Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 14 Mar 1957, p. 1

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~r. Vol20ONe. ORONO, 'ON\T., AI 'C H 14th i9,57 Subseription $1.50 per yeai~ DurainCo-cp 'SaIe,3 Rise' erno nihr »A M A R R ETfMc KY 'Educati-on Week' Ohserved pi ~ ~ ~ -inn ~4Ii Tlie fuineial service of Anna Mar- WV 4at Gu s Plan N ew A lz '300 M ili ~The Afternonu xilary of W. MIS.1 garet Mr %rvas held in the RencdlW.Wt ue tS e k l ~an ~ ew~ ~o.~V.JJ IAII hed thir eg'larmeeingTuedayUnited Church oni Wedlesday after- ______ afternoo1.110 Ma Urch 5, ini the Sundayi ý--lrmeigTeca February 2Oth. Rev. Murdo M.W .Wti paigt h h~a aain prt$OOê On Thuxaday at noon mmbe3is of projct mwas, lhe stated, another lmar- Shool .Autraimnof eU rnted1s.M.W .Wat nsiakigt h Clain pet$0f Chuch.Aftr ajrino 'rudeby '~S tilesOf Beave to'n, brother-ii- geain~teOooUie 0 ~be nilqo.Ti mui the Duirham Farmers' Coiinty Co-op-,eeA of this age and when com-pleted, 1 Srt. 11s-1 law of the deceased, £ond'ucted the congrcgaton oSu theymoing pited 000 inhaer dlovi Tiseen or na. àerative met in the Toýnis'hîp Hall, t'seaway will 'te greater thailn te mo pened the men i t ra-1 ' sei nSiicLYiio'in oitdcul aepceddýevnyo Orono for their ninth annual meeting' Suez in distance and wilbring into ler. Mrs. S&hauffler capably çonç1u,-,ted ora.taMrs. Ale Foseras rtha'toi srtru e utizi'on stefinsnatg f ure rdnweeenayshos -and Banquet. The main auditorium t.ý- ifterior, of Canada ships front ail lfthe worship service, the themè éof' rastadMr.M j' fort h iiisniizn~o a' aueCnda cities. Or if channelled in- %vas packed with mnembers -and friends over the seven seas. 1which was "The Whole Arm1101oro y heLr~m hahr,11to the existanice of'an Objective fortotelclaai wudhe i ý,who attended. A delicious turkey M.Moe ttdthat we ere Qod". R togi h od n i oýatwssn.ln.Ro ejlf ihrVnteattainment of the Durham County share of the four linnier was served the .gathering by foitunate 'because two-thirds of the the streng-th of bis miight." This w,ýas (,er was bon at Tèeswater, Ontario imaterial pro-sperity. The educated flgh Sehools for- 28U years. the ladies-of the Kirby United Chuirch. world go to béd impoverished and based on~ the fouiýth and sixth chap- a_ýdid oved wîvih ber family to Tor an, lhe said, î ll have beeni tauglit Wheni we ant findk enough mon- .Mr. John Stone, prei3ident -.of the that only three out of ten people re- ters of Ephesians. j to ugh sho o e w aa1 er es, paSh l ,lohve adütl austandaiir of val- i édto thightplaes to e ,t tsai Co-op, acted as chairman f'or the prý*. ceiVe enough to cnt. Canadians, he Dtiring the busines ?eriod the.us- of the tiie 'in MUanitoulin Island, ,e vhc i] ss il net only inl'epokr -gram andi business session of thé said, were uamong the thiree. As Can- ual -eports were given and various where she had a severe ilnl e hich erlnas nibsis ife ut ileOt cf te pce h unue mreeting. Mr. Carlos Tantblyn intro- alians me tare faced -wth a tremiend- questions diseussed. Tho