Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 7 Mar 1957, p. 7

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'N A Drlvlng Test Timat Made History- To get a steam engine the-' Stanleys wenit to an ongine ji'maker; and for a suitable bolier fbey consulted a- boilermaker. But not until the two parts were deiivered to the Stanieys at their shop in Newton, Massachusetts, did they realize that they had a 750-pound poer plant to0 inounit on a lîgbit bugg-y framne they had pre-pared as a runnmg gear. This boxlike framne had 'been built in a carniage factory eatering to the nieods of the horse and was, as a miatter of course, equipped With a patent leather dashboard to which a wbipsocket was atta-ched. The bicycle WlIeOIs oni ,,hich ail this weight was imounted tvere nover intended to carry anything boavier then a mnan; but the twinis were willing to take a chance. So they put a iiatchi to the pilot, fired up, and wvatched the pressure on the steam gauge. When there was ne explosion tbey decidetd, af- ter due- consideration, to give the machine a test. But ai, this point another probiemr camne up --noither of thie twins hiad ever dlriven a self -propeiled vehicle, However, the control of the sýteamer is sim-ple. Open the - throttle anid it goes; close th-e throttle and If stops-thl-at is, if you remember to put on thie brake. A discussion enisued to, decide whe, should dû the driving and iresulted in the dliscovery that thnwas onie tbing inwhich the tWins werû not identical-. 1'. E. Stenley had more intes- tînai fortîtude than F. O. Stan- ley. F, E. aswiliing te take ôver the tiller, and F. OU did nothïng te discourage hlm. They realized t]hat this first ride might, mise be their lest, so they de- cide& to teke it together. They tlimbecd 'gingerly into the vehi- tie and flriy settled theirî - derby hiýts on their identical heads. The meutb was Septem-. ber, the year 1897. The ai a it biank to be filied in by the gtonoecutter. Witb a tremibling hand F. E. LFrippied the tiller. As ho siowly ppened the throttle, the car be- gan t.o move, w ýhistling like a teakottie and Ioaývlng a littlo Mwhite cioud 0f Taper behind, As Vti-y - eirgecI front the alley aoxnewbet moerapidiy then they hdintended, a horse, hitched to, e produce Wagon standingc in the street was so takoi- luy surprise -4hat, without, waiting to hiear his mester's 'voice, he gave a sudderi leap * which tore hlm looso friDnm the wag on and ran four miles be- fe 'being stopped. The horse reacbed Newtonvilie Scjuar.Le f ar A ahead of tho Stanley Steamfer, a feat thet. was flot dupiiceted by cither horse or automrobile for several years to com-ne for~ the Stanley turned out to be a r- mùarkabiLy speedy car. __ Fromn MFill'er Up!" The Story of Fifty Years of Motorîng," by B3elemy Partridge. _____ Q. How cen 1 eliminate the dlsagreeable odors that soute foods leave I the kitchen?ý A. Place a pani conitaining vinegar ou the> stoive and let ii AGENTS WANTEO IF YOU are not muach of a salesman, but cani gai along with farmners, you cau make $80 - $100 per week rep- resenting us in your county. Write the Manager, Box 328, Milverton,' Ontarlê. GO INTO BUSINESS for yourself. Sel] exclusive iiouseware producis and appliances wanted by every lieuse- holider. Tiiese items are n et sold in~ stores. Tliere la nto competition Prof- its up to 500%, Write immrrediately for free color catalogue wiih retail prices shbowîi. Separate- confidential whoie- saile ip rice iU lbeicluded. AMurray Sales, 3822 St.Lawrece otreai. ARTICLES FOR SALE SCOTCH and Auistrian Pine Sçedings, sýeed freim selected trees. Mlurray Ketchabaw. Corinth, Ont. BABY