totieepropoeeditrrte ul otthereutt oohltttyw the htinieiry end Dnrnmunlcelloo her tntnr queens Park dekes Cdke In Parks Track Meet Win 35 cotton1 lumlung HWY11vaass uptn Ireneport Thd Will It minimum the men hed Ito been heirlleten me eh In out It the Iubdlviutoo Ind the reed nnietil council thIt It to we tentetlvety ret iorttue ll woh which council erderrd tone meal ten teeeno Ictlen oneounr clle to coorlder bulletin innieiii Councile 001 itnkt roed Irom Iii wer Mamie viii CouncilInked the rninle luttrnonth tolnveetlnie thxe toheip iilehi ween end nerrt the Idvlted clI wenrhte Whit rowel theprphi Ibcen with on ioryeerrendcenttuetbehienv The Itetheprohlem It in next Mimi what gihrmnuiwmo new mom tdtnl Itpthe corner oi II Ind Cnnceerlou hiy not buoiilcieii ed tIlSepHcouncIiwu ituuellstewert IIIIIIIN 00 xplIlnId thet the turni reirtrerellen unit tor edtleetlenei ed on in itithey we continue but tloeot unnecvron murmur ed in month II Ieiletect nrr PMPOIED IIIOP neuron oeomxm development comoltlee em Iliad ere It With reryitoerd mm ptlblio rm comrnltteee Itownehl hoIrri vetudy propneei by tieor low te loopoeete rIdIeIorlrepIir at III need truck lulllbltteot Neloree Ind towtnr huelnur on Iittdy the iuopoeei end report lot Concertina ru iturton tld touneli thnt it Is the tlteiwlli loyalty behlv IN echemeend de Comm MN nerves belnI looked tote HIGHLAND AVENUE The biinietry oi Tremporln Itdo wpnemfplyogmn ha Itlli Ibo inquire illehlend ultvcnue eubdlvlrlon my mm my row bridxecwhlch to melt iioeve Genrre PANIIICII OVIIIIN The Barrio WM uIdI orerpnu oil When eld It It Peinnlek Innleiiie plenth committee the ver PIen which will repute her Milli oi Uttie Avenue In the one my bill Gibhtne yreeee More In ordert hie the mi mmw totd when him the com hopeiui the eneineerinl will Council reeelvcd report Irem he completed thie your end com the townehip on eert Iirm etructton cen he rterted next itoIerth ev MSW you It 1qu 901591 Chance Meet OIherCariadiansf tree hind limb oi Ivy no ventten held recentiy In in te Itree In Idventure In every eotithe word Ireduelo oi Centrel colloi II whereehe wII int yeere yc rboot editor Itudente council Pl Ind member oi thI bend Sendrewu Intert cd II II errie itotery ttuhe wont urinate th with inroeiower dulrmen oi ltoterye voretlenei Ierelce cornenltlu et IIetrldnye no my luncheon hendre wee the ltIrrietiiotIry ciuhe drieute to the roceni Adventure In deleteto to the med convention tor her Ichool reeod Ind invnl vement In youth you The convention is celucd to ventlon Ind II bring to other CInediIn youth Itdl oi em from Iii ever the country to mix minute meei civic Ind Itlonei leedorevutd fete tonight into how the country Irun 13y club in ottevre who led orrenlr he livedny con Ihe ieerocd lot Ibout Cnnede Ind CInIdIene irom In economic politicIi Ind yoouephie Itendpoint It wee olden opportunity to meet other you Ceundle ebe told the Barrie club It in weeki meetinx even met our mo Iri who treveilod keyelrend uehpteneiromher Inc to OtthI she Ieid IrIe Iur rietd to turn tbet mtny oi nIdIe ethnic iroupe Itlli live in tihe tredltlonli cneoner she euueetcd thet the ltotery Club consider eendtnx recent Ilitllllltlt In their next deiernte beeeuee newcomer to the coun trymeuld lenrn ureet dell more Ibout Ill helnp Cen Idien metre hhe eieo queeted thIt the pereon be elected to the convrn lion Ilter boidiox lntcrvievre Ottew her let to be proud oi Ihe Into It is henuiltui city So whet Ii mode cell It Will towelrh need hi1 cttlee ecyweyi She pretend the