Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 21 Feb 1957, p. 7

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FauosMente Caria-spot- fe Grae Kel y ntPie Ri li gt-?el lyand byite wedtig nie-was, inthe news again last month wiîth the rayai couple's eageriy awaited happy everatz But the tiny state o! Meniac, with its great gambing casinio, hbas efte n claimed the womld's hondîmes la the past. Haw did Monte ÎCarie begin? In Paris,' just a hundred yearN ago-, twin brothers, Franceis anid Charles Blanc, weme waiters in a third-rate restaurant and shiared a bedrorn In a garret. When Francais gat the sack fom lis 3ob their united capital was 18s. But Franceis had bis dreaina. He erjiced his brother inte a scheme to swindle seme stockbrokers, The Blanc brathers waýrked eut a system o! sig!illing- by, ernaphaiýre and used it en the Paris Stock Exchange. Sa iwhen fhey bought and sold fareign aharos they alone knew whether the shares had gene up cm downi. Soveral Paris brokers becamne suspicions and engaged hal! a dlean detectives ta, watch the Blancs, .?who were eventuaily eaughilt ec'anded andi sent to, lail for seveninerinths. But they made b pile just the saine. Fer although they spent mouch money on their defence end bribing witnesses and hiad te pay - back a great deal of the money they had made, the twinis left prison with a capîtai e! £4,007 a large sumi a hundred yeLars age. . The Blaný',s went ta Hamnburg, rnd ebtained the gamrbling con- cession there and mrade aý success o! 1V. Se much se that Lard ýÉroughan-1, the British legai ex- Wert whe papularized the poky littie village of Cann~es and Iurned it into a thriving teuriat eity, said of' Francois Blanc: "Ho astonished me by the poftindity â! his previsjora andcacatn. Certainly Francois Blanc was an &stuto finanicier, Soon after Jie arri-vecd in the Germaa city, Franceis ma;ýrried ,% beautiful Bavarian peasat girl, Charlotte Hensel, w b co ha2d leRt the cauntryside te bc a m-aidl Ïn a small Hambumg hotel. Ru,- niour said it was a "shotgun mtajýrage," but ilnast certaini"i 4ladamie Fraiscois Blac u-aicthe euîvving force behind lier bus- banc's huge fortune and bocamne the mother-in-!aw of princes. F.rancois fieurhshed ï1in Ram- bsrg ntil Prussia defeated Abance in 1871. Then, Germnany %vas unit-d under tbefi rst Kai- sewho was soon -,hreatoninrýg te annul the gambling conices i iàOns ini Germxany,, Francoi's Btance gh he'd bettor look for pastures new. Leheard that several syni iates were trying to obtain a8 gambling concession in the Prin- eipalitùy cf Menace where the elligning prince was on th~e verge É£ bankmuptcy. The location the RYndicates were after wa.s known q- Le Rac de Spelugues, later tao liecorne w'rd-famous as "Char- Franceis (came tea late. Th'e Rcek had bean iet te a colUe (àf adventurers wvho hiad bamr- boled the prince into granting lhern v. concession. But Francais Blanc stayed te look ovor the property on wblch ho had bis *Ye.1 "Corne ail y. beld sailers tliot follaw the sen Lay yeur ship te an cinchor and listen to me, It's ail your attention 1 leudiy weuld cal Te ai seng that was madàe up very Jate in the fali/" Three Nova Scotia lahster fishermen take time oui fram their traps to sing an aid chantey mnuch like the one fram Lunenberg County fntroduced tby the verse above. Their sang is recordedi by an ethnologist fram the Can'adian Museum of Humain History. For many years naw, people !ike Helen Creightoni have traveied ta varîous parts of Canadaz wiih magnetic recarders ta capture Canadian folk songs, ballads and sea chanteys. From Brantford antd Cape Dorset, frpm TroîsPistoles and Peggy's Cave, Cdna- dian folklore has found its way ta a treasury in Ottawa con- taining almast eighteen thousand different selections in Frebnch, English, Indian o nd Eskimno. The Cana.dian Museum cof Humani Histary was established on January 1 st ta place greater emnphasis an the study of man in the Ccrfadian environment. Anthropologists and acaooit will continue ta study and record their findings, in an effort ta give Al Canadians a mare cýomplete understandîng cf their contempararies and their preclecessors, sibl'e. There-: was no raiWay - M,"onaco cauld anly ho eacbed by a foui 'ship which taok an boum and P a baf, or hy Coach, which, took twice as long. Blanc ieft bis spies behind hlm la ýMonaco, ta advise hlmi bow trhe adventurors wero fa.