Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Jul 1972, p. 11

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the and Ill to Sen Diego re Egg BE 353 $533 Err stillum urlrn IgItuIt tho ltuIIlIrh wrote the enamel Ittputlon into it Igreement with the run tut April MOVE IA 1N TUTUBI DonIIII lieter ehIIrnun o1 IOIITBULL llorhey CInIdII executive lire whirled thIt thrrl In on It the time the anyone other than N111 plIyerI would be en the teen linnI deporluro to tho ltllAwu Itiii two nuntho Iwa liIher held and is bound by the monk Int Nllle President 0mm Comp 1rdth dutbiee II Botkey OInIdI dlrorlor Idded thrtt thn league he no intention el VIIin In It to permit 1qu may in OIIIIII tlr In ex pected concern that the proieet EB nItniIter nd with ltlnlIter lemon when await governmtne lien in them cum TI hm Jet even had any temp nutrient lIIroirI Ballad e1 thronlo tinie leIiI IIId hi tethergovernor ot the hill that not oinnd tn the at ilniir pertlcipeiion in tho Ier would reilupee it the raven lee ntent tried to put preteuro on the N111 on NuiiI behIil We dont ml to end no without In Igreernent end with no pieyerr he tell urging dont give demn 11 Hull lined with turn to tithe Bliilrd IIld lleI CInIdiIn Ind he uhouid be on tho Conn diIn telrn Cincinnati SWeeps Series by run Mun run rum gh PirIiu rnInIIer Bill Vhdonoprnt week in Cb donetl Thmdny night itnodoebt Ieeined thathy alter the Rode but hi Pirates Ind went threegnnte ur ie o1 NItlonal lame divltion lenders lite Iweop luiurt one o1 lhoeo thingt Ild Video You dont expect them but twinnppen Iotnetlrner In bure iiiil edto thePirItes he hat m1 thorn relies The normally hoevyhih ring EnIt trader roInulIrtiued Ipei toteiotlhreorunnln tho rerrr the Bed hhd the edge on no in iii depertrnentr Vlrdon pointed out They beat us in BilSEBllLL RECORD By THE CANADIAN PRESS Notionll LeIgttI hut Pristine re to rli New York 13 ii 517 St 1min them In is lit WI Montreal it it tid ll BB 5511 11 31 50 315 this ltesnILI ThundIy llth Grime Ctndnuntl Pittsthgh it St bode Atlantab Probebte PitcherI TodIy Attente titclenn oil It ch14 taro Wm 55 Houston Rey Hi It Pitt boa Britt Ni mutt lGrimrley Hi It St latte lttlre Ht New York Serer 1141 It San Diego Ariin Hi It Montreal ltiorton tell at ten Angeieo Osteen Philedephll Reynaldo It nineteen linrirhti Mo Gum 5Ilurrlu itotutm Itiitihbthil Mime It moago Cincinnhti It St lentils hlontrerd at the An cite New Yrrk It Sun ego Phtirdeiphln at San trurcixo Etching the long ball Ind iirld with the big dmhio ploy MA DOUBLE PLAYS Along with their nIuIi roti cleney It the owe the est 1otdlng Redo Iiio killed Pittvr burgh with Invert dolthlo plIye In the Ierier Including one Thundny nlliht thIt helped Guy NoiIn ck up hII tith vie lory It the you In the other NItionIi League gInIee St Mi CIrdlnIII topped AllentI lime to hurt timutnn Astroe deteattd 111 equ on in 1n rAmorteInler settled itinnesotI Mu be ed Bolton Bed Set 1M Iem Ranger whipped tlevellnd tedious 50 Ind Detroit Tigers turned hark limes th ltoyIiI Nolnn liloeed three Bitty AmerleII Lune 511 ivx 51 500 110 liri 00 Hit Dtitoit Blitintnrr GeveIInd From Pittsburg Pirates burgh bit in the tint two in hints but settled down to hold the Pirates oil hetero Clay Cllv