etiortroi the Netionni thpltei dominion tor lie eiiorII in beeutliyinr the up ilel Ind commentcd on wet echemee II hicyriinl root Ciiltonrhlp convention in 0t tone the convention to toint proicbt II itotery tithe oi cInedI Ind tho tederei overnroent tExerniner Pho round the ltideeu rennl Ind dIII oeinl in the uni there the commlnlon co operetee with the city lenoere to mete it more live ptece romothing our city iethere could into learn Lem Ihe ItudenIII mrtGovern or tienorei IIoIInd Iiitchener Ind iormer Prime ltltnleter ter ter Peereon who toiled ehout their eepcettve role in the Ileid oi lice she told itoterieru thet Iilm hed been made oi the non venllon Ind torrid be ehown on televteton emrerxerentinlgtgueene DH cnmier CMIdI minute no me preeented with trophy donIted KohnIr oi CInIde ud eld petiole mute uo Ind meet Int nlnhl It North collet the mother oI commerce lite swoohwotthtidetoremm to deieet teem hone III on me on ed in the itnelr iIrt nlIht Ind It were entered in prelimInIrIeI Wednudli Oodtlnxlon IIrk IJx IIortlry or on the Pe thldnll ooedtnrt tor meet Ind Iporte Inner vteor tor the Iummer Iecreetino prouem eeidthe meet wee well nuance hurt the leek II It INDIVIDUAL CHAIM Junior tiret Kearney eon Perk erod note Junior hon hour ieuehton Perk Itnne tlret Queene rk John So tenor encond Queene Perl D0 Sneddon third QueenI Perk Senator IIIJI Iklm Holden strehene Perk Peti Ialrellc Wattle Pe Senior ho tarry Cheprl Per Chuck Biron oer lion IIIIIIIlt StrI by perenie wII dleep bIoI Per Pint Ieoondendmtdbirdmpleo mower TttyduAgeuesnr 1W CW It In tonietti Councile pilhtllu need mm gm Ml onmon emu to etrttlne won locei Loon me Wednredny It In intonation meetch mind by chlei ricer Ird Ceri linen Ind were told Ibet Mnelnlnl could remove the ti me pretirnlnnry plInt tor the CNIt mm would drop the roe nentIt workweek cleuee end epiit nee the mm mm oi whan hnve been Itrlhe tor the on illre three were told thII ooh let one member in the contlnentni workweek rtheme union exhltrrtore irIr thet more could he included next you enrl every yelrtherdleiterh continentel workwort ryn teen would hm employee worktnn tire et Ire ier exIrane through Iiondey needey oil hieny emptoyeee er oppoeod to worhtnl on wer end when their iernlllee weui normeby be home 1hr epiitweee dirpute Ireew iron mnnenemente rehreei to provide no Icmeetheboerd pcr mine letreue to eii union rnernbere biennrement Mode to modern home tor enr tabyeee It diitercnt iob duri cetlhnl II eent underetend why men element in puehine tor only too memberr to be involved in thie ecbeme unicee they intend to Ilinnen oi the open helimlie elliyudIIceUnktmtlerehtrn or 37 MIMI tlnce we heve Icceptcd the centineniei Wdllvlttl principle lt hccontre enter ior meneee ment to neloutte IIIhit In tui ure NIGIII amtrt Ilr kiuon reed thIisenrc clericei northern oi the union might object to the etand the union in tehinu because it in un Ilhely It would eilect them tor quite term time Eventueily Ind hecp in mind this In only cociecture he tell dItI procession Ind computer Dwain could enebie men epement to prom Ior roucdrhe clock clericIl Ileti end this would Include them In the con tinectei eyetem hir hIIIon rend Irom tin um ettiwl Ieleucd Irorn union bent uIrIere In ioronto which cited principei objective oi mun Irement II In Ittempt In men Imlre the economic eileci or he Itrlhe on union employees The directive Ileo tinted whnt it celled retlu IcIie tor contpeneetion ior nonunion em ploy dolor hydro tom towed lily Ind 10 II peymentn