31 El PL ii so I15 351 $53 IIISTER Transmission Ltd Automelic Specialists RCYCLESv III WNW rm mm NNMAIJIL TRUCKS FOR SALE me loll no lo WANT MOTOSKI CAPRI UAVNIWIW Isoo CAPIIIdbbnlwlnryUnderIIdI lmCADEl rel eon rm BISTROUIEII byeIr luck Wendy No Down rAvlunvr nu SEPTEMBER nil weorenly lrre Moor In loo Weed before mo OPEN DAYS MOONSTONE BARGAIN BARN Phone 3352110 Jydl AArs eon SALE POOLS AND CAMPING TRAILERS Re wlll nol be undrrrold Above ground And In round poeIe Ind cemeInr lrIlIerI ERIUES SIDllI CENTRE QUEQYSVILLE 141mm ILW He II Iloee rolemee III bN WI Wei Doreen mm In mile or IMIIJODIII LIA WU II TWTIIAUII mum or II II or rm No llImlill renew were To In II In nelly mm rUNIEMIIIIED FREIGHT mad MAT WWI mr IIIIOLA no Ml Ill IUWJVII ltle1 WI IT TWAIN men uh hm mm III REAL CHOICE Alelerllllll II III IM mnnm Ill mm lmrl Vln II Ilt AI lie gum31m mom II MIN We IIWW Snell MI llllllllATOI ee end enlneev new In em Vle MINI Tl IAVIITIOIIONIIO Manx em when MI Pl IVevMLmede mm Al mm mm soon ore In on lI Ian We All II InlldNLIlMMl lt3 ESE men In urge for Merl ml OLAIMED FREIGHT or LIAN VII HIM WI 11 me mm mm not In our lime NinAemuem Ml RM III MI 15 It SUI III III JVT CORD Inf In All Emile lyre mu Ileeee ulepm 116 IVAN Noblel II ruelelvl leerm me new no Md VIII IIOIII lender none teller The AT MUM 1mm 19 All In Jill me me 11011 llerrle Celloollecdlorleeeoemeloll APPLIANCE SIRVICI lluelele be errumr VVLIII IM VIII IM um Inll WI Mm cAIerI on IIIA ulml new you we MIMI movie men CARPENTRV ITEM curlII room om ole em men II IM MIMI gobl WWII IIII mII MI no lo lee men nemele nylon CONTRACT ORS AND General Conlrrcler RESIDENTIAL XIHIIERCIAL IIOMIE ARE OUR SPECIALTY Weller Repelr Klldrene Remodelllnl Duphorrde llraeellon noornl Oureyrr on IPMM e1 um II lml VLF eeeem II II low MI eye IIVJIWIMIHI In on rem rm elm ummnmr me Will HI IULOM We eon ltddl ere Dome melee mm Dee ooe II II Mn Nnoe Ibeve ere me new Ileelelelemne rower LISTIIC IM In IIdllllIl AM bbllIll II Ill III new elle more Pleeee lelennooe no III MI IRILII MIMI WAIM In loll WIN III WM J71 II II were dew MINI MI All IIIOLIIN NM lmllol Ind eempy headern lee Lemme bully Ille mlle rml II were my on Iron Ill NU DNA IIM lloorlemeJleeu me DOUILI bed AI mm men Mom norm IMO lm VIM Ind MI llll me of MIT all lelll MW OHM MI Ll eew remove wlle meld IM no1 Ilene MIMI ml mew om enroene llrelle um um me memorandum perm CAMPING EOUIPMENT IIIW ml Nlnlod melee remoee lvllmle been more deleunone IIIII JyTI one my lenl Fuller IliumI mum vnlll II elem lelIlt nneoe melee me 530nm rrvseu Romyole on Um II 1m worm IAIIuIIId Iroenarlee hell Mm IISYIII Jyro mm 1m lulley move lo SWIM MI IIM TWINE Avlllnble Au Io me moon III Wkly mm roolm eyle FRUITS AI VEGETABLES STRAWBERle PM your own no box Ovrrlilledl1o box IIeue bring your own cenleln on Ill mllee eerl Weverley Illle Norm ITATIRV VERNON MINI RR WYEBRIDOE ml All llllll on lo nuAv esurogoeneewloe van new MAIN IlI Mega NAN mm Aerlcles roe never lremnl ellenllon Ind IRIIII elven lo lure you 1263545 AM um eulev III on mm II well or III LEANINO cusroM nALmo Tllelhonl WI ARTS FOR SALE ROLLAND BOATS LTD