CHICKS 'OXFORD' Approved Chieka live, iay anGd psy. They are the resuliaý of thirt.y years of careful selection and b)reed. lug. They have to be good, because we want the very best klnd of chicks for opi- own flociça - big,' vigorous and eariy nmaturing. We have four pure breeds and four crosses - Columrbia Rock, Light Sussex, White Leghorn, L-400 Leghorn, RI.R. x C.R. - R.I.R. x P.R. W.L. x C.R. - R.L.R. x WV.L. W1 e -e refolder. The Oxford Farmiers'o Co-ope ratilve Produce Coul- pany, Llnilted, 434 Main Street, Woodsiock, Ontarlo. FARMEIRS are usually fussy with theïr sýeed buyîng, aiming for gond nimarkets - good poultrykeepers arec that way wvith their chieks. Chicks of br-eda- sund crosses that produce the ms eggs from 10ow overhead. We have the chlcks. Bray Hatchery, 120 John N., 1-amI1ton. IN a perlod of 10w prices for al segments of the Broll!er Indusitry there la aý tendency to cut corners. If you can, buy 10w pjriced flrst gen- eration) Broiler Chicks. OK, but al Bcroller chicks are not lirai genera- lion. Miake sure before you order. Ail Tweddle Chicks are guiarauteed,, firsi generationi Indian River Cross, Arbor- Acre whie rock,' Nîchols No. 12 cockerels. Caitalogue. TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES LTD, FERGUS ONTARIO WE pay up te $5,001 for old books. Catalogue 25e. Americain Book, Boomi 301, !87½ý' Queen Street East, Toronto. COI NS WVE BUY old coins. Senid 250 for speclal Iïsi and coin folders. Collecior's Centre, 187½ ý,Qucen Street Es.Room" l01, Toronto. DOGS BORDER Collie pups availabie middle February $5.A, C. Seabrook, R.R. No. 2, Dorchester, Ontario, at Nlson FAMMACHINERY FOR SALE NEW Hydra-flex ýP T O bydraulo chiaîn saw 42 blade, 20-fL.double bose. Regu. lar price $3751 Special price $260. New, oln No, 80 wire le baler wt engineC, used very lutile, perfect condi. tion wîtb bydraformnatiobaleteso control. This reach*ine cari be uaed for stinur alng if esiredl. w rice s*1,000 - our bargain pri-ie $1,395.' H AWý. KCEN FARM EQUIPMýENT, Arkona, Ont. GRAIN GROWERS * DO YOU NEED SEED? STRONG, strawed, ruai resistant Car- ry nais, highiest yielditpg in, the On- tarlo tests each year for, 3ces-- tive years, aisan Rodniiey. Simcoe and the joutstandlnig st-onig strawed Herta rcar- ley - alan Brani Barley, Mnntcalmi, Selki-k wheai ad ther standard Tarieties. Write for price lisi s and dlescriptive Illeratu.re. Pla ce orders early for the grade and v,,arîety r1-i ,quired and specify we to be shipi3ed. while our gond supply ats. An analy- sis tag oni every bag we sedi of seed grains&,VWe guarantee the purity germinatIon, quality, pedigree anti satisfactioni Alex M. Stewart & Son, Ltd., Ailsa Craig, Ont. "Tour lPedIgree Seed House - sow the best - oui- 34eld the reat.- FOR relief frOm piles use Certifled nie Ointmeni. Tube wlth a&pplicator e1.48. Enclose cheqùue o-r money order, Arrowe Falcon iCompany, 4.525 Grsd PRO YEN REMEDY - EVERY SIJFFERER 0F RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEIJRITIS SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY, MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 Elgin Oftawe $25Express Pïepaid. SrOMACH SUFFERERS TRY "ÇGYNO 40001, MONEY BACK AGREEMENT. GYNO "4(000" Scienf4fcally comipouind. sdui fl lhelp sonth stomiach irritation, by nieutraiizing the scidity wblcla J ofien responsible for ppor digestion, AcdDyspe£psia Hearibtirri, gasinres, sud klndred other diséomfonita. Solti ai leading DrtiL Stores, nuie mouih i-eatnient $250, Mail orders C.O.D. postage extra. Gyno' Products Reg-'i, 5 Wbites Lane, Ston)ey Creek, oui. PQST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISII the tormieut of dry eczemna rashes and wveeffing akin troubles. Post's BEzema Salve wlilnot iïsap- Point you. Itclug, scallng sud humn- ing eczema; acuie, ringwormi, pimples sud foot eczemna will respoud readily to the stainles-a odorless iniment re- gardiess of 1mw stubnorn or hopeless ibey seem. Sent PosÏ Frac on Receipt of Price PRICE $3.00 PER JIAR POST'S REMEDIES 2865 S,.Clair Aventu*Eaes TORONTO OPPORTUNITES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BARGAINS ilu magazine subseripiions. WVrite for free liai. Free prizes to oOur Customers.-laydou.PhtlWps Mgzn Ageucy, 585 P0ortSrnUUth AvenuLe, ftings. ion, Ontaario, IIOMIEWORKEflS! Maýke item every womaui wants. $5.00 heour possible sparetime. 25r brin1 ga details. lHobby Outiet, -5713 Merii-1n Street, Los,1 Auigeles 42, Cliforniia. MAKE more MoneY talnig imagazine subscripions, flew renîewals, gifis. LoCw rates, hign cmisin.Fori' l .1par- ticulars wie Kaydon-Phillips Mage. zinc Agency, 585 Portsmoti Avnue Kingston, Ontario,.4vole PLASTIC FOAM (Flexible) Sensation,1 new crafi aeia.Y carin et b>eautifuil gift itemis or demire ibis maierliW to or local hobby gop ai a Profi. Denostrator's.kit $1, Posti'pald, I{IDDEIL MANU FA CTU RING C.138 Danforth Ave, Torouto. DE A HAIRORESSER JON CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Gi-est Opportunity Learu H7ai-dIresslng Pleasant dlgnifled p rofession; good wipsgea. Thousands of scesu Mlarvel Graduatesý Amrerica's reateýtsi Sstem' lllustraied cataldog re. Write or Cal MARVELH DES GSCIOoOLS 358 BleoGr Si, W., Toronito Branches: 44 liing st. w., iHamilton 72 Rideau SC., Ottaw?, PATE NTS FETHERSTONHAUGH & Comv p a n y, Patent Attorucys. Esiahlished 1890 600 ivýersity Ave., Toronto. Patents ail couintries. PERSONAL $1.00 TRIAL offer. Tweniy-flve d1eluxe pers"ni requiremients, Latesi catalogue lncluded, The Medico Ageucy. Box 22, 'Terminai "Q' Toroncto Ont, Very ist Use 0f sootliiog, cooling liquli 5.1. .Prescription pstie i eiev:ê twred Éic-caused by eczema. rashes scalp lrritatîou. ,chahiing-tlier i tch troubls Greaieleai, stainless. 39c trial botle rmua catisf y or muney back, Don.t suifer. Asir Tie spaciotis cupola atop the old Georgian miansion comi- rnands a ' view ecross the upper reache,, of tLhe broad bay end f ar down the r.iver. That, in feci, 'was its pur.pose. You couid post yoursolf t.here.. perhaps equ.-ip- od With a long "spygiaiss," and await the iong-expected homne- coming of the ship inr whichi you. aud most of the i-est of thetwn wore interested. The 'nr?rst was both material enso to speak, sentimnent-Il., Fifty orsxt of the townsfoik inight posses shairesy" of the ves. -sei's value. Dowýn yonder, jusi beyond the foot of the broed eim-shededi lawn that strotches from thOe Pailadian portico to the bay's shore, she was put to- gother and, to the accompnni- mnent of suitabie accleim, sent into hor native element, thence to roam-, the Seven Sens and meake mnost of the ports thereof. Posbl t was a Pendleton who c5ii»miandced bier, ormyb a Caý-rver. or a Coicord, or e _Ross. But it mïiht have , beer n of a Ot lon iîro of'! iler master meariniers of Mailne, the captains couragoous of a littie toWn on thev Ponebbscot that confidently ceims for itself more of tbemn thi aany other elong a coast wbere. so it is said0, overy famil-y had et least one of ils rmomrbers ai sea in the grand opoch of American sal, the era 0f the fifties and sixties and sevonties of the last century. But the distMiction, that be- longs to this Penobscot River towvn, above others, is that uts proportion 0f seefaring monwh were et the hecad of their eaul- ing was so large, larger, if the