Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 7 Mar 1957, p. 1

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w VoL 20No. 1 ORONO, 0."T... MA-,IWH 7th 1957. Subseription $1.50 per yeai Dvr. Vivian Unanimous Choice As Ccnservative Canidcatel The ConservaVives of Durhiani Coui-' ty uuaninioumslty iese Dr. Percy,, Viv- !an as thein candidate Vo 'contesf file Durbaniî iding l il evhomn Federai elecfioa. This cliaie wa inadie on Tussday aighf lunVile Towni- ahid Hall, Orono by a capacity nui-n- ber well repnesenting file riding ef ])urham. Dr. Vivian, wlho fenmariy ,represented DurhlanmCounty lanfle Provicial Legislature fromn, 1943 Vo 1948, mas unopposeti at Vile nein-ý atien for a candidate, Vo a gain ser-ve Dr"uCnunty. Thie opportnnit, efeit, coulti be reaLizet if team worik is ful etablish-eti a111( Vhsl oi-ganization, se vital te SuIccersS is cavrrieti ouf. He stafedtfiflat hs cause cf Vils partyv was a good oe, suni anti sensible andtirVh general public,lils feit, were leokin.g at i hping for a change at Ottawa. f ýeeteti, le saiti, lue wýould rprset urban fj or as long s Vie peop)l îs wihed 1. Tis, couiti net 1hav( Iel t hs c-ase !bfor.e. IThe initation to M-Gi! awe sb- Tlhe nomination -if Dr. Viviain ofmedu hno.fo headtt Poirt Hope was nmoved by Mr. Wm. !l i hdbee injied a adoto t Austin of Port HTope andi seconded by d.1 his best to look after the sick, Mrs. Il. Heyland of Darlington on he alduu)on to do(L o. ýVWe Inprsnig Dr. VNiian's nae s hi ad o eah idical situdenits, a candidate, M1r. Austin out1lned thei, future doctors, it wssrchn quaifiatinsof his nomninee arlid tejwîhh cu 1trfse a14,h -active pat which hc has played h ig', ed as cMiiter fealth of1i),the the Conservative Tarty. M r. AusIn I i Ua GveImnt I ut'CI(On ti iuled pointed out the sincere interest dis- ns th embe for D ihani tl198 played by -Dr., Vivian in thereogn ization of the Conservative Asca r iincamdta hnswr tion ini Port Hope in thie 19-101s. Dr. now differ.enit an<d that coios ili Vivian .started bis ~se as a ed he world and in our country were ,cal practitioner and entered the pol- such that every p)ersýon shuiake itical field ini 1943 \when ho represent- as great a contribution as possible to ed Durb-a;n <ounýty i the Provincial good govermnent. Hie state-d thaitlhe lieuse. In 1945, 'le stated that Dr. feILtbtat health, the wel-Ibeîng of the, 'Vivian had polled the largest major- people i not only a matter of good iyever registered in, Durhami Count . nmedical care, but also a miatter of Wlifle in the- Prov-,incial House good social and econoImic conditions Vivian bcaue a cabinet IMlinister and in daily living'. Theref«r)'e the appli- tookr charge of the Department of cation of the broadest concept of the Heali andi Welfare holding this of- training. le had bati as a'doctor, was flc~unti 194 Wlen h accpte at be prepareti now to serve politi- position at MeGili University to de- eally in the field of governrnen't. This, -vlpa departaient- of Preventive' he said, was aise the view of his pres- M-, ncTe. D)r. Vivian resigned as a ent employer and f romn whora it was repreenative of Durhiam County in' cesayto obtain leave of 'absence 1948. for this election, - iMr. Austin peinte t t numerous Dr. Viviani stated that there are -positions helti by Dr. Vivian andi re- basis of the Conservative .policy erred te, lis diigence at Montreal which are in compiete disagreement 'where bis departaent