Evlnrude llulere Creelllner llqu Lunue Erplorer TrellerI SeI Ollder WIler Slle Illthn NO II MIA nor mo Illone lame OUTBOARDS Smell enrino repulrr JOES MARINE SPORT HAVEN MARINE LTD uernunn selee end Servch OLASTTION RPIIINGSOIT Beale end Genoa Sundly II NJ Will use NM I7 more Inean melee It v1 llneYdWT oermoow no INIELRIIIAA NJ mm Ill III We lIW reoorlelen rem ITS gill In by Drew eelInt our no SPUIUJNO TllIl roong PRODUCTS III meme 01 It Wm mm mm AulI AR II IT AM IXPIRIIICSO In Wail ml III 04 CAIPIITIV MMWI OWL MI elle IIIMI llnore medley we PU MI mew IOUROATIORI ankle tvelom helm revue per hole JV ===T=m Te om norm II lnl NIPIIIILIMNTH elem BOATS AND MOTORS EVINRUDE SALES SERVICE PARTS IIWP TI LAWN BOY mile run ol llIrrle sleoly Rood roslool Closed uvrr dooopnele none or hIIuJIOFF urnl III II ROOT llleeeleee AM VIII AI ml II CIDAI In em mom IM IN TOW Mi WW FARM MACHINle MI NTIooIeN lei SAII WANTED MITI Ilee horror zloxrnl In mi lerm moment Ind Euppllor eon woolen MI IAveerIouoInNo UR Seed museum mam more or ammo some PHONE TIMI FURNITURE REFINISHINO MIA Ammo msrnumdFrT IIOIRO llITIUCTIOlo NIIIII Indore um III we ll Tenn Ilvle melee IO memo II MULLOUON ml er IeeI neeoublele Ye ITSM mm mm SMALL enemas ammo Ian end Arden Renewal was new rheln em or INSULATION LANDICAPINO BOBA NURSERY HWY ll alrllllllz Everrreem lreu Rom Bor Plenle PHONE ART21H NM Old FIREPLACE RIPqu IMAM II III Me em qu HOME REPAIRS I1 in ON lei WM II we own ALI SMALL ENGINES BAYER Smell Engine Centre melee llwv II REIDS SMALL ENGINES Ilene PM onraus AND elmmu In TECUMSEH AND ONO 11 ANNE ET morn IIWPNld TREE REMOVAL TI MAI All RIM Poll Ben Ie rimmed In 111 MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT one Joelle ear eculone an no lo Damomm MASONRY um our one eleenee VI e1e Well IblIll en MIMI ll vecleomnle you reenl lmeulll endzle menu Home lees ernme II ASST WMlelmeoomvmw cell III Iveol weld LORD on Iuoev delem mm We Abe elm remo role mu am new mm wlur lm Avll TV RADIO REPAIRS tlhfIIIED Tidy Clary NRA we to um IV on Um neIIvIle Wild FOR BEST RESULTS TRY ENAIIINER WANT ADS PHONE TIMI MIMI ARTS FOR SALE ARTICLES WANTED PERSONALS UNWANTED HAIR Ilemuvel by ELECTROLYERI ll per ll hr 1o yrI experleore NH Ilulhollend TZHMS ARlllon SWAPS mr on mummyl wlnen Em MAIN Jll FARMERS MRKT NICKS DEAD STOCK DEAD BTOCK Deed or erlpple eIIllI Ind norm Enroll Inlrrreleteoeoeed free For Tell Iervch PHONE BARRIL TIMI mono IA hours Idemdeye wool or Ielr lor ZENITH Hm NO CHAROEI llll Fexrneed OnlIrlo MI OLOOKGREATI IFEEL GREATI Mun Soolhln lleunn DAINDssAu mu PHONE III NWP IT WAIT Id Ov Oven my Nick Marlene Prep mewme no lemme leeee LIVESTOCK eon eALI Wm MONO one on SIN me see Snob ERNIE Hm ISIS can WOMINI COLUMN 26mm unmanned gymwow mm EDWIN SAL lootou lrelnlnl In All bren Im my chore boeulycullure DERWINSMgBRESSINO IIIWORSLEY ST moon blWPTY Losro IDUND eon wlll Ilve ronlo II turn nor IIAMIII III Ial MI Idllullllr III IIIIRW Dnowu AND Dru OWNS FrrmDeI ulpurunl mTNILIW Io HELP wANIeD Comolele lJne ol llelry leedl ill loss or INTEREST TO MEN AND women IIAeMIwImwm on gel reeun mull lee Inlmlye Ilene um men men DWWTMH