Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 15 Jul 1972, p. 6

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by DAVID more Ill RlIIy Grenem man nnurled lbelledeylebeeldeemlnlbe II on emdlelben hm III model lbu II donl mlIr dle runudypmonh rrnl WNWUJIMM Inl m4 III Inrenled by NM NM tIeIIIy ComerWM no In ebldlebelehlumbvrrlfk Ibewdlbmudm IrnlnulorulOnlbemmy IIIMIIUIWIM eIeer eryme mud dlronee um Id um III med lbe III 4L For quIbDay Living l1 morn qnulunx Ibenbebedrecdndjbeewld II but In bei blubend Ibon II III III exelIInI Donl III ym buIbInd Ibwl lbe bl Tellblm eboul the beenl Vllbb IEII lbnuxIII mum lbe power Io wl II Inln make end Ibo nunIeIIy buried VIhe IIIdII end burned to tell her Liamn1 Iboul Ibl beeuly o1 lbe yuaner InuldbeNveIeIrudlIdle In the beelnllnl end not III Fulbednlellm IDO um Jen GIrIII Friend Ibll MM noIbeIoubIrd or III IIIhIRmoImmM III iv licanncheobguu ma llIUIII low us from III evil wlIllnl Io Inrnve our IIlIuru eudnhluwllllnylo le ue IIII eIrenelb Io urn peobIemoIlbIdIyw NoIonIyIIIIeourbeIn III II bnl III leon mum elernlly Io Ibelenfd mun IICIOIIIIIIIM lolbe MdrIyrd SI Calixlus Tomb Iumwu er ee hm lolmdlbe IombIoE RelnI CeNquIIhinldm lamb II III Vellcen IluII renorlod load El lelue me Im 11I ubel Ibo ruber peeelmbtle 1mm VIII Imluluu II the MI MIMka PeIlr In lrmfnrllnmu obey In Phnltel dulb II reel end In IvIIebIe SpIrIIuII dIelh II reel bulnvl Inwlleble Dull III III IInIIJIy II lbe cubed mu In ol our In WM IIuIlIIIIed Um bul and elm ue tree and not II II we ey uld IeI bdore dey ebolee IIIIInnIIId deer end evil Jesus mutb lbe um In ne Indey Whoever here my Iordr end IIIIIm In blm Ibolenl me be Mud bill be all Iron dull Ia IlII RELIANCE CHURCH In IIIIIennJIInIIymull 91m nee mum my SereIIeIII III IdIIIIonIry meek vAcAoNlbbAluI WEIAIOMI IO COME Al YOU All CI Iue elemel llIe III III no earv Egg 55 =9 are 557 Immune MIMI MIMI UVEIMII II PIIIIII Igneous cnmmm mm him in museumalbum SLJOIIN VIANNEYJ more commch CHURCH tome mum NINA mm SI IIIII me ml MIIII 1m M1 Hue menus vrnnlnnwlrmin All church copy thenf gee must be III The Ex omlneroleebyThursQ ddy at pm gunmen IRomnn CllIIIIINt numqu AMIIM PRESIYTERIAN 3cIlllIICII tenor II 0m eel IM FIE Oneel MIIIIIer no1 am OIIIIIIII Cue Ilen new III In Iluulu Werepr new nv noun INIMI lemon mom jsurlnev nessls Ir In Ill remen nynrlnlne melou MW FRIDAYII Ilumr IIM un In My lInI IIIIIII Conneubee Cebu Wenpr III III llybmlenlxyleeeblp PIIESIIYTEIIIAII Euuncn came II nuns weene iiliellely II Renew IIdlldun VIIIIIII lobee II insetlull HERMAN EURO Aloudlelerleelreml In re Mia Me CanIII me um Iecr moo II ISeNIcIeI burwa Ave Church MIMI LI How much morImenIeIIy end mnmmomer mm Wile btallh people ll none In be dlecnmed 1mm Ibo mm bulIII JR WW IiI uled In lbeIVIMIbeUl lbe ruednorlb wl nI mlenl Rom III In Ilreedy known In here been burIId menbere In Ibe new era but lbe lamb Imu bed ml been Idenllned RIGHT0N YOUNG PEOPLE TELLAIIOUTI LOVE PEACEF WY Idul II In Me luve lbe lImI =yr Ibo Incllnellon Io yun lo Jodar evgy UM we emu II redid Indeed we realu ol ulllmubenl In an be nnulle benedel end ueuIIIy bermIeu Weluenlmenl bower eIn unl nyluor eIlmenl lnlo eInr Idvllu lho drul In duxl ICMLIeII on Femlly IIer In Cenedz II II emnllel In know when Io rely on uII flmlnmzl and when In IeeIl cone m1 medleel mm yrncrnI Irellmml Ior Imell mlnar III II In ver end bendue II An Inleeled eul bowoyer or one nd by dIrlyInIInumI or one bleed Jny benley renuIm Immedlole medIuI Irenlmenl reIIxIny meunne or IInI meal