Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 28 Mar 1957, p. 6

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"Dear A R-Hst. If more wives woul -ý epjj'ôi practicing hlal the charm and wit they used ta land thecir man, I prab- pliesy the divorce courts would be only liaif as papuilar. "Where is the vowv 'for better or- for worse' to-day? Womea soom tai see marriage as a trial afair, sbmething ta senid lack if it dosn't suit fthem. It is af- ten a sliack for a bide ta learti how ittle she knows the man she mnarried; ,after the haoney- m-oon lie shodcs lis cýlaak of self -righ-teausnes8 and dest roys the very dreams lie cr'eated. That noed not lie, if lie would u-se bis comm-on sense,; practic. ing kindaess, courteiy and un- selfishiness, and using lis imag- ination, can perpetuate the l- [lusion Of iappinieas. "M,ýy liusbandwa an only son and as spoiled as usual. I started catering ta him-, toa, and I've neyer stapped. If I had't loved him so, I couldn-'t lhave" done it; but lie praved worth the trouble. "I arn an outgoing persan, lie inot. f played on lis van-ity and lhis ega, and soon hie beganý getting a kick- out, of his suc- cess witli friendaci. Today he's a grand hast. UISED TACT "When aur chlîdren came along, lie was violently- jealous iUatil I bualit hlmr up se f ast in hiown estimationt that jealousy died a natural deati; 'lie lias neyper daoubted siace that lie is monardli in his awn home. I set the younisters the example af reapecting hlm, and it worked. As a result, !we are a hiappy family and each one lias stuirdy character, -yet is considerato and appreciative of ail the others. "My husband is really grand'. e2st persan I ever knewv. When we married. I tva- a wi!d--w ao 24 and lad a wayward young- ster af five who wvas a handful.Tlie Treasure a! n filet crochet Je- sign - one -,-o'll be pi-Ducta dlisplny as an lieirloom beauty! Make lIe bavely scarf ta deca- rate buffet; enlmntch2ing -place mats. Pattern, 525: Chant, crochet directions for sean! in 3 differ- cnt lenigîbe, mntchiing place mats. Send T-IIRTFY-FIVE CENTS (stamps cannot be aceep)ted, use postal ual for saf-ety) for this pattern ta Laurn 'Wlieeler, Box 1, 123 Eigliteonth St,, New Tor- ônto, Ont. Print plninly PAT- TERN NUIMBER, your NAAME aud ADDRESS. Our gift ta ou OI- twa wa-i ilerful patterus' for yourself, yaur hlame -p)rnted la aur La ura Wleeler N(eedlecraf t Book .. .Plus dozenls aof tr nejýw desiguis ta atder --cro- chet, kuitiing, emliroidery, 1raýn- oins, noveIties. Senid U 5 ents for yaur copy of 1h ,booký NOW - ,wýih gift patterri, prnated îlu it! I-HRST man camne to love 1oJtfianid lie straightened ouCitnly boy throughl underst andfig and dis- cipline well spiced 'with love. Haw r atefufl I've always been! "hat a pity a girl doesn't know the power she holds over the man. who loves lier! It in- volves forgetting herseif, de- voting energy and wit to ukeep- ing hinm physically and enma- tionally satisfled, and centering her ovwn life within tihe walls af lier home. Any girl wvith a head on lier shoulders can use the talents tlie Lord gave lier - if slie ants to. 'II have alWays liked your colun, and y,,ouir counsel isý sane. Vou know human weak- nesses. and you don't advise the impossible. 1 get a real kick out of it regularly, perliaps becausc you sa -often agree with mec. CQNTENTED IWIFEL» 1 wish I -ilit have printed *your letter in full; it has in- *sighit and mucli wisdom,. Yes. *tlie wîf e is largely 'respons- *ible for the success of any *marriage, and as Iong as she *realizes hier power, she can *keep lier man at liGme and * iking ta be tliere. I salute a reader [wvho has practiced wliat I have tried for nearly 30 years ta expain. _ WANTS DATING PRIVILEGES "Dear Anne Hirst: How cani I get my mather ta let me go out with boys? I've been asked' out enougPi, but she tliinks 16 's toa yaung ta date. IFm so un- hiappy 1 don't want to live! "I've no more privileges that if Iwere 12. 