IIIrIloSllollyllwyn NW le elem DRE Fe II mun men or non do HIIHSW NOTICE men IV lll NM new rlll NI III FIN one More em Noon oer new II on US mun rune IALITIAAII Ulnlld expellereedh III lyre MI emnllel nuwrnnbwnr lnlo ammo um good money loo lo yourlree gm houre Cell or wrlle lire ILPDNmuUeI AVON Ila llox eel llerrle IILIAILI WWI III MM lrlevnenl Aulborlud Servch llerler IXFFIIPIIP We Mug III IIIoloed MWOITH III MR In Hell our new erde MMlelIT WAITRIITII leovknddvll Ind Im IIIM And In IM If Ml Iv Amy5 ewe Ill leer 1M 11 red en ulllle WM KAIIN min III $31 lvh me Ilene Sermon III warned on we lorolny MIIIMN III II llnlld er lne IIIM weell INIITIIL magma In eleeeee Home enI rm IW JOBS OF IN IS HIT WANTED ler eelel repredenlellver lor ITII lmmedlelo me Very llllle Nou wlll do lyour Income do lo 7o From eelnbllehed IeeDunlI Ml lend ween el lrIInlnylo lo expenree peld WI have very llberrl pill Ilon preyrpen Promellone IIII In more who Ihow mllllIIT lel eerehlllllee For penone lnlerv VOWIOII IMHO TURN DAY lull WEDNESDAY ll one cell llr IARR IO II or WONT Ie SAISIIAN II IN mum In lye hull WI THIS TIMPOIAIV bole ye vied merbl e1 Ilml Senle MI WIN MAVVRI emery elm lg Mee Alenlrdvllu MW Iulh me middle or AW lehelebeelee outnumbele Irlrode no AVON llmmllye YoullJoIeH IMII MIA In your nelrllborlbe welcomed wglmml nrmm nLeoAr AND OTHERS wwwmqu Lnov Wu AmanlIIrIlor IALII elele meheeneneoeeeu low eo SIRAIIIY ARQIIUAID MI eonleoe revue om elyuno my error one new mlnlorl AM IIerlle DIAGRAM ANOWLE rroo no Yonle Slreol Ionourosro onuuo llle Iollellon hereln JIIMJ lereNoens CIWIENNIAL WANNA Ill will Selled lenderr wllbe rocelved by me undened unlll pro Auruelllmlor IIIIrdIulrun mm PEOEHIUAN llon ol eelrlrn ool brldr erlme lennlel Perllneecordrnco Ill HIM end eblevlrorn strold0ole loweel or eny eeeerlly resented cellone SIROUDOnleIlu reopom com lNNlSFlI CENTENNIAL PARK TENDER FOR dolled lendore wlll he recelve mull 1m lot The complel Ill Cenlennlll Perk of the Slrneoe Counly cruelly tented ALLAN TODD Chelrmen Telephone creme el AUCTION SALE Thundayevenlngluly2 II pm river In memos AIIJIIIIIIIII llbe eelele were OI RIGIARD RUOELETIOY lo lee lony end MAWII eel wlde over the weler chee III II lhe lnnlel Mullen rm rorn ried ll lendernnloee uAu TODDCIIImllll lnnlelll Conlenolel Perk lloerd IylIlIll IEWAOE DISPOSAL SYSTEM by llo underelrned not pro lnelellelloo new le porel IyIlem lo eervlee pele relreelunere boom el lhe lnnle lbe emu dlepenl Iyrlrm eunelellnl ol Ill eoo IUou lenk plur add Ioel ol weeplnr llle IRIIAL he lnelelled ln Iceordeneo wllh werlllcellone end revel lelrlcl lleevlr Unll In Iddlllon Ule on llre llle bod Iree II lo he coy nod wllh eullehle loem end redded with No nureery rod loweel or Any lender not nee Innlelll CenlennIII Perk Rorrll Jyrll SIROUD Onlerlo lynrnrnl I3 AUCTIONSALES iii E5 AllornenlMe Ilereor Quenllly ell recon bedroom woe or pleleiwllh molten unplnnlr MIMI drowerl Inddreeeer MIrlleld chllrr mu teller Leon worry Rooter shellol euumsleeoer lllxmeeler menyolher em or enlolee lop In In Tenn me No we lol lo be removed unlll TOT he Owner or moneyrmcnl will ML