damis We-ll-.fouIldedthan that of any othor New Engl-'and sbip- ping commuity. h wes the 'town of the captaïis." Its tradi- tion was of the proudfest. Its wox14..enircingships and the.ir masters conistituited the aristo- crecy cof tho sea. This is perheps Li baughty boast. But it isý no idle mie, and. if youi are skepticaI, it wiii be stran ge if the records do not convince you, And they are here thiat ail miay s00, record,, in the fori- of models and haîf-mrodels, pnintings and pbotographs, docu- moinnts and log-boooks, miaps and cbarts, letters and di'ar)ies, and ilï the parapherne.ila of the. son, sorted and ciassified. and con- viunciingly exhibîted 'ýiipe of the mosi remarkabie rraritlimre mu- seumý nis lu Ameîca, the Penobsçot Marine Museum e t Searspoed, tOwn of the three bundred cap- tains courageouzs.- Three hundred and more. The. phojtograpbs of mosi of tbemi are bore in~ the mnusetim, clear end welli-preservod, witb tbe details of their seafarîng lives and thoir various commiands, these beingc ships bI4ilt not alonie on the Pen)obseot, but all long tbe cý.oasi, from Portland to the St. Croix.. They were stalwart metn, do-' to shorten saili, som-iething a master mariner of Maine was always reluctantu to do. Hfis two mates, "'Mistersc," regard him doubtfully. Certainly tlhe ship is Commii-encing te labor. The mnaster decider' "Fui-I the t' galilants, Mister," he eddresses the chief officer, and M an in- stant a stentor'ian, shout defies the roaring of wind and sea. "Ail hands fu!ri t'gilants!" And the mn, led by the second- mate, spring into thle rigging, ciimb the frai! ratlines one by one, over the erossireesz a hun- dred feet above the- dock, and line out aiong the seg«ginb foot- - opes, whiîle the m-en below Inose halliards end man clew jines. Most of the three uundred captains were famîiliar withj ail the ports of ail the sens, Tlhos seas Irt their variedc and varying aspecýts they knew as wý IVel. Whether, like yon3der ship "on- tering the port of Gonoa, May ý00,11865," under fil sailim in a gentie breeze, or th-at l ll piunjging barque hv-ounda u4per foure-to-psàïfl "in a tofhadoý Off the Plaîte, May, 20, 1870,"' they were cooi-headed inP calm- 0Jý storrn ,,their rosourceful-ness neyer failed themn, thoir higli courage nover feltored. Thiey were mrasters of ships and mas- ters of rmen. -- by MNarc T, Green in. The Chistian Science Monitor., _____ "YOU were very iate this, m nig"said a foremian to a faector-y Worker. "Yes, sir, lI'm sorry. oe- glept," "Hoavens! Do you sioep Rtý home as well" -wa7s the emyazed' reply. Why suffer agnnilzing atill pain wheu relef la asauýred ai ýjaaliex- pense? This new reinedy is brewed like tes. Defermnitias wllunit e cured but, the awFul pain wil lessen sud finially fade oui. The forml-jýa wiih tfl instructiprimaledon receipi cf $2, -__ - E. A. SMiITI4" 590A RoehinmptenAv. Torontn, .Ont. I enclose U. Mail formnula f0: N A M E - ..-........................... ALIDRESS..................... HYDROTHERAPYI Drugless Hydrihct method osed c-f, fectivelY by thousands. NEW HOME TREATMENT AGAINST ARTI.RITIS, RIIEUMATISM AND KINOREO CON- DITIONS. High znd Ilow bîoo0d pres- sure, kidney and stomnach disordars. Complet., Permanent instructions. No ehemnicals usedi, Benefits guarant ecd o molley beack. $3,00 cash or M.0.In structions Covar vous- famiîy perman-. ently. THE I4YDRO COMPANY F,0. Box 44 Dunlo, Pennsvaa B LA CKH" MEAÏRDS Doni't aquceze Bachad adicve ugiy Fcars -dissolve theni with PERiOXINE POWD)E!R. Simple - Salfe-Sue Classthe pores deep down, gving your ilcin vtl and chann. At yu 'Iruggit. Results gaauedPuce PEROXINI POWDER SAFES Proieecivotur 5BOKS and CASH fi-oui FIRJE and THIEVES. We have a sz sud type of Safe or Cabinet for any purpose. VISUt us or write £or -prie. etc. tuDepi -J.