at tihe Univer- fwlth the way in -which. the govern- einty hati International recognition. ment of this country is presently bce- Wewa aso president of the ontqrio ing conducted, lie said the gevern- diiio d the Canadian Red lCross jnuit ýf Canada came into being by and tihe speake~r claixued ' hat such the direction and agreemnent of the projects as e ~Ganarn'ska, Coutyrovinces of the tinie, te be a uni- Heàalth, Unies andi other. sùeh adaïn- fyidug gent and serve the interests &tratiQýi coud be traiced to Dr. Vv f the whole country. Today the pol- Ian,. 'icle. of the w,% nt gevernmnent tend Iii his acceptnce e the nohmàtitot set apart these provinces, Ottnwa, Pr. Vîvian spoke of the oportunity j <contir.ued mu page 3) 100% Attend Evening 'Âuxiliary Pot Luck Supper Served On Thuirla evè.ning. Fehruary '28, Auxiliary, Mrs. Drummli-ond, spjoke a arournd 100 ladies gathered in thelfcw words of congratulations and Sunday School Auditorium at 6:30 go wishes for the future, to t1he to 'partake of a plentiful Pot-luek Eveing- Auxiliary on their birthclniy, SuppeLr. TIhe occasion -was the Birth- sInd aiso during lier ta'll madie three, d1ay meeting of the Eveniing Aulxiliiry mianouncemenitsz A balo is being pack- of the WM'. andi their guests were edý foi- Korea, new or dleanl used, nmembers of the Af ternoon Auxiliary, ltigis mot urgentiy needed.1 me-inibers of the Anglicaný Ladies Aux-, Mrs. Drumimnd also announced the iliary, ,GJXIT. girls andi their leade'rs,; W.M'IS, Suniday service to be held on the Explorer leaders, Rev, Johna Kit-; Marc'h 31t twhOen Mr. Howi,ýett will chen and our quest speaker, M. ethd speaker-.. On daA-pril Seýhauffie-r and M.rs. Schauffier. )(;tli there is tQ be a Supper meeting The tables were tastefully decot'ated for -t1he W.M.S., C.G.I.T., anld Explor- ,witli crepe paper streamrers and sPr'in1'ercs when the speaker wýill be Miss flowers along wvith an abuindance of Waý,1gner. Mi-s. Drummiond endcd lber food. tl by leading the gathering in sing- At the dlose o£ thfe suPper ail ing "Give mie Oul in niy La-inp." 'bowxed their headis in quiet mudita- tien led hy Olive 31illson, the presi- Borothy Watt favoured witlh a dent, piano solo. Hyma "Breath on n'e Breath of Mrs. M. H. Staples offered best ÇGod" -was sang and Olive spoke awishes to the Evening Auxiliary on few words of welconie, after \whiehi,,their- Birthday and' recalled incidents îninutes of 1ist meeting were rend 1lin the formiing of the Auxiliary. i andi adoptéd, roll calli madie andi Dorothy Watt, leader of the Chirist- trensurer's report gvn ian) Stewardship group then took Hiilda Tamblyn gave a very coin- charge of Ithe meeting, leading ln the prehensive report on Vthe afternoon i devotional. Ethel Carleton reati the session of Presbyterial lielti at Whit- short mieditation on "Brotherhooti" b~y at whielu tinie the speaker was Mrs. which was the themne of ths eeng Taylrur. A report on the Evening se,;- andi Margaret Araott closeti the wor- sien -was give~n by Aima (Mitchel,the1,ship 'period 'with prayer. pekrat this tmewas IMiss Wagner1 Joan Vagg, on 'behaif of the C.G.I. of 'Triniidet wlio was ;ery interesteti T. girls, thainkedth le Auxiliary for in 'C.G.L.T. w.ork. the enjoyable eveniing. Irene Murray, If, was announcedi that arrange- on behiaif of the Anglican ladies, alse ments had been miade te have Miss thanked the Auxiliary for their i- Dorothy Pearson speak to our Aux- vitation. ilaya