be held reloonelhlo cldenle oolheprooerly dry Ill rent Webb duel mm on ouurl no ODOIIOE Pl IMIDIINEI yewroxlmelely oordbol Seboroberr lll It One ml eel mllllorn Ill FnuIDAvn JULY THAT morsels Ann mourn or end ll on WWW Fl Ind IMO lnlernIUgNRIllrm ond lurmploe llbodor pll deer lollllleeellllend domdlee Alllleurelxrlon pl Doll Ihenk lo now no on Aurel FLO reeder reod Ford lo Iru oer yroeder MAI Se leone her Iowe wllll eloel drew buy ol mlIdlll who eonvIel Illnm roe comheed ewer eere od Sel ol II blower plpoo llolJcloldIe ullny pl llodrer Illa dlelrlx Dolor loo Hon wrron wlll umrelwml leihloli no on on worm wlll Load Mule oo unloedlnl 10 box Ielllnr com pleloy llelo Hooker llIlolor MISOEIAANFIJUS ITEMS AllleCelmeoI redor hll wllll lwo ext one Oleddrn cyllndere Ind bydroulle nucleon llubber llred men wlll lbelllr lonruo end lrIclor hllobl lI rolleblnnllon NARI dump bol Ind MIR 1m lruclr body wood ellle en doody Dem eel rollerl ILIL eleclrlc molar lerne wey lred cull Sled wIl lrounz Joqu waver wllh Fer oltcdrlc mol lup eleclrc molnr III II eclrlc molur Rubber wheelbarrow Sol ol lruclor denim loco Fence urelchmri ldrer Querllly ol lllo Clrculer uwr rnlecelleneou llcmr ATTENTION DAIRYNEN DeLelInI hulk mllk cooler IlM lb DI lolly P0 ms Pony reldlnr yeere old holler boon Pony more we old FUllNl Olrome hle end dlelre hede end Iprlnp Anne wrlneer weehrrx Admlrul end Phlch TVI TEle Ooeh dry le NOUelnlI lo be removed Ielllnd lor AOCIDENIS Nellbcr the owner nor lno eudloneer wlll be rupoullhle or emblem pr my Ion NIB SEVRRN Allolloneer RR Nu AIIIIIOIl Mew Ill ebAlILIQHmI Ill dlelel lm HID delve wlll end menure leIder woolele ullln rode Allll ocular lee IIII WT IXIILNI lllHorIenl wllhnl PM IM WW blue new cooler new you veno unoeeuoo nee Inmmmm 71 In mm me well Leon re llll Ilmmlhllll Illeebone louer Jyld IFMRAI Inplll mod II lend rel Ind mull lender wlll MM number II In Me Imn cm rum elem lllonweyAcl ml Mow lulu mm RPIRIINEIOJIM nervous wnurrn gmulgfln llldnr VIII yelneeenee mm mm um mu JIIIIIIIIIIIII OR blow my mm eeIoore up even SIIDJ onAIre WWW Miller new eele Neely er pSensor ovum All Wm MEI RollandIINRNM llzlygysyk PULTRANDcuchI WM lleul melee wlm em Ind weervllfy onelnoor loll werllennlel SUI mmlllov SIMIII no Velevle lmle me IMlmlRl Doe run enerlllon MN NemmlnIdodlrn bedroom more wlrn All www1 AWN PM owl AIIT Tomb INN norm Ml Alrl Tlll wemelxleeleree IIIN WIII PM IINIM Tooled ml or cunnrrr Noll Den Tel lo con Nollewuoe TownehIp Illumller elrrl Jr nerlhelsu nor on IIIIIIWIHR Sele DII IIyln mechlne 1W tenor AND PETS were mblki rule re aw WI 112 Ill WOW uwmmwelm IL Ieeleely llrl boll om yellnle MTleeeplnl Im eellmem NAIR mu llouu lumlnrm mo Ion Fem lruelr elm lncludlnr Indore Neol llollend Iley Whlle every endeavor wlll uIle Nw llollend hlenure mode lo onward uglier Spree er ele plot llrre oulnllly el enlloued end Doll llllllbell lo the advelllm WING We eecepl Iolore lleme IRWIN llthIly In rerpucl ol on role yeuelold Tenn cull reeerve Ole owner Sm lulled lo erlre lnrouele ellher More or delay mo odes DO WORITWONOIRS wwwgwm Illl lell lor Woolern Clem II Duel bowever otherwluw