It hioior to toe ith IIdIvi urine iron Iccoo II III InIhIeounIy mm the MI iItheIoIIIIrI Splln to brinl older retired Ind loneLi peoote into contort with IIIAIO proupo Ind to involve nemmmnnute 3MB DAY CAI in Midland III government provlded In on oi III lamentm oIIh AereIIJ Covlv voietvororvorpncts itdortl Iovernnrent IIIin Coilinmod heleegummer redone lIerre IIIIIIIIII wit to Opportunitiu Impioyoor under III dheeiion oi improvaent oi the Intern III JIneiScolteoIdvIetIprouIrn Ilium Three on proletiI imoIr wry IIIOrlliiIA III omin III promvtded or must III III Imuiehiirh Iris uIAI Ind II III Ior IeInlnI Concert Ind U0 don 11 cuurin ior thIIIenlIlie heard dry cIrno InoIth IoiIdInIunn Mottled ereItioIIId iol htr opemount III on mun unevenuridnoln mberI Ire under the Brunette oi Peu in 13ml the orv run In 11713 ior rocrenlloIIl Ictlvlty proIrIm tor the married tinned III MordInIIced obli dreI Heroine propruns Ire env pruned windowe deduced childrenltuttenethen IIIN dlIIteirIIuicieI Ind boy move ments The pro Im in hodIed by Shnron Ev IIPeIeock Lune Seven moire IrI pIrtlrIpIIlor in thepro mustnt rrnnrnvno in hrpdi rd nine people IrI Iorklnelo Proioci Potentini centre lied iortnictim in penrltlviy Ilnino Iri croiie creniiv III movement InturII nod cookins you med IiIiloo Ind Invite th II II III prozrnm inni ll otehnntsopen Io hundI pom om neIrhy comm II dent on ernm IE vldedI Im oi in protect Ailtoton IIGIVIUQII In provian in It youth centre Ior the Million me which II prnvline recreIiloIIi IctlvltIeI Ind edu eIIlon pronImv ngntoi ill Ioo wu providedior the roleot led by Robert IlryInt It VII dents loo Senlor oitirens Ire heneilttinr hour tum event to group mbnievlktiidlendPenei II III oup to under lam Pichinn or the IIvroIiI Contnet Crn Ire telephone Ind wlein lnlt Iormntlon IervIcI with ultimo Illlo In Ioihllidhnd Ind PeneIIIrul theII Ind mobile neirhbob hood rervlce In selected IoclIl Ind community eentree The pro ieei received crlni oi llulh Iocond in PEIIIIII nrlshno recev fulll oi It involves III pIrIl Iiudy oi EIIItI Tornh Ind come phchl study oi Hop Illver Both pro II include cleanup Ind eco ozchI Inniyrlr Ind report on the condition II the 11 end the tower oi lhvtion eeItrI ior youth is mine It BIrnIvIlth Innt olJlom Thirteen people one employed lIIhe third OIIIIII pruleel beleven students Ire employed in IrurvoyIndre onthehoru lnr In Orillll um Ire rIanto not nice undo Idu II studenlr with tIIiIlII le ind Iho pr iocts In dimene0orw tywereernon soon proved Nighmpm employment or younr III In Ilt cordii Io Semi oi StIII Ger Pelletl cool million Iron oi vI in ToiIeIhIm with mot oi to too in Innmor propront Ior ueI ou ii to to yean old inel rocreItiInII Ictivitier Ind ItudInt employmenioen ire in cooperotinn with low businessmen Ind iIrmerr NWLAINI BUREAU AI linen BoIch tII IIIIIIII Bench student iecIlIld Ind consumer complIint hnreIu III been let up II be null oi IIreo Ind mutual idolilmIIlel bur eIu swor me on wned the IsiIIiishment oi minimum ero iorworhlnr Ilu IIdI tree or Iouroet ermle IreI Ior your peo pI It in Iiso min Iurvey or ertorsi VinctdtlIId Cod tioton stree it IIIlite Ieo ond Icoldeol thII week Driver iloursr rosrponro Anlnouut into the depth on AlIn Broddioot Ind WIan ned until Au the inquest hoenIdiourned until Wed WIIIYIIMI Devid more to inspect Ill mechenicel equipment beiorIIIe new pIIIi us put into operItion would hove tallied own pleiurcd III Iierl monop Ion Sophll 51 Ihornuon Ind wound mainline III Kennedy 11 Stalilneenl were irelted Itthe low pIiIl Ind relented Draco to 23 In gt cm sums srn InrunnnrrurvnunI III ornniriru committee oi onto Dominion BIII IiII pro in Hurouln FoetivIl