roll tune in to pitch the ninth tor Ctntlnnetl l1 Itrnpty no out at gas IIld NoiIn he expinlned thItl he was tired Iiter throwing let oi tut hello in his right in ring o1 wort ERA IE1 The perlorlnonre lowered No iant earned run Ivrrege lo It1hoet Imoeg NItlonIl ion or how It BIh nnIytwe times mole Ioroe leuiiy good pitchesuid NoiIn espr ciIlly with my thIngeup Ind It Ittlust eInIe together with my curveund tut hail holIn on knocked down in my It tint blue in thl filth up when he ncrillced run ner Ind Inn Into Pittsburgh tee and batemen Bennie Stennett But it didnt Item to upeet his nation on the mound Alter thet reunion got little Rii IIId NolIn But we plrked up by the untion got lrum the rretrd when nine out torthe top ol tho mu know Nolan not hit grid Vlrdon but lront our guys you couldnt tell that ii thhrrgd him that much GllthothA BAlllOl hiinneeote 10 Boston True Cieveiendb Detroit Khmer City Proheblo Pliehrrl TodIy Oakland Hider 1M and Odom ltirIt New York hiine in end Ketteh VI 1N Jaime Belineen 111 Ind Fortnr in It Beltirnore title Nell and Alt Mi TN Kiln lldi It lilti weukee tunborg 141 BostonitSlebert re It Minne Iota Perry 711 Cleveland Perry 1M III Tens Pent 121 Kenton 0in met Conion Hi It Detroit ionietnlrl 117 GIIneI BIinrdIy Bunion It Minnesota Cleveland It item KIWI City It Detroit Chirogo at Baltimore CIlIlomin ht itiiivroutre Ikienl It New York Cert Gerinomn stroked three hits including homenvn In the tilth oi Pttubttrgh ItIrter Steve Bleu the Bede scored In Inelnnnoe run in the eighth on Bobby IolInI urriilce 11y heuie Cievelend mentored AtlIntI on two hits Ind drove in run to pece St lnuis Victory cieteirnd won hislllh genre to It decirtone Ind enhIntcd his winning Itrlng to men gamer Cleveland wu ruched ler single by RieoOIrto otIrting AtiIntII record Inning Ind toothed tor another hue hit by opposing pitcher Ron Need in the third 11h tut hell to better thI it we list your uld st taut mennger lied cost of his Gunndinn pitcher llo lent mIkrng my mistakes he WIS You got oil in start like this youve got to ohoot tor iii victories raid ClevelInd so to iron DIII ltetnwy Bootheil sdvooi work out unis the ntehhl hnvIeomI tn Iocrpt her Deb keep me Pbotrri IyonttheArgonIutIn Lee Travirro Shares Lead With Jacklin In UK Open MUlRllEZLD MM 11 Wisrcrldlng to Trevino shoring the lend Iitrr two Whit In his deience oi the British open goll chImptonIhIp told todey lm not too prpyI 11th to be my out In lront Trevino levelling in his role the odtotyied Superitex nl gotl had whole tntal pl 111 Iioog with BritainI hrecry young Tony ieekiin over this mum which has token on docile look in unmet rurnhine Both Trevino Ind iIrkiin were one under er Breathing down their nee only one Controversy Follows Elliott its Manitoba IthIthlltitlimilsl1 The con vert tenor meumii nIdiIn roll tour IlInnst resulted in the withdrde Thursday at Tom hlLGlnnis who is one Ilroko oil the pore lotiowin the tirot round or the $5500 tinni toha Open Jimmy Doer at Winnipeg begIn his hid in hemmeva rst nmnleu ehnnpion oi the vent lint Mu ilIrteyI 1931 tiring Ilveunderpar 67 to like one stroke margin over lleGlnnii A1 Balding o1 Toronto Ind At Hand o1 iiilil VIlley Call Jim Outline nl Winnipeg Otter Cerdn ul