Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Jul 1972, p. 9

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ii Egg Iii 33$ ice 55 IE El IIIIempIeJ Murder Chnrgo faced By Knowick Man SAIILI lslE MARI OIL It Jam Lawrem blur wondering when Ibo rain will II Imminer pbnin by Poi urihcotll norm mommy nun Vina General mom MUHWIIIMW Dli rill In Al Byers were department It unad vholnretlrinxnlieru run In CGEs AL Byers Honored At Retirement Reception AIIIn Bren mo oi the Inn moved InIo Iho bulldinr or or Inlnuiaciurlnr and our NETJISIAE seven employees oi Ibo IrddDomrnocr Ihnrl MAI ho III MI In Mm WI 165 Canndlnn dermal Eioeirle m1 rm nu my lralln by lnIernIIIaiII milhnrihdSIulISIl Ilarlc on III II In Ilnl mm mm Mm uby employ mm mm in mm It IhnI lime III Auolnlin mm mum in en II II II reIlre ML GenaII Elwin corpora Icry uIIlnIIemdlIlnIIInSaIIiI ens Ibilnr pron Irons with gm so Inn 6531i Hospllnl or 0m mm Im ml ml Ifmmm day Mervin Irnnr Iaverahold ur own varied with In Inue one heater that looked mm Iniurlel Ind IncIured hip many In ms or ion Word In lilo bulneye Wlhie Spencer mu or Street who ln Nona Inn 1n onid Ibo piani mmo plum opp mm In Iui alonn wlrh six other men wiih obwr 159 emoloym Ind mm min mule mgr Id rIarIed the null boiucworeo raw Inn on In IbIIII my hum my mm phIII In Barrie will no mlo mm InnIdol Ind piled burden IVBk oi Dd ohm Imun who bod Io mm Innllndnribollirdunwvlihher rim II lbdrnn by Mrs Wynn alnyomld mom may oInchsHaving Difficulty Recruiting BrickThrowers Chamber oICnmmerro OIhIr orenIs In domain In in mu nun In In Iurmrumaruars nIilclLIaun havinn numb In CIIIbI carnival Include lnr Ibo sanIuI IrmInIemi Loot monsIrIllon ocbedlllod SIIurday mlIlaneon rnnnhcn III SII uwlnn mm and nrlldris renrr winners were Join In being urged by blontreli IodlyanulyuIIIerl beinuprovlndnlemrludeec IIII My roulesin ych Wlillumim brink on ruin In mum Jinn In ebIrre oi Ibis yurIIIInkthmln mul said nren Ira nor shoe Nialch Ibis young owning your Irl no have enourh Io Ibo Iearn IIIIL borehole ol yrlrs III beeh prehy barren dont my run Ian sum or boron Lympoilnl wIIh unload SIrnnd Annun Id0hirhornn Iurna Innt1 mob chow lnIemI Ibmnli II hold low onion Ibo camped lion WE the learn In unsruu nISIrnlul It ler Inrhnrreoithelrlarniiinypln IIIIHLIIIIII ll pirln are cur renlty co tin Ior Ibo IIInI Imoil being held tndny II 130 pm hirn Srlliiler Ibo only oripln II In IIlll live In nonr peIiIiono uld rInrenr pIrIlcl mu have the motions ior chlhiplnh loam PrIcIIee Ibrowr Inllcn Ienrn average will be In men or lilo ioeL your orenI wns won by Sharon Woil ol orunomr wiih lee locll winner was her VIII Ill lent elrbl MM Iooplnr be previouo yelr bylbroo IoeI Iour Inehui in IbeInenI compoIlIIon Rob erI Gardner oi Enriml III new world record or In nlnlncbon Iopplnrblsnld world mold III you cnrller by Air Inori men IoeI local winner wns Leo Koop mollbnlbrowoiiirioei lerlnebu lorrlnr Ills throw you eIrlIor oiIIIIeeI Bolb winners nro com who min SaIurday Brlchnd roilinegulpinibrowiny ed Inbcrln II Mn In 3th fro dIIe IndIvIduni In Ibo nIlidrIvlnn erenl IwI been soled bur Ernie For run once cars MIMI mun Isanro on help reenrlrcd Irorn Ibo Iownohlp Ii mm In annIenI