UIt(,iýO WEEKLY eIMES, THURSDAY, MlARCII 28, 1957 O)ROlaHO) WEEK L'Y TI1MEf1 S 1_ta_________10___CT_ lWr. aind- vs. Noil Fra nc-ý Porte,, announice thP enga!gemien /of theirl _j i as Second Ch'IaesMi, Post Officoe Departmnent, Ottawa dauhte, rcy Joyce, Mr. John N OTIE TECA Waite Bai, hm B.,oy Londonl, sot Tho eestate "f th- late r. ed- Al otiuuîa L c A.Forresr PuhIiîsl r. R. C. Forrester c r.WlrBî h aeM.tCwnwtlh sold by jilcacio,ýkdtoI tN ý1i lt S2iaturday, ui Ail 6t a e r, ae e ______________ _________ _________ aiter Bil h Temr- ' .ece oron .bpSutrd ,Mac inage to taiko ho ý- Latter i t0 otiut r M& gi~ a1 P tr ed em Ani. ENGEMENT The Girl eVFoni ciabi nh~~t aall Under andl by vrtue of thiepo REAL ESTATE-BROKER .AïrdW s. lss lai ant of W bein the Ealv idi ý e . OR s_ I e ,wislih to announc the on- S ol s ta e a~. -L mortgage for sale QyPUBLIC uC VS~ ans9rmun f hi aillrBraadý,Api ts0e w TIO onFriaythe lethday of o J aesore 6 Goas nthe CNRg eto hi aghrBraadyArltsew îi,-oa u u id AprI 1957rat 7:00 o'cl o .m.by trck d' 8 ri ods On 401 highwaýy anWJinto Do adRb MLrn ut h Irl'ui Lcl ! s-J. IH. yph Jack Re-id at Durham lCoty Sal ,,âe 1also,1 ille road firtage. This farm n o rs .1 .M rn n-tecitonH eBkigSaean Arerra~~~~~~~~~ a' o 2 o.4 enhpo a aypsiiiis rcdt elte -Mr. Mi ve, oio, Ont. The in the Sun y &cho 1 Roons at I thei---- Carke (aout orene ile nst of the Gear farrji 275 acres, fr-n-nam ma-o vg 1l Ake/place pnivaely Orono Unite Chi ch at 3 o40elkOS Viiae Of Orono), lands and prmîehousel with bath and furnaco, bha Zon SurdayAspil Yoth, 1957, in the iPA..._i11 beig part of Lot 18, Concession 1, 20ij.PiCe $20.00. Ters. Chapel of Kn.o Unitd I urcli, Comne and have a pleasant after- 1 eý il "oPis Towniship OfClkecmpsng a- Da"1y muaim 00 ancs 7-room f r me Kenora. a-c Inloon'.s visit. Chas.Cy Phoae bout (mieacr and being situated a-' houso, bath, furnace, bairn 10 3ý'4, __ _ J_ bout 350 foot south of Highway No. 6-cantrlk quota.Pruce wilth stock; CW O F THAi $ T R 2, as particularely described in said and eull lino of maichinery, 3,00 Iwih tanalCO ING EVENT inortage. evnj. ns rsend andSABRINA AIR--A1 fo rý act ro- Fotg ntt Upon the sraid lands fhere is aaid D*yfr 00arsa-onsbikaîhbusfrteea an i'leraicens dypesnt y the streets. Apipiý tehoeected a lYs.-story frame housq omodemn barn, 80x,6-cari sent te mi durin .aayi Bn- ono Pae nTudy ad eehn 5 d-wbceligw0hinu1bic idn, o- si2 qoagodonaio.riean mivilMmvi Hsill As Tisepreevt wll beaol subeetbat, ithen liing oo ful bae- egg ~ ac Tn'nshjpHalat r o tainng 4roos an 2 ufinsheddoiv pamentarrnged 'spcia th ka t r.A~ F M~cenze ZSh ad Fe ayMari29t ia he _______ Forllli m-uvthor teirks dditicons-nsul bric, go-d omban.th ican!n- I MOIMrHsptl I AM divided. T ors ciai Wadg4 ro ms a d nf sed Q.C. , igro i ivn arooma ke n, p CUVIE n l o ving . F me r f o r T erk E T1 57 i h t o efom s n aae oue 2alee, apply tean th, rR. R. 'Pwn iHiito r re l . Ke-Ossvii eptd Threno,. Otri esolor e tebathenslen douleivigrt.,Pice$37l daasler,-hopegs ay 015 al CHall on 8Q)lay, Mack-etis. Briel te. 8Si Meafrs irtg'agn bectoa nithly $750 tae aydon'n Pc ice ah i lo Mardi 3 , 1948.nNedotoiillo ambera I ho in Ovo ie- On-t o, ute eisadcniin wasle R., 3 N as,2bPh n MW cn EMls OuRaI mtratnAc mi1i9>57a . 4 or EXP LOCA I4WS n. n Mrs., Foreter, ispaert ou ao e cann tîy cq-ped ofslbrattoR .Wadl QCiia g hor /event 1irtdeyltday, ut lo lisKitt-et enA il W tsg Mr. au Sner~ .C Gameyr ha e e Thurs day ubilea paty.fgilfve d e i tn te w sti vmer a llseeti of ani ex-srvie mari PhdE eMA. 0 r-teghoe foma-hlia n ier- I ds-. lving rmeeelydagies n hoe rtre nth rc io n Ll Miss laine Forrstei~ laugton f Far atd tire dccv o rriglit and î idrvle-y. Sonn. lacefrhe d eHal o Tu sdanBo7ene; Open Kveulgs anda Sundays N. I M STEEL is being f1~ nlot have be most every PRECIOU' n' 0,of e material well- ith t steel there could ýdess. For steel is in al- is steel in the modern chrlschool hosital, and col:Iege, and in makd-ý-g and preparing of ail building materials. Tlhere is steel, too, in the weapons of with--.out whichi the peop~les who dlesire tain ieace soon »ri>uId Rose their freed defence,~ to0 m a'ý4-_ Stelco5 as tlie lai proud of the paý the J.