Ir~ 'at twsdcdd Jennie Norton gave a very inter- te make it an openi meeting, on motion esting, anti amusîng rsading on "My by Jeannse ç;tgpl-,s andi Margaret Ar- Fînanciai Career", whioîh was enjoyeti nott. b al The president cf thle Afteraooa by ail. pakrM, chuflr shoNved soins yery lovely and initerest,, t e,, a daughter a'Missioenary. Mr. Scliauf- ThoghtForTheWmk fier als. gave the comnmentary on the Tkong Foriu~ ~eek pictures. pin~sai~ ~ t~Uj Oive -Milsou thanked M.r. Scelufi- Halnyiness s one thin fin ietaofer for his very worthwhile pictures by I sud0n a d ak anti a nust sUcc\ee5fu1 ir 4ndy meeting elose4 wlth th- repeUing of the Mizpali Benedict,'On. MMI 1, , 1 - , 1. 1 1 1 ý 1 ý - 1 - 1 ý Wl i World Day U0f Prayer 1 Carke-Iaririto Form Orono Juniors Open Playoffa In Ortflo, March 8th; Agir(e',ncWn S Bundary RèW1 Th Anul 'oens ord ~y"ofHopeý ani Clarke Towaship Couneils PIay Wfellington H ere, Fri*day P'a,ysrllle heltinl Orono on Fr1-.ý camie tf agreemnent on their boundary Àay, Mar-ch 8th at3odcaVsraiwe Reeve J. T. Brown of Nw lavBOC 3Wln theaturdayJehOFor the fîrst timie in years OUA $unday School Auditoriumi of the castie met wîith the Hope Township 0 'sWn O au ahckey wili be, played inl Oronead United Ohuz'ch. For over 30 years Counciliaft their regular session. fT le lSir(n Iis;soli 0 appen this Friday nigh.t at Lhis day lias buen o ýbservedi in Caniada, Maintenance of the boundary rodn s p h srk1of111 Sity t h tud this year omDien andig'l lai has long been a contenVtious, subject, local rink. Those nttending the game 142 countries will gather la mniedita- neither f own-iship beng wi tngf take The Bowmianville-Orone Comibinîes il seu the Orono Junliors lnac aet tion and praysm-. full responsibility foi- problenis la- bled up the playv-off series en Satur- ai bidting for the opportunity et' Th evc h: vi wa o- Uo, ve1i.day nigltitnlaBowýinuaaville when thiey advancing fui-ther ilito the 'Onaria Thesevic tîs ea wn bL utI li arrivig at n working solution overwv'heilmed the Lidsay Regents by OHA Junior D playdowns. of years f suffering far byonri the it was evntually agreeti that Ciarke a s(core- of 8-1. This was the fifthEair this year an entry was nude experience of most Canadian womien, Township shoult imantabin ail of Vhe gaie cf the series in 'blhih saclu feani lan the OHA Junior D series and Or-t anti ~ ~ ,, ichlegssVosec- fluesuffer-ra ouho oceso iesdla"wn owth tihe otitigamie be- ono wsgiven a bye ito the p ay ingsl anti ofstark real e, adtieswo over wi i 0heih flue Christa mýay atiebs ofrumphihd. ope, Township will beroibe a fie. downs, The first series is agninst tne hesjifferlgsareneastron i hsfor keepiîîg aid niorth of concession Shots on goal ia Saturday's gamne Wvnto ith flue first ganie luing pa St , bttIylr O.Th tVo five eeBOC's 52 -- Lindsayv 24. layved in Weiliingfoa ast nighit. Tire o The Ions tally for Lîudsay wasia- second gamne of Vhs selles is te ha, spent Wonld War Il l Hugary, andilae o50 lue opening goal and' was scori p layeti in Oroo o Fiaynglt w ro ' ,this order of service on behali C om b ines fT eL el l uiir' ' 'i d t e T is j) p o b y r ,ii t e ý -e (,f Chrjstiatn womsn xlio live beini!b rwod uirWs iiVs hsgopo osfoiVsae thae Tr>on Curtain. The thieme is "Whoý ,lvon eie ,soe later ila t1he penioti. ben pneiby the Oronio Robbde Robinsoni, 5getting' a soigAaerAhei soito ~hall separate us? j strea c d -fires counters behiiai oudapjprecý*iateyorspott