552 51 gemnzws ll mun Immm IIwIIIv run rm Iire loss In May The Isiinaied ioII In three Mimiislhomlnlnniel unhip Ill IppronimIier Ior ihe Mil II III to IIIiItIire and Estimatedziii onioncont three Ind seven rIiiI were In noted III rhiei IIrI permit Ind conducted Isle ihe drpIrlrnrnl Ivu Iiso eeiirdnpontoertln Inineu Monument hilar ed to too Mos Pnrir III the win III It the iinrrlo PIIII Ind motion Commission lrIolr meet IhurIdIy union The winnerr received long IIII ironr Woolwort MoiAlll WIIIIIIII AleIIndor IIIiIbIo 7t died suddenly II will Vie tcrtI iiovaIII June to Mr ichlIbh III tho con oi the lite III mi it DuncIn MrNIhh He no MI It Id VIII turd It Ii lived on the home turn until me when he Iniil Irqu more the to limit Ind vent Into mi IIiirIrnent III III member oi the Ildenvnie United lurch uotII It cloud Ind III marv her oi the Ilmvrncns Middle lion III III Ibo In coihusiuilc mm II III community on me It ooo time no phy quIIIL MI Millet II Iurvivod by IpueheIIrr iim Ion tIeII extinguirhod by the deport meoL no car dren with de mIcI eatlmsted It Idoo were blended The Ion trunnicr oi GrIven 49mm IIIn OIL Ill Irrestod IrIdIy on the II embeuilo my iii iy inpeeiions II in Imrhi WEmlhss Im Im hr earned on Intern Alto lnIIlIdI Anni iohn Iamorunr II Cum dish eitireu III ehlrlod lllh mocnlenunis III BMIIIII rnnnanoo up unit about or miles IorIIII lliI Ilewu held without hell or In ertrIditlon mum coroner our 11 Too Compnn lid Peru CIid wIII ie no In eriviror ior lhe eomrn Ion no the coil hi Ior III in II The one not IIII lone UIIIIY IIII wire Annie III Ion AiIIn on the Id dIth irre WllrII II OIIIeoi oi lilneninr Ind III II thin mine or Toronlo III II mud children Also IvrvIvInI In brother JIctr Ind IIIlerI bin IIIII Middleton Ind IIIIKIII Downe lie Vllevndhtld by when IunrrIi MICHVII hold Ii IIItheII Iunonl Itoine SlIanI June no tier It BIIIIILI cot docch the service Burial III to owner ametery Poilhemrr mommy Gli Ien Iiucrel MIw DoriIid liIc IlonIid acorn IIIrIIn Wiiived ileurr ATIEIIIIOII SNOWMOBI IE DEALERS dcovpioo one oi III top III IIIIuIIqurm oI MOIM biioI lunouhcon tile IrpInIlon oi dieirlbullon thrrurhovl Morn OniIrIo We IrI Ioolinr Ior Iwmlve chIcrI In rerIIlI MioeIIions who recorniu the inuI oi IIIIIIII III molly line To rum IndividuolI vI oiirr one at iiwt Ind moot menarche chiIr promrnr in the llldlili Iodly Molding Idel Inversion IlnInciI IIIII oi moorlon Ind oiouiinr nrumodin IdvertiI In will mount moor ddopIIdIIrIIIII pun Ii eIrIIIioryouthowroom Iii rlcntIIIdloItor no annwudu nk You BARRIE with to oxiond to III my customers Iincero IiiINKS Ior your post patronage In no long or IIsocinlcd with UniroyII Contros in ilhrrlo Ian Iiili will oIier you tho Iomo good Icrvice Ind quII in merchIrniiII II my now locuilon iiormurly itidpo itood iinrlnei In Ora Sutton You In indted to deli me ior III your mtrino Inownoobiie Ind IIrdenInI equipment momm mun qupr newborn iIliIn inun ovorrmunwweebvm 0ol lhItIIvobooIIIIiIIIIiInIn IvIImlchlehl tooledyutrmyihetalnl Karim DIvid IIneronIuInIot us Inorney aid the Sen Jou oranme menu In WI 5mm 1er cred until the rumor It not Iiier Lemomux lirddenly IIII iIIbIIhwlthmnnotch IIIcroit IIId LInIanIII Iron Crochet lion Bulk III inter IIchIDtIIIIorI Io When Dino Iron Ind SI Inheioremlndrop oil the dilutions of honor more comfortable Wherever the neuron IotIi oioctrle comfort conditioning tIIeI eIre oieilyour lip indoor Ionian needI Ind heipI you enioy the uldmrro in modern living An Ileenveftmu with minute cooIIM IIIIII heipImIIyevyour home In much more enIIthie It putt you in control of indoor rempetenrreo tinteucryroornouyehiludvilyooolinoummerend coollyhwtrm in winror control eiocrrie IyIIeII chi be instelied In new house or in your rezone home in nine once uIlI Iris And the resulting duenvortr on unbolncreerod Itlii further by Iddlno eonmiiied duet Ind pollen control Ind humidity 00th too total contort conditioning Ind enioy relief from Iununer heIr Ind winter cold