-velopmen-t evening next, April 2nd, at 8 o'ciock. a-pj Au TION SAL 'the underýsi e(d has received ,1- structi onls fro Mr. J. Veenho Lot -esýsionis >south ad 1/2 ile est of Courtide to sef by Public ctïin at 1:00 p. sha p o au ,March 30,n 15,vlaemac ey milk cows and dai4 equipr'le required fjîinterchnng'e of -pus ho tween No., Lockchart's S [oo1 and No, 8,AnIli eho f 195 7-5 8. Accom-moda ion for tw 't pupils. Tenders rec ived up te April lst. _.Alma . Bowev(n, secty. Çia eéTown ip SeÎholA OROGNO OTICiYl,'"t L SPRI .MEETING Everyone is rged to at end the Hoiticultural r-eting in LO.O.F. Hall, Thursdlay, p-il 4th, 8 p.m. Report of Con. ention.p top pic- tures of beauty" spots n Ontario. Lun-ch, door prizs.Smp I,-,, admission to cover expense1 Wuh lier you a miember not, mne 1and at 8 .m. Enter t h sellinz field! Join a PROGRES j!E GOMPA '- Fil o r part-timie aeents miake 1RI-GE EAR-. NLNGS ýsell n ~seh d necessities, toieli'ie a farm sclaties. Open- ins vail einyo s,-rrounlin.gs. Whot'ever ylu may' ive ask, foi- de- t es adf cata gue. 1600 Delor- ii-mier Dept. 50 S bon C. Montreal. ~Buil fingA il e? or reii odeling 7011? P sen1t aoe FI yd W oi1son SAre Yp '-Proiected Agai9st 'ire Loss? à --ZI Orsi inura eaiioyo ~ prtec~n ag St o~s.Ch4 c 2:00b i n.;6:30 tS80Mpn Sundaýys and Wdnsdysby appointnlmn iy PHONE 1471, on a d rnces k' TENDE roomls,.hy ro, 3- property, cari be ose Apr l5th, i' tende not nec- Cori/ Ihone 13r7, IVSERMVCE ,aranteed ,.3-3883ý ERviesCo, O 4 ario Insura ofce Src iance is r-eprlesen-ted lin -our, office. Tilîe fol II," av SOmle of the 11I1 main ýver'ages We Can 1 -Automnobile, Life, Accident and Sickneqs, Plate Glass, Liability, Fire, Barglary, Hoptallsalks iLivestock,.-Boiler, Wsnid, Polio, xI ail, Fldelity Bornds etc. ORONO PHONE IR16 FIRST MORtTGAi'GE LOANS Leroy Hamilton PI1REAL ES,-TATE BROKER I ANI) -CALL US FOR ESTIMATES IIARRY E. LYCETT Phn33 R12 ORONO - ONT. Eairstroughi F EE LESTIMIA ES li y Prtnei TYROINE M.3-2240 O~onoElectric CONTRACTO'RS PFOR- APPL.IANCE SALES - ORONO DR. R. J. TGAk VETERINAR..fY SURGEON Veterinary, medicines, biologi!cals and insltrumnents, ethically dispen'sed. PHONE 10616 ~. I ORONO, ONT. LEGAL Lawrence C. Mason, A Barrimter and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT, Phones: O0ffice MIA 3-5688 Homte MA 3--5558 JOHN RECA, e A Barrister, Notary Pbi Phonie iMA 3-3292 Auetioneer and Valuiator Specjalizë iFarm and Furniture Sales Consuit me for terms and dates Phone 5 r 18 - Orono TED JACKSON Autitoneer andi Valuator Co11ducts Auction Sales of ail aims and at reasonable rates Comasunicate with hlm at Peti IPerry, Ontario, or see his Cierk. A. X. Morton, at Orono» for date. LJFE INýSUR'"ANCE Pensic.a Plans; Educational PolUclesa Protection and Savings Plame fer Children and Adults; Mortgage la- urance Plans. FE. LYCETT 1O0rono, -ont. Phone 11711 STAFFORD BROS.- 1Monumental Works Phone Whitby 552 318 Dundas st. E., Whithy FJINE QUALrI'Y MOINUME NTS AND M1ARKERS Let us eec- dg imfedmonument over lte rust- lg Place of your loved &e&u 1t'. Dot expensive. And -aeeing tltis last tribut. wiii gir.. you endels cmot The RUTTER GrA J' COMPAI Piin Turner 5-5216 P-..%Bx 62 port Hope, Ontarlo -Monuments, Gravemarkers9, SEngraving, Goldleafing "Bny direct amid S'ave vmiuo BRAL ESTATE FOR SALE Proporties sold, Rentedà Managed anld Appraised R7a8Ete Broker ýett phone 2566 $wat%0 SfTwo blftlm flarth of Tl4tfi4,i.h STEEL 0 AIFRD TOPhRONTO0 N, ..Zo!-ý