ii The bsevane i uniienlooination- TeBowanieOon omiea h id goalie in flue secon-d pel- gm at the Orýono iink ati also tc ai ad'ai wnenan grl f hemoednea i fepn ydi e ies ld Vo put thie' C0nises well 'oni iIto ouaee tî hs boiwio vilag atisuroudig oniauitesonTuesa iht'hnthey defea-ront Maxis Yourth aise sorýetihil", be piaying terfirs-t Seih "" aeinvitedtef0attend. ed Lindsay 8 te 3. Tihis wii gave -i Vhs( h sýiea teüep,ýd\is Colmbines ae a (oig ne f lue t tisrae telcdie te crea teVh .naroplyows Fr-iday, Marclu 8, 3 p.m. seven gamlie series. Ons e u fred Vh eond pviet af 1. WÀ01ntn is îuaeibwe ---h-Cobins-p-ve-hemVhsict o as by Sansi, Keith niRaeT Eiuat.n ee Obe'ed anti allow itjem f o aiace Vo Vhe F- eti lithtird penioti totaîleti saVonn ti Pi to tant illhs ere alis. Here Ithsywod play either Ce- BOC's counter t 8 thus giving theni btenfe~totni iidtet £'Iibourg or Lakefielt ianti presemitly if a decided victory over flue Regetmine flue strength ofr'Vhs local entry AI Oronio Public sécnooia-ofsllsatf appears as if if woulti be Lkfel.Iati tiîngthe pla f sr a e atiisto depda on r o wnnin fla 1The West Brotliers s'parked the pontsapiee Isre e tp utus oad Edlucation Week was observe_ tL Tuesday win by nettinig six cf hs I Roýbbie Robhinson in fhele ast two Chamllpions1hip). tenon it Vs olin o "pe atiJuio 1DTensohe'3C ceuiti2, ans'ffu p1dwn gi.s in Admyisson charge lias been set at ths Orono Public Scilhoo1 Tuestiay' af- sigbL gtigoals. Deane scored 3, Keiflu t Lin nlise". were by Rolbbie Robinson anti Maxie dsay hlaçýsesc5red f ive of thue Comibine 5icati2c Ail parents of thse hiltiren were in- Yourtli. Hutten, Freemian anti Gïa-1 goals. This is practionl hall of the This is flue first endeavour by 'the vitedand cose t niney wer pre-bain ere he Lidsay oal -ttersýtotaaileAn sociationl Atocirevnitere hockeyceyaa sed nt vi clos ennt eepe. aiwrthsInsn olges oaleee eiCmi es' slocal arena anti te bring titis pop-. sen îvichwasmost gratifying for The sevenflu gamne cf the sane I boflu Vhe staff anti stutients. This at- beig playeti in Bowmanville onight.t The Bowm-anville Orono obns ular winter sport back te Orôn. tendance is imueligreater than pre- A w-ia or a tie in thim gaine will give andth le Lindsay Regeuf s in a veryl Corne eut on Fuiday anti support yousw výiens years anti displayed hs increas- 1 the Comwbine-s the 15i5 xiln ae.tLitsy Aeateami at the Ononoo rink in- interests belng ftaken in fo-tisys e- thurs a neght came tean enigStoae' Lna ~ etiuca;lion. ,1 ...........L..~. -- e - n ih ne cf anverti. peniod. Sots o ntwere ida The. parents wene nvteVo visit Ioft3-3liJI10 minutesaoy ,IBOC13. ê ail rooms of flue achool anti view th t ere Ta ffiay lue first peniod the Regeafs tO 13 work of the students, A scrap book -.only goal -,as scereti by Crawford . Af 1-1:45,. of thse thir4 per1od Ioh- poetof grades 7 anti 8 was founti 'The Affernoon Auixil-,ivaryf W.M.S. Iassisteti by Parker. insoin assisteti by Avmistrng an& pobr jconieal ttrs ndwshl terr-lr neigTiï'-dyDykstra scoreti for BOC getting thse ao brear to thsidernbl ifees %ani a etieirn reula5,eing t uenylShots on net were Lindisay 15,f etge on, Vhe Regents 3-2. Witlx cnly 4X a r c re e hestcirina of ftennolAion. nh5 i ofluhe SUniteyBOC 5. The first perioti entied t « secondis left lu thegaine Parker, ae-~ Mr.Herce est chirmn e tie Slioi Aditriu offlu1-nt0ein1 avo c f Lindisay. sistsd 1ýyCorley anti Crawford seoreê, SchiooL- Board, spoke