- ing whthhofiir gamibling conces- sîch and re-turned 'te Germany. When ha got w,,ord thlat the syndicate wvas anr' the poilt cft failing ha drew £50,000 fmomi bi;s bank, took it te Monaca and said ta0 a man na-mod Le! evro, w>,ha bold thse cancessian, "l'il give yau £ 50,ý000 la c-ash for yeur cen'cessian. IJ'f yenbgge 1'1l givo you ntin!New Fim gmong te lunch., Il yen llSvon5't maCe iup- yourm mmd befame I've finishad, thon I shaîl mturai teo Germnany and nover cam-e bc! Be! eoha had finisbed his rmeal Lafevre came ta hlm nanuf said simplY: "Givo me the mcor- The smnall inn where Faci lnhdthat fateful day is njowA the fana-jus Hatai de Paris -*beme Gracoý Kelly stayed beo re ber On,ý e f tho !irst th.Îigs Fran- ýois did vwas ta put bis wife la, charg'e o! the btel-and she bc- gan ta workwcnders. Meals la those days 'ost '4s,,icldn wina, Francais gave ordars that. gamnblers whe had lest their monay atthecasino O ýppasijte could cbalk up tIlQir meals at the htl Francais Blanc may bava hbeenr the "Unrewhed King 9! Mante Carie," but certainiy Madamre Blnthe former Bavarian pea- :sant girl, was thE uncrewned f ue. She becam-e known local- las 'The Queon o!f Roultte,' Blanc was very gonercus te the reignîng prince. Ho gave hlm £2,000 a yoar, plus ton. per cent. rc)a'iy ltyôfite profits a! the Ca- sino. Ho also paid, ed arid clothoci the prince's krmry ofý . 12Z c tractor cab and careen.ed flai, and officers ;and mon, imaintained tho eighty-strang Monaco police force, subsidfized the publicjer vices and the Chuch.- Madamre Blanc aiso started a s-alon- and, althougb illit urate, she made a succecsafulî climb into RiV!ira sciety Thon, ;a3fter ber husband dieda mstimliaar iri 1877, she becamne evon mare socially :ambitiaus. ý>Sho mnlariod her daughter Louis. ta -Prince, Censtan-tin& Radziwl, but she ,was dsa)ldwith the m-atch. She said bier younger daugbter MWarie mnust do botter. Marie was coachad before she le! t sehoel tIo howomtby hait fer oyalty, There b ad been a cool- niess bet'ween the' Blancen prince o! Mionaco. Ho fèet tat ho,, was being iaugbied atfer taig money fmom a Parisianl Hxwi er.H decided that if hol was te ho insulted it would have taý ho o,-rth while, so e h bad asked Blanc tai, ncmeýase the roy- alty an tho prafits. Blanc lhad agreed wvithouta muitrmur, but ho insisted tbat bath the afficers and men oýf the princou's ammny must always &.à- luta hlm -,and biswiîf e! New Maie Blanc was ont cft the sberc and raady ta be coumt.ed. The prince o! Monaco was disdainful, was ho? Weii, woll, Mariie'smaa would' hehm. Lot the ather suitors appoar. The firat te came fowadwas prince Henry o! Battenburg, but MUammjia turned him dewn ho- caus;e she wvantoed a Fm"encb bfus- hand for Marie. The marriago broker emplod LbY Madame Blanic thon braught feorward Prince Roland Bonaparte. This time Mammira appraved and Marie wsmaried. Madamne Blanc, oven. duri ng lier bnsband's lifetime, bad l oer waorried by the incroasing power o! Francois Blanc's large illogiti- trite f ariily. Tbey were mrostly maies, but the sbirewd I3avarian- hem "Queýýn a! Roulette" ac- lated that with hem diaugbters bath married te princes, thoy would ho a barrier againast the pragrass at the Casino cf the daughters' half-brothers, In 1881 Madame Blanc cied. And