oi op totiu week plurehiit ellow Ince pita peyrnent tor over time work ptul living IlloIInro Ir wett In normal pey tor non union cnuoloyeee doth union Nee rworhurtvcouurnrmuos ill concern or rusrvrrvr rte toetIIlI iietd ll lut wIeI IeeeIdery erIeel our turn IIteI mlnletun lleod Iteek outer menu ith reentry IIIII pmlie heIeIteriIiInIInt tee III rte III Iree teenelcret lowered by We Illi nIer It tannin InnerteIeet III beeIOI iteeIeeltIIr the outshone rumour tieyin tlcduiun wee lined tittl on eeoh at two counlroi drivtnx vrhlle hie licence wee Ended Iitet be letdod uti ty the ohertee nprevineiei court lburrdey Iictluiun hed heen rherrtd with drivlnl without licence on Peh It end hob II thie yeIr AeeieiIeI Crown Attorney it Thorneeon told the court lic Gulun wee elopped by Courte ble Don it oi the Onterlo Provtnclei elite II llcduinn wee drivinl en ti trey to our Onneeeeion oi erpre Iowo ehlp When he wII uhed tor hie licence IioGrIInen produced tree IIlnrmII concert will run treat to Ipnn The hende Ire the ltenyVetIIy end the King my woken Beth new Ire renewed ei mem bere oi renentIIee Ihe line no terme II the Churchill em IIoeIe oi min the Irrel Ixere Ieee to hold the concert II the kin Iebool amine Im the heck pert Ind role the hilt cer the reminder had our rent to the Ittnlrtry ot IIIN port tor them Iddreu etehIcoutnt check Ibowed Itch Aoulnene licence wee under rurL peneloo 0n the recond chem evid rnce todlretod hictiutrIn hed been Iioppcd on Itlrhwey too licoulnn eerrcd three mantle in tell thin yeer ier re Ieted cherror Probation oiiicrr Ied bluiow told the court he he veerklnx with licGuiren on probetlnn end he lust begun to Iey the butt Ior IIIIIUIIIe on loenne Smith Keeney Perk elude llrhitc modier myerd hill Ihdih ith street It epertel rerem irvtno Iorood Keener Put It one out or Dehhle Inn third uecuont um mm me Arcbl John gutter mtg the deytlme nuntlnuinl lo the ittehe iodey end Seturdny 75 id Boy Drowns In Nottawusaga eoitbui ume between tie uld there wee gent mevlel Deiry Ind Georgee den oi dehrII Ind the water we my nuniture er the hell ere to quite deep in eererei piecrev Pm mm itetoohed thereknteome UN III with the drowning drItlt Hem mt kind oi Iroce mound the Itretcb I00 yIrd duh Doll hub too Queene Perk age 5mm pieyerooech Geotpe nour nzhrdgmmfftm Won unit an mm berry Boormeneisteelstreet timmlml Robin mum rm eendmd IIey Irem the name Inn Perk Ilerty Senxu Cod with two other ctuldren to the Entry ie routine at the stock rtnrton Perk ltlok Wood hilpie edee oi the nurhy Noitewuefe ley huccrel iiorne Wentry trotn Perk mt rm itirerendepperently clipped Street hrnrrel services witth Door ieurhton Queenl Pnk tltr body III recovered INIII held Ii Crnirel United Church Doug Sneddon threenr Perl ii leet my to minute IIIer SIiurdny It it out iolloreed bx the other two children hed Ilcrt buriIl at the BIrrIe Union Ce ed pfdtlhltlKlildpIJfihtllhh metery imyI uh Kim Men who erver tree or Codrlnuiou Perl Petty LIIrI the WWII mm mm mm emitted by hi mother Rose gdctmlt mth Itrlrre Wendy Ind tierl mm view pinyere reid the Ire oi mm Mr the river where the boy tell to Michelle mitt Queene Perk it bId piece oiwetrrwitbe it 300 Ind III In litre it Green Queene Perk IieIthtr itoiden Judy Rennie hiecmorrlnon Perk trry ewtit current ur mr tr AMLIIIJI Ix mpgng Fined Ior Impltred Dnvrng mfntya 5343 Dountu rotten mun mecoutmeirmtdteupoon Scdd ned out In prorlnmi court to Pinonynshemuukrmo Ihmdey Itter ierncr imbue not elven IbreIth 5mm pm Rennlch convictcd hm oi tm teet