Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 21 Jul 1972, p. 4

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gin Ill ct llilldbttldhti III to the toninWmIIedbtnt by their open port they can be it fillt BU teenpect Iy drelnntleronen Hhere little or not tor the rum till rend never ti regrrd tor titer roId tutu How mnn ttrnesltnve you wntclted elptesetyr Indedon the rtdewnlh In oungeterr go tenrlng through irIttic gth on red without even clotting down or tb npeed throum ItopItreetI They hid wrong my on onewny rteeeie ey even ride the wrong way on wwowny streets Ind tho ride on Leiden ks even downtown ping ped eetrlnnn And it it ooionly the titue onen Te nger Ind eventhooe older dontlne in do renttne tbnt bicycle Intidtnlr the tttgttwnyI rode just on motortrtr nitd lnnoldrcyclle Ire requiredto do BimboIt tout the way they dden to the mntortty oi cutean menace on the mdwny tn the dnmrne but titer dnrh they become nigh re nterbor On tit rcrtotin rInndno lit till mono mniitlhlmt Int Iiowtoen Ive tubatort could on one be fttow doyoo try to rtop title not tII nut in rulertv ettitnh It in rtIrted tnhln little more Interest In thebicyde Ring IreII an get so much in echool enednyr seenwt oi ottr hlgttwey They can term now to rltl how to lhIdI1WIO eInoe even how to drive cnr But they dont get my tee noon on how to ride bicycle It cycle lepeonn nhould becomeeomputrory It new Ieuon which met be ninrled enr lytn ngde reboot We would even oro lnr to rug eel enpeclnlly nowtwe boom II on It Iti pereonn wanting to ride bicycle mu Pun tent limit lent nimtlnt to pengrtylngtent We wnnt our children to ride blcyciet but they should knowwhnt they no rid tng Ind how to ride It TCIHIIIIP ctdldren howito ride nbtltennd ruler the mod pIrttItly pnrenlnlJob but mnny nrentI either dont rt bicycles or ride out In cmtty In the youngtors Some thing rrmt be everyone lrom the loyclc boom IDOWIIMEMORYLIINE totnniu Aooiimtrciry llnrile Extnntner July it im Aldo prmIn Fredtlrotth ebntrmnn public workn In City Counetibiuted reporter bl locIt dIIIy newepeper torntory pnlrre rencotntlon oi tIctI Ind nerioun thren to counciln publb reIItlonI The btory wII Ill nboultlerrten newer eyntetn peed In which would gene new hind DtiIIlWSt Owiiii thbdthh ililo brute Owen decided to umr Owen Iupported Aid srttlthn oon men In pert bIIrnlng nerdtine In not locurntely Itnned onntory New directorn tintrte OItImber oi Commerce dontet hton Snndy Couttn ll titty lhomnn ltoeo Rodgers genre CnldwellC it telnet ten tey tirintow Knit tennett Syd Cox Don linger Inyceec rounded out ptnnr tor Dominion Dny tevtlvot tn llnrt Ivy Hotrtetno ned by Wittlnnt etch MIMI eve trlti to triplet helm CoIItl 11 wnn in ew lorlc Io virtt led Notion on Pdgrlnine tor You moved by ltebelth niembttenolloo but Brower will tackle Yukon Erie In weekly wrcrtlin icntnre It Itnrrte Ar bnn Al mbledon women tennin plnye dIred convention by nppcnrtng bIcltleIn to Nottrnce turtle Moron ot the Ippenred uvcrIl yem In lnce panties hII there been with ocbtit Engtnnd hat Lndtnnce renented trophy to Debra errlclt bill cAlIor Ind Jerry ltu ter oi St hlIryI loriwlnntng SopIrItc ootr trnolt Ind yield meet Smith Campbell tor or Reeve cl Oro Ind Wnrden oI Sim 0e County purchnled Cliit ti Brown penicitntebunlnerrtn Barrie Corby Ilenl Palate Innounced thnt Wilbur Itnrrtr hnd toined unit since loungen were ruled by ilnrrle votern lent month we Ipptlnttone bnve been rent to 4030 trom ee Hotel by Sinn Cohen Blyinleca rIItIurInlby lithe INEWGIIIBIWI Hotel bylter ilrttllthn lornn lIehnon oi bnreottiozrgtotethnd no oommeni nf thrtbjlbagler drift new cotmittntg ming oi Vern iewnri took over tent entI chair potilonr Club trorn nmen luncheon erIthnellltcbn ren Ind wite Ilelen It simply itiyttotd won twoprirer