rubdm mey rolleve tnIrequ IbouIder br bark buI rolonyed muemIIr Irbee cbuId eynlyum II more eerIoue Irldlllon elmIn rob ten onn be Irenled wllb res In bed In mnsl drcunulentee II II Iolo II III ho emu and lIbIeI In re But he nuamanylnl mlld ever Ird beedne DIIInIed nu IndIoInlmenu In em er luelul Ileme In have on bnnd Remember Ibnuzb lbII IerIolucamnIIullnnI mey dev eloy Irom roId III II nol Dnnl zonllnuI In IIII am over lbI melee madden peln penIIe or your rundlllou does not deer wllb am See ml or end be HIM WW Iny ype to up MmAIIdIny lbll Inlorrnellnn rouldonlueblmlomehemlr IIIe In hle dlennbele Irndlnx modlullon L1 yen Ilnue me In never IIII pres mm druy lbeI bee been marl or menu clue 21 your dndor Ivee you nreerllplon III InIeI Inln com IIderIllon your Iymnlonu your were heIIIb Iolerem lu drule end on your 114le end well nul yum nerIbore Follow dome dlrecllonl ex actly you IIII loo emIll done you could Ieuen lbe eI Immune ol III medlenllcn II ynu IIII In excelelve Imbunl you may uuu lbnrepeullr nverdme Boll Ire denyerolu ROME COUNCIL REMINDER II neIn welsh or IyrronmI remeln no your doctor Irnv medlelely Alweye IIII your daddy ubel Eedlceon you hm been up Never Irede prurrllplons Reed medIeIne lIbeIe Ihm lime Ind Ion dIrIcIloru ex checked promptly nIrIIeuIIrly In lnIInII and the elderly IrIIy uan nw SI ICIIIquI bleenu when Oprlrlllnlly rUAUI unduly the anen etnvIrInII bebudny men In III emu the IIber IIIver known II Imlrvere Senle Ilerleln Irulelm II III oldeel In Rom ROUND LITTER depIrlIne lbe merlyrdom nI llxlue In one Irelmcnl druud ln yellow end weerl III on be In em 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and Beer CIIIIII FRI I01 IIl mom cure mm mm CHRISTIAN SCIENCE In TRUTH IhulHEALS Mlle Belem IIMII Ierlll CIIOD In MIMI SRCIEIY In Coulee emu name lenlee mmwml Iullmnly IIIIIIII lnd neg Irb Inenll Id Im LII HARMONY Oldwple elnglnn old Ionne EVIryone II Welcome 11x00 em FImlly WerIIIIp Sindee Child are were end under IlloAnglilnn Church Steronnrs my v11 mnucm clwmy OF CANADA amen Ayenne kennel Her Devld me me Ian IIIIy Cemnlnnlon 1m ud Man Prerer Everyone Ilneerely nelremelr um sum In IInrnlny Pnyrr Illnedly WW IVIIVOIII welcome BLESSING oI nu Lord uur enrlehee no soul In 956 llII Sunday School end Adull Blble LHIWAYREIIIIIIII sr GILESICHURCH III III WIIIII IIeeI Wbo en hm II inlquel Illhll PLUSIDrIIISongeeI Ibe Lordold end new mmnundyounnneoplulnnlnn heel lhe body CIIIIII spun Rev Synth MlnIeIer oIVIIIIIIIen Rev TunIu Peeler CHURCH Conudu TRINITY CHURCH II Colller 3qu Nm Pool OIIInI aIm we AMAI N6 IIIIIIIAI Il mm um um neeml uI IIIu 1mm Mull III II roeI IlrIIIIIII 1m MI mum In AI lemme UNITED EVENING SERVICES for July and Austin SUNDAY JULY II 100 PM new Ar FAITH MISSIONARY mum Llohl reeIpIIon IIIIr mnlng urvlee euuoov JULY mm nun AT ALLIANCE CHURCH III Thle eummer pngrnrn enamored by II Oelneb MNUIIIIIII me Merllonur cuuncu Inn ram 0111le Immuncnuecw Irqerrmu Inezmuecuuec II 9m Greee SI Reel IICWR El Elm AII Blvrey IC0llER SI UNITED Corner toluer end Puynle IIIInlrIer Rev Prorlorr ILA Amrlele MluIIlen II LII Mull DJ Demnenx MIII mm Dull Ormlll Ind CbeltmeeIer In um rum CENTRAL been ll AIInIIIer Jey IA ID AIIIcII Ielmr IIIr 01mm Illhlon BA ID Mu LeIIle IIIlIer some neonIe II re leI II ml II Ilre es cope only BIBlE SCROOI Nerlbsld out Ch IOIIASIII Derrlep WHEN OryInhIr Mr July 11 lrlu July Iln Peter CeleI IMO emIa 1110 IJn bum IIIIIII In mm mm mm mungmmr mushy QINIIIIW exMm um

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