torleoerimenl OPIImIII club and cbnnnber rommereo In Ibo lnruninformed bollngyinncln Iesm Inlm NIII drIIInr winner In Ibo penmrin link In eightInch III wood wllh nunionr oi blowsIVlc Bolton look Ihn Illlo IanI year wIIh Ibreobl mdln cool on IndVkBeIInn aI urqu show operailon Iii Ibelr challenges the In dnorrinnenl wIIb limo Iimnblnn vehicles ovor Ind pm ll Ioeonda Ibe III Iiso won and wniar Peewoo hnsobnll tournameni IIIrIo Ihout 330 pm nllb binxn rnIIIes IIIrIlnr In Isle IIIrrnoon SaIurdny eonlinuln SInIdny Hmorlu displays are to be pin 1wa II pm Sniunlnyr Will scrutinize Cnirai Tenders II III IneoImIIy reponed In dulynpnlhri tho proposnl Ind wueum will be Inrnrdod lnmodiutdy In grnvindni IulborlIIer Inr validi on IT Ill IhI recommendation presented by Ibo IdmlnlnlraIive owned ol Ibo Simeon Onuniy Board oi Educlion In mid Ihnoweek dIlIy between board moon an in bond voted unanim IIIIL nIo IIIIIIII ROBERT HOLLYWOOD Ch be Appomls Gonorol Manager RoberI Hollywood boo been Ippoinled general mnnrrer ol Ibo barrio Who Orni Ineree lynch mldeni omced Iodny on bail oi tho board cl direclorr III HonIood brings In on Immunity II your oi Cham ber experience havinr uned noun Ind NIIrIrn run II no new creoled pooan oi renerri menu will allow Ibo lm or Commerce Io rnecI Ibo challenge Inclng Barrio no erh ceniro inanIIIIo CYCLISI IIII Duvld Smnli II It Inkevlew Cree was Irerled and relenred Iirom boyel VIcIann lionplini IIII nian IiIer he was Ilnink by car while riding hh bl cle Ibo driver oI Ibo vebi wu Charler Guner ii II III Queen SI IIIo Iccldenr no curred II Ibo corner nI Rose Ind SL Vlncene ItrerLI II I16 NIL CAR FIRE Thoborrio City Fire Dcpnrb InenI no called In exilnruish Iiro In cnr iburoday evenlnr In bone oi IIJIeI hulk Siore on mnlriohnbireeilgsilglrouige was tulobod ibe Irunk arrived III CURB Terrance Parker 15 or Mndonnu nestedrnd rclcu Iblmdayn edIIlrII n1 lbs 31 opied Ider IhnIendcre II WIMIIM Iendl LI on on bad tor In the our Won on lildmy 11 when ho Oriolnny Ibo properry we him In ynnn In Barrio IIr wusInnckirombeblndhynmeIlnlsuwuthe bldhymwuhnsierodinrhn we can whlnh then lnil Ibo Irene Iolrrrounds nid III Byers mnlor npplinncos plInl In binn dIunhIIr Inn man lnicr Iurncd himseii In We bouan Ir In Juno ni July Imi where he no Ibo IIIIIIII Ind IInyod on In police Youlh Faces lIrson Charge Daniel Bowman II II III Loiroy haI becnnbnr Id wilh arson In eonnaeiion wa last Sundays Ilnnt lolrny which duIIvyrd Ibo old dresolny rooms II Lloyd Georgo Park The lirel almosi renrbcd Ibo now Soth lnnirIIl Connnunlli Crnlrl but irom serood Ind Intros mu23l59diln5i tourism Bowman Is In Mndylwlb ollrr iliorrin Examiner NEWS liow In and worn Indny are In hoard lan Ibo decision to send In trial on Ihree chrr oi car lilillliroii ponilion Is In who Is Ihc inmal Irndcr dlrccily Io lbeI Hull and one IIII lei Oniurio bluniclpnl Bnlrd and tho Inlnlniry ol educullon wna Ion hi rerponsibllily lnr lhn ndrnlnlntnlivo council llc rug rnoiedlhoi the lenders should come under Ibo Icruilny oi IlII bonrd beloro being dispnichcd In Tornuiu ed Iron Royal Vchorin liorpl 51 Int nlrhI when ho losl con lrol oi his InoIorcyclo on Glen wood Avenue and rInIclr curb The accident occurred II Mid ME