although the modern era bitired Numbernarrowed the aliee oitbe eouoirygwhiehitependr deal on weaponr Behae widened lirultce erdyv derotediotmpmtn vthe weltereoilne em iedgaudt lilo Oeotgeltetlonraiethebettarenit poor and nodetpri edllehar reara natioml priori HO la con rruleent at noon nonten redeellbeaamethi or Mimi wteilhoi the nmmwunn er lit mmuumxylmmaponeuamlor mm at instrumental or national policy title on Moreonireciion oithe oi de the More on areihniled or Whtdtdo death tbi JLOdriaiiaaaSdehoe onitr emotion trim American tgunnmy ecaoired amoch etoendwlttaln aranotiaeueebetween heartbeat etandidatee alneieiaeua recenttim enumerate would awhtlalongerlhat an db her iota hietory ever the test 25 are reh been an American cenyteury tor quarter oi con or would that mutarcentury larti erection it already enowered lir tin enrown mini which her the qualities McGoverne lance och er Come limnequmericemButdoAxraiIerice III already coming bottle the Nixon lrvehaareerneewu BerrielaeminerAothmi nu Petele on Comma metronome Borden Ml eretnm lthey have resident cutting bonitounit meet MPBM ing at home the money raved item the and the Come Home America policy it 6111 km large in rhetoric it would be larleee in lmtementetlen United stateewante the war endedar quidly at possible there it diiierenee our method and thnhrg and over the to be paid tor retirement ldr cGorern at leaet thlnta he torrid end the wereooner Could bet Elimination oi povertyreiorm oi the welim ayelem rerlrai ii poeeible oi the inner dtler deTollution oi the en ylronmenteoueiliy or Negroee all oi there are worthy obitctieee heiote whim boi political parllea pay lip diiierenco it over how tar her last and return can caumtnage rear toward accepted goaia at the melt grud entreiei have emoetpromtnent dearecteeletic Thetiawhetthecempelgniaellaboul Youwliibelieieningonilltuihe eendidaiee not to iiud out what they lioure You will be listening to decide will result In the most pntdent and nrcceeeiulpecln oi pregreer io wards the agreed goa oi Americe MWMWnnm Court and Clerk bi Cottnty tnurt in tin lnenh enter one Barranoliwar deitatoilrtanyh ommmmmm Code tor iamtiy plentea Examiner tietted complete article it htetory oi the Ninetitle Portage marked by pie que at Port iiillce Square recently erect lan ed by ontario Dept oi travel and Public nrimtn re amnwere Sneen Elename Woodr tliemllzor MM Hick lin captured cap in ladlea et Barrie Country lire Fred rton won ricecaptetna boner with net econ ev loweei on recent tired grodteiebreteducegiyeseliaiwitalwgday green open rum eed elatrehmviceliereieJ newer two notional ewerde atcenyen on in 0t mild Wlndteeter accepted awarde aaulembe 2M membenttip min more conmeitieeuinirrnen Don enduordPatiereon Rotary rOlnbezannuei chicken berhetue at St Vineentrerit weaaeliout with 1200 bltdr rt it told edilod their were Bob An Dr Delaney lion meetc Dnrry announced appointment Mudheeeisheriti0ou eiShncoe ItrDnlrywiiirelire trout at ltion but continueee Beuiatrer oi preme liy ttevuel tiedden iornterly oi Al landeie appointed general yardmaetertt CNilr new liveaulli ondoller mereiaalilnig yard at strain Barrie Clitzena Bind Orltlia Kliile Bend and Colllngwood Mun icipal Band combined at Queene Park in Barrie Sunday evening ier marred bendf concert wield attracted big crowd Emery Engineering Co capecle to have Barrie newert public rottool on Johnson in Si chartered lorechoet openlnr apt Enema coach Darrin Plyere eaye club will be much improved let com ing junior hockey eeaaon Playere mart toned included Ooelie Rout Brooke Dale lldiie Bob Blackburn Barry Aettbee Al vin Norrene Billyvlorhan Denny Pai Thoma Kerr appointed Poet nmmmmwn narureo oy ey or etboro Mr Kerr ll noted for wide variety oi community Interests in addition to be lnIg m1resilient pipe meter in Barrie Pipe Wm Glodng Over Exclusion Oi Bhodela 10 Prev RalfWriter auntndlott in bar tied with the Rhodeala pail bled athlcta niece he hae bunt lhrwzia the initial berriere the reaction which will deter moot attention war that at Vatican Radio with tie gurpei quotation lie that it Viith aln among rultiaeiiretatooe theradioeaidthatlonleon Purelny tooterteoe Olympic doc whether oil the comiriea par tietpadng tn the Which Garnet are tree oifiha evil oi rutwn which rmtlvuied the erpulelon ta ltbndeeia oboervert quietly enameled that thin radlo elementary miailt have referred to Comm