1 ûm allowed ta visit girl friend3in~ the after- noon, but have'ta, get home lie- fore six o'clock or Ihere la a scene, and scenes nialke m% se sick 1 ?an't eat supper ...Cari't yau helpme Anne Hirst? MISERABLE;* *If I were your age, I wou-ld *turn over a new beat and de- *velao> what aIder peoplecl *asense- of responsibility. that *would imnpress rmy mothrs *much, she soon would t rust1 *me entîrely and anywhcre. *This means acting yfiur age. *Many a 16-year-oîd is mature; *she shows- lier parents that *she has good judgmnent and is *wortli conifidein4* Placed îin' * er. YouI cani, tao. *You -are aId enoulh now ta *learrn to do the marketing, for *in,;tanice, take care of youir ù w~n roamn and your clothes. *Ask your mother ta give you *soime household duties, and *let lier see liow wel ou han- * dle tlieni Soon she will bei *seeing you not as a chld ta Sbe watched and dsciplined, *but as y&uLng womnan wlia uses *lier liead, conitributes pleas- *antly ta the family's life,, and * tands shoulder -ta -shoulder *with lier parents in everything affoctingý the whole famnily. *This systemi works! *Remnember, ii girl doesn't ~' Late" boys. Tliey date you when tiey see you hiave p grx0 U nougli ta ie in- * trestJrng. ,~ Youi'll be -mqzed * liow soon yaýuwill grow sip Sonce you assume iresponszihuil- *ity' and learnta be lielpful ta *your parents and sser.Try There k, no vwisdom l ike that born o-Lf experience. If you have soIvecd a diffiuIt situalloil, tell Anne Hirst how you did. and h-eIp 9ither traubiled toWkivho faces the samoe Situation. Ad- db'ess her at Box 1, 123Ei- teenth St., NewV Tor-onto, Oui NEW IDEAS IN BRTSH BAGS - Here is honidbag, news~ for the mole fashion world. At Mflefi a "'travel sling," designed esý- pecially for men on vacatiori or a weeýkend in the country. Whethe9r this item wilI replace the worn Yvallet is debotable,1 but men will have to admit that its cpacious interior is ai practical solution ta storing tlheir many accessories. For years women have been jamming incredible amounts into their purses and'now there îs a bag, right, which will hold practically any- thing. For proof, Eriglish film star Susan Baumont smiles prettily from her position inside the six-by-twa-a nd-one-hlaIf -foot leat'her purse. But lher companlion mnight flot look so gay if he had te carry it a di3tance, The items were shown recently cit the Leathcer Goods Industries' Fair in L.ondon. ~)NGERFAR Things are happening again tii the Clarke familyý! Yes, indeed. Last week we wvere presented with another grnndson - this timoc by Joy and Bob. Tird grandson for us but the flrst âd- dition for ibmn. We thaught e litile girl mighit have beeni a goocd ilen buit someow wboin the laby arrived, boy or girl, il didn't. seem ta malter.. How can auy- one lbe other Ilian happy sud ihankful if bath tire mother and baby are ai1l igît? The baby wiglod 71/A pounids, lias !uzzy fair hair, a nice lead and look., liko lis father. His everyvday name wîl lie "Rass"ý - what lis ful name wil lbe lias not yel been1 docided. LasI Sunday we were loaking for them ta came in. Whea they,Î 4-idn't appear I phionod Oakville abýLut 8 p.mn. and received île- news ihat Jay lad g-one ta lias- pital that tuorning-. Bob, nal- urally, was very murcli at home(, tiakering ovor lis televisian set wbich lad giv"n up lhe gliosl that very day. Wudtyo know il!" said Bob. Anyway il gave hlm sometbirig tIodo - nd plenty of tino ta do it in- as Ross did nol ariive until 2am Manday,. By thnt time tbe TV lad alo me tolie Paniner and I 5"ayeet up until 12.30 hoping ta g9,t a phoxbe cal', %ve dd' get it se w-îv wfnrt la bed -- uneasy but quit. enti tînt Bob would plane