hlexicu City Ben Talbot et Benoit One end Tied for Lead 111 Milwaukee MILWAUKEE AP lieid thorn or meet at the big name diementied the nipoll Gnt club iitnrrday in the opening round oi the memo Grenter iiiiweu kee Open With most n1 lhI lop proton elonIiI competing in the British Open 17 shooter produced round or per 7t or bettcr veteran George Johnson Ind LIhron iIIrrie Ind young Bnree Fleisdter erd Tom tiuioru led the way with dis Ben Kern at Toronto who photo 11 en the trout nine tin lobed It 10 one under per Ind lound more thnniit gollerr IheId e1 him George Knudsen ol Toronto turned in per 11 Ind and hirruelt In dunger 01 missing the out It the end oi todays piny Bob PIIIIIIuk at Windsor 0nt It end Ken Briton ot Toronto It had only In nut Ilde thence at making the low to uni lie who will contest the test or holes heiietiettpnir for Summer inn it you Iro one=ot the my people lohking tun hilt Ind Idventun this Iummrr Mitt Vet hopi lurther ltllltV lOiiNON NM or not to been your Wot took no It hen the Inoienhutury with economy Voihungeu Deluxe not with Penthoue CIrtop cartoonthrt will IO WM 101 CI lrntnnie keepsyou Iwa lrom dim thIt pays ler llIelt in one eeaeon LOW remote men or Kerv Johnston Mole eottytotnolnitsethanono oer I111 insecurlm root 3244939 rolimiled Your hitlitiB VOLKSWAGEN DoIiIr Ettoitood It Germ WANTTO BE ll iOOiB we hoytlndthemnlo tho Itroke book were Iurh gnttlng beryweighto II luck NlrtlIue the Itnmiout luvorltr veternn Doug SIndere South Alriruh Ii waohunzry GIry Player Ind Johnny hillier promising 15 yeeroid Arnerlren pro who let room record do in the ruin other guy we hurtling up the heeond round litre on level your over hluiriieldI meyud llnlI were three young Engiiehmrn Jeter IItpling John Gurner Ind Peter Townsend Alter showing oneunderv pnr to in his second round lrevtno told The runihine rest tar Debbie held Ir who come Teronln nIeIdIy Ratrnoy Ian hie Iwid it nIIto it to the Winnipeg in Ililni till in better than Ittt rl the CFL IN dont think rIugbt overrun by rurprhe thwght that every course But none oi them we prepIred tar these conditions they Ill 1nd been thinking how to pin the link in wind Ind Len tuned thiI wnnllnn tn the meter to the on best Itorrrt No matter wan the weather does the room wont get much lower because were Iii gelling einee to that trophy Never play big port in 1Dth tCPIAIIItnun II We put bvnI Joe Thelqu in John Btryulil Mynlrhtpvomtnhr ml mo vielory mr merounurno Irnjnulhnll Chlorate exhibi tlengme tellout rrowd oi 311 wthIArganiir the Enl Iver sellout tor CInIdtIn eatheli LIoguI premier with iguedh three Mt ib1ttumhieelnlhellmhnilll hirhpolIIttbeywuodrmIIie IndInothIrrumhiointheree endhnlim1hetrbatdiredlon tromthelnrnennwholenredonl touchdown hinueit on In IIyIrd run Greg Burton pined euIrtrr Ih tor Argue in the Ierdnd punter Ind pert ol the with but lulled tn grin llillth ground Arror other point mute on IhelrrnInn pen to Jim ilendrr Ion Ior touchdown Ind Mon lrnrn lent titet itlt 111 Iimtd no interrogated to give lirit ish Columbia me 13963 Inn The dnlrnding noted the game but midnt prnh new the point at mreinl munente the Calgary elicited with new Immunitst neeintheeecondomrtermd Inothrrlmthezsinthethird other oopovtunillaernitbt