eolrniri udouely Illeeie the ntrancea oi We black adtletu whoJeek rporir From Games tom la general racial die the ballet Untoue altered lillodeala which treatment oi ill Joelrh popu letion But allegaqu oi the aame general aort have been aimed too at Prcrldent Amln oi Utenda result oi the pro posed expulsion teeth the East Airlran cormin oi thetreanda oi Arlen reeldenie who hold Btll lah perm it war decree alone there line by Preeident Nytrern oi neighboring taneenle which my have romptod Arnln to bnoit down rotn hie ehortllyed Idea oi expelling all Aalnne ln chrling there with Uganda clib eontentionwthat no beer on you let him with lhoee who are alteptical about the Olymbln decleion are certain to cite recent ovente in oountriee auch ae Uuanda end alao are eure to recall the de vei nte preceding the indo Pak rtenl not when eeecealng Pairitlana praiee tor the Olym pic ouster oi llhotleeln One probability it above all oi prevent relevuncothet the emulator oi llhodeeia will bitter ilaua or con ery among thee velved in Olympic among tee iooteee on mew yeare to come to miuale the will ark eervlre the power role the dil imnce between the Nixon doctrine the lawn or war orpcace tr subordin up ale to the above and already in let mam rettied Ahnoeteveryene in To Explorers lamoua loraradglet all the rredit lor expl and yet they were nearly alwaye morn ed brother end could not re alone wliboli them Al or Jermain Emcee Bennett lieerne ere annoy notebie eaamplee nvh claim ll 1th eodaiiet atoll the later oi Brliirh 001m birandlheNewDunoaric Party her late bed with the micro unple Morroworiented OranV However there were our riona when the helpere ted hie iuryliw much think ehouiti be done ruin the White to be hindnom men elated mldinyon the Item Quebec to Detroit he lerced than to onetime fl Within aw eman them toilththhe hillly b1havitu the common nilta endorea New Democrat Pluto in la Verendryea men aieo mood on Ant when he begamrplorin ea area will it till unannnmmrmmr meta wt Pigeon lllver route in eluded potion at nine mliu cauoee an euppliea al that dietance areudrye had been=avbreve entitle wotrtaied tour timer at the heilia ot hialpllqrehbut could not iotcehle man to go rrther lie had to comprenliee by reiurnln to Fort ltaanlnirti eule with aebela while hie nephew and three eone went on to Batuy tale with eemo othm who were willing to mate the the mutiny delayed Vera ter one year the Pigeon lliver route wee ed by for lradere until true art wee abandoned titer that hecauu part at it our in us territory murdere then went book to the moralnorthetiy Na qula liiver rotate which aim trade to tlalny Lara then to Late oi the Woode and lake Winnipeu OTHER AUOUII ll HINT litecape Breton war elt rated irom Nova Stella and came colony until tree rmUeut Gov stmcoe daenged molbrenio to italJohn htacdonaid began practirlng oi law at titration Ont intSteamer belidrh arrived at litnnipe with equipment lor bulldlner way iliyetiortie Ermine 1e Bayiieid street Barrie onurte Telephone ment Second ciaee Nell Radetrnllnn Number MM Return poetare guaranteed Dally Brndaye Ind Statutory llnltddyl excepted Subarrtglon retee daily by carrier weekly the year ly Single copier tic Bymall liarrlc obiiii yearlyx Slmcee Camry lithe yearly Balance oi Canada moo yearly All other countnee titre yuriyx Motor throw oil iiihil year National Adrortlrtna illilcrar dd Queen St Wrei toronlo bot1110 M0 Cathcari Eh Montreal Member at the Canadian Pratt end Audit Bureau oi Gretna tiene The Canndlaa Prove lr excite lvrl entitled to the use tor rw pub leetlon oi nil newa dltpatch ea In lhla epcr credited to it or The Aer eicd Pruner Router and aloe the local newe publieh Jdibcr the Barrie Bratnlnemielmr yrigitt in all original adren tie end editorial material cre ated by lta employeeeyead to produced to title neweoaper Colonial lierlatrettoe None bar mil repleter pa metronome rerun Coomveiet canol etc In the nmntng er the leplalature aeau blr Moo gen hae thundered lndlgneni etdraga at both party iaadere mu ththAL the Cernrnuulttt he eeye have maintained their vlr gtnel perrin in provincial polllt lice end arent eleeptng with anybody Site know have Ben It tut rett the boyeanold Commu nttt te eeld in an inur alto met But that doernr mean he made deal with gt admirenone wm Arm andidatoeinthaAJu alelettloe ieltbelroot oithnnenetv en Emyo Vs New Dernocratt end Social