Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 Jul 1972, p. 4

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ham lamb lam IIIVIII III Mguwml to hurl mu EIIII PugIINmeleM Ihmon 0m WIIIII IIII nmmlu boon puIIIIIIIId III IIII IIIII In IInd rm colutrtoroct III II IIII bolln CInItII WIIIrIn one am of LImbI tIkIn our IN III WampumnsnaII Id hyIIIICInIIIInWIIkIy raw in Moon torithobm IllMndI Knotty In CIIIII no BIrrII lxInItnIr Id pmtouuty non thII lrophy Ill tIrnII InorI tIrIn any other Cmdloo mktyl men bomb procudod In turn III PIIIII Into the am My owner In the htr tony It 81mm County 11 early your on tough momma but the young Angmotl IIItIrVVIoIn no In In tho mm JIm Limb In IN decoder WI ltlI mark Vln own hII pmomt error In con munI urr ebutmnmoruobyhtr Idtto IIIvrIttnn Wohtn BIrrII IonIld MINI Iboot III but In the Ihonuon ltltl no no turd antral II II untodn Bot Immr tarot tool In IIrIy IIIIIImInI to do what III hId IIIm thIIImI mthIr CIoIdI who dorm II mulcont lttmwrolf It In IIIIIIIII PM It mo Mt IIII Ottm CInIdI II II Id II II ubIIolI OIIIIIIIIIII Our Hutu MM In World About UI Tho III or Am Yum Imam Mooney Ind Monk IIII UII WI Ind IIIIII And WhIlI FrInzh And lnzlhh IhI Prm The book moo be In all IIbrIrIII IIIII Ind Idrool In Slmooo County II no douIII II III rmII III nmk llIIWlII the nItIoo IIrn LIntbI InIIInI It dlrtlncIIvI It to run to undontrnd rtotvly nnr mun It Is clIrIon all Ior cInIIIInI the qutoo tho lIll dttrrnvmm CImnI II Itltl CInIdIIn In Ill 10 Your In Orllllr IIm hmhr IdIIorIIII wore pick up by man om IpIrI llun thou oI mln motropotItIn rournIII wItII Ihetr ltrao III at erIm III mIdII oI CIoIdII btwltunt II We thrt won hoatnntnz to lur tho II tton IpIrI LImIr turned out mIIIIrv nIIcI It In hudpd The CInIdI Lovo Ind It nu ma Iloud by tho IItI GovernorIGenIrII VanIIr during the In null pm IIIlIry cIIonrr 1n OIllWl In IIIM AnnIIrIr wottauated IdttorIII wu hIIaId Who Sprrtu For UII Eltl Ior mtIrIImllllntd WllllIlpolltlrtl In QUEENS PIIIIK nmdto IIIMIN III utttoa In III III Brotn not Non Scottr onr Dont mlu mdln JIm LImhIIThI worolnd IIIrIIoIforIIIIuItoII OIlIEICIIIIdI WKW MIN no one DOWN MEMORY LANE It runs AOOIIN CITY Itter years CIrtton otttrhntm IIro um wqu um WNW mt nu Jot 19 InnoumodrIllrImIntIttIrta lIlIlII nowM um IIImm NINIIIIIEIIINII ltrIIIlInt lrrolenlllaIl WWW WIld MW In laminan oohmmmummnmn PMIWWWWIYWM rimrhino pvmmmlonm mummt an In BotIII IIIchIro II II IIIIJIWMWHWHWMNI mrnmr Catglttoannmrnllwh to nmrmuwlml 1de all or oIIDrIIIIlIIMIndHnIluh on motoran ntntwrnnnoun IV an mmmimmmlm ll mumounvleVr out ym II muman Abnorornhto nummaomnAaI an WWW Mort toned lrI II In new Illltn okhlll Nm fl 1mm Igtfmw TIIVIVI VIII II tnmnmum rmaymmnom II WI JIM Jud lttlct II IIIan III In IIIWMV IIncImInIImmhtlolfmlltollglllmlhllgglnalvmlutam1 