krgwu avebun inst Obsidolev Is criterion To Senior Citizens Centre em the nutrient in wetet my oi otreeeudtleenereide it the wildotllethehhd enthtt at renaltlemlbd cleared the war heth ot union that lit hi tr on rey on smetndtwottmhnn thereon The lwtnta Chile deserve iton tor rponeorlne this worthwhile on and ehould rel lull lie enpporl the remain to Inlee helenee oi the money required 991nm the cluba piehn have been end by the Perk and Rooter tinnal Commission in ornnlaauon that done not part easily with tendthet an be used tor perk purpotee But the en cmdtment oi commerdel bit has made the hayview Park lea desire hreelhlnl spot than it once war there ettl atlll be pnrhltnd but the aenlor cil lune will have recrution centre loo wind will be ideal on all countt Criminals etenghtet titer our lenient courts had re tMPTIShMdSt QtIntene mentor Deitytlewt eyerettttrtaaetnoov WI hat to been bone oi eonien two ethoola ot thoodrt fin the nebntotte art oi panham The one adenol called ted action the ertmltule being trulhleet Mm ditrenrdine the rithta oi othere he heeled with the ulmort rllor oi the latte oi the coun iryandlodaedtnleaethenpienuoteon dltionaloriernteotveryineieoelMe cording to their winter WWHIEMHE emadeeiled the or or en ar that they are healoelty decent human inn who have me wrong or who are mentrellg unbalanced and dueree out er then our vindictive ructlone llea term at the country ere do tlniteEln the tint mid hm uindneie tree at moth her it inrnedegut 1133M mnepmln held in lenient in your bitty he atmtltr ottenee and had been re leued on parole alter seeing mere three yeart oi the prior sentence it might well be ed that bed the courts been more con erete to ltrevlo tint oi the tint crime the murdered wo En tn the mud one would etiil he Crime in on the torture in the coun mm duced the dnrge trotn nonapliet mun CostOi try and term to progreas in direct ra tie to the leniency oi our indeea Shuttle Canada roporlt ntlmtn 20o netrdere in 1965 we retooled to 430 in 1070 tttpe grew iron on tam in it to 1074 in IWOuSIIttIl ottencet climb ed mm 0802 in me to 9011 in 1070 Amalie lncrmd from 44551 in 1965 to 75991ii1 l97tt and on with all the In low motif arahetaettetloaeeeu nltelneurannet Innurrtnce sens Opposition rate lnenr orer mum mrtinueuepeloeerhelttndot deyhiormotegtancbeod All too per cent at the llihly we expected to he wile more Metalwor arnttieot In lberta which cert orrtwntctr no it the tee oi Parltetnent lhetthe aeieeted Vmotmmulhneit IPC ohnhneuteilpeohe hm wli he recruited nioetlllehtebeetre nterttLre not Into FT ulttlnedottrneu ngeg is are lien whip Er lotoneu moderetehatvcattodcotnoanlu ed the In puhlle one operet aatleatly lower boloee committee ea tree at at errant be We in to tee untetlrlnt alone the heart or genre nw hat Weed three model within the deience de mail etneiderettonee they treat their elotinte WWW In incidtpoaathty notth ritmnicleotcrtmindogyinthlecountryu then Wetneelionlrd my earn theaoothofthaae le it intrinnnntnv Admittedly the tntrnu limiter my my Woh Deity Mum iha noncinlanee with whldt the hi ticker eertled aawedoti end have some responsibility to ecreen pale ctrth it elm ethnottibilahlim the increeaee no be mnne ave Mill 00 CII that era will the leteet incident but modem tin notnu in lite the dirty oi the lederet yoremrhent it have been to Heir ntloneerenee ttattt rte $mnnrn Ltl lilillltPliETIitG THE news Bitterness VIisl By Nuclear Testing 5le to malntein law end order end promote MW WWW tiding erle betoeelheipan itilttrthtii tll lar hound oi terror it leedttty egot erniryenttrtuetnw take more aertoutty It the pllolt tugged llowever the otn criticism ot the foremmertie let ure to hrln tomard eytatetlon to deal expllcltt ii iii htttck ereirntnenriy at cont mintllrelr prtmery concern teem to he the nLtlr ment or lack oi it convicted ljeclt eraare likely to metre Wm Generated er mo more it the oountrtee volcln Canada int eepmteda medie Putt dull Writer error about French writer or5 get on Janerlrue altlttttloalfl oorlmeutawete oonr cu relic in on nhmmwygg otjhanihedotto me compound tnterntthnatltnriont Wt mm madam WU tula en well It undermine humeral rnenytnrartereandthreateneto deliule tmendotherwtu We phytlcel wellaro It norolr over the But he furore overteat line hum diplo mm treouurtl hrnn renrelettvety little sing to mu if militant Praia II to mu prominence in the bench pfl whiter tenth have been th weudmnwtnmn Wm Aoorreepondent tor the Parla nutrient time newtytorr tart aro tenrrttna ldnn in man my om dentin atelthely to inttlvrol lrotlt Artturf on proteeta pooled to it Mr meet eh thr Wench peeteala ea In there anteatedmml coucemod vim triplet withln Tattoo re oiled ciatFertavo hmelghteunettrhue ed aorne ent va rlertotthaauaplt about cctetn oulaltie lm which therltterited ng tittrittl the iii to the otter which mitt lice wbieh Ftettce were only able to uh orentrlrenee lrottt limit their poetlhin ellerle on erdieee til thmeir ellett on oili FW ll Iii llllio Itutlrellan commercial lnterut met with In the concerto airliner lil hytie llaiille pertonlc ylane which lntoltrt lrenth ea well at lirllleh eliti rteerinx Yet the commerdel and dlio nod tar many necedea with 11 mum mender oi rniil South