hedll in the tame week lhlgilaieet rial ea tile Bf on to turn dean thethemlg atreirhiht Mr teen ieade mood total or iii votet tor tou undidetehln provincial on three yeare the time it her live area including hie hlorlall end there are no tntlcetlona thatiheyll teeny better mt Worn TODAY New Political Low the ill they inrorted edettuetntnia in tower newt upapere Saturdayandliooday toiere lorries hm on till and Commuter tipped In advance that the belt 52 red thathe bed are to believe that end Communists are made dent PREIUEB Rum the air will NDP lender my Mcted Premier Bennett would nae the ede ioelub the NDP than Just what hap wood in North Vancouter bion hug uncut eheniad E5 trig anyhow thalliumold antler lonelier ol irlendih3lirvtiv igollng epro nca payer in vln rm to lull the for mam mmduameee MOanada one oi ttr Bennett noted not pm no linnett knew in edyance that the ede weld be publlrbed How did he knew bed together my the premiere speech appeare to have eel the tone tor balance oiSodIl Mia lorreeleciiertba bet at ater tamer Chabot told an medicnee in New Weettrtnater the lame night lubrilnlllilythejame thing Set At Olympics JOHN ANION Fertile Aileire Analyet thomron Newt Service the ten otvnetct demo on underw elem will mnhhodeeiaoiedoutbyadi drive at the international Olyne pie Committee the removal oi llhederta cauu oi the threat at with drawat by all the rim roun trier pine poulbly orba end eoma oi the Buttrn an Beuode puililvpolili re enoyuclnut like the tone Olympia in Mexico City where local violv ance Drnatched mmllmralogerlrlv ea rt yearr t7ch haaweoeen NJ level at political teetetierence Altheunt llhedeaie rent mixed teem oi birch and whites better titan the raeiat South Alrtcan llepublic hee ever doney mere boycott oi blade Airlcan etetee tome or them with the belt more in the ot the hi an learn with lie or Nbdilnai black component in xiii tome oi the American team arrut model win nera turned out to be Black Panther napporiera There war the tear thin time that us block alhletee Black Pandeeror not would alto We coil any eilort to melotain llho delta at partidpani The ma diapute oter rece weeaemuohaeipneithetimee er earlier dlrputee out Com rnlmletbloe countrioo iaklnr part especially lhnae which had not been euthanized in the viral the Peoplee Republic oi thine Northltorea aniline Getthen homoerotic Rowbllc Eaet Germany ttteea deyr have poured in loci the aopearam oi the Earl German term and the tier ol noun Getmen Demo cratic Republic will be vteibie Inhmodm pm in home renew it In mme ironic that the New Democratic the Olympic Games have been PW mm politicized by lie neuronnu MW WWI even in tome instances like the mid it dm of mow ng triathtubl Ailer Norcane and Communlet mgimmmm ell eerie oi ornament my WWW nnnoiuonmtnu eon For once the controlertial and world be happy to and relinna hie Brundnue wu rent ueliare atria extended correct tudeplorlng the whole mend lte prevent wide incident tlona lT HAPPENED 1n CiliiiiDii that the rapprochemt more Wool and tart Gen litany alao meane tranquility in world would hnte wrecked the gamer it the llhodeeianahad atayed thevetato remove lthedeeia rnidriiheve had elirlti lueliilcll lion ii the requ ware related to pure tportr competence in term oi mat contemporary black athlctca it world have meant the wtthdrewal oi the epectecular Keino and lie tranttnaiea item lienya and Ethiopian longdleiance runnc who won the marathon in the lost three Olympiade But no titepoteotlel loee hi there euprtb black athlete hed nothing to do with the mat the Olymoie Gamer not wottd depoaitory tor mat alien leiea but for eecond rate and nemateudrh iorelpt policy you encounter him my it all thlae lat cry item the TIMItr Wee it itdameue Gennenbaaed Olymlre in lierv lid in till Whitaker lililer belittled black ethietee even thouah the birch American lee ele oweoe won the rnalot eventel otorr noun tihutaetltyr rat the killadene all tied and It hleonaneee and Ill liteli ill if in bile dont be Iiirvfilod ti tlethnnu the cariplimtni eorna day when Stet yr the lord whllalle may to round ouoteeeanehttewene werentnmnnroe hie eFOlllil5tiELtultlt0th met Western tttolutenv Aatelltmixuotmui Di rrsouocrnuuewnvmoI Mount worvmreeunrneum AMtllliA outsetueeneneeeteu it oresomtnennout Viglcohld llttti till Tell 80 INA oovuoaeomnmeti MWMMMM hometownworm mnoeeetnmm WWPIJUMMWHW UMer Miitwmavae Mmuwim 44