second Tues- g - ek wih lwei eart. av-[i ena!vind ietinstoplic utal- cOnesfthe ct of thieawaysuiand duced the head table, directors Of the ous duty, lhe laimied, that, of looking day in May mas desig-nated as Ik]l;'iewLf aekhar.ngýigdrctooplbL a-otstecs fT gvaayad Co-operaftiv-e and staff whof operate afJter others less foitunto o h ngdyfo aes of relief clothîng fairs. The educated muanit bc, en- quaiz programas, and thecilo tr the local Co-op). he feit it wa-ls imuch cheaper to feed anid beddm, 'Sý evei al miore miemiber- She was married to Roy lVercer -93 couraged bo becomne an inistrumllenit, spiralling into tents of thousands of A word of mwelcomje to the 1ninlth an- [th o i ow vrather tha iliit for- thiem hp'eercie tefloigyasao She was aiuntirigwr hwvrhmli uligGds, iliars a perf oimance. lt is nothin imal meet;ing, was exl)re(ssed by hv a n noncmnsmce fthehechrc ad omunlity ad"ing"dom among ihis fel'low menl. sor.oidconh atoay lovd nd esectd y al he ne M. Wttwasinite t bie 1 lpt ,anofodic u e sca tio Whenwe preidn< lwo poinited out thnat thel Alr. Mo(ore Lsttb-d thaýt there was a a rd 1,. 2 I onfýerence oeanrsptdibalwokie, M'.o h uit C-opertive lad coiiluded a very "greait need for- more tholghýIt andaBanii t.Adew hrli lier linbevneo]dctonWe tbçm mfcinl nesdwt u sucesfn yar~wthan nceae xispriualawkeing crssCa a î. Dr. LnSec. of Caneraui Coun- the O ono UtedC hrc. The,"prin- fhorse ard bgymtosof colleeCt- sales of over $40,000 from ,laist yeýar','Todywehave so imuci htit ct ciMisDooh aso fCetal Tepal bearers were, Ge.orge Mer- 1cipal Of Lthe Orono Higli School ad-, 'axs o pyfor, atoilicage amuntinig to a total or $ A4,0'. M.smeie beorine a littie dange-rousý. ciAs Ln1s1 fcIta iueVeýe, Stone then stated thiat the Btdof1esîdtn Cndas ltbeogB are d rs. rag f oino CraAturMrcrsBue ecedrsedaCaait onrgrtonschostenw wl rvmpor a1 IDirectors lhad, durinig the yeari, ïfeit it ondI g to churici for i edont aefrniplsekes rnc o'rn impoINooaiMca h sekrifitd'ote a-aio ytm oaarifrti oe ilcccssaiy Lo expaud the Co-op"ratiten we are l'f)obc'ter than th1e Gûd- salways aniillispirillg experiençean d a rvI teýey cnns alnebew eteconomy - a I(rgum)1ent th eat sesweci s raiethese spý,akers are, ail outstanding ited esd idimta ir r retmn ît~î soîve the problemi of ~and bad investiga'ted t~e possibiîîty less nations which we condemun. tug People il' seconidary schools educaion fnan-escson or at a ma.ých of placing tumo silos at the localiii Mr. Alvin Blcmett thanked ti theirfed Left to moura lier passing are bier ivh-o canniiot mnake us.,e of the- courses inter date, we ar~e nevertheiess con- location. ssial foigcud1sekrad etta r.Monld Mri 31 s ou"anual W 3.S. hu-s1;iiýanid RoyMrr sDadni offered and tbue argumient continues scious of that funklamental faetor ilot.be found at the present location lef t wit.i themni message which they Church Service mben Rev. Flo)ydiDo4niie, lUr mother, ,Mrs. Neil -,Vtint theey shQ(uid' be out atitwork miîsob ud s îttu d the Board n rad i rese t l the ive l u c y dras o f fixan d olas hr. -Hote sser M s.