in E5 kg Ii SEE use is so iii 55g an as it lti so Est se is go so if 55 3e do landed on field of lingo which they could from the Ii ptlliia was deducted slice cruising speed However all bed feel lhey were not al wera noon forgotten and the lee inanimate than riser gave the pilots and their aiort permission to sleep ute set in barn overnl nmmdrmidh lint ws daiut get much in Thousand Aircrait Open sleep ihat night Iatrmeatel pm slot The maps indicated that they could loliow lha aiiroed traeka eilghi through iiut hast before we entered the pass the tracks dialppoer ad hummer uki We found out later that they hail not been in use ior some MINNIme my Ill Milt IIXAMINIB nil JULY 1i MI Eta tau That was the ant and th next wIa that the pilots unkind the pIIIssIat lance lo slid udlolwndrafsAii the $202 3m pair kept getting narrower and narrower seeking it impossible 8k Clinic on Monday neanowuau uremic loturu around TrimtIlIltmt heme harm lam oiAt ancuiivar waver es er Swled Pails Rec wasIIItooeeomethe snout har aiInInyII mamm itl IE Ill Abiveiliagweterakltllnleeswlthafeaof12eseItiott nihapiiotrdsddedtuiakea unseen summonn ititlcd iluihdu with OBITUMY mm My 5mm watc St WW Edna Pndham Dies In lii one mmw mum so to to out are he demonstrations of kiln ho Woegay Mammyms Served There For 27 learn Cl our ll ldvmhuln wonttnn or maydaypygmy gigmlggeig WM ham died Noddqu liaiehl an inn edseattori so also some imm mm to it at In automobile rt idea htlssi Health union Ontario irkk dIiIr ski champ ahoud redsttr at the lions Pool let on it Groves West or contact dd mm Wm maimed mm Mm tiles Pridham was mission North York Gen lloapitai mw Comm try in nutrie she has train and took insurers in Ivtos IINW onuamaoooatnahtr missionran first elguhiyeerevlnlii ede utnteoerahnrtrhr Nigeria neutrinosyn use me ca live eonditions She adds lep linoleum llainy Weather iWiiltSoino Sun ll ower this VII mend to tughing IIaIInd tine and brother Pl lo HIE 21 di PM Continue Through Sunday ililhl nature eruptions uoaaiin uh lhgillghsiod isisoio to ubll iamls dhiml mournersmemo Bil IV II in II III ovaits ghouerraud chance night stir to High attorney Mun rosell her classes July at the Tabernacle of the gownsWm in the and Alla 15 Sum II III on Idaoola IaIIiIiIuIIIthI Wmgnm II 0111 til ye It more Cloud with intermittent show clouding over with showers and aha timid handle requested the Ebeueeee Comm Stainidsla and not so warm on Set few thunderstorms this allar mun township am ml continua through to no IIIIIvIvu salad in Efreohmoglgu ariiuawriiduiihis 3163an Miami oiiinn inn chili will on hirlough and etdl night near so lilgha attorney or three years and also Erult ed missionaries lrorn gen andsitcodxidgralgutelddii living River west liIlf weai over innateltheeouth this morn Jmu Mom may iii Efhlfifyim mums mmm nosthto Georgian any conse quentinIIIaIIaoutheriniioe otwarni mgyinum 7mm litmmvrlgssdiag common and medium is ugh mylumiy mo mm mm light receipts of slaughter rattle heplnement cattle let Good Ensthaii western James Bay inuths north nurture uttlniv mm IttheOnlariopuhllettoekyards rise on 144 eiear thii morning but low mm mmdmm today good hu esp era pressure system will spread mm mm VnIl call and land prices 3m stock steer calm my mg mmn were study to the weeks do 640 good stock heiirr calves 1m ciiueandhogprleeshldter sou common and medium Im slaughter cattle 14 choice slackers and feeders seao steers lmwiih sales to rose taisea It Choke mirrr i1 tloud and showers orrthuodern storms later today lhiohlh Periods oi rain this morning Some sunny intervals and clinics oi thunderstorm in the alteruoor Continuing warm saturda cloudy periods with few opera and not ouitaraa warm it gh today near who tonight near to iilgh SIturday near to Windsor London Hamilton Peterhorou late Clair lithe hie ke iiuron Niagara wtsitrn Laka Ontario hloaily cloudywlih lens showers this morning Some runny intervals and chance of thunder storm in tha nitsrnoon Continuing warm Saturday cloudy periods with few showers and not quite at wariu lligh today so to to tree near Lake st Citir reg ion we tonight solo to ilighs Saturday in to ho Eartern Lake Ontario ilrii hurtou Today soon with cloudy periods Chence thunder siorrn in tha Iiiernoou Saturday moryieloudy with few show ers iilgotoday and Sammy near it Lows tonight 55 to oil horth tiny Sudhury Georgian Bayyleuugami Doctrine lo dlr litany at first but clouding overthis evening with few showers and chance oi thunder stem Saturday vIriehla cloudb Vhits River at with chance oiaiew show Gerridtou arevaod turning little cooler Mooeonea Saturday near to Ottawa liloiiireal Sunny with MM msdiwn we 2150 610 eroda ihia morning loMN then clearlngthia afternoon withdraleemtw High MI 75 to loui 2m 03 MIl clearwithaluwoisai ey WW1 it MIMI cloudy periods with few ahow mm NI al in 2550 good heavy bologna hurls hllgln Lew TuserNow on with no top choice