MMM mqu nonremove name lunch 5w eon CM 0th Midterm outltuel and mount Port orllltn wet am entutelnod It lollewed by dtuner It the tuton muner home at ten to her dtr Manhu led the of ottollter tetted note Tommian mm UNITED methyer Unlted dmh om endth ltp notes Imam ltre Grrnet Ire womenemln toentlon Sordnnverthohuttlnpreltmtmndltremeethm toe thew We metathednnrrtrurtyyuter uymugumuemm The luncheon we held then IInlI In Ortllln yesterdly er Itm One The group In on mred try membere at the Slm Inrk hencheon party by ltre MIMI Atm III we mm to In ammo ulnar runner ii mnntunhe ltn JIMMH SE 53 SE Mbetettnlttuh MmMIIdI eiea mm on truth mount Ortltle cu Ilntlood Ind Burt Ind Dtr trlct Itm onrttee were held Nude nleht to celebrate the opentnn ot the Gearedn ToeIre Onmnenyn third uuon ut nro Ieutonn thentre In Itnnle The Bond at Dtrrctore ot the Geordnn Foemdetton tor the Per Iormlnr Arte held meptlm nt the home of Mr and Mn Brown or number ot people who both publlc other In slime county end for repre untettvre at the Iederel end nmltxllt Arte Cwudtl III Included tteyor Mn It rm of OrIIIII It Runny Dlrrdor oI Edmtlon Ind tnte wIIe kt end Itrl It ltlddleton oI hue Borden nndIProIeuor end IIII Peter Lttonlornthwmehwub mhnnkILIlrLVm uent were the We at the bond ot Gemtno Founded end MM roednl Irlmdr ot the Fonndettnn tnctudll Dr end Hm It Phtttlpe Mn Wendy tttrhy Judge end Mn Jr Clue Ittr end IIrr Oerv ruthene Mr And Ilrn It Lechle Dr end hm tlennlnL IIr end the It Steele ltr end Mn Gut end Mr end Mn It Stunt FATHER AND thER Rents end ewude were we rented It tether end mother tie held It Emmnnurl Bartlet Church St Vlncmt Street by membere ot the Adrnnee Pllrrtrn Heneer GIrIs eeelttnz ewnrdr were Wendy hrubeeher Ureryt Elltr ermd hvtnldln Wynm voynrerr on Itruberher Pntrtetn Knot dlo eorerer rnnk Betty tInrrnw Gwen Pemon Cnthy terIu end IGrn WnIton settler rnnh Nnnry htnnhrmn Kathy Itulrner IIInn ttoIIIdny Llndn symom tom Iltlltt The group enrned the lone tender one ot Ito mentttlentlnnr tor the nImja rnnh The eorrrer renhe lnrluoted the new the endIoutdoer bnrleee the ocular rnnk Included the Bible hedge In two other home at the rholee the tewneenerr reel we er Helen party II III home tor the entlre Smith Ind rum Keene tteornn Theatre Comnnny Also llIlN returns mummomh um All tenderer no In etnetedbytheteeryundtdlet ter Iran the women who noted to know It yroetltutlen In terel In HewILI we nu mud to term um uh In em cmrntlee Slm the wnmen who wrote In In nod Iltth end you answered her undqunty Id Itke to mete tome eompnrtrone thet helm be helpfulto In one who to conrtdertnzthe are mam he out he on an 24 rm day Ute beltptnyer her produc Ilvtty thI be limited to Iew III on more nermeu the wIIl hove to epllt be com mlnnlon wIth en mot thou rnnllmin rhedwhl be exoe her re er leer ol thfwther your render mld odd tbt nod come up wllh eurne dllIIee Wlllnyoh odor them It they dottitre Durthlethnh thenht XIII or wrt Deer Au hntrrir Theree Inotherltdootthuto bald the one lxnretred by you widow who rnnrrted om three lmonuthte brute Tm mu ImrrIed wtdower wlth ttve ohtldren Mr two at wm my It hue ll Elm Ill that thou ehtldren lg hm mead tramIt to lav etenltnl matter not nd IV In tronble wIth teeehere end netnhon The were rebelllnue Ind dttrer uI been down knew why The Ind been do petved at or tor most at thelr Ilvee end they were hltte end undleeIplIned thhtn week utter hunted end