with mogul 22 yrs Eggt tiring tor emotive bone home one the rooms eeeble erred in No one rule nm In our dmpeymeal Guillemoette SlhIWESIDEllimlilt rinse to would 101 MM Nul BIG BAYPOINI IAKEHIONI ty in in it cottage balance wm my mm wing and any am my lumebeentltnl non rnentloitmNthli house and boat tonyittelytur Dorothy iitnlmrn til Ilrbed oil hrrnzrelittirn Rob Bm Wmrwm erto mow Nr ilh late bedroom cottage Im IAKTJBDNT bEDROOhlSl Ebed vaterorr pram greet Pretty eottage lIrgo living college loot rhed collide eon room oieoe bath uterine Il rvrnieoeoe lom lltrrirnrrrinr lrr door No Ila Hitler hob not No no em motor Ania twine or III rum rem Flrurrnmtne Evelyn vetm iermtte treelle Phlltll NW lotto A1 AIL13 rumrunner mu new EUOENIA mm manor eVletleiilelaotrringyI lure rayeuro tolergogtanoile gem withme tireoieu denwlur ootrirle eatrahn and bathroom horn the toyer you on also gpllo arid containing toot ilrlng Ice heron hitched llibjdintlxligtl mam Ir Wm ealamir on level yroom pith rrIihotI to garden and larradry romlbelorrer IrootIiar Iuery lIrII humor with ro telling Ind old roansAlmg with all thk the home he omelet at time broadloonr and intercom throudroot By appointment on line lireleleh Arm SERVICE blAhoN reeiarnant dininng on itighuy ll rloea in bellnlle total Willl item on to be arranged hon ye omnoorr nunorrow Ioctlrd not till Ilene Iroen your trienth bur driver Ibia borne priced to tell in hurry Do not our it with another up in excellent eondltitar Finished roe morn pt beth priced at only moo Owner matour to tell Buittin rtove end nicely land reaped lot Cell Orv NINJ COUNTRY ESTATE on target Iere treed lot our big bay Point Special bedroom homo BroIdiourned throughout Sunny patio Large two err gauge and hreerewey 813500 ultb eoooo down 51313113 WITH STREAM Hwy 11 hid on Cell lion DI Ol anon It so and too Irrea with or without buildings Cannon Drole gt comm location older berm arr hornliii bathe Iarnlly rite dining roan kitchen run also upper level one deck very nice corner loLII tape trorn Woolworthr For Ipoolntrrrrnt to are pleural Orv liardy Arm momma mew and um nrurr odhdWiddw v5 lilid our lead Iron Iyelrlgh nrrnrr HM TP it til DIINLDP 71H NEON APPRAISINO AND FINANCING gt form liNtIhlPhi Agents tor iina Homer monusrvn bizarre CRESC MORTGAGES 83473 Salesman on duty baturdny and Sunday titanrent gero oAvrrs new Home EXOLUSIVE older ten room not home hibern roorrr room to enir touted on pleased lot Call hlary lee tadmer Talia No bit rrnnrucm our three bedroom borne on lrrge lot til car getIge Wetkidimuo to thorole Ind reboot Catt Anita oommorto No err BARRIEwa HEIGHTS this two year old bedroom ride will with car garIgo torture In ItirIrtlve ltrnrort Ownerr 52er in For Ioootntment call line one II no ltANat onnoaww tire inner lrorrr lwrn titrated on teruu debutante rursror ldooing ete lamb bit tdii New Tomi View at the on gringo one paved drive etc ttake In IPYouIrIottoltrethlltburItqoulanthomnttb Iodrble pine beaniitni laodauoing Drtre northqu 21nlebtororrelrarlltidboratrodreotberettlogIbn mtkeaoeppotnlrnulloreeineideloulibegtadyoodld LIKE Stilt WATERFRONT bedroom met but owner haarodnted pricellor int rate and can in immediate ooeoearlon Arline Mood Iiii bold rnortgree