tor heIt Itttone Show held by IiIrrie llortlculturnlilocteiy ttnrlporI tollt Feettvnl being promoted Ii Orttttn ieeturlntt ten Ind dyivll Dotti lirnnd Ed lIcCurdyThe lrnveltnrn outrun EDllOlts vttws IIIUIAL PAKIITAN TROOPS tbondon obrervor Few doubt that the lnhletnnt troupe behnvod bnttnlly but It Sheik tlutlbnr linhmnnn itengatls are led to accept gronrly Inlloted vcrrIon oi the crime oi the my then Iirm evidence in In court ngnlnrt thone on trial mny tee to demrndr tor wholesale revenge Mont oi the lnttiItInl ptteoiteri are beyond re print In lndlI But there are tht hourtndn oi nonBengali Iocurcd oi col IIborntIng with hidden and now herd ed hrlpleuly lnlo ghettoo Ill oter the rtnto it only tor their trite the rink Im pitch In there lrIIlr ought not to he then Wamwwwmwanm gut WORLD Toot Peking Too liy JOIIN llAllIIION Fereign Altetrn Anntnt TIIIIIII Newt lerttrn Jig much hII been written bout pencetui overtum to icnununlnt thine thln yenr II but trrgotten leklng hnn tle III economic mltttnry ole Ibrp hhnt Ire their mice The one most visible In Pettinrn global ltd Iitd unlelnnce prcmm to the third WorldAnd thn pro Etmhlcltphu receivedvthn tenrltn but one Along with none good ideologtrnl rn IWIIHMIIJI noun lIn nge countrler MIT MOIII eIieIt publicity II the blob lllon rItthy which Chinese Ireg yoilt Ineertng Ind equipment in do ulle In Elli Atrten to link Tim Item and terrible tlnttlre ntnnyotrntlnr beviet techolcet Ild prolecte in the not thin minee one in well tractable Ceramunlilnt er Miriam knotbow WwIch all they could linen turned II Iy rcbttii Ind expended their reeds nod illlldl during timrnodtloowtt Inturb gt rtuopaeinttuc innebIIerr nit Ire not eniy pnrtlnn Ind Mnoiit It Wbtlcr in the re rrend bottdttn otlte speecth nodcnnnedr to re mm in Ilwnhitt the In Its thln lndoctrlnelion II the other side oi iornlgn Ild iron onor er Wentnrn countrter It In more nubile wnyn thnn Communlnt ntcn outrun oi Communlet Cuba leklitns economic lnlluoncrn Amerlen ihouh rid outletn minty union in Pr klcnn Illnrnlurn In under rtgbtwtng mttitpry re lnuutluuihetn Mitt hII mm lit nu Mm Hds Itls Roles Abroad tern oteburdenonnnw AIrIcntt tl til th to Itnten etilch an niiolnbotvlnv leoplnn ltnpubllc nI Chine whrrn Ittht limltntlonn dlrnn nenred with the mint oi but rnunlnm At the new time the mine Impedtrnent to lettlngn long It tortI to entnbtlnh ldeolcgleel bridgeheudn nmong there nnmn Chlnm rommunlilen II thIi runny ol them Ire medeup II pron roun mnrrhnntn Ind pro tenncnnl people They IrI vlo Isntly op led to Communirrn oPent nupport the Neilnn ntIIt rentrnn oi nring Generetlr Ilrno Ovlnng KIIIMI on Tll wen Communilt Chln mllltery In even melon rder Io Intern too ironic nld tine gone In otten hnn Chinele Irml lthodelln South Attire Ind Portugnl III III tlitlng thclr guerrilln in emth which they rlnlin mltcnttly nrtnctt with Cblneye oi Ennt Alrlrnn UITLI too though they ltnd In Litin ibrou tornl ti mgr with the re America not turn dtwriotlne thin Ited nliltiglbiltllltlg out up lienrelied or time ediootn Idren in Bnrrle nnd out mm QUEENS PARK Ontario Accused Of niced to sniegurrd There we nornewhttt Iunt cpnirniitnilon hnttreen NDP Ind the chtnlr ail lingen It the on it run dehIII nod Team ennntn in the mdmeott But lthe monthcontroterilnt Inn It enter tor tltldltll iborttuddttw Ottldddlreiinie lty IlOlI IOWIIAN Therle hot been ldelnllhw vetsy ii men em in province oi Quebec nttd Audi III In urltlmot getting culturnl ntnnce lrnrn thence Some people hope thni title will tend to more unity be tween the French In Quebec end the AcndtInr lbI Aondtnni hnie runnincd Itooi trornuebec tor ntIny you In order to reinln their derttlty There Ire only endow Acndltm in New ltruanIIl Novn Scoile In Prince Edwnrd lnlnnd coroner with nbout lite