moved Into our new home wllh my two younzrtere one at my ntepdnnrhterr tnld me rho hated me beeeuee bed mer Ied her tether Ior hls money toolbar nteydnunhter broke my httlo boye none The toyenmtd etnle t1 Irnm my purse The elryeerold net Ilre to the re rue wee detrrrnlnnd to eonquer the nltuetlnn wltb love and un derrtendjng The Hut thtnn III we ooh Inmlly meetan end Iey down ruler The ehll drrn noted mnd but they renIIy loved II No one had ever set IImlte Ior them end they vIewod my tau hneer Is elnn that and oru then on It wee nutter oI keepln my word eervtnl rrJeree eounxeler end they ell lorlnl pree III th hlldr bod me en me when good tludents end em Immeneely proud at them My Iouhnod tell me the Illn de Worker hey the them In llver on no mlacle It we the Ineturel byproduet oI wantut Mona IrbtoneIVIt except Enuml VM rentInated the human be plne three other bearer rte mum ot the new Exemtner mu or PEOPLEWIIHI PLACES Itlthnrd hwplnton Ion oI Mr and am Jeek HennIoI etvn Elm Street Itnrrte re cetved ht hnebeler olfhoplted Selena Iteehenlcnl En eer In It Enrtny Coan on II the UnIvenlty Wlterlw tle end III who wIII belruldtn In Iondon Ontnrloonlemyta unen at mettton ltth the 3M Coennpeny ot Canede were out rotreehmeht booth et Pom Hm oI eerryttottllth endewwordn run rmmmr Thennnuettreeytleenlonwtll tee Mir Inlettnm ANNUAL EVENT the nnnunl wmrrtlonel Ele nIe oI Gnthrte Ind onstn on Pruhytertln 2ququ be held on Bundny July Prlor to the ptente II on Memoriet Put total church melee wltl be held etkhbdmee PM hytertnn mirth 0m 5mm VISIT AIIIICA totatot PM tourtrtevte Ited Booth Mrch In rm nenrly tl per cent more then to mo Ilene 5mm In my durtnl the brutneee melon It the dune mertIny ot the Auntllery to the herrte brunch at the IImnrne Sodety The nonuel not htch runner wu booted by the Betty North over nt Eeotn street Newmutet convmrny nl the booth were gipetntedend work wen nttot tehlont thle rhow end contrtbw There ubah no tInne will be eynredeted Any one wlehlnl to route donntlon my content hire ereht It IZIII me or Mn Steve thu et MM Grunt Kenneth Melt on at Mr Ind ttrl Welter Milt rnduete oI ItethItoIIedI Herrte redueted Ircrn The Cenndlen Memorlet unopene tln totteu Toronto II beetor oI ChIrnoreetle rumba The rurIIIery wt meetlnrl In September 5m Ietu In Intended er the mere nean llte et the dry Dhtrtd Mthn mrtta tnrelten udytettere mun lteeu ot Interut to 1mm et thte me lelvmolylu II vtlt hermit trembled Pteunhm the ttentelx Maryannee nee tor the none Deoertnuot sWtoIuurs REG $995 Now $2995 tlmltedqueutl er the prtree Open Fr de one Seturdeyunlthxtg wm AT BROCK sr WESTJOF NI 726066 Snow wlnd reln runell uIvn the outside or your Hes got ovarylhlna you need to do great Job Ask tor home beeng Ptttshurnh exterior palms stand up to hls spoolat tree booklet on mutton the thIeIdndottmll tmebnont Pittsburgh mlengrntorhtexpelntghosn IYourPtttsburnh PelnteDeaIeroentelt you uhlchls Iheletwnrtngeonmetlolln endheshteaddod Iheboettypeotpelnttormetdndotsoocltlcwoelher Ieowrtooethetneeslstsbllsterhgendpeengoemed condltloneyourhomeoohHeoonolsoatvoyouholn bymolstureendcondensehon tulhhtsonourheo pro Forenehtochwalosssurtemlsbtmw perntlonendappltcntion FlenntngtopalmsyourPlttsburohPalutsDeaIen vyhndorWhIroisroconmrended YOUR eoMrtrre route Yourforums PAINTUh nuu esure armor NEEDS hi SUttE AND VISIT THE Th EERTRA tlhlltvtr hunterssun tumultuqu 7260254 It ntnrur zserNNrs or