oi the Arts rent cosh Ierdr Ior the heel Ind CHILI mounted Id plea oi Waited Ie Ivrnrds ior erhihilore It the INA Ind tor the IeItIIllI or lied Aux bond IInIlII DIViihiss IcInIdII mm may Ltd had denied the IIIrd Ior Ivlrdn nine cIIh InIrdI Ind Ionr ruhIerds ior min ll MI The city oiBIrrIo will preeent mid In IIIII1II or Acrylic No monument WJMWBIRIW BIyIiInhIIchIlrmnI It OI 00mm VI W1 IIEIIIVIIIHIWIMIH rerliilmmhehulwi tivnl will not be melted be hlhll hi it I0 blihllhll rIrmoI Iin he III will II The third dintlo lot the extended to live the III W1 In ther is inclement he mood or Georrhn Oniien roe IeIiivII will operItI iron lnihncuh Ierd divirlIIIII noonto dust with tree IdmiI Hunts unhoiilIrrlI wiildon rlon otter pm IirAIIrIIIlI III pedII InnlverIIry euiler rIid III tree IdrninlII Will Graduate Wednesday IIeniythree InvillIIy police lid Spooner ni Collinwood BnIIe IincGrepor Barrio Cor coIIilhleI willhemdnted Ind louvre Burton oI innIII Ind lo hlrrnnt ilcii Dart Ronnld IWIII in VIIdneedIy niyht dun Lionel Dion oi PenrtInxuishene Rickeitr stroud lIn Postm Nlhlr prereniniions rom ml WI mm WV cm mendotions Ind promotion to wmww police oi th inst yrnduetin elm will be manned by Air gt will WWI OrllliIIIInlch NIeison0riIIiI ngduIirI will be Ii Dould Westcolt0rliliIThom ed to mid Ii boil IF in min Oriliia John IllNH OrlliiI In 0rllllo WIer McConnell Oril vlhd lwtmit VIrcoe BIrrlo Henry liarncrs III More Dupuis PenetIru rttollh Blurlej Drnnhcillitnwny BIr uishene lionIid Boyd OrlIIiI rm Wk udmulndnd re me or Berrie Ird Ilerhert JeoueIOrlllis crimInIl iIvI Irrert tech uel crowd Ind trIiilc eon Ind the use oi ilrerrms iiunier who diedn In upio Iion him out hormone Sprint 435ILLQWIIIIXLI Brewery III been nrrther poIt 00W mm mm OrcInInnlion slicing lologrldiozrd protect encineer hired For hath meal director oi tho provincial Em merry Memes bunch will Iddree the rrIdustInr cinu other all Ind represe liver vi include Reeves Don Loon Ann Intern hllNOIi DAMAGE ported cIr owned by sam uei iistilr till Ioro StI tion received erode tothe right itont when itv In by vehicle Ihleh kit the giday nhtorginonlal to II II Bayv lieid Sireei nuinrv oIv noon DIrnsce Ins been estimated It Rio in ivocIr Iccideht dIy Iiternoon on shanty BIy Bani out at Vancouver rireet In driven by John Spotnro BownIIlevI received soon dom Ipe Iod In driven by Philip Perm 2N Shorty Bay Rd received om dmee um END PLAZA III owned by Ann II Ilse ley AIXII received lion Ism Iin car runs Iooo The Iecond driver Involved in the with en vIsiohn IL limit PenetIIruiIIene ltd mm to III cor IId not yet been It teen in estimIIed Ernrrtlner Pbotoi Ire when IIIIs hit by vehi re vehch leit the scene on the IIIIIII lot It the West End PiIrI Wellington Street The incident occurred IrBIy Iilen PARKING LOT Acsrrhivenbybonlldc $1 on modified Ibis ven John lchllteier to North PIrI ltd received lilo durum when they vrro in collision Irl DWI on one on no pectin ioioi the Ind Brivoln liedIur III onBIytietd Street Il IISIDAMAGI DIntIre III been IIlBAIed It bill in two on Icoldrnt nidsy night Itth corner It Brord Ind Vi orII otreetr nor owned by ihoiino Moore JIII Oren received it denture end He owned by Itoy Athlneon Iorontu hId em dImIre MIMI Demure her been eotimnled Imnr coiiIloI Ihovd Mil Im Irldny on Eln va Ioo iIIi north oi III hood memes die driven by Ernent hi Ieorontorereived mo dunnke Mr driven by hlariI Rom Toronto received no down mnnvrnv ii car driven by George Binckmorooi Toronto received 00 Ind cIr driven by inch Ird liiehr oi Theoselon received no anIIII when they vr involved in In Itcldent oo Hiphwoyll II concession pl 0ro Township Ibout III on Iridvy