million Frenchupenltlng people in Quebec it there in prnctlcntl no mo Itlon with mm Inn in the New England Itn unit tom Acntilen dent on In WIIIIIII who Ir CIIunn An Iitort wnn nchleve more cooperntion be tween Quebec end the llnrltlmn AcIdIInI July It tell when then wnn cenvsntlmt held It Mlttllllmhr Ntl under the chnlrmnnnhtlt II iandry member oI the New Brunn wtrk lerlntelure mJl llhr not introduce to llpftleid your little Ontnrto Telephone tlbdlil Second Clnnn lilnil rreputation Itutiber cloud urn pornge Irnnne Deity dueling nod Stntutory llolidnynr errnpted Subscription rnten dnlly bl curler ole weekly him yelr ty Single eoplu tnr tty melt itnrrtv emu yen County titted yenrly lintnnee oi Cnnndn neon yenrty other countries will lloior throw all llitlu tllt itnlionttl Adverttning ttlttvc Ii Queen it chi lorono lilo etu Cnlltcnrl tit IIonircII licmber ot the Cnnntttnn Pretn AII nnd Audit Iturenu oi Guru tlons lhI CInIdlIn Furl it etclue lvely entitled to pub Iontlon ot eh to InthlI npcr crc The Aiwc nted lrcu or hunter Ind nlno thI but none publltb ed thercln their Erntntnrr ctntrnr trtghi ghendhfitortnlt mnemon WWW TV write to tilt nil Imend entn tug the mkndlu III orIgtnIi Idtllu N131 rut nor bi iv to ttttt Intermentb wrrwotere to lie epeetern it III Itrictly nutter oi giiyn Ind bnd plttt lent the bed n1nltrhnndnltwunnuen roiclnnnwnr with every protection portlble tneludlnn rent ccrwroln Idvocelrd tor tent III the other not leetnt it wnr thI Irnt Acndlnn tort ventlon ever held Ind dlritnv gutehed eitn lront Quebec lb cluddd lllrld Lnurter Ind Sir lieetor lIngevtn Lnurtcr wnn tunt ning to prominence nod hnd not yet become lender ol the tedcrnl lantIl pntty Itrong len tor unlon oi the IIOIILIIIWI lng 00910 oI Cnnt Idn wII inn by titheeumc editor oi LI Preset oi Itiontreel but In rerleted by the Medina who were proud oi their nepnrnte development In rloentd yeernlnn Alcdghtl wane prettier ew bmnnwtck tattle llobichnud tending the Libereln won the provlnetnl election July in Into ronlcnlly lt wne the any uruntty celebrnted by the Ornngn Order 011ml JULY It lVlNTdi lmlrcety oi bredn to cloud Ac die in lime nilif er dhnrlevolxv THE tIGHT TOUCH Fd ugh Seeking Votes iteitt tenIritI Into Ipokenrnen supported the legtI They lntlon They took the viewpoint thni there were Imutl and bin Intt bnd lnridlordn II wet In run in Nova Ihlered ep peel oier nvrtoewv urtuvunt The incident wnn uniteuel In thtt normntLv Iucb Iltnro tine oi dlrtitoiv lInt noon between my rnre ellln oiItern Move It ltnngr pottlopn It III the two uppulllltttl pertth tothe houre Hard tennnir end they llittillyltx opposed It tntetdltteren ponitloni trorn their time genernliy try not to be Ineorrvpiete er food merit wtthnech other but ttr rm to non them dinmetrtcntly ocrneton thin mny bnvnbeen but puetng item oi little Ilgnlii bed tntorn reload liletend no they were on thin lull Jill MIENII Wdlmlvlo 0t INN eel mt horn tbd=re Iny ochItIo men onttout ltItIIbIlllotntnnment Int month In Vitotun the repo llcniI enidlelx The mrctn Inld rtodnot Soviet nItlonelnittbern need as nun as 050mb laud cIncc Billan it could lodlcnln The Mid AI tor tin tngtrlntton con tbnt the cemed lttnrently herd tor nor it it not 4Illltltltl begnn nuney ol Trench hold IngI In North Amcrlcn itibleputntion ni Cnnedn wII utlmnted en tire tBehlohnwltn ot ny onerlou to the thunder lbttth three nv tnndlogdn II In preity Ihnve in get cwrt order to rid thoniretven ot dethr nucnt or othrwtne bed teonrtr And In nornn men pertleu Inrly tn quIncentron where murtr here been buoy tblI hnn becntntthig rnIin wrote end even months lrom Pollutet Oulnte em all tilntnriot Tolbinfprcer ceded moo Icren Imdunvpleln nod Ill 1va retire wII opened It CInIdII llrnt puncngercerrytng rIlt wny llbdFtrnt nod ol