It home toorirtiotsbodroorruvlthhotendroldrraterinuchdbeth room large broadloornrd tiring room with tireplece are building tor laundry boIlhornI excellent dotting Iadlllee era toner rate and mytblag rtaye Stem by Ipootntrnent only BEDROOM lIObIE mm with broadioom Watt rot room Ilth brr paved drtmay and teoeed yard Situated on Gtmo Street See thl new lhting lbIlttACtllAtE HOME bedroom Ildupiit Ilth electric heat broedloom in living Ind dining room Ittecbed garre Priced to rail It mm BRICK BUNGAUJW moo immunlrte Ind only year bedrooms mum and garage Nlteiy lendteeood with late fmerxlng OWNEIT MOVING AND MUST SELL Extra largo bamniw with new 17 nur toti nutrition heroin rreihout Ironi bertrnrnt bedroom garage and tornpteteiy tented yard Situated clone to Ichoola and rbopptng Priced tor quick sale It mm tonpnoon srnrsrur bathroom runny room end were Slanted be extra large city lot with lot at room tor Irrtnro Iorirrr ming pool lmtrd on Peacock lane Only more Iron SQ it DIVLUXUIUOUS UVING This bedroom borne baa broadlooaotbroughotrt tireglece in living room and many Iatru Largeyaori burnout iandgraped lot Situated in ueellent ultim tlal area more rotrrrurn rr toot rnnlnrroornrr to new ruvrmrn for lanlettl no miles from eily non Mirror terror errors nrsrrunarrr not the city limtla touted on busy lutrmcllon ierrltlc potential so reatr Ioinl mking price SIM building business and equipment Fermi to tell due to ill eatth rstmerr Beetrolrrn arm mmm Nlrnld Dub Plvl but new mu Minor Ora Ml till TIIM m7 Norman NMillllt 5187 Mel till urry nurture rruur run Wootlm on kw condom Hill EVUI EXCLllilllh AGENTS IAYCIEIT HOMES no ounrorr STEIN rrrtrgragnrrtmo 72 mom turn torrite PETITE BUT PURETm this two bedroom brick rrneer and titldstooe btrngalorr touted in Orv large tiring room Ind kitchen combined with llmlarx furnished pc bath and on large treed lot rntnutra teeth to lab Simeoe Ind prlreto beech association ideal for email family or retired couple Asking nob troooo Ind term an be armored Cell bill Ewen mono IN THE WONT DUTONLV MINUTES EXCELLENT SHOPPING bedroom trIrne Ind inert brick home touted on some toot btpanelkdhitebmanlringroomhrllhaaorneot5cbootbtm past the door Asking moon and good terror eIn be arranged Coll Bill brown mom THEOWNEIIISOPENNOTTEITSH On these aemidrtaehed brick meer btmgIloorr located in Aogru beetlrnt investment cottal Ia they on aim rented Good mtgrge terne col ill mom WASAGA norm bedroom brink bungalow with amino nishing required by not look it over and rnrho an otter You raiser be pleasantly rur prisrd Cell Bill Brown mom Wit mi moi Milne toy is teatrnea argr MELT Sign rotate Very toototttlly boon It omen lemon with iii Irwrillge that Irene ego altont Indbo very proudotliiboDyoonmm USINN AND PWURE mariners tirst No In boomtnreataurant presently branllnl to noon per orth in rent No Igroeeryyulety store which be oriented by the owner returning good income vuth very iiteottortNthbopieuuretrIreryuaimIbdrmm rlretrireily heeled with nished roe room and rain Ilnlrhtd room in lbe basement Ilse torture car Inge on large lot this is touted on the min itreer tn rt ldoyrn rm Allis Call Joe Dyson moot rrvntmvorort sr Solidnld9r twortorey hornolyreeentio tortilla in In