolo 7260567 or 728440 WOMWMK SA MYBWEMWR with 591m Mull It rttonn 7267l3l IItzooooolt 15iilllcrestllordl3nrrle so CREDITCRP nut Eotetearoker la MAPLE AVE nAttlut I0llritebttletlwlo Yoltrdulrrnteo LMWoROItlUtOtttt lul Ie tot Iont Peoetle N33 dlvtslotttrtttrorntonmritetm 7237130 pm or vim Jim Flttllrnntlnl ii on you wuld build butttl Member Ontnrtn tlortrnre IN II IRW out CO mm mm momm Im mm Call It your Outer Lum uplrltn dining room trrnlly room with REIGN III WWI umrt mm mmmsh mm Isl 2nd or 3rd Mortgages llllllt third bedroom and tuttlly room or untt your herrt Lt con lie on me at scenic wityolk Intl ty room wlttt brrbeeoe mm Mum OOIIBIIEZ ill IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII tor notmitt Complete General Insurance WNW sou Cell unorILeycock OHM Ron trew new mm mm now Mr DUANE PATFIELD It rmur 7263355 BIU SINWIS Otto SAME DAY APPROVALS 1m Ite ut min rose tt Her II II II IlRIall re mterdtttott wowten mnnmtgtaesmuetrtmmAmepsngpaawtmaaunmk outgeneveneerthnmnhm

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