-udo M in è, it te pr ges f h s ai b v -a opp oly d th tis a es of land oPmch of theslaen the ti loçluCkyr-wsoedolas(Evejiyn) of Beavertoti. theabuity ýandi would alsuo caeto betiaI, in fact, for'rtman's progress to-~ board bias the plans for thc nemv Coop ecd were then drawnvi and %vent t April 29 me are hpvinî a W. MN. S. ia ninatie1al burden on their familles, vards bi,' ultimate 'destiny. To speàk bul.gnd these werec on display Messrsl. Clifford Swallow, Jack Faloily Supper Pariy wicn C.G.I.T. and cominunity. Mlr. Watt statd thisi truth mitI oi-,ctioni, to «X n~t the 1mieeting. Tie extent to whieh' Stapleton, Gordon Powers, Mrs. Roy &dEpoe rusmiie rmn rei! xedtir Tthat thera is nothing sacredabu1 iidsptll iub>&fta ~this new project ean go, said Mr. Tennint andi Mes. Wm. Bickle. Six with W. M. S. Miss Constance Wagar hall vtptyt>hrfml.teaec1ccriuu,1cwvri tn, dPends on the backing iy the bags of Arc fertilizer %vet to Mrs. o)f Trinidad illiie a ith us for this T~emr aybatflfoa specific vocational traininhg wouid het- ents andi neighbours, Uynamic Living. Agricoan arer o hedsr, trîbutes. ter fit a student to earn is a a ineniers adi famersut th distict.M. H. Staples.thoccasion.t itmas isa a hefj MIr. E. Spry gave a brief outlinc of During tie business session of theocsn. goide tomr Tmparitrm t n theeng onunt proideds i Vis tratnigthe o the growtb and businessý' of thc Co- tmec'dllg tic board of directors recomi- It would lbe a .odie oia fi)oayitreti h ag"ý;iLnt rvddti riig rn i Uirvrsý 'OP during Vie past six yaars. In thea mended i t bbth co-op declarea a3 these dates on vonr calenldar, and Vault, Oronuo Camietery. Every clrild,_ hi sald, neeas instruc-. pas tre -o------ Vheilange, ion towards somèb vocaional goal 1 the o-opladpaid bac tothe cm-tintü they also pay off -the 1954 pat- Drummiionid for transportation. "Itr etSbiaV i pthe irCeop arsaed ckt'mngr vdn nVe196bsiesan eepo-Mr.Cobeîc rMr.__ _and me should not nake flashof oeaee arnaFi beri asumof 600 nlaPatronage roae a i asThscaredb Sutton's gronp was in charge Maters Of Jîterest [isciîssedand fo,, of another. Wc are nrovid -___ dividends. Al bans have heen paîd, motion. Mes es. Carlos Tam-blyni, Ms ing for some studcpnts, mc ought Vo be "arn arafu c oel off and the organizaVincasa onKnox and Orme Falls marc el- c i tuyan t a natai iAt BIackdok VlDSffl'osset.TcpSps o epngpabrimaes is aper ac aoeo atig x~s b nîyieesdiko. mslereHaaere icsso a x le tsrnagaèeIo eFeartono$Ariulu e ntainnd Tjïisa epe sg- p iay, pre1Çs taeadi by ie Oron, venlesuofta$tial alasarce V ei edoarB on, P theBordn . abyof elt freorematralse Eihypupeateddta etngdvdia n tcscit umhc e rTahMei 8ian 9h poi'te et tntw lleinrease rctulring directors wmcm Messrs. E. With ber mail, coioured pictures and filh laVie csil as bes -avedxpriecedVied 9 i 1Vpicturcd anFexlaiedl dveslantimed Mr. Wynt. Sci eyp n p~oc b i r ati-Se,ýpisid that TheColasd a00. I ta theaned iiaw <f isusio and fascinaVtug