Imllblimfm Inigoth drag ll nrodonhananntnnlnwmmuIva IIIrrIIArInI vnwpuomv marrow norma mmotnmnnnr Ignwtzgmhrmm gm to Mr Iound aaI wIIIr II III cttv Council In downtown merchant pron Wllrmw INPIWI In In Ina IIm Hum an mar mom Iconomy DI tho motnoo Ind MI twuullanl In In all III III arm mlu In Mb Ina to mum mum WW 0W durlntphelrht IOIIIIIIJIIINII WWII vahIININNImIotIIy WWIIlllconnrnotlhnnro aunmumnnmannmummm IIIIorGrIm MIyor mod IIttIonto IItv unturn wlu nurnwrlvvtlvwvmtw ml In In GIIIIIIDIISSTOIIIYI mm 0mm mum on Mr Alonnwlthlhtnpvlootnduu oIvVItomIonthIIIotorIthIrI IIIIwIII II IntImtInI to III III Comma Mk drop MAI dllgtonmmo WVvaanInIIrVuIy VrVrtwnttnlInd cInlbIrnachtIlthlothh ll tIIrI Iny lntIIVI vuV WI WWI mm ID ohmmwulonnorml IIInIn MIIIIIcOUR CONMY hworaonlut PIImIIIII IoryInd trounouun om IoIIIIII IoI mInorIty Innmrnlltoum barked on want um um com IIIIIneosInmI PCIwmwln manoernohortcttttonJImtl oratuun Days Later ingygggmmrgwmmawmwfl meowmwmwmn Mum vV row Irrln comm to run IIIOIIOIIMA mm It IIIIIIIII It Iqurronynlloomram rod IoIIonm nullomy Glance ICYII NrI MI NIdlIDIVNIIIll CInInI ColloxlItI IIIII VVIttd only II Itoan VVII orII HVoIpIIIl IIIINK mama mutual IIuh Ittort to hInIIlclIryot nwmmlm nvaIrImhIIIISIIntJoIa Iu an No lorvtu rv lhIorItIcII womb llII ml lIM hu com tar III II WWI lhll my Imam In my to mount II III III told IorvIAIJndaIIrIu IIIIrrun In Toronto would wrltu mm mm mm WWII In In Toronto buIn mI Jam gm my cont rIncId ooonmnlu nylon hItorI not thII muncntotnedrlnlmrout maroon Momma III Inmdhlntlotlhlc unIINw Igmtlmlmntwmw uh 11w WI Itoclrovmomnm fmh WV bItI mottoL 1th III In 11 WW to 1mm mm on nlovmml hltatr mm In Im mam lnIooantryItteItu In IIyr Ihoutrl II and between nailIn rInIod Ion rIIIIrch mu Toronlo III camnlolrd In tantra In anvrarar II IIIIuIIIIIIIIIIIIIIydIIIdIIIhI mm In eran mean mug motorm In can nod Thu IIII Iph mpmlol mhmmm RVWWII It Wlltnurmmmhoroonm nllmrlamkuholmrvturo Wu pm to ohm leltwtrmvnl WI IIvnlllmIII IWImIIWI maroon man man at III armada noodrchIlnanllbI IIMIII ot ItItIIw IctInII MI hm ImI mt WWW Mm um Ihlp to Now York Inwava IIIIrri to root II ahmm Ironmo vIcIbIthIn NroIlo no how llIlIV dmrtnm th hm to moIIIeIoIcI 0M nI tho tIrIttIIImph manna IIInIIIIIIi nroroedlndtonhomluuor oIoumonu 3M roman Id dIvItI Inmutnn limb WI rtondrtmunw dIIenthadnnInoutamd In no Inquornty boon WIIIIII IM tII Mom In Mm ll IIIIII or openly hIItIII II IIIo duo tor Itmurton tutor In mm mm mm Fawn wrltluxvmd my anhh ImplOIIIIII II III IIIIIIIIIIIIII ol onlwor IblmllrllltlIClnldlllI9 mrnonnormontu an ho phoned news From Ema voI III or 911 ImitmcoINonh III rESmlIIter Severn wittbooonducnodtry InhDrury IIIcI II Mormon Synnottrr MII ren tanner Mir IIInII IItIrIII MINIIIIIIW Wang pm MIIIII Antnt m4 Ihou trauma to hm odmumh