Ainerira ere It more Mtwttwele the inert allnlliunt than thou withm trailnooihatrlarla me be Gaullelneoitnd greatly worried about they lent on merelanI in do port it lit nuclear activitiu on whlch term the antnlen in cmrntrlet web It attortentalai iaetti1 tettt moment however tte yhee lento oi el peratlon entry with at traat theraeldeenuiolutomede roe nt ant to eaten proved to bench othelat etrttet ngwthat emitthom theyhatehooneoniruntedwtth tidal to lteneh lelltie ihei the bitLl eat ellnrla oi the titled item weed no Cenedlan alien end Bril Hepe infinite to nal title or 1th dentnnttratore ever the Pee trie nuclear trite it lireneoiutderin thenornulinetnn We on dmtwg concerned when he liret knew threw hie attoertnltndmt at elroittlhle But beyond thlehe thornend eutelnir nntthel retee in the rare oi Melanin pollelee they dont even hm to ille their rule acheditlee lento putt computer do hm to tile tunnnttortettnnn lhdate there have been de mendt on the roternnterrt varytny lroot proqu thet compenlee he totced to introute helore coth the leeieleiuu to the allbliilaatnn thy the rmrr that the totem rnent thottid like over control at Whet tree thou dementia tom tom la the lam oi in premium dollar thet tote to ttratlva enett Thekey er ent in all do tor nil inernIoce or VIEW titre limit interline it Bafeid lteet Barre Onlltlo 1elennnne retreat Second Clue liail nlbettraiinn tiuttnee theird urn pollen ant De with Sieintnry lie yeerr lir null yt nlmeoe County yahoo yearly lleianee oi Cant moo yearly All other rottntttea unto yeerl ttotor throw oil into yearh National Itdtertlatnr titllctet to Queen St Welt Toronto 1110 did Getth Eh rnlieel llernlrer oi the Canadian lteee uMd Audit itrrretu oi Oroule The Canadien Prue it etch rely entltloti to the tile toe to out leation ot ali newt dlapateh ea in thin YIN milled in it It The duo nted Preu or Iieutet and tied the local newt pobllth ad therein it or ten duh and editorial meterial ere tithe hlftlhmilt ht lteelelrellnti line ll 30 BOWMAN tienerel lemurtlolie landed at the inland oi 0rltane on time ghgdhlqlemm ce ure he re wu MM lbluu literally true becauee the French tried to tel the dilate ahl en tire The crook Intondent Fren ogie Itroi when name led to Food he bi 1le bllott here them ill ed with end other inllnmrnehle mtteriel titrot haunt the tittot tor noon titreehut managed ea utual to pocket treat rel oi the even in ebece hour at 33 Mn men Cdytllh Dc loitche torrnteered to command the the tint but did not hate the experience or at it turned out the new The tire lhipe drilled down ertter toward the Btitlrn tteet hut Delouche loot bit we and dcterted tho Wu men oi tlte other ehtpe alto went overtolrd hut one etololii continued end wee burned to delld the manoeuvre wal outlet in any out liritlah tallora llmrly attached apyttnt boot to he hurolny or and towed them to there elvtnt loud oheert ntonttatnt end hit oltl bet it rtliaier ti in buy eitht lith Became the teyearoid iL BeHever deioated etnce ha WET tremor watched the death item ten tau let our Beau rt church and re thrilled 31on had denuded eouo try ottupplloe lie Millhl the noon til the Inner poulhle price and tinted them in warehonae in he told to King lorlla at the hirheet rprleea to Quebec wee to poem that cttiaen wrote to triend eettniry herewith tend you it hltrultt all that one If in our pretent dialreului Illllllhn orttrn worn rt ntme tiltChamplain lelt Stede noon Quebec lor llorhelea Ihtontreall on llrtt mm Cennrln tiltChamplain lelt ueboc on trip durlnl which he cot ered Lite Chnmplaln tiItGnrrrnor Carleton oh telriedalletlarrce to tiritain oi and lroouoie at Montreal tilllionlrenl iledICIl Ineli tutn became hthlIl ieculty ol medlclna rue Flre at Quebec do eiroyed Lion hornet lutilrrt CPR train lelt hlnnireel for Port lloody llttttepretentelltoe ni ltrlt It New Ireland and met at Ottawa iintteniotleriiamentlntlii Wally he didnthtaha uh MM hie not lie merely mated mootenuturttnnte it one with tantra ter one etenthoea with hlle Mime mum mm whgyher thla tree rotemntmt the ttnteheulmdeuyi Muesli leellnrt Ina two Ml yeuteyo when he tried about lh PM the appointment ot the ol Prime dumiI W5 ltlnieter ltudoeue tormrr girl Wm intro and the prime mind We rm amber ll My my lm would eey when liberai hirnloratlme towered to he interior um In Intel hltr thereil menti recent hlr hell lift my mth itr ttalt tattt tiorlt trident etteence in the Common end Moletln arenienet wilhttitl at committee the lilaable lew 1191 Tm trhentoeolthelrnttattorh ielt hie recreation where or do on the ttttt tte la in ten otter tote moped oter might in tho cent mock Milli oleoii ltht emt unttth lulineihollbi Alone with two attltt been ie7he on the engath onrerratlree their uhodttlee oi constituency tithe Igmulrclmer amwonun agetern tn thel Mumt not III mud tleltlelhiehlael liteili ptwlx problem that Mluuwmmuum tm lee el ted who level It eoorrtne rrttrt rm lined in let lm When only will threatent over an intro he netotletea llyott llndyottwelloierwli with everyone individually erad with tile petite you tryint lo hrlny ever one to tryln to elboilt ether tor the vote lhlt it one tho lava it one oi the reatona he teidonr them eternal ill Peepieeretttht Titlnoearetoheuaer