rmorno or per month You could two in thir home Ind still have extrr Irrcorrro every month to oliset your mortgage wroent Asking no sou Pleasoleelt George Worrell 7mm ORANGEVIILE beet terrn located nrlnutre trorn Oraniovrtle on Hwy No no men with errellent butldtof Ind wrter WI with more good There to bedroom brie boise with trinity room wrotmdtd by beautqu lendeuploz Ailing woo Please tell George Wor reit norm Anti Freak Neliee Brotrr fully landrea throughout no MI toot Int broadloomed Ind lil conditioned ltnlrhzd rooms iull Moment All hlrrda ot amount they lee nurture more No no no room yrer rowrrsnrr yr workabla and balance huh beret clay that land arteelrrr trolls bank barn Five room bevel riding bun lion in good condition more to Notteuurgr River cur there mgbeed room No err downtown in too to onrteue boldla rt Veronica torer lament moot No or rltltot ohvmrrm mun more 44 oUNorsrw barrio 7264651 IIDTI mele rucrr nocwmnrurm more bartender onrrrtrjnirrrn rar mutt room crossrrro orinrrrrrrhr orrrrtaaco rrrtrorr borr 1h We Beantltrri Sun In moor1 hilte hula Tome rreilobte Ed Morey Inn Tues only it re in Or Tumble mutt trndrrri trot part linitt Ilal in roe Early it dmred Don Allan mtan DRIVE $13M bedroom buogtlnl in You be in tbbr by reboot Nude rem Molina time For appointment viern rail lord at 63 rr Ltilmlliilrl PROPERTY Thla west end ex to In beetr illvi rendition II in one Ind rolled $150 month tor the other Itileoetainol nemrent Double gIragr large lot curly THIN CIII me anytime Eliot than WOW room Pmi driveway and WIN iutt on the ant liant Ibe tam Ire toured the frame mam Kindly nit Evan btrDlar ltt MAKE AN 0mm new bedroom hung in in mutate biero extra in eiraiirrl Illi to will fulfill rung stereo to dyarn pry rnerrt Kindly call Norton Burns Ml Complete General Insurance Service FIRE AUTO CASUALTY LiABliiiY Call Joe Dirrrcoio 7260567 or motor Moe Ivan Elam tum Irene Gram Leon oerrIrI Diraroin Even Dimid Jun SWIM ronnhro ortrorr nutter 61 Dunlnp Barrio urrrrm meteor wmmcronemnnr Mile Nlntllbll Wm some errorr MILLE noel ed garage lovely landscaped lot mm Thir borne is priced right It WWI Coll itkn lilill noun ERNIE IEED rare KLOOSTERIMN Dual GUIIEU AL has KEN MILLER Kiln IENNM no it WELLtMG MIKE IILD ml DIED Kl min with turtrt our menu nort SPIOIILE IO IUIWELI LEM awn wlnll ml mam uetrar man will term no arrarr NAIVEV well RON JONES 79 BAYFIEID ST Irrrrr rnorr neon irek Heyden blanager 2500 lltooo moon Unbelievable but true erznoo tutl pried tor this bedroorrr home to Barrie inliy serrierd prrtret starter home on nice lot attention builder ronrd ltllz rented now with not covering mortgage pIyrrtenta llrrrry tor this one Bill Thoma moo Allis rrInI her MIrle lemaorr cm Irure crux Nwmanlmtotl he or Lyrtdl Heyderr inner moment JIM MK Iii 1mm orrrn rrr ntYFtELD Sit BARR Edith nverdyr rod cm are wry Zoned LAND Specialists Commercial and Residential Broker 7280674 Gill REAL rsrarr BROKER 89 BAYFIELD ST BANRIE 7263i Photo Multiple listing Service Appraisal Mortgage Property llrnagenrent lob SIM rrrm Illl Metlrlaa MA from trove mlltl Ana elllni Money Mn IllWI Merrill MKTIwui EXCLUSIVI AGENTS HOME IV IllFFEl CONITIUCHON Claim ling ll rerr nit HAY 7281566 rrrrwsara wRNE HAY 715753 