CIlXIryFnl maninn rnllwa we turned by Edward Dewdney minister oi the Interior tmsttnpennlcn bridge over Nlngern opened between Queen Iton Ind Icwlston tellImporlnl opened It Otinwn itdtliount anhlrigion no 13200 icoi ltl climbed Contcrcncc lt tor IIrIt lime tentPrime tilnttier Dlelcn better opened governntcntbutit town at Ihtltllt Drug Items the Worth Knowing dyllhlrlltthl NEW YOIIII iAPl lhliinl InI olmmt mlghnevetiltnew ntopr Imet Amertcnnn Ire becorntng welldng dru ItoreI 0nethou Innd chemcnlIunnge hII doubled since tiltnow ere Irided to thetoodn be onto to improve their coloring litter or shell tile The Ilerngn Ant rthn coniumen Ille noun oi there toodnddltlvon enr lb lnmlllelnbw ent one out It teven dinner Iwa Irom rhome Fnrnlllen wtt htgherlnconicn ent otii more otten Ind city dwellern do no more thnnrurni people ncqulrn threotnch thlclt crurt iheIe tiny Ien crenlurne on Ill hull thtt cnn ntld tit ton in tin weight end to ltll remedy on item idrlltl bet 0th pie II uud to woo Ileep by tltnrutt never the em turtu wnr iobecce mew dwrmwn Ihe cut in noted by lutilllll llduhldll lntted on medlit Ind IIld hed bIdeldI eltectn IIELI IllIII WT llnvr thtI tiled Did you mnwn tCPt row eminent retrnrchnrn hnve touiid my to convert wetervpoilut Ing Iuhstnncn Into relntorctng Igent Iui rubber producin National ltetenrch Council pub Ichtlon noyn ln pnpcrrnnllng wood itbres Ire rntrrd with cnunile nodn Ind Iodlumeulphur compoundr In Iolution hen the moved derli Iolul on or II In the nnturIl wood bind ng Ingredient remnlnn lhtn nolutlnn her long been Iource oi wnier pollution Ind Induntrlen have tried vertoun wnyn to reuse llgntn commer rlntly It In nubttenllnt by Product oi the pulp end pIper ndurirly Dr luddtngton director ol tlte eounrtlncherntstry dlvl rton Ind eoworter Dr strinnnl now hnve lound dry llgnln obtained trom thin In Iutlon an be need to provide tenrtte ntrength Irtd Ibrulcn re erIinnce tor etyrenebutndtene rubber llyttlhbi product HAPPENED ill Inrtw ttint sometimen doctorn write pItIent prorcrt tlon hint to weed lm out the oitlret rn lent ecunumtnt Dr Charlotte liuller Ieyr IhIt hnndtnr out prercrtp tlon In onntnl the bent wnyl bury lb 431 WtIrth rem gm throunh In ivell en middle llll id Irewnltn wiilh oId enn cut down on iii In it thprnetntlto Igs tlnrnnclnn Irn Ititt IerlouI Indnnolher rte omy In iutl lead bamIitItiIAbou shitting vertigo beardgrown nboutltinchednlotnbout bnlt In Inchnyntnt Dan or dcntnnceunr IIy they mey hut Ihow up sooner then Itchi bcnrtlt shrine doenn it with ttcrn rtnrltor orronrrrr or entire them to newborn ii In true however tht In men gct ernootherl thvee skinny men It you electing the nvtrnre mlli wt lithoure crieidny Itbroom mirrr Will hi moonlit itiitno convolution lit or thrown otwnc wince to bone Ind set out on the crtmn III told the utbunnlnn IIqu In re oi youslgergmrkb guild en gun Ittlid by the incl that pert ol the youth nomnttte Ioctel nctloric Ibdittldttllybtt1hl II Wmilunvbtici notne one end beetle petty congresnt they Iorncttiuer retiteto their tnwell trite lot It etr bib duller truly be rd But young bithunnln nlcoleott to Ilterntltve no elerencepclitlentl Went where he in titer Invort Int Indinrellgotu innit toibe Vnticnn The ttrrt could ottlclnlly considered ireuonIblc the oitd unanIrnblc Ltrtening Wulern rIdlo brondcutn publicly discournged Ind orIleIdethIp regulnrly iit Ii their Iomcr rompntrlutl Ibrond Lord lntb mndet we will Ill be gtnd in it futile in run ottoul thing rnede thtI deg tie hen mnny Ind lle II never mode ntteintte We ought to unto inert II it You wttlrtever live todny niche it good with Oodl help outrun FIAIIOIW MI llllAtNOdIbAIW AlllltAtInCAttAbA View itlltii ilttll MAM WAWLIIIINXEW out redidth

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