&J.TA'YLIOR LIMITEU TORONTO SAFE WORKS Chavr, Sth pn Cha-bovrg, .uealsoptoi Cebh, UVe sofl -fo Ceh, Uvarp, oo -pt CIs"-bpr. S"tompo HavreSplontpto, "PGGY-BACK" RESCUER -- Speedy alid for shipwreck victim% s the o, im of this novel Germqan rescue cruiser, in North Secs service off Bremnen. 'The lifeboat in foreground is normcslly carried in a weli t the vessel's stern and con be launcheçi -wthout delay even wiîh ship traveling full speed. Great OId Seamen Museum Recalis I ERNIA - SAXONIA ISSUE iii 951 PERSONAL HOW TO REOUCE A NEW ides. A niew waY. Amazlug resuits. WVrite for detaila. Box 130-8', HYGENIC supplies for men. Oui- con-. ridential price lisi ento 0you-by mail lu plain envelope Fîrat Clasa, Mail. ln. clude name, age sudi address, senti te RAINBOW SALES 171 Harbord- Sùeet, Toronto. SALESMAN WANTED Local deaiersh.lp wltb exclusive tri ory, Une eof Canadian made domee- tic sud industriai water sofieners. Thit Is a direct seling projeci fr soen havlug ibis abillty sud available on pare, o)r fuli unme basis. Write Water So'fi. enlng Equipmren i Llml'ted, 112 Mvanv;ille Rd., ScarboeoOnt. STAMPS WANTED for Cash: Old ýPostage, Stamnps, Stam!!p Collections sudi Ac- cumnulations. Aiso Old BuAttonssu1d Si-ings -3f Buttons. Writfe Box 537> Milton,, Oiario. TEACHERS WANTEDI TEACHER wanied imimeiately for Shlnîng Tree Pulic School. Salai-y $2,3ü00.Fîfieeu pupIls, grades i e, APPLY, siatlng- quali.fications anti nname of lasti Inspector. Mrs. Audreyý 1Moore, sec.ýTreas. Shïining Trac, WANTED WANTED Te Buy! $l2.ý0 s- $20. u p for Clildreu's mioney banks in any cou. dition. Odd <wth movlng parts.> Othei- toys wanied. Describe. Williug te pay lu. advance, Rsaymouid Lonig, Pearl, 'ilinois. ISEDICIN toblet s taken @<cçO#ding te 4ieci 4u asfe w0y te induce a*.eP or quet ie e "Ile10 "IlntesIl*. SMOKES FOR CANADIAN MILITARY PERSONNEL serving wilh the United Nations Emergency Force in the~ Middle,Eneî, $IÈ. sends 400 EXPORT CIGARETTES or any other Macdonald Brand Postage included iMalt order and rem.itonce foi OVERSEAS DEPARIMENT MACDONALD TOBACCO IN(. P.O. Box 490, Place d'Armes, Monts-cil, Que. Ibis ocHer la sublecit. oany çhonge on Governnient Regulcils.a CUAR'S1 *SYLVANIA *CAIViIA E For your next Trip to Europe- Go "BIG 4" Taking six'-days from- Montreal, Cunard's "BIG 4" provide unexcelled cuisine and service.- eterteinment for every taste -. accommodation . featuring modem refinements. --~.' These magnificent iuxury liners, <--- aus:atfl4....flJ..o me arges passenger fleet on the Atlantic... a fleet which sets the highest - standard of ocean travel. SPRING SAILINGS VESSU s-es NEW ORK Fs-sm HA8AX SASxcONIm - A. 8 So5..MAS. 9 IVERNIA - 'hurs. MAS. ',4 Fi. MAS. 15 QUEIN CELABETH Wd.MAR. 20- BIANIC F-I. MAR. 22 CARNHIASot. MAS. 23 QUIEIN MARY Wed& A, 27- SCYTHIA Th-. . NMAS.28 Sot. MAR. 30> QIJEEN ELIZABETH Wed. APR. 3- SAXONIA Wed, APR, 3 Ilian, APR. 4 QUESN MARY 1 Wad. AFR, 10- CARINTHIIA - - QUEEN ELIZABETHf Wa. AI'R. 17 - BRITANNIC Y/d. APR. 17 - MAURTAMATues. APR, 13 - QUEEN MARY Y/qd. API, 24 - &UIONIA - 'ilvetiNlA-- t /I lasot o Qcbeome, svhng ?0maskpssnet Y/ad. AP'R. 17 FI-L APR. 26 Sot. AR. 27 See Your Local Agent-No On.Co Serve You Botter Cor. eay A Wellington Sts., Trmt*. Ont, SM. 2.1481 ~- '-' S~1 . CLASSIFIER ADVERTISING 'N N 'N N 'N N 'N N N N N N N 'N N N N N 'N 'N N 'N N N 'N 'N N 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N N N N N N 'N 'N N 'N 'N 'N N 'N N

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