DOUG BAKER WV JAY DECATUR Mid MOO Itts ronnr Res725i87 i7282642 ill DUNLOP ST ill OPPOSITE ARENA label bloom mien gt bedroom homo no large erred lot amid tail eotlirrlly lerdoeaped Stone replace broodioom ertntly rrdeeorrtod lmmedtrto portraitu but dirty two net and liars ed throrghout In mm rum avour to un mum roe set 7288675 APB AVL DAME UNITED TFIUST rnonrr your mom urn sooner or earner or or remain IIALI ornuuumrnsurmvwartorat OPEN HOUSE BAYSHORE NEW RESALES PAINSWICK amodekhitbrotrooml ttnebroadt dr Attnidrdoobtenregu FRIDAY FRO Prii SATURDAY mil PM IDVEY HOME SITUAID AT 2th CEDAR 3253 223 PINE DRIVE CHERRY COURT 0NLY$3000 linolertdtllwaiOrerhallvvbrlngPoliowbim Salesman On Duty Ciiiford ovumwomb GOODHEAD Womm 728 inowervsr maa 7266713 ownmum lemon OPEN HOUSE Iriiibrhdda tttaooltewiiasanbeeeb ZMMOIW HARDING overrun mhmh SATURDAY AUGUST to um may 51 tromltlmurtlomnpm mh honor lath tar toe IV bathroom house with It behaved tiring and diairu room and large hlteheo Only In in pedlon In do health tor this to bob Come Ire tor yorlreell Take Bayltdri to 0m dies Road Ind letter the open borne Ill mew Mu room nuru more DAII JULQDRPET SltANId BAY Grarlotn may brink home mhmlwllvineroontdin ing room largo modern kitchen atlrrroona and tamttv room bedroom hroadloorrr Ind drape included tor only mom with term itlm VergeI or bobion with am one reel more ram moo army or New with ahejbv rm moon Lv rrL to arm rilh barn rode to older home it mile road trrzrage $3900 ma arm and year old room brink bungee low rrith email here moon ammo new at new liaoom etorey our on thrvrghurt cur tor drum lrooooo to arm boo road Ironuge llvy no or north Ala52 biAllG KLEIN moire SbiiiILE STEINH norm aura GOODltEAD moor CIiAitD tDtohleEii norm DO YOU OWN BUILDING LOT It so you torrid build beauti Iul tartar built Beam home with down wmrot or only in Call at Mr berer tam her atore tor trait color eeu ioguo or write or phone George errrsrr wam rrrrrv mxrnrrr in mm WALT Dirk DrIoer Jerry Conlth Don Wallace tam Tow COUTIS ANDOO or anon on mus MORTGAGE atom AVAILABLE Photo ma Realtor SPLIT DITRANEE NONE large bright bedroom home living room dining room and it Wrrren or Kinde Dr extra tar kitchen lull baths do Scarborough in room sliding glass iratkouta one tour 01 to bu motile roont riftI one rene garage mm It mm would mono rucni 7268 65 lbedroom solitlenihnnmlon to public end ecboula In Width kirii WI ll payed drive ImeTIWImiLv room rcoooo with easyiioene lor hurry tNNlSFllr Large bedroo eottege with returned noon norm on Int 5th line on Maple Avenue it need painting and Winieriiing to rode it In ideoi year round home tins beautilul llttreed PERSONALIZED SERVng tot Terrific vtiua It ooh ill 3234294 true or For turtber iniomratlon on any ot these homo rIiI tirien lion 0UTOFTTVN nnemrtasor1ogtloreAuo mopmms gt are nrrmi to AT noun mmhgm um Gordon room norm Im mm mm mm bio more miles west at Bah rle on Ilan lb betrrrt Part WitchiJongerrionthoIn rile btVesprI County sinner AW to lloIlonai Direelor Veto error Land Art on Univeratr rooaaatrihreeutentmvmm lrg My new to maroon Ileeltor Appraisers mom Itebtihtrrsnatt Norm Stoddart Itun Trey it Ztrlar Avenue Toronto Ontario itrie MMWormt barrio phone it run an II Item