MI I111 AND IIUN lornl deIaobInenlo oi live on tnrlo Provinclni Police are look lnr lor green 1m Oldsmo blle llrenco number 2756K whldr was Involved In colli Iion eanv Ibis mornlnr wlIlI anoIber vehicle on Iilrlrway nnd lelI Ibo scene The car LI believed Io belonr In rentI cnr Iirrn The driver II III oiber vehicle VII Lloyd Findley oi Wyovalo lhn Inlsbrn ocrurrod nenr Wurn Bench II about 15 Inn PAVING TENDERS lho Simeon Cnuniy Burdlol Educntinn occupied tenders by Urn Iollowinr componleo Ior pry lnr II several counIy schools The compnice are Murray sill Mbnlb Pavlnru $730 An derson Paving rnlt It so and Grand boys in company IIIIIIJOI CERTIFICATION trlnl due for Ibcso charm has been net or July 15 Will Request Sewer To School IIIn SIIucoo County lionrd nl Edmilon Icdncsday nulhorizrd iln administrative noiuvcll Io Islr lhcnity In lnslnll 101mb snnlI ary sewer line Irnm ibn Letliin Slreel school In sewer line on AIM Sireei Alter dillinrllies hclwcon Ihc hnnrd Ind Ibo ciiy concerniul Ibe hookup Ibe cily hno Irrccd In provide the service Immcd lIiely Tbo cost In ho lemporarily homo by the board In nui In ex ceed moo Ind will hn refunded by Ibo clIy as soon II II receiv es Ibo necersnry npprnvnis rum IIII Ontario IlInIchpnl Board nnd Ibo hllnlsIry oI mnsportollnn Ind Comunlcnlions DWEIIY TENDERS Tendan lnr drupnrlor ln Sim roo Couniy schools were Irrepl ed by Ibo Board oi Educnllon It the boards rczuler mchinI Wednesday The board accepird Ibo tenders oi Barrio Ienl Ind Armin Co IIIIMII AIchlI IJIIIII mill Irvinn Donor hlinl CenIro limit and Olympia lnIerlono non The Wind Rubber Cork Llrl bloom and PluIic Workers oi Amuch has been recooily eer Illled Io reprereni all oillco cler Icsi Ind Iochnlnl employeoo oI IInnseldDenhnm Genornl Oom pIny Lid II Its Iln Divixlon plInI oillce In BIrrle The cerIiilcoIion was approved ly Ibis monIII by Lila Orrinrlo lm Relation board Mediovoi Music Will Be Featured In live up In clnims oi seelnz IlInI elmrlcul power is main Inlned Ind lohnslnn bydruo public relnIiuns olilre lnr Georgian My region said lndny sIrillnr IIIuIhcrs rncrnbcrs uI Locnl Ion Cnnodinn Union oi Public Employers are rurrenlly curry ln signs noiiny Iboy will nuln lnn power In Evncrbridgr nren Wvdnu dny and Thursday CUPE mom hon rciuscd IhrrIr mnnnxnnreni pluhs or help in tutoring poor or In bcIIIecn 1500 and 5000 homes on durlnx violcnI Ibun der sturrns and high winds Carl lllnsun Iocnl stcwurd Ior Ibc Barrie Penelnnnuishcno mo sold IlIhuurh Brunebrldro was out hi his nren his lnIormn Ilon wus that union represen InIives ln IhnI nren hnd viewed dnrnnxn on In Inconvnnienre Ind not In emcrzcncy llc snid nInnnyorncnI hon also posicd sign nI leusi in Enr rie It Ihn Irrionnl office IbuI Ihey too would InnlnInln pow cr Ihn sign reads Ian Ibn oi Ilce Is opcn and service is hr lnr maintained by nmnugemenl personnel Ilr Jobnsinn snid crews In IlIo Bncchrldye nrro as oi Ibis morning had worked lcr so hours wilh only couple oi hours nil lnr eathapo The rural olilce In Brncebridlo woo clno FRIDAY JULY 1112 Vdro Management Workers The non currently has nboul ulcusionrers withmri powcr ho In Ilr Iohnsion said Walkerion arch Iornn 5W cuIInmcro our It pm Thursday when