pnssencer In the Bindrmore vehicle ruiiered mi nor muln the miIhIp HIGHWAY II AT durum driven by Tom Slnlih BurIeI Foils received Im dem Ige end csr driven by lien Ileron Barrie received Wt rin mnpe when they were in eotll sion on iilpthy II It Conces minor Incident It the Biro 850 pm Friday HIGHWAYS 21 hlioor Iceldeot on Hin wly 21 routh underpus about toro pm Irldsy cIused I50 dnmun to vehicle driven by ileinhnrd Schellhorn RR Iirmtsrlile Ind to vehicle driven by 5an Keith II has BABd LAKE ROAD IiIIiocIr Ircident on III III iIoId Ii Concession It On Topr only this norm in cIuned IIeItIrnIied e250 IIAIIIAKO to driven or WIer SeIIon BIrrie IIM DAMAGE Demure III been ertlmntrd II in lIorIr eIillIlon Ridnylnlati on iiiphuy Inn near the tourist Ioiornrniion cen tee ArIr driven by IIan DoIIoily Bromioo received two demure rIr driven by Albert EGIIII IlImiIton Iiso received titty dIrnIce dell Iered cuts to III heed ior belt oiiorIcrler is In Iltempt to booot IttInd Ihow Ind ior the best Into during III Inning IIlrr color in the Ith III III ldIthIil roll the com id Dunn GenerIi Co tee mitten Ier thIt lhis yeIrI iro reiil In Imd II III livIl will be enoll exciting up hottoiioneryllcintIIIhnv preded Ind Ilsoreinxlnr Ind In and Ior III nrnner AiiIrtexhiIltedIIilboprio up in the division lathe nice Id Ind will In ior Isle The Iri eolor diviIloI the Winter III III will he to discuss orme runnerop will their IoII Ivorem Ind Im llltx in IIIdeIcI Iith Idltoiur llmn III Lid Ind to the hehttptocml III committee is Iacovrrndu crrernlcs Ind the runnerup bistable vIIiiorI Io IIII In IrIrI umtr Ilia lullvnl no pun II their III In the am divuion the Tor idoy mdmmhm Iron Man Ilwarded SIZUII Emithuh mIn vrho woe Ihot by his wile in April Mo otter eight years at marriage The bond Iw III Ivarded uroo by the II niulonn 32500 IoIi irorn minIl Injuries Compensation his rruekiny lob plus 200 ior Board hidny time likely to ho lost The re llene Joseph Duhivionp Il minder oi the Ierd In ior was IhoI in the Ihdornen Ind minor expenses lei by hln wilt Shirley lho inter hir miliuiong now LI worhrnx pleIded IIIin In wounding nstIrtiimeorhooibuednver chlrre IIIer yeIr oi pshchlnt inliontresl Hot Sticky Weekend Weather Good Chance 0i Shower Sunday Ilot Ind humid veniher viii Ironing other developing by motion Iodny Ind sIIndIy the NesdIy eI er re orerlsc In or on on will Ho It ohIncI II rhower or thrnIentem this eveninp The lake Ede mo Huron Nitr odds lncreuo to so per rent I3 14 0W WIh 5mm an toJ alloyl comma hot II oilg hie utternoon or IIIIIII thu mn Med mm derIiormI in Irv builder bolhdeys nightwear Sun day upper III to low Ion lows 3mm mm mm ionlphIIeIrio less humid Iir moved Into LIII IiiLoI Ind LIII OntIrIo counties hidy Iwihwenerly MIN developed need at minor IyIiemcroIIlI 1h hlonnt Forest upper Ines why will drew tho Owen Sound Ioi muuy WNIIIOIIIIIICI Mural IIIin As the dIy pruesus Si CIthIIlIeI runny ve vIrm II in to do Trenton em out er iresh Iouihvert lilnprton winds It 15 InIieI per hour Ind Peterhorourh hlch humidity villi prIVIiI over Idiirloe III Iouthvertern OntIrio Ium Nnnh Bey lends Ounce It briei Ihover Stldbury or thunderstorm into today in 20 Enriton per rent overnlcht do per rent 11mm Ind on erdIy so pereent Gir linguduinp rent indicIUonI quert cooler IIIriI less humid dy conditions moieou more conducive to comlortIIi White River II ssaasssss 33u=as=sasssnss WIhIIlII IonecIIt brought to you dolly MICIIILIII nveet IILrII RADIAL Irrcw no Springeld IIIIII super Chum widen IIIII While no ounonutesmrncn rurIqueetesIncn uv rem her IIIme mute on Is uero Iron Poiieotdldyullelted Munonelumma PARKIAIIII hiIIIIIIIIr SI on minimum