n few wortis cf Churclu. After a piano prelude by Mrs. fvu weicoecte flue "Open ieuse" anti a]- Staples, the President, Mrs. Drum- In 18 seconds of fthe secondi periodfor Lindsay ending file thirti peri* 'Se outine hst e prograrin vor ok as mcud, epenedth ~e meeting with pray- Jr. West, 'assisteti by R. West tieti up 1-3.s Shots ou neftlinfthe .VIird were ~earried out by the Beagd. at ejý ei 'Ivtrs. hauff eap'ably' con'dct astest spefl'lof hockey ply4 li t te Lidsay 10, -B'tC 16. turipg flue year, Ahse present wsre the worship service, the theme of thie gaie one ail. Tihis peî'iod was flue la "Vhs 10 minute overtimne the Messrs. F. LycettadG Cotter of wlich was "The Wliole Armiour 1of plyIf ofr rý%dývsral neg.A 4 the Schoi Boarti.f Goti". "Be strong in the Lord, ant ini 1Y~~cot a elyo tg.A A musical prograin was su3iplied the stren'gfh cf bis miiglit." This w.as Grnhiam assisteti by McGii anti Hutton for thes Lindisay Regents ait by hs studenlts under hs direction of 'baseti on flue fourtil anti sixtlu clup- Freemian nottihet a second goal for Raye West for fthe BOC botlu receiv*ê Mr, Colison, tlue unus.ic tenciien. Illfers of Epliesiarus. Lindsay .-ivin'g V- he Vths, leati fer 2 minute penalties. Ne'tluev side iwas4 this, ail grades took part. Miss Fos- Duing flue business periodth ie us- about 45 seconds when Robinson, abls Vo get tmbaf leading goal wih cf' Living ni der 7andccompangeti y uai reports were giveIl anti vaincus Yourtlu anti Amstrong came riglif Lindsay's tilree silcts on fthe net and oss Tovnaynd eaf hs pa rs .l qesinsdscset.Th en Te- back Vo ie iV ail up 2-2 in flue second BOC's fiv-e siots on nef. Rosns reon syangtheBianos.til 'Wn- ay lu May was designateti as pack -_ ____________________________ fensro a ang W'Wi lu in- . ng day for bales cf relief cef luîng Ger aes anti'0, Mrs ai te n's'mand beddirug. î everal more member sang '.Sin-- Paise te Goti", "Snew- 'slips -%vîie receiveti andt hs folio iow ** flaqke" anti "Valeinie". Miss Cain's announcemienfs madie.ngD J C ar t , G u s Spke rongae 1andi 2 sani,, 'Sniow%,bii' Marclu 12, Newcastle Afferioo anti, "'DrdiesDt1l Duni Dum". Auxiliry invites- us te ilea~r Miss Jean A C n e v tv n e o Follo-wing Vths pregranti lunch was Somûervilie of Trinidati af 8 p. mi serveti Vo the parents by ths senior Mrs. SuVon's gronp was la cniarge girls of Vihe school. of the sfudy !h rgesv-osraieA-on filue PipeLias ue ie. 'stateti The a rog i J tht this ws a faie impresion an socitio ofDurilani Counfy lakuncheti 1 their election caup igi nTu(_ssay' that the only Vugthi-ý_at 1oui l 1e oe O ro 0n'O 'Tre am s C halk qOjne W in nmglit in Orenowhen thlusititheýj,,lii nwd ons iý wa ttiebate uepro.. of the andlW f Vhs ipe ship H fall. The, hall onàfluis occas_31ion ins ueson i urlamet.The W*1 .1K wasfiletite cpacty. onsrvaives, lue sa1iti wretinto' Littie NHL rîayaowns wls file s ocainhardteebtefil Mv. Alec Carruthers, paiin ffinti a mnst top ile ý,bUl Jbut that Sixteen hockey feais, twe of Nvhich caf' oiswsal 0 mts h ertr.in th"firlt five inutes of its pres.. weve fromi Orone, feok port la a day puck. b lfMr. C arruthers spoke brisfiy f0 flue entation. Dr-. Charlton ciaimeti fhat: logcoptiia afiePee Cm- Thle Rantani suries was wvon by mee ting poinfing te a llnmber of ia- hs .latest developmient concerning bell Menieriai Arena, Pont Hope on Bowmianviiie. cidents which lils felt . weve gooti on,-I certain options of stock was astound... Satntayef as wek.Tier wa ca- LaVter in fthe day Vile Grenu Pes.. ens for Vhs pavty. Ile stateti that flueý ing. Mie furtiler veiterafeti thaf there siderabie interesf shown la Vhs day, Wees, on file strenigflu cftheir adin, galppl loeia5%mjrt a n hneV usins vtat for flue Liberals la 1953 whichlule' ganding Vhs Pipe Lins Biladfla by parents whe followed flue ,es, entereti ia fle second roundi anti bers claimied dtroppedti te41.