about sx It wa,ýsn't six but 3 *ü'clock wmhen1 lio phoned. And appareiilly he wvoke- or nýeiglibours but nat rus! Vie must have leen doad ta îleý 4tvor]0çl. We shal l e a longwhe livijng thal one down. Netho'r o! us will ever dare ta saiy again we can't sleep aàt nig-hi. At sïx coclck the plan- did ring and 1 was ont of bed urid at tle phonue before I reaised il wasa neiglibour's ring, nat ours at aiL. Our- call'came throui babout li]fan rt our inter, Sý lliat's tînt. Anotlersuim lng little bit a!fliumnnily -ta0lay olanm ta île odds and ends o! Witting n--nd needlewdvrk çthaï, grandma lins been worklng ait during the last tw/o mantheý. You know, Il is n great priv4l- cge being a, graudmother. Atthîe hospîtal wlien weý were permnitted ta look at the babiesirug jass windows anrothfer grand- mother said Lütahîe nurse fon dut .-"l1h aI ight for grand- fahrta camealgte?""No, P'm sorry, ouly the gadolr are alowed neaýr thenuey, Porgrandpa - look,;1Mke yen jusi don'i couni lin the, baby kïingdomn. But your turm ,,vU corne. For instance I know Partner liad a gerat time last Sunday taking David and lis to- oggan toaial the lest sldes on thse fiarm. That, o! course, was e weelk ago, naw a. grandfather wauld have ta le a magician to find a snowslide at a1. No white ituff left anywhere - itist bare ground and a few patdhies o! ice. such .drastie changes la the weathier. Well1, aur aId farmi is dying a littie more every week. Yester- day lydro mnen came alaag and felled the willaw tre* at the gate. Quite a lanzInmark. Truc, there wnasn't mucli of it left as Hurri- cae azel took awlack al t wlien she wvns on the rampage. But Partnor cdid ual wnnt tle rem-ains taken down thon a wýillows have *, way 0f grawing aýgain liery qu-ick1ýy. It -rouLld have boen a ni-ce looking tree this spring, now graw7,th hiding the old scars. But appnrently the hydra end departmient of bighways thlouglit otherwiso and sjo tle Irelias gane. Thero miust haýve boen quite a lot o)f wil- lows, when this place was homne- stended by- the pioncer McNabb !am-iIy as tliey calledi the farmy "Willowvbre". Incidientally the Crowçýn deed bears île date 1825, zind tînt wns several yonrs after the McNaTpbbs ttled here. No dioulit the first home was a 10g house but the house in which we- are now lIivin-g was built in184 of hand-prossed brick, the wll being four bricks deep. Lef t ta ÀIef I suppose hins old hause wouald Still be standing long after sub-division bouses havîe given up tle gliost. The palished pine flaari*ng is one and a hll'î indhes thiclk and there is an oak beam lui the kitchen 14 by 8 C ches lu widitliand dpili. 'The to chimneys are six feet widie. -One lias au open heartl with tle original crane still there a.n which thie coaking enuldron use.:d ta lang. And o! course many -! île original trees are- stili here. Thej hydro mon wauted te know U! tley slauld take downi the ancient poplar in front f the bouse. Cut it down, imagine -that! A wonderf!uL old< slde tre hat las slieltered four geni- erations o! McNabbs, <even be- fore we camne along. "hIsn' ýcoming .dovwnowhile l'inliere, saijd Partncer. To us ea buseý -,itlh0ut trees à like a pýi4ce -wtlout a rame. Ancd where thjere are trees there %* ircs. Since thisie wcwnt el kidài à£' ird ha et~en f119ing arôund, Yest(êrday Parnner saw-- a croýw. TIis marning h. ac- tuafly saw,, and heard, tliree geese - flying law and makzing a terrifiec noiseý, evideýntlyý lost. No robins yet but aur bakler re- ports having seen quite a f ew. Early spring?1I hope S.Plenty of sunshineý, dry winds, plus road grader.s, and the back con-. cessions wîll soan lie better for travelli n g. Wlien tlie day dawcns brigflit and clear as it has taday do't you feel like singing - "Oh, what a beautiful marning, oh, -what a beautiful day". Per- laps we can also