Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 26 Jun 1972, p. 7

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the III are green or If II Iorne romeo Ination Ieclor oIrlnnitm he 35 fer EER E225 PE is EE E5 3113 55 5E EEIE VANWWEB CPI tureehulnlllleu Ill In RCMPlu Huluuellnl IIlll hold IotuIdIy met no III Itno III mulled In lltl Irllcll IIII Itlomnon Btlll Ion Junte ll Ind In mmwldtahtmmmm GIrIId bleAvoy 15 Queue Ilbet IIII he uld III III II ll IIIrnIIythoJIlt the Ill IIll WI or walllled to out Involred um In Ihlch he died theo HALIFAX tcll lho lei In our yerII Ihen ttountleo oomllted mu 335 Ilene Io houn Ntthoul Power moored cpl In III the oIKhIIlonlneludlnlthuentl II IIIth hoeplt III Ilthm hour he tlnlo btdeyIllIr boy no rou lute thumb on Inlrnjtr wno nreos NURSING HOME crrre Do love them enough to zlve thorn the hetlt Illehor poor thodoor It never shut Il IIIItlng uloNtllo one It Slmeoe countyn lernert lull llneIl hellthcero loathed tVe theollenlhyt both for those covered by hoepltnllullonnnd for them not covered Ion niroturnrton nloumnr MMLCUMTADIINMMNI nIIrmeeII me memo none tee IlIItI mnnlumu PoNl entered IIIIulled Inldnl IIIILIJMIIINIIIOQOQA tlnqu Point ooltre ItIlleI Willem until the men to the bonnet It IIII Idle In mu ltlo boot Idler thlr veeIel eIthl tlre Nd IIIht we rented opponent II old bond Iero Illed Iva betIm II III ground In embed lnhmd co hotel us Canada Relations Said Good By Trudeau rtzrtrnnotun more nutty hy OIbrlI lmrbler Indemnhovobeon II In out ntoreneo to em on CPI trodo unllnn brotI em loom north or more an honour tho loo rountrlII In It IouIre rolled IIIIImn Ind rmmlmuld In the euro Ilelrnoe me on mlnltlm trled eIrueelly IIII ended It duel blend ummmrwlhtodullor Ilthout trIII helnl Iound It Mm WWW WI eebtlon In Amerlm mlnleterl lluIdndI ed IlrlltInI dIIhotrlbdtnIItIIIrypod Irrned tom too out 13mm II AIIIdltIIrIdIIIrIIIhIo Lulan the III roun told arch Called OII ennntroeto Arnn Ilo Ilro IIld CInIdI bellIrII torolIn InvIrtnIent Inuxl eon slurs or CI IIlonrnInt Ind the nountne III Ib IIIrIdIIIL IIII IIIIyI nut to InimLIhoyhzntrol the mill even on money bub the ywernnrent Ind the ombeInlnl In dolly at ca dlIII hIIIrnIde door tth In not IIItneI toretn Invert rnedtoerlod 0n Conedlnn ell Ind re III ordered III Ioureee III lnldoen run he MnubytboornvlndIl heeyellomnemnelllnun outta dooertmnl to treIt Inch mull Ihet unedI Iould hen Leel Ilnloe tho hoebltIl tilt homltolet cInIdlInAmerI ed to trIIl Inotder rope ten Ixnletlotloe ol CInIdIIn en tlnn orgy reeoume Polloo IIId the women III Im more m1dnltn Mud Wlnlnl cInIdlIn look In the energy tlIld Ibout ber IIIIIlInt SHOULD 11th AGAIN out htenythen II nether Interview malty Idr mIdIIu IIId thou Iho irhtnnlllishr lakeview lb Dunlob meter IAMILY orNINo our NIGHTS Morleyro Thundoy COTTAGE R0ll lulled Dlnnor uloymrmel CHICKEN non 185 Chlldnn nettle eroo Complete the Ineludoe Down and wonorttbeldeoetIreleIen WhItIhoItthoIIpIrtIettbe dent on Independence nroIInoe not II when Ihoqu out the wooden webee what Quebec Ind moretbonIblr mumme IlentrIIl Iletound retmnhtm It Ibleh Iould orebebly vote IlelooelnIleItlIerIIllyIIolu IxIlnrtIIeoIrIllrt normal the ormlont bee modem III ropth l1th lnIrIIo mutated hench tuIII neIor dlottuluel In numlm Ibout IIIdIhnIIIIlllIInotI mm IIrrId entlty huntho moment you IIy thI one eon dunetlth tho boundIrlII nl MI by IepIrItln Iran II II no one not the demellrh tho mobed bonndIrteI by rrnIrItlnI none llnltIQuehIe lIIder tn the Quebec IItlenIl IIIImhLV Itr IrudIIu IIId II Iould mun to ulIbllIh Ihero $mnm mm treat the trhnlll For ournole would the rel Agreed the CInIdlIn mm mm wwmm IrleI on not eternIl but Ihy my mu Iho In Ihnuld Quebece bet The repe muted Mm no em IAIIIII Ihould retteet on thI Ill IIItlI Ship Owner Files $i5n3muu DLTIIOII lAII new It both Ihlno lIrt week