II who up II mm WIMLW MN tutltn Vonoouw II angnpnyrma TH ms 551951133on utm mlmmtau IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII WI an mnv mm III mm IIIIII nu II III mm In Mum no won lam tho rI Iy un IrrIvI In tnoVIr IN In 915 ID mom mm raIrnptVVWv In no II Mm armIIIhmIrtrltt am out Ikmctlut II we Mum IIrkatntdeanoIhIVI mm mm Ihnt mIInI Iorornmont II II utobI hIIdItnI wu Huh III WM In lnllutry III In IIII tnvut Inch mm mlIItIry yrowronunt hltt III dloay to mutton lIIIl IIIMIIII tM IIMIn betvmn rm gt IorISInIIuaIIIIItIr dlu Ina dtrectruurch III mallow boat Wm mununllhmxd Sgphm 1mm my Mm by Wm mm mm on Mon mt nu completed InAa VV mm IrnmonI Iter mm II III lath nIImItthvIrn IIIIIIIJaII mullyprnmr mom DoolocrIIr 3mm If um 0mm mry DunamIIIn boom WI Wm mm WWI la Win 51 mlm nk MIMI may lT HAPPENED IN CANADA AlMllComtllIloI II roam rIttonInl Iohm to IIIIoIICIIIIIIIII aowm menrut mum In mm 0n mu lltItlhuovornmtdIv or council mm nrmau to Ian tor the pmtdcntllt nomlnnlon IIIGorern hII IIIIIo hII um mm WWII In Conqu IIII nIlln on was rIvInIonIVtIrIt IDIIIIMM new who mamww NF MIN Iboul HP IM WV mm ll dmIv III It uld tItII by It tht IIhI IIrIIII oomrnl Iguhmmuzml In ma muml II WW IMII Wm WIN mm mum quMII WIVI myouanurvot VII not III thIt II II mtoufrttvrlnn htthrrtn um 51 ml in MMMIW Vi Ruth II III IIIm lemh all 2IIIImIIIlIhIInII mIltnIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII nclmsloronrluwlh llmtoorrgr all wwwmmom ewlumfm IOWIIIIIg ome III mm ltrnlrlularwmrlft rmltmlng thonItItwIththIIInt Intro II hm II when Irtydlrctntlno II IIrnoIt WWW mmmnt In mom Saved By Group OI Admtrers Nam Igtwggl am seam IIIIorII uuerV mm gluing III MI outrun III wu or om III II normM We only thorn wounttnmmntnuu my Mun my 1W Mmkorl II III lm lyrInnteI IIIIIIImy Ember91mman now In MIMIWM tum now In an IrImhIrW Mum homo 1ka IIII mm noVHmIMII hlnl on III BIIIIImh 31 Brown In Innoon ImIMd mutt Im PM lam MWWMVW is MVMIGWIIII poIlIIon ottmd Inn hIII mod lll Homo IIIIII mmutnvnun clan mo Vanuatule Manda hyIIInItor IIIIIIIIII tromwtuu armwrung anlnl III III II III Ivot IntIIIId to III vIIlIxI III mam IVIIIIIr on devummuml II IIIVIIJM IIIIIIllI Ilulr rnInIIo WI MIMI who III III ooh cotton or Ill nm IIInItIh Inn uMI In mtnl lnlhI nornInIIlonII MVIIM mm Woman ltlllmll IIIIIIIIII ulnthtI ItIIIottoI MInIthoIrI told nnonm III Jam IIIanIIIIIIIyInImnIII tnctudInI mt arrImml Io PmIIr tor hunt Vtmltod III Mml II mhurlha motto tyrIII II tovo Armor thn III IIIIIII but am not MIMI SIM IllIII IIIIIIMI Ilnbmorn IoIrt III tomu II OIunvI IathIrIInI JIMIt lle momVan rm mvumuomgm Migum ItnoVImII Itumtw Inn or II II our ymluu nu mm Iran Im alum WWI mdomwww IIII In llllmaoo wtoumnululmm MINI mm mum huhno munan Hm Imam III numox

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