twao yeams a! ter ber mar- niage ta Prince Rolandi Bona- pajrte, Marie, aise died. But LFrancois Blanc did have a lggitimrate son, Edmo-nd, Who, ýç"ben the Casinio was turned ini- te a i'imited iahility campany , hecame joint director with bis princely bratbors-in-iaw. Later, &U tbme pulled out. The princes abtained huge for- tunes for thoir shares. Edmnondc put bis roulette fortune inta s- gar. He enternéJ French political1 life mnd %vas Wïîseated for bri- bory andi corru,,ptioni. But theme -,as yot anather Elanc, an illegitimnate ana, Ca-. mille, anid ho camried oni witbi the Casino. The optim.istcas halfe-pty haif-fuilland the pessimîtst cails haîf-fuli afelv Office Building ,I1 eated By S u r, Keepîffng twar n icolt! weather is seijm-portant ta omewe that one-fourth of the fuel the.y use is for haig Winter crn-ý fort, meanis a furnace fired by gas, ail, or coal, w-.ith electricity about the only o)ther means of dloing the job. Designers i n Aibuquerque, N.M., have gone the enigiqeers, eue better - heating an office bild.ing with anather kind c furniace. This furniace îs 93,000,-. 000 milesaa-n other words the -sun. A number of ]homes have 'been heated in the, Past with solar energy, but the office bidn is the first a' ts kinid, Strikinigly mnodem', the 4,300- sýquare-!oot building has one en- tire wiailiof glass panels. This- alactualiy a solar "colIlecter" tilted to an angle of 30 degrees, hoids the key ta the heating sys;- t (--m.1 Undjcer the glass are metal p-anels, througzh which wa~trcr cul1a t e s. abricatlon of these panels is unusual. A sheet cf alumniiumi has the desired chan- niels for wýater passage pitd G n it wt a special ce mpaund. A second sheet cf metal is plac- ed over the first and the Vwo are bonided tog-eth-er with tremen- dous lieat and pressure. Where. the "painting" was done,4thE, Pneta! dees net stick together.i lire ydrauic pressureex pands the channel which was mnarked out, and it is through this that the water travels. The mnore thani 800 square feet c-.f collecting surface gathIers enaougli heat fram the sun even) on winfer days to heat" the in- terior of. the building by means ,jf air blown over the hot-watecr And ifyen think the sciar 'fumnce shuts down after dark, jyou're wrong, A 6,000-gallon water tank stores heat in the f Irm c f bot wateir and this la used at inîgh-t and during laudy veather. There is suffiient star- age for three days' operati-on_ Eniginieers expect that suni heat wîll provide 90 per ce-nt o! theeý heating required for then e W building. In thne fal, and again in spring, it is sometimes ne-ces- sary !e heat during nriigbt and lifteriioon,. Sù, heat isshut off wheii net needed and stared in the water tank. In canlïjunctionl with thesaa haigsystemr, the buildingha a "beat puinp" and a evapora- tive water cooler, Thus, lit is comipleteiy air ccnffitîoned the1 The building -was coristiructed for about the same cest per sequare foot as a canventianial buildinýg, and the designers are cýonfident that aperating costs wili]be, much lower than wîith a ga--s-fired fumniace. Serving as a basis fer the design cf sim.-ilar structures, t he s ola r -heated building may even influence e- side:nces as well. Perhaps somne dlay apartments mnay proudly advertise 4solar heat." NATURE'S CAR WASH- gineers building the Manizales- Bogota highway in ColombiaI caouldjn't go aver this waterfal' and faunid it improcticalito tun- nel ayaund it, Sa, for the pre- sent, matoriSts get a fast car wash, for free. By the ime OoIombýia's 400-million-dollair, 6,000-mile road program is completeci in 1960, the stroamr wiil have- beén divereed from tho Nkghway, AG)<NTS WANTED GO 9NTO BUSINESS for yourîeif. soU exclusive housewaet pCrQdt ansd appLianýe' wanted Ii ey houpe, holder. The0se ies are not sold la stores, There laý no competition Prof. Its up te 500% Write -l'mmadlateiy for f ea o)r ctlge with retail prices shown. Separate cnieta wholessle price wll e inldd Murray S>ales, 3822 St.