cojntry, sncdsurely thbe Farmers n'on hcd at BElack i w a iomakasure th t.il ietyc-~~i AS4t.ni 4esc onpiied nmach in the s mIcosti l ic- néigbbourhood ot $65,- vrnapeet m nchrtnng -er,000 aand Vt tihe Co-op hadi approxi- formied about Indodinia Vlan àax ei- Clarence Allia ut NewcasVle, Presi- Éprocess of éducation. Without V il spou ti& utgedibytVils populair 1eas.fore. dn ýteDranCut eea ,u.I 96teOooPaesse !M.Evert l-Brown itroduced Vie nirately $2:,0'01Javail'able fortVils Dro-dt of i uhmCont Fdr-procass, lita in n democracy becomies - n.l 96teOooPaassc guet pe kM. 'iNran lM4 oect. Tic rcmiaining $45,0O would Toamstauulsogn er 'neosVruhVemb ~ cesstully presented "Dcar Ruth. ' ooeThrewstheusalsngngae-lebee f hesmpsmm rdaneor s tgtion, ob tQ1Sbiasa ugtro*hefm Publie Rel'ations Officer of tIe Cock- have to ha subscribad,b!y Vhe tarmers bd, and the 20 ladies pr-sant re- Mibr Vi ~~mo i imedi oor abrnais dugterofViefad shutt Plom Co., Ltd. or a boan taken out.poted55cals.ciaffcrrofLth Larab sWioau lu bis address, Mr. Moore pointced________________________________ platfornm marc Mr. Ed. Summairs. Ag- i.vat mwe know,ý they must hava, tien* tggrn rici and geateel. Brilliant' toteVinany features mbich mnada ricultuu'al Rapresentative for Dunbani mc shall :bave to nccept 'a rahudgcting ad duaeSabri'na cones home Canadia'as a mlost fortunate peuple. ~ e Maniseil Stacey, Agriculturai Science of our national incorne. Ha stated atter fixe ycars in Paris Vo discover Tic materiai progress by Canadians, iion .3inllair R~elate teacher at Vie BommwnanviIIe CoIlegi- tint there lias been criticism til H igi thnt sic is stillinl lova mith Vie el- durig te pst ne hndrd yarsaVe; Elmer Scott, Chairmnan ufthVe Scliools heing constructcd as cdu- dest son of tic Larrabeas. Once home bas bêeen, lie said, astouading. Young- dclIeviemC-poprehmsct 0fl ()fi_ýo cus teyo ,g_ ~sVas tony ardl relizeVieliar- , lOfS I UI'j'¶~$;~ County; and Carnet Shields, Ciief that. it mas wrong Vu spcnd tic ax- hr it tc i utbýbcoeIder s a sh uavihmere 'evidenced une han- Assessor ufthVe United Counties. payer'is m noney onu attractive buildingsthpl, eoisfre cnIîad drd hips ao.HaeVu - ii_________the__tel___ o bouse a school. Yat -me pay tic bill tic putba ome atrtersompliat drhoed yeVs ictapoile , Viee- Oe wolindred attended tice eSted In ouea another. Ha statad that On Vie subject ut Agrieultural otier phases -Nhwie buthnVe pro-'me rnia a~criva sephadune, ctriaty in farmn tci- Libéral Dinner ieid in Vie Legion tiec mission Vu Russia was succcssful Trands, Mr. Summners interjectedI con- ducrt and bai-e referance ml\as made t oloeSb-nartnPis inary as only a ft cofuthVe gréat;ad- IHall, Bomnianivilie-, on Fiday a ven- I miti a complote axchinge ut scieni- siderable humor ln pointing (;ut Vthaï;e'Gold(en Mile'. Tic speaLker mas Tbirouughtichefour, amusin'g acbsVie vancs driu' bb pat ta ycrs. ing and marc greetadi by ticir local' tific knolcdge ln tic fishizag la- Viten(; ut agriculIture la ths 'on-Vnth o maadwoc1i dfîulisae ýv