add-"-Ever-y- thing's going iny way". It lielps ta think sa - even if it' isni't! Odd Happenings At Auction Sales "Gig"warned an auction- oe-r for the second time. Then witii a final, "Gonie!"lie brouglit down lis !hammer. The result was amnazing - a iviolent explosion wvhich f lung the aucti-oneer back against the Wall as flames licked up it, and the terrifiodl onlookers tried ta strug- gle out of the building. Eventual- ly thirty-thrýee were tfikea te hospital, and treated for cuts, buras, shock ai-d ïninor injuries. But it wasn't tlie auctioneer's hammer that detonated the ex- prosion. A mnan lad thrown away a lighted cigarette end which landed li some imaa- malle paint - witl explosive re- sults. Tînt took place i a Worces- tershire village. In Dungannon, Ireland, there was anl occurrence almast as remarkable. The nuc- tioneer was busily shouting "Go- îng . . . going . . ." wlien lim assistant suddenly disappeared. Sa did practically the whole crowd of bi"dders. 'The floor liad given way and tliey illtumbled inîto the cellar beneath,_ screamn- îng and rhauting. Luckily, al- thougli aa lundredweighit of nail, and a pig-feed boiler dropped on top of tbem aonly one was badly hurt. ï Amazing thlngs certainly liap- pen at sales. "Onice;" an auctian- eer reports, "two m(en were bld- ding against eaeh other for a bureau, It was a nice piece e!f wark, but the price went up and up, far boyoad its value. I found aut the reasan later. Each bidder hnd been told 'conifidentially' that the bureau was genu~ine Queen Anne arîd net a reproduc- tion. MY client dld well out of Humour is fouad at auctions, tao. "I remomber putting Up a cage o!' tamne rats," said one auctioneer. "A man accidentall'y~ opened the- door. The rats sprarlg out -- and there was pandexnon- ium. Men wore shouting and yeling, women shriekin 'g and clambeing on ta clairs. And a inongrel dog which hadi strolled i added ta the dia and the ex- citement 1" Then there was theý donkey wliicli an auctioneeýr was putting under the liammer. "My man started ta walk it up and down ta show, its points," hie told mne ruefully, "Thon suddenly the animnal gave hlm La sharp nip on the arm. Witl a curse lie drap- ped the head-rope -- and the donkey went berserk. Ife chiarg- e. dthriioui the crowd, scattered 4688 14 M2-24 Va SEW-EAt Look at the dia- grain -- yoil can whip this Up in, jiffy time! Propeortianed ta fU Ii mhorter, fuller figure - n alter'ation worries. It'sz a flatter- ing 'round-tle-lause dress; or summer sundress! No frilis ta fuiss aver '- launiders in a wink, lokls so prettyl Patternl 4688: Half Sizes 14t'k, 16½ý, W'2, 20-12, 22½.Y-4,. Size W/Y2 takes 3ý, yards 315-indli. This pattoan easy ta use, sim- ple ta sew, is tested for fit, Has cemplete îllustrated instruc- tions. Send FORTY C~ENTS tstamps caninot lie accopted, use postal note for safety) for this patern. Print plainly SIZE, NAMIE, AD- DRESS, STYLE NUMBER. Send order ta Ana Adams, Box 1, 123 E-igliteentli St. New Toronto, Ont. ISSUE 13 - 1957 IHANDY ART-Arfis-t Paolo Weissi shows his painting at the f ir4 llinexhibitiaîon f native surrealiet art in Rome. The work displays o bush of femole hands risinq from snaky roots. bidders in alI directions Tlhey cauglit hlmi later. But 1 fltlyi- fsdta have him in my. saýle agaiin." Rather different was the story ofl a rabbit. Wlien the fortunate purchaser came ta take thie ani- mal away lie found there weie seven more rabbits in the huich! Not a bad bargain. But there have been othiers f ar better. lu. Ipswich tliree bouses went for £25. Then tliere's the case oe Mrs. Hodges, of Worcester. Sh. went ta an auction, saw a piano, bit a shilling - aiid got it! "This is anl alI-time 10w," Commentel the auctioneer sadly. Wee>k's Sew Thrifty 41 £4ut4 wlvet

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