- La wrien ce ARTICLES; FOR SALE MOULI Julienne Shredder ard salad -Maker as zedvertlsed Liver CECOTI $D2,98 and $4,98. February T.V., SpeclaL: Adjuttabjeinietal Ironing Boardis coni- plofte with pad and caver only $11.95. Ordar frei N Mail Ordar Dept,, GauMd's Har~dwae, Wodstck, Oraio, A T.V. HouLsew-ares Servicanter. SCOTCH sud AustrIa Pire Seedllhgs, seed "'r11A seîectaed trees, Murray KachbwCrintt, Ont. LUXURIQUS Stainless Steal table. wvare, 30 piece, 6 place setting ?14.96 Postpsaid, Order direct or wvrite for, mare ifrato. Scheresky, 1720ý Comea A v en u ec, 7MinneapolÇs 14, -C-HEAN egcitlng license.plates 854; isandmnade wool ties y1.40; forty u- used staxnps $1,00,; marvelous color. sides only 70ý; match covers, paper- money, coins. Holbylsts send wsnts lu Anry field. Fernando Barcelo-, Casilla. .135% Sanitiago, Chfile BABY CI4ICKS "OXFORD' Approved Chicks live, lay sud pay. They are, the resuits cf'>thly years of careful relection andi breed- ig. They have te be geocd, becýavse woý wsnt the very best klnd of chlcks for aur own floclts - big', vigarous and early rmaturlng. We have four pure breedsand four crosses - Coluihia Rock, Light Sussex, White L[eghor-n, L-400 Leghoru. R.I.R. x C., - R.I.It. X R.R. - W.L. X C.R. - R.I.R. X W..L WrW.i for fre foider, The! Oxford Farmers' Co-operative ProduceCen 5pany, Llmiited, 434 Main Street, Woadstock, Ontaria. TfE same aehod-thon buy theý hast, We have chiýcsfo eg su mueat production. Follets, dayold, 1aatedCrsssAmasi m-Cross for mare egga, sanie ovérhead. Phelch white Rocks, Ask for data, Bray Patchery, 120 John N., Ilanlilon. EGGS 1ow ehigh 1-tvii py yon ta buy the v'arey hast egg breedsa ta niloney vu41 Y. For maxlimun legg production, on the inimutm amnount 0ýf feed aur new sosies .100 Amaýs l.rs -wll outlay any ather broeed ,-e jfer. Saend for fuilldetals. Also write for foui iformation an the Tweddle Lay Miore Sarias T 100, T 120 and T 130, They are ail terrific layais, Also dlý pulirosa breeda,- broilar breeda, tuirkey pouits. Catalogue. YWEDDLE CIUCK HATPCHERIES LTD. FERGUS ONTARIO BOOK<S VWE pyu t V 00 o ldboi Catalogue 54 meianBok, Ro "l1, 1½QUeen Street Eat, Toronto. * WR BUT dci eqins. Bud 25c o SPecial litaind edin foldars, Cailetor's icentre, 187½-"Queen teet au R' loi, Toronto. FARMA HELP - WANTEC SINGLE man by yEar for ïmlxed farm.i lng, tracter, niiidng machine, etc. Gardoýn Parsons, Lamhbeth, Onýtarlo, PARMS FOR SALE 150 ACRES levai gant-rai fai, d ay leamn, Modern brick rasidence, steel barns, 40 haad atabflag. $10,000 wil, haucila. L. M. M4cLeod, Ratos-, 170 iDundas, Street , Brantford 3-3109, 500-ACRE RANCH NEAR SARNIA ON Pavai hlghwýay; 2 iovely modeml brick hms (battis), bot watar heat '2 large baulk aroIs, large stable, 1, ale 3 pressura systama, 2 lmplement, sýhesds, 2 lenhG(uses, wçý'rkshoP, garage. Colon y lieuse. Deaal, photos, Rl. N. jSharen, RItra, PsrlkhHi,0ontarto. FOR SALE ,E sd Used Diesel Enginas, Gan1er. atirs. Ail sizas 30 yeara Oxperience. Glenmeore Dieseli Mfg. Company, Glan. uioara, Pannsylvanis, Unitec States. NEW Hydra-flex P TO hydraulicn chalu îsaw 32" blade, 20-fi. doublle hase. Regu.