Tic, control ut d4fsses througi M.P.,sýjobhuM. Jamtes, Senator Fraser dustry and also ilaVie piýoblem-s ty is to more, costly Imecbat-izaitioýn have spant tici'r resoures and ca,-lTccs r urnl rcial scece has lc*i,,tienedite ad bein Nelson Oshborne, maye)r ut Bomman- mbvich are -, ntsinusr. ndVolre oe speciýaIizetI 1crgýies in tic(anmeouta progriessive instrumenpltal 'lu providing Canadiannaviille and otticièrs ofthVe Bomm-i-anill eeVeMnserpitdb n~ fani.Daspibe omer tarin incuma 1civilizaionii. Our mrtmli ahva olinrg iiit reinrsai1siin n iigiast standard ut iberal Association, ereo itercA;stg ite.ts t Rusia enralyseafn etrni etswr utmnummamodeavourtVo prasent Vo t'ie Publie, -teststViardsecond comedy-iai plyayntut biginintcalfIbra. Sawon rine living ineViecmrdFlownng turky1dinarbtc gat- as a maeshis tru Vs is s a cmaefavuurably mti otier maited but by tiosýe who aceed t ic Fair ba met ii ccbe.ssun Vie Candinsar aso urunte le jerinig wals adrsdby Setiatorion. T i s t ofts, iasai, nerat-rnhsofidsr.ahleg nd made tblem m-ork out. Nmark sý n(tge nd itI thé' msovie sad ecause Vicy have mu ao nFraser wlio spoke piaisingly outhticbMr.evarsdid he iad.lard tic ur" soli(!dti ouation, Even biongi onlymofutJuh inaes la tihe ouse a enmc n it ae ra fc O i ujc tArcinn d- 1tînt education massomuetiing ic icesmi b nsl Vl ek fou cetures ldGaadais om ttaa ad i estatin i u on0"tic streats ms ey iti a amuationi,-Mr. Stacey said in part tinh ccuddamils tili geVby. I a d dtic support uf Sabrina r e c o g al i z a l i s a w o r d l e a d e r .h a b s i v e n i s o n s i u n s i D r a s m n o p c a t e T h i m a s & g e a t s n c n y % u t V oe g ac't n o uV l s d th s k e a md ir .i i î o t c u p r t o t i u ,The speaker urged thnt we tAtI unrbaim Couinty. lle stated ta i.Cr tinti Mr.uet ic Oty31 cths riuj;ij hs hesetrcniidteeasotesýPo.to ouhu c i i d e n V o s t y n i c t ri s a d l J m e l d a n e n i a l e r e u t ti n c o tr a s t V u C a nl a d a . r ai n h i g b s c bi o o l s a xv e r tt an d e d a g m'a s n e o rt Ig u t o n e y in N o th ' a t i t e s s p o n r is dy ý th c A til ae t ie t, ýrei iat st o tie u is get a O t m n vma l a m st ilig enlt H a spoke-ofut hbbc hotel m er t cy ric!u ibuLral oleges.. T ic teac ing of A n rica. lin t etic Vn d ys b aore' A s c ai n t i c ci bes a sd t Vo ta k e n a rt i i o k e a c m ite c an d e on o th ia r sta y a d i n ý osc o m a bi u g )eV ie Vi- g icu t uir l sc en e a s d efi utely couuty. pro jects. brn g tag tms blîlt but need ed. Ticsheti gvna p Mr. Mloore spoke ufthti untnp'pedl Tic guestsear for thie eveniag, unie ear ago. Mrble predomniaatedJpeibo and nnderstanlding not ~I'f ~ meati ufthVie nation and rcterred ol Hon., James Sin1cjlair. maýs introduccdIthrongirout Vie building, Tie exiibi-1only ut otier maitliodis but other ,' "~ LIIJ~ L a n ~ r e ,bci o,-mails in Vie mest mhicb iu Vo tic gathcring by AMr. Robert Kent, tion grounads mýas annotier spactacuj-'phIases utagictture VtnttWiich m ill pruduce cnough ' or our om presidaut