rim he rotuncd to Andy Menage ardpg pelrrd drlvtnr either yee or on when uted II Dennyshruboele QueenePorh new pieedcd not iulity to My Itd dim Ne mitel My mm mm trip to Bertie lot the loot corn lihhvuwmnlnllt lid Privete FrIocu Coillnr mini whammy dnhlah IIf um MW military poUcchn It here mr UNWR Borden told the rourt he Ind ludmgncgunim lilzh ill nnile It am cm Invll Ix eld in hie Ir Kw P330 80 brlrne pied In Icoldrnt Juno It Thldpeum lechslohrison IIrkglhchd hndrlthrgebcerr ItItI diad not Kunev Perl Debbie Byrrel mum 1d 0m idcnt thourht but pm Mm 9mm ldllIItitd hole the driver Ind or Simm Wiledn Codriuwn Perk int rIld hie heed hurt them eh Ic heli throw Debbie ByerI tin Wm lmd Dccenhe Ind illt Iireid ht Morrison Perh Sendy liton WM heddo IleemeciI on 3th John etetemente son ennlicr hiecDonIld told the court he 15m memdlnxAinnMy Eerie mount tart It the did not incl much III irn ey rr mi ce te unriere It thetim the Ice web Perk Donne Cnrhterre linrhiorriron Perl meryi oh it hiechtorrim pm run hokltl Whew More Heat Humidity llleh lump Donn TIu hton Queene PIrh lohn sullenor un reliet iron the not North to Sudhurl northe tr Av fl hmnmn inuheetend humidityirexpect Georxlen Bey IImnuml JUNIOII Gilli11 1de duh Jennie lrwlne Keereey Perk Mel Pub 220de me Jennie Irvine IIIIreey dice PI to Good Perk hem Pnrk Rheum Mil an hemp John Strum Quenul an Park Jerome WIN ton Perk Runninx tons cd In the Bernie errI over the hrene hi lni end smdon weekend with tempereturre to iron humid torIenyMunSIIuMIn Ioinwetoniihthdlotu run the hint lodey ionIIhI III or or 5mm 1m tum ML to to at not with overnight Ednchlll Perk ntIId GylrlEdue ionoi at Dan production hm pm at NM Cod iy timely ekirr there is ontv lepton perk thence oi Ihowerr or thunder IIndror SENIOR illitle Item in the rrylen Semi rum iump Joanne Su Toronto Cautioqu hot end or Theme Query mu Am umid todIy Ind Seturdey London Codrlnxton PIr Saudi xhtodlymr nlowtnnirht Kitchener mndiee iIrk attitude on MI lil lllnh Saturday ncIr ht hiount Ibrrst ruppttimtre1mc mm Windwr tendon ilemtlton llushokI Pm Li Hurley scum Pcterhorouph Late St Cletr llemilton Perk Petty Intrellc thundch 5119 mi Hilton St Catherine pm gone Wampum my Niexere westnninhe Ontario Toronto den Codrington pm my Continuing hot Ind huenld todey Trenton mung more pom end Seturdey Iiiph today upper ItIrleton no Douceite Queen my to to low the Lowe ionlrht Petrrbornurh diru ion tum oer 1o IIiIhr Seturdey It to titlinioe hiecmor on It North bey Ion medic Northern lake Huron south Sudbury icr Quoenr cm Georgien iteye lIIilhurtoo Carlton SENIOR note eutem Leke OntIrlo Continu iimrnine itlyh Juno Gery Coiltnr in erm Ind humldt end liepurkuinx Sheerl Perh berry Chlori Sutuedny ChInce oi owe linrle mi Perk itnn Pinteon Ar or Ihunderrtonn in tow IorIil Chepleeu ii Goodeli Perk hunninl lone tire litrhr today ned Seturdey white litre It hemp Den Shrobrole Mode to to eh Low tonight 65 Inthe tick Eleon Sthr Perh Iouth 55 to do in the north It stagnant llec biogrlehn EIIoh Shdlhuhhgwwrg Weether ioreeeee brought to you deity by It Queene Perk Berr hem roeo Archie Goodeli Per Sten dlnx loot hum lion lienlnk 13332383288888188888 gggsszrwuaena GcrIidton it hloosonee on 68538258382388333833333 intone Perh DIvidiiedley StthIne Perk Terry bicltrtlnht 5i Pm TEEL BELTED RADIAL MK MEETING plot with membere oi In nleili Township Council pIrIIcl pIttnl will eerIln whet mid cnte oi Inrtlnil eel tor their men It meeting Sundry It pm in the bell Ewert coon munity hIlll Shruirnlerht IIMm