Ï lar price $375 - Speclal pîe$260.' New Hellanci No, 80 wlre tie balar with ang"ine, uIsedyveîy littia, perfect candi. tien with hydraformatic baie tension contrai. This machine can be jsed fosr statlonary ballng if deslred. Ne, puice $3,00aur bar-gain ri rie $1.395. HAW. KEN FARMI EQUIPME&'rT, Arkoua, Ont, FOR SALE A SMALL BUSINESS for Sale caucr. ln- flariat tradle. Reasolable for qulck sale Box 28, ffallauld Lsnding, Olntario GiENERAL STORE, gas pumpa, moem Ilving (quartera, $70,000 tuilr, Cash and Carri'bsnes .Epworth, Rtealtor, Owen Souna. Phone 3242, PEARSOM's STUDIO, SUSskX, N.B HAVE yen tr"id "KERlFO" tablet for relief of balla, pîmplea, Iblackheads sud narves. $3.00 asud $5.00. niMPO SALES. P O Box 471 Wïinipeg, Man, POST'S ECZEMý,A SALVE BANISEI the tonment af dry aczena rashes and weeplng skin trou2bles. Posi's Eczema islve avilI net dlsap. point you. tc-hlng. acating and buir, Ing eczemia; acne, lýrngwaýrm, plmçiples and fonteczemra wlll raspaud readily ta file stainless adarless alntment re gardiesa of hnw stubborni or bapeleas filev aeemi. Sent Poslt Free on Rcceirit 0f Price rPltrz $ 3.00 PER JAR 2865Sst Clair Avenue Est TORON4TO FRIT JUICES: THE PRINCIPAL JNOREDIENTS IN DIXoNS Remeny FOR RHEUMATIC PAINS, NEURITIS, )tUNRO "S DRUG STORE â355 Elgin, Oitawam RHELIMATISM VOU have tried. everytïiing VwthoUt, success, WhY not try the mtj s ff tive, and iem~penslve remedy Feirel we wilU send you postpald 5 uneýounce oafetsl"Id'ian Celery Seed, enougLt for one ýmonth Full direrctions lut each en.selope. Lavai Seeds, 450 LabellO Y31vd., Abr--oue, ue OPPORTIJNiTiES FOR "MEN AND WOMEN FLODA ornesU~es . D 'i5 non1th, Lakeý-,and River 1(;ùte rle20 Minute-, frorf» Orlando", wnerý * arney4 41 N. Garland, eOrlando, Florida. ATET*0Ô Horsemen! Senid 3U~ for histructins to teach many god t rIckg t&~ your horse, Prof. Charles Hienry ,availee, Horse Trainer, St.-Chiryso-,ý tom~e Le., ChateauCuey, P.Q., Canadaà, BE A HAIRDRESSER * OI ANACA'S LEADING ECHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Halrdressing Pleasant dignified profession; goiod wages. Thousands 0f succesful Malrvel Graduates Ame,-rica's Greatest Sya,ýt Illustrated, catalog Free Wfite or Cali MARVEL H-AIRDRESSING SCUüDL1ý ý358 Bloo3r st. W., Taranpte Branches: 44-King St. W., HIamrllton- 72 Rideau Stý,, ottpwa PATENTS FETHERSTONRA U GH & C o mn p s a ny, Patent Attorneys. - Establlahed 190. 00r Unltver-slty Ave. Toront.o Paý2tet aicounLtri iUHRSlvited submit MàSS ail types (lnctuding Poenms) for book pub- lication. Rleas,)iable teiLms. Stockwel1 Ltd, lfraomue.Eng1anýd. (estd.188) S FE T7ACLÈES froîm ý 3 - tan pai.rs sentta estyoîLr eyeýs, Give age. 0aisatin rmoney refmnded, Sal way & L'ove, CrsuAita. *i0 TILoffer. T-rwenlyfilve dI~ , eudd. The Miedico Agency nou 22, Terminal " oronito Ont. SALESMAN WANTED ABSOLUTELY no e slng expehrece necesaary. W- willl train anud give yq)n- a Sales Training Course. If yoùu quia1ll. fy we wil] advance you mcney on. your future commnissiïons to assutre You of a living while training. ThIs laý a pq)tenited prcauct for Home Km- prùvement nationally advertlsed. Mais. fromi U.K. we1come. Age ne »arrier- ppyMr. Mason, Richards Prodiuets, 419 Vange qtreet, Taronto.ý Local dealershp Mils heclusve terri. tory, new Une ,f Caradl;i,,nmade dms tic anli induatrial wâter softefnra n, I ln a4frect selling Pl'oiect for someane, halgthis abiitty andi avaliablean part. or fufl t2m2 ba";Si. Write Water soft- enlng Equipnicnt listd 1 ail Rd.C, Scarboro Ont. WANTED taemake, conidiflon, price, Bar 155, 12iEgliteciith Street, New Toroýnt, "0 CANADA" A FRENCH ANTHEMI Ill Thlamous sang " Canajda" îs known to most Peopiléenofly by its first verse, but the lui] version gives ail four verses. The orig- inal French anthem wâs Àritten by Basile 1Routhier and the Eng-. lish words are by Robert Staniley Weïr, whose centenary year thist 1. Descriptive cf a Dachsh'undc? Two dogs long and half-a-dag SDCNtablets I2on accOrding 1ta directiom s cm e ofe wcly If>induce steep o r quiet the herv.s whese ienge. $1.00 iLII Orug Stores or Areaattd., oai.1, e CLASSIFIE D ADVERTISING N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N s N N N s N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N o s, N N s N N N 's, N N N s N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N s N s, N N N N 's 'N N N

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