*ORONQ WEEKLY TIMES TwURSiAY DEE1fEn2,15 l'c- no i e fo itthiý e0kond. Oih ir , eveiii 0ý g f :a k IN 11EMORIAM n the Explorer Grourn a d t[heirl Widei Am Scha uffler i' d D me .h~l5~ 1a ly Th xea , t n r ie Ior ilI1 rf t eh e rç bythe iThm, ny meetin vf doeaf ývhY thy ILiii d at etD i Pbnc 1v12 ~~~~~~~p cie Sepetnbe off, 1h9t47sntg - -- e~nbr2 i5 r t er l ev s t er i a r n e- w 27 o ~<~ oegie dm ev cïn foaro in- pehe thin, lîved 1n Iam" wanto top,: Vhky er ua~rgnge h~ate - ',~u~ ~ T ake :L4ti e Ge "-e( a,- 3lieç,ausete in ahi eue "88 11oldýj eba of1L 2 k . Liýc,ý.-îi~~ou 'ehe, but? theend inaine- tima-ýec offd nighs off th twi-siIItedfUti ce Iýepa i e aves. DistigLiishin th pfrade hyn ahe thessi nen 13liiip7 An fde , L cIni tD-1 oMi . t a s aJpo t of fender~~~~~~~u ro( thbem chuir-e pali. !i-&i sain veryre- ilGiii th' e refa foi W h nie , -Iiwe ou -e î'ýc1qlU I hav 1on th k, -Ilt nI1k- yPot sue~~~~'v nr s:-n , aberh'a~ okdee of by athe gîr1ýýa wb ken yinty in their whyit res. ITh < h tefed oii at ome,. So ý iù lits nice ~U'JU~UIAC ats $1995 o $4.5 lath e arfaer on he we o hte sonieom together ith y s do!e Imm> 7al gaied a t Cue I anational, whhli T lu-e lay theada bet colourea feekae pried-t .~ .. an $895 ock .~ .. ... si.o V $20O 1r he oy pIn I a r ci and for th.îee etc asl ther SundayS Who lokve th gils Skirts~ $4~~ ~ Tcs ~ 0e. t ?in aheier white diea;,es Th geatvrey Chf de reses P r o ...$10 ~.95 te $250 Shirtst- .... homat95e i fr~ h ulfrhp~rhetn. etrlvn.Ii Clueott.....o $.5to$.5 u ubn Broal.... $19.9â t $24.950 lk I h menon th ee as a fot-iil itrw~drfrqil bnatwrt.,fr~en o Weol R1an~~~~~kets ~ ~ ~ $17.50 * th~atI hai a Ue phr t QW ghich uto hthlspeetbute toI1s o¶lk Boeda T oe and Cardigan$s9 Stried Fanet te P.. a.a. $20.00~ h the girls wh ralyhva' attenton wlt whioh it'ie ee~tn __________~drese aog in c thes. bsmn co urr ireksfdY,,~soa Tabled Ckth........$6.95 tod $7.9â hes. .. ...... $6.05 t $2.00 fo tha e borys toe aete! Fored- bte o earnefrnetwne' upy S ksgrlnonta ti hal d chora fror '1J iuJJ1~ k h -krt ....... $4.9 t $09,as fo the d gr s e roig pth gi-l Towels,~~47_ Tîes .hts.?$2 ~~ ufLi.. ....... 5.$410$2.00 ety, ,hyotnhv rul-drn h OranoF" E PNit '145 Slpan ctt on s, whyleor3 $.5FRLT N IL flw of nwiial aurd seer hand of i PneresPie . .. ,....~.. $2.95 te $4.5 * ioaWinteOtt , pli phiecebo $62.95 ; Smepr out athea gi hve) buo th ~~~>.i4~~~~~ Pyjasis ofrpe flneet .$. th , omeae ohe phas w oeye FOCott5~Brsed Bra o Pyjama , $3.95o liters wh re ean s S hoJe thgulradu-irhain etr iig i, h ut sa e ry s. to help h ug booldr Prinetd ........... $17.50 Slpes. .. . . .L 5 e$.8 at h a a se an 1 the ofn yr arewne ode o ucaunatwrih.. o l on Striped Flannelete' Pyjamas $4.7 to putp thei troug ra davnI t busyo -hthlspeetbre ruls olll h .--.-~~~~ýhv very.~ . $30 enRb e G lsle . ~ i digb ice et s i n d e p -s --w -o arag for -ex witrs Tabe C h ........ $3.5 to $7.95 _Sldrts, t~g to ka $. 5 0o $1.5Û gnft bueytsntTe t - fof Sweaer S~i . -~. ....$2.2 *' laek pried a...............thrs he ol wiîîs oi the eerd- LCi l ed -SpOeaJls .....$18.50 o Navyh Bootzes, ail 9 woo $95withan h white dress>'~~h orutn- --arn" fue an-ubqrL Towels,~~~~picr ail shds $.5-$23.u ik .~.... .0 $5 off thes en ed girul e hohavng the- Coruro Ovras .. $49 t»$2~95binlin, bo kthey- r e- neci , Ph n 4 1 Sio Bln es sati bord5er $69âe - C erroy s Junl7 e d. . .. . 9 2' sir boxan Daci ia le-d menwn- abo t hnfrica l'Sie sew eing teachy Slpi otn,èee yo $.-$59 eepes ytac ofa te eing rward etod Miut Sgglon -.Sk softs onet~ .ic .. . .on 8.e .. . $9.d$05 Theie .i'l .ni .eda~ ai . ..ys .n .-1 .Wcto B.ks a wide va et $15ofe f - -theirtgreetingtsa 3 ieaey titses1t.9che, -1 rI m.....ii,....c...e.511 I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o Pyams pMr. orafflr i6wdpiue EiW kmilk waansers dibrînidn sat Pnateel 2.9istant Llin0ng,,in gift boxes't .n.w.. 7-. andt98c. fý1o a e , nig À ta a r c la e ,s a - burder. wonderfu r$ng 95 popla plaids $ pt _ Z Arge Toque .........d..........t........ t$11_11) A Dresse $3.0 wrnlîg nq.50rg scmss sweater- Set ..... J.. $22 always. Pried per ...r..............9. $-L95à,1_ N.,E ýILh-f sells euvne ether I) r8ý FEAUR SPECJA -I sognieh Bon Jhn u CodryOvrls $19 o$2.95al qitni avaibed ..... _. 55 1 bok aitcl Saucers Prieed peWe....... TV....... .... $.5 V ocs ............Servi- yo ice oa Md at you orgre. rce erpar.. . .. . SupedbndaySvnoat - - - a-II' (fnig Stor Ope j ud-iSol }e ria veig ren7t 9&l Open All Day eve~ nd y Sbo hnk abt chis 24 e - -> «» 4,- -11 4---, --