but IIld Iult bII been Illed In bIdoreootoInerttoreoortble IlIe DlItrIet Court by Ilndtn the mom monthr the menu It the meted NI eIIInI dIlI he been not Irollhtor Slany Il Smlth Inlho IrleSInd Stolrruhlp Ilrlt IhIeh IInk Ilter ollldlox Iltb Iblrh III Isolated to Men the trolIIIcr PIrIIr LIIoI Judge Ilobert DIMIIIIo Junenlnthest ClIlrItlIIr our the blue Woler Brldn It EARNIA CPI lho IleIm Ihln FIrher Emu Involved In Port Huron Nuntd II llolentlIrII In the mlllslvn Illb thI under rult Illed PrldIy bL the Erle Skinny 12 Smlth under the Send SteIthln Co the Illhd hlue Wolrr Brldu In tho St nun IrInIportItInn Co MIRIIIr June It rolllded Inn Deon bound oInIr ot the the GermIn veuel AnnIltItrIn EVInI Fritnln Saturday In LIII Huron The null IhIr II the lvenn III roller north othen em Ilth nu once Ind In Unlted thteI Cont curd nt eom lento An ldoetlnII Inlt tlrlIlI It Port Huron hllch re ortId Illlht IlllIIIII the III mm In dIrnIxII III Illed WedneIdIy by owner llrut tool In Inrhor one In thrrnloot hole on the mp 91 herlmlthb Mouton II the mlthe muted roIl Th urn no ErInI be U3 Gout Guerd eIIrnlner on It deck Ind Imdut or look leellmeny here the tree the port elde bonrd Ilde hIIt Ibevo the Inter The Park Plaza The Royal Ontario Museum The McLaughlin Planetarium Yours for the weekend dud Into the Park Hm Irtytlme FrIdIy And check oulInyllanSundIy lnhelwmrteko lImll lolholloyIlOnlulo MueeumortheMr ughlln IInetIrhrm Wltheone pllntentIry dllvttllillfltllmg OISI IndSundIonomtny vudelldoue mttnentelhrooklultoryourenttnhmlly Chlldren undulzuo Indudedu long or they IhIrI nitlrmldlll not In out pee on greener In other vh95uhledloovetleblllty Rmtlotumnmuywrlleorallmsm mmxruze Torontol Inga E332 51 gr in ie Kennedy Predicts McGovern Win dehrnle Intel Inert II Ilnnlll Iho Loot needtd lor rnIIIIII It the annulled Ion month moody 11le rent rpeII tor them But bIIIIII ho Cl III In the III Ind In out torrtber meet Illlnnu AIttd Ihether be IIcGorrrn Iould III th Don hemuIItlen on the my belot Kennedy reviled It Kunedy told he could it III II In tntIMII In the total lune eI Dmlnon Wool nun Mum bee been erilldIod by olbc Ilnl AIhed Ihout thII trodo nnlon tendeanmI weddrntlol eontendu II on II In tIcIl IIIdIrI would not Iorh the Meet II III Iorne Ind delenco III WASHNGNN lMIrI Sewer Mun Kennedy dktI the SonIInr Gone Govern III III the DemIII preeldenllIl nonIIIIllou nIIt menthondnentnbecomotbe nut Inelan II the UM StIlIe II Iho rellerolod la mr no or nomlnItlrIII noIdI Id Mr or Ilon Iltbmuh bI II III relortn rodIItr Imnd to III II GIIAT CANADIAN CONT snenrrm Auto Wreehm LItI Model III III Ilh Pork Ho OllltIo Goal Null Omtnrn Interlon Ktth KAN SIrvIeo concurred SIIIII Mu hm In 1th MW IIIIIII 0th out more tot II out unlor ttIlIInI on HOUSE OF BELLINI Baker button to nerve bl IIII It run It In IAIII UNITED VAN LINE CANADA urn rlllln DISCOUNT GAS one our ell prodcu rem LOCATION Tlll LN III lltth LINE Ild II KIWI Mrasorle euro ceue mt menu IIII Meow you In tIIIlId te motel Premier to tho who II IblrI II Inlde Ilttce hnl IIId the III Ind the comet IIIIrr to the olden noted Who In the healer II III Pmlm NII Ironlet Send your IIIIIr to the amt CuIdlII CubIII ldltor re III nude Bunker Itnt IIIan ttrIII II III IltlI the comet IIIIm III III LP moon by CIIIdIII IrttItI Ilurry Inter tIdIy ITth Expert Serrlee IIIIIonIIIlo PrIII Bert mom LokIrIow Med Nobel BeItIanII II Men Iut ASPHALT PAVING DIlIIlIVI mm llll IIIMMIM TIMII lull Inn IImIIlm mM ttm All AM WI WIIIIMI SELL RENT use EXAMINER CLASSIFIED ens no em Al rrnernee MI MI Iunm we mm Melly nanny II ono Ironun nouns NO llIlI1N mren XIIIAII III MINI Iure teen rum to team II nonet pnlrw ll FOODS OI NoahDIM 71H IUY LOCAL IUYIIIISH Smlthe VARIETY mm WIII em but II III VIIIIIII MIDWAY hetero IAI lrIdIord II IIIlb

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