on ollor good tut meditate tiei eoiri hioia 11M boners 1569 tiegn 15 Base price rest as currently at Toronto soso sings and hears 19 sheep and lamha Iii Gael iamha MN sheep loll scssaaazass832883838383 SIrnla St Thomas London Kitchener liloiiiii Forest Wlugham Owen Sound Muskukn Hamilton Catharines Toronto Preniou Knigston l7eleihorougtil Killaloe North Bay Sudhury Esriion fiuiuiiiu Kepusksaing Mani ChIplesu c=gssgssgazssssaaass Ddheniuio investment Caitlileutea Yoti earn highest tntarut an all at the hiuaiinpaia Daoeniure investment Certicates interest pueblo semiath or left in molar Terms One to live Years Amountsulilo to 510000 cassaasuasssssssacrum3682 Weaiharloreesat brought to you daily by For hrrthee lnlomltihut the liuniclpai Savings and loan Commotion has MIIIIllINX at photos soon not lll IILTED RADIAL Barrie Ontario Mlmm FOUii I90 minim tiaemunlcipa savingsgloan mrpuraon unison eiitiol oer il insurance oosroiterioit Iheluw the planes at sea level audVaueotmrJorhiouhia audltliaeheeu his lavnrlto ltarauda Super it two itohhy ever since nanslner aaaiar hush lane in Photo master start flying in list Now know why they call it hope EC heeauu wer aura ea heck hoping it was there And it did him up one snila Vie allelaped the whole way down hurmaitar said HANG IOU Due alrtratt had taken the The remaining loot tire to to Mil Jim Militia gsther The ight back was easier taking only three days huenas ter and Pete Smith of ween kvilla his navigator arrived in itIrrlI last Saturday June lube said have enough power The iarthest the lsiaeoriihe hsd evertlowu before was Loot miles Maybe Burmaater will enler DiliiiilS Super it that his garage its tworeater co aiterashort illness hush plane Waiter Suiiers Broken leg liWT Resident ls Fined $50 Randall hands 21 native hands luililed that the wait ot lnuvlk NWT was convicted of common assault against liar in an Angus restaurant wrung route and ended up in and ordered In per line of the Fraser Canyon so he was see when ha appeared in pro day late arriving in Vancouver vinelai court Thursday heion Francis pleaded not utilty in the sham which mulled lrom seula over bill which his cir rlairued had been improper iv tilled out by the waiter Mr Lee auilered hrnkeu leg Burmaeier seid he did not In In mm mm ihlnhhe would enter another air my um Dy Tm nee for while not this mum WI lly Ill CANADIAN mean hlonlreaimd Allen t3 ion the next rare in the Maraud rner executive vieepresldeut oi is building in Cnuadlen latarnatiooai Paper VancouverAlan 1urner ti Windowed SBWBiihilmfned moratorusuukoae handyman at 53 32 53 55 it in E5 15 as Ii is EB laiied To Provide Sample gStroud Man Pays $175 Penalty liobert Ualngsm he of pleaded in Illtstresid war rouvieisd oi tohoth lmptlred driving and failing to Jtmea it as pausideaaamplaefhiIhreIth slammedd ioranaiyslswu hnadtiu when inscribe ol theI lnuiIdi hI appeared in prerindal eourt dauntm in mark lhonday ion on lislttu on Highwa is in tension is of tnnishi on April th ehuslahls loiiuwedv Liv Ingsious vehicle at speeds up to so miles hour south on Bill way it so eiuiig slim to Uringstous ruidama er mhhed his and first and told him to iii down and keep out of the argument hands admitted that he push rd hlr lie and caused him to tell down heavily breaking his the halo til lag the shack and Savant iriendr who were with 5m WW II Francis that evening testified 07 hldwhil that the nu had been unpr IiI it tastes thnlI Irly tomputtd and that the mm mm waiter quled them to pay for everything he had brought in gm thstahls HumWhmm All three at lraucls friends umplon told him he would told Thompson Down ai not take the httar he ioruey that tho waitersuwhb cause he was thmh ed Francis first hut failed to Judge ltennleks mind Lilia axplalu why the didnt tell the ion ldiLv on hold MI and police when they were called in levied the line to luvuligage the entitle iii aaid Mr lbornpton goat you lust made that up Judge Reuuleia raid there is no doubt in my mind that it was Or maybe the neat time he deputy agriculture minister of an assault and imposed the guest in VIuenuver it will be British Coluiithia following line of lie allowed itde first elaaa on Boeing ill atruks HAWK Mil steel houdetitod galvanised and enameled ridged shaped top rails vertical supports OWIntIriud liner Idlth collar hogeuge OCartrldge litter tin will Ititometie shimmer Iin wail rehirn lilting OVaeaitam wilh hole in Display Larpe VlNYl lnground pool Aipit ALUMINUM above ground pool on In The SwintWitla jConveiiible uieireo Swimming Destination eouvanrisuaoots ltdya trait omit hath Gladden olwln pole hooks Olluruhlng pipe clam gels slim SAlE $5842 we entity COMPLETE this or Till rottewtud POOLS Ieauiliul missionariesfree linieised unishell aonerote pools ultradaluae Aqua Plseeura vinyllined Speklli low prices on vinyl Ilnse kite ior dolli yoursell lneisllailuite Ahove groundnut at Low Low raters