% i ast y'eav. Vie opposition was aling olY Vo -aL wlich their chuiven fook part. Themet Millhvook whicil were far tý e furber pointecl ouftfluat Vhs Lib- biaikwa prograin was under speasovsliip cf the, uci orVh local boys. Millbrookeasweelpoelao.yhrer- Dr. ChariVon questionedth Vie poliey' Lltte NH ant boy fro ~heage oOk file gaine 11-2. Althouglu Vie Or- vimlces to-day represeiniig about one- of'Vile Governninent in noV backing eight years up te fourtesi" foei<parf.ooboscaeu witunmrag vnV cflettlppuain of Great Brifain andi France lanVile Mid- The fwo local teamns playeti a totalj gressive game than flhe firt flue Canada._ Nova Scotia anti New Bruns- dis East Crisis antibeslils said that of three gaines winning eue antilos- Miiibrook squat provedti te greaf- an wick hati turnedti t Conseriv,ýtýe gev- fils GovernmienV's policy was te pUt ito.TeOoi ol ee0eramiients.file UN ilsati of Vie Commionwealth Buzz Merer wVh asisfVo aypHre t that flue local desirs te sup- andi NATO. lis believed inla nstrone, The PeEees teck toe ie 15 Ite BzyMre hasitt ay ottepavty was fremend-ous anti Commnoniwealth andtie iepresn in file morning anti fansti Newcastle. Molvaclin, andth ie second by Gary1 feit that Vhs coining election coulti propagauda c(iampaigning being co'y- This gaine wenf Vo Orono. 3-2. New- McýMackin, -'wiVh assist te Grant be wcnby the Censenvative candidats. ducteti by file Govern'ment at file LN castl'e silewed flueir atreng V inla he.lGveenwood. This endedth ie comipeti-,Hle poinfedt o Vile fact f hat a slimiii Eithiýlni -in Vhs Conse.rvative latter portion cf tfus gaine andt lreaf- flou for the Orono PeeWees. Maljonity detennuiinedth ie lasf Doini- party, lis saiti, was neyer soe evideut enei e fe ilegaasbefnefil eti Four Orone youaigsfers were l il e'-ion eiection in Durilam at iat lth, as now a ndti h ile felf 'was borne ouit of Vile fime. Gary -McMackiui scoreti lins-up of file Newcastle Junior euinwsnVcranfracul fVl aetCneto vlnVle ailVire golsfe Vle roe ears ea, oys8 nt 9yeas of age, wVlo of tinys. e apabhlinien were nomninaftd as party~ ,dif assistagonforte GrnotGea ean etboys8anie d, wveti9efei Following lis epeniag ,remianks flue, leaders. Diefsnbacksr, -lue claimned 4, ý ,weed ani R c y ir e us g m , 2- . H r il e and e team puted p rsu Vo called on M . Chas. Stepien- swetpin,- fils eountry anti is beiaig rç- a ss sl g o ng to ra t G ee - m t o w n , P r55 t i~ ntro tiu e e th e g u esf sp eak er, Iferred Va as th e nm an o f file i o u r IH e as he score in-dicates wns closely con- somie goot hockey andi crediteti thein- nr onCalo wo usbe a t 6years cslieu h tested. selves with holding V hs Bommtýanv-,ille nwnuber oif Vhe Fedeval lieuse since, lieuse cf, Coumons. AV ueo'iok VleGrnoBan aisenry af only V-wo goals. 'Peiy tIra-' 1945. Ta ta-xatien fthe people cf Cnaa j~~~~~~ -ec t-te ie.niheeag__i __+a1 -leNwcsient parn T_ lus aidres'M, Chaýrlton tatmIe iribeing over taxeflto telaex'et

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