outhticDurbam .LîbanlA a rii mhilci comiprised ut sixteu en isYpsdl i oeevrn To PIay Il e F j y gh use.la 947Canaa podiced oily ij sudation nand bere mas lene d tin t greatbuildings nd tae oalmet %ise. In ý),17 Gtydautractiontanddagoodthockey meud ont ut Ibau barreis ot il used inlatic Jami-es Sinclair mas a resident utf fa1rm Wiîci mas uscd chiatiy as aniLl ~cantY Jlu 94 hVe country lmas BitsiCoubia, a imemiber outheVia ttraction for visitons Vo tic cauitol, O b uje e iOrpfdFo i isttiei er rauwracdteattandance tintho ma warnrig over VIe ic t4o r'Huea Otm o 7ras niTic Minister spoke utfVie Moscom eii ln v.Sote-'lei itm isVse ot Juiorhckymanpesrt b u t to d y Vey a v e S te ep ro ci an d p rcs ca Xtly 'M in ister o t F ish e ries. U u vc si ly m ic m a 32 sto ry i n,, tli c o v er u mn e ut la n m u ld i d eal sol- ti r a u i r a e I C ; W l i g on S m s n m a it r o c l -Lia Uganda tindsmuIchpats Canada Inlabis address Vie Hon. Jamtes SiS.he-ight nnd Imýd an, elroimient ut al-y iVi hospitalizatiou anrsn o uir tbclclael nF1,igo sh etdVrau ii ia tie axput business iu Vils con-'clair gave a giluipse behind Vie 'Ion 22, 00 stuidents, This University, lha medical services sncb ns tcDna dyerig Oainrdau it îe u.s les met ofBotDe m u d b y H a s o r e e r e d V u th e r ich i fC u ta in i u g v iri g a s k e tch e t is s a id , ma s s o l y f o r. s c ie n c e a n d C"neCn -a r t v M d c a ' u e se n i i O ls g m a n e an d f m n y n î d a is ,e n e . G r a i .aiminm dpolV 1t iVtatla n-1tnpVoRUssia. lHe Poioîbd (oit that gineeing students. Tiare is a désire vices monud anedd obaear t broulgit back tiiougitýs ut formrer iesu hadtrtinRoi isCo.ubia and hebanciha mondersai- anaada mas Veth( igetetfs-frkoîciei hsnVdn.Teesria nqieat.dys bnognzd ockay mas West s arde pckiL ,ta i Rt e- ticangn ofy thVe Canadinengin-i ing- nation outhVe wndandi ha, dur- is lu openation n ban year joint Pub- playedi at Via local aca d bcohrga1mssoa , lecrs mbo ncversad rivera, unnelad ning tic--past, beau conserviug Vieil' lic anrd Hijgb Sahuol system lanuper- On tic snlijeect ut Equalizad Assess- Tfic g ep1.yed oen Fnidny nigif), aryTleoper ga ere,1ý tlrough n, urountain and moaetsig ilcsfrfuecupigain.Childrii start sahool at Vie, ment, Mr. Shialds sbtad that thi ment Vo Welliingtou and mas tiair Artr ae1 oh lydl building a nom city '01ue2,0 onevtoh aibsbcîea ag e ut 7 and if capableý continue until cotabiiedi assasismant liie Uuitcd 'second min ovar Vie Gruau Juniors i pepe i ~Ls'ac emyjInterjnai problcm and lu VIls seven- Vie aga uf 17 mien hey go VoWUni-Counities amiountad Vu appruxiaately 1in Vihabst four ot ut fsevea serica OroOon FidiitJ h, meather per- N 4" '4 s '4 4' '4 '4 -4 44 4' s 4' '4 -'4 '4 4' .4' 4' 4 $ '4 'N '4 4' '4' N N .4' N s 'N N s N 4' 4' 4' .4' 'N 'N 'r N '4 4' -4 N s. s N 4'. 4' N N s -4 N '4 4' N -4 'N N N 'N '4 s N 1. 4- '4 j' N N '4 N 4' N 'N 4' .4' '4 "4 'N '4 N -4 4' 4' .4. 4' Ir. N 4' j' s '4 k '4 '4 s .4 s 'N 4'

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