CUPE crews wnlhed nil IbI lob bird Ian zomnn mm mm crew were senI inIn Ibo PnlnI Clnrh rcylnn 11 miles snulb nI lIlncnIdinn He said lnr ni Hrnrcbridnc nren lines reputed icrnpornrily Wednesdny nlrhl now will hnIe In ho properly reprirrd Tho union has been lLIKinl rnIntlnr rie nlncn June as in nontran dispute wlIh Hydro However In Ihn lnsr Iwo days the roIoIinn Irrilro hns mush roomed in include Ilrlurlly Ill CUPE emnlnyceo oi Ibo IILIIity In another dovelopmoni Iburodny union spokesman sold CUPE lo seeking legal In IJon against llyIto becnusa oI problem delny work Irn ex pellencinz ln gelling lhelr part pny cheques III snid cheques nrs being mailed rcsulilnn In up to Imdsy dclny The union ndaned Ihn ruini lnr miles In bncI demands Ior wore norms and usuruncel ol lob IeciirIIy The last an nounced worn positions were Ihni lily unlon bod asked ll pcr cent In one yen wbllo Ihe com pany had onercd ll per cent over two yours plun cosloIA lith allowance Worrs now rrniin lroIn IlN to WI weeUy dmirlnd were called back In or MANAGER hIANUFAcIU 13M mods In admin aI Flam In In and this in In ilion Imrn which be In re III Ind hIn oils are nlInnlnI Io reunn Io Audralll by boat III Ibo lnIn owner and omni Illv and up In Melbourne will be our hcndnunp Irro be sold Ihnk will buy trailer and see some II Ihe mm didnl In StandOil Position magnum umnrnnmnrh ero loo IIIId IncunIInue deddo Ind llve nI III on Trove bu bcwrna Inrnlly air AnoIIIor son Bob Is lovi nnlrer II Ibo Bnrrle plnnt and resides In llildIonsI bit and lllrs Byers will lake by cruise Ibmxb Ihn on out and tho PblllpInco pinr In exploring Ausrrnlin lIr Byers received IIIIIII mm camera at lust ninhis reception hire Bycrs wu prr scnled with roses Irom ihn inI club CARPET TENDERS The Simone County loducnlion hns ampled Ibo Ion dcr ni Irvine Dccoraling Ccnlno or Ibo supply snd InsInlinllon of carpeI Ior In school in Sir coo Counly lIIo pIolII deport mm In coopornlion wllii Ibo respeciive principal and III or nbilecis IIII srccw IIIo carpeI Ipproprlntelorcach school ARTICLES FOB bALl Sold everthInl Ibo IInI ninth Kilehcn nulle rcirlneralnrs rlecIric iove Hurdle washing machines dresser wooden ban rein bed dIesIerIleld mnchlnx choir own and plnI rcnlero oIbcr household IrIirlrs rric phone mom FOR FAST ACTION CALL EXAMINER wnur nos szII Bonrd oi III Operh House Monday eveninr II Iho Ton onto OuuoorI will oerio Ipo clol cunIeII II Ibo Oriilia Opera Iioueo ibo Consori Isl composed oi nix munitions lrnm Ibo York Universliy Facuin Fine Axis prorrnm In music rocenily iornred NW bir onto town has already ercit rd audiences and rrltlco In Tor oqu and in Wm iho rim is Io reprodqu music as It mInI born nouInled when II III IirsI Ivsunss Inorrssvonu Ivvoqu lira Inller AIIIIri leII WI molded oi Ibo ConIdIIn Mention or BIMIMI and Ploiroslonnl Womens Club with line Ii Morrow oi Ibo Colliner IlIIb InIi Mil bl Iona oi Ibo BAI rlo rIub loinlnr her olocIlonJ Wy More IbIa son deli cute Iron scrou Carrion si VI Ill rhino compared in Ibo lb and ISIb chnturlenm rroun Io docile Ind IIyln oi modioval secular music some oi II dolirbIIuliy nnurbiy MAMIbo Ibebovbodboenhmf Inrlnor Photoh

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