tor their scoring otter hi the llrid tut lrom 151 held in cheek mutil ot the night the test two rounde latte how it Ill work 01111 Ind think the course will be one Itroho border to play tomorrow two Ihou hunter on the line tiny Trevino announced he we uring to rrnr old indier ti ltletzrnenn ot Bonnnl LI WM other noupclott were It topper to 11 goilere buttered per 71 on the 87mm Glendale Court Club course hlost oi the opening day dire runtlon however centred Irottnd Elliott NeOlnrtiI end In unnnnved hlnniInh Goil Assn elation ollltiIL hlcOinnle lemphir lrnn pro playing his Iirrt tounement in CenIdI this yrnr was upset over the Irtion at one at the nilltinis on tour oi the hole on the hook nine gle mach WWI iii iraii Betting llintyn he ltd Bill in never one it in American ennui lions NicklnuI gunning for the British mum to complete the third leg oi neverurcnm piiehed prolossionnl Grand Slam Ill tour major titles in sin weiintlennanilleeinhrt iiiltiire The iotiowrnprtoluarlm ServirIICerIeder ierporiundmortelrioni murmurnir will rdoyyevr tgel thnt ha picked uptl in at rm Ir mndeiinliirin n= ltl lded tor pitching out three deep hunter Ind hInI For Free lIltmItII without nh IIgItievItiII worm vvn Ill ennui yeIreeid lrn not pIIyirIg prion midway ler when the tram Iheir nwn IlyIrd lion in 10 ploy to lot It the tin Itd pm to itenderrnr NI not convert tolled Andrurynhyne lirld Iinu Ind convert milieu IiIn rented In mm 1on Bonnet on pm hrnr VItiy GIhltr tenInIy Joe Ont ieyIIIoonIthrvarnmGIhkr Ind GIrne unity or thm Chm wry muted tor the lat tooth danI Doug tilt held gnIi Ind ronvut whde ton Sunter mod mvrrt The link lite got tingle romod by Argue when To main tumbled the hell out It bound train the end The Al or Itrntk tint About the tint nun led thorn blinuier lrt Andruryrhyn their own it Ind to lieniey on th ouch Due hm opelint the driierente for the mg Cl Hone who used two big eye cohldilt do no ehelioenroduo Ihlrr pI orenln 61 Return 01 Iniercepted Past Gives Lions Win Oier Calgary VANCOUVER tCl WIan tundrie by Rudy Unternln id iluim daehul buck ii yutlI with go nhcuri lintuInIn had the boil needle too In loose the CIigaIy Mord tory ovrr Cnignry Stmnptdm line and rookie lion Btey who in In exhibition Western Foot played strong not rI hall Cerium gIrne bdore covered tor Lieu YOUNG lN FOR 0n the mood play Dot mm lilnorlteud tirrdl IIIrte to Jim Voting in the end none Tod Gert cLI animal he one renew goal to send the StIrnil into the dressing room tuning by util in dither thIrlIr the not But room on two oilerxu bogged down denied of GM It muttrm Guhnio wu helm iv the use Slow to non Lion exertion In on ollm uni Guthrie Alter tint held completeneth rout Liom took advantage It couldnt take IdurlIge dot emery lnluverw tho hoeuh Ind um homI liiit mouth It reinremd Ion ullilrutSlonL Our inttelirlivve rrm wort IIIHIV Iunnur on in to amte you lot to ilhilitMllllAl IRON IAIliltOS ill uAiCii on detertine Itvvdy pllmnlnh 011mm SIMCOE BLOCK Eh 111 ND 51 Barrio PI 13 some pond goit mud or SERVING iiilliiiiliiiililiiiiiiill VlilillBIiiElrtiiiiliEiiiiili lmgloolmyntlOmrnrlrhoihnp ileumkoiyoweiuooordrdrnnmmtogohhdiihom unmarried iiliititll Service Add

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