we en Dane, Intit Ï,D cusà BYBrbr Axna Alidred SStudet',s Counoil flor 1956-.5 jt inlauLgural meýetig on Tues2- luring a fifty m-inute period at d (oth, sChL,,M day nmaýlU pOS- by reducing ail perýiodis fromli -five to thirty miue.Provi-d-- hl this extra time one a month,. ic1 Wûdd War Il Films R~ veals Defence 0f Britajo Featured b Cadet Periuds By N,"ormtan Rickaby -,Lîngs wî1I permt more tfimle "The Battie ofBiai"an, authlen- ussioni and the makiag of mr tic filmi record of the defences of plans for dances and other Britain byth RA. i194,as ~acîviies shwnto the entire school durit-,gý the unly -will this extra time e Cadet Periods on, Thursday of last a .more efficient handlng ofweek, Obtainied f rom R.C.A.F. Sta- Council bu.sinecss," deciared' tion, Trenton, the filin was a part. ,t, "but it wiii also be atiop of the regular training of the O,.Sý, ýraetice the mnethods of cnutn ublici meet-ing." co utia A nuniber of Germian film clippînga, wýer-e included in the narrative of Under the new plan, one mrain events. Amiong these were shots of eeting wvili be .4eld each month and Hitler in a cônferene.e room plotting fthere is need other mneetinIgs 'Will against England. Others showed the ake place after school hours. Stu- "Fuihr>er-' inspecting equipment. ýents' not on the counceil are ailo-wedl osit in on the ineetings but oniy the lTh~e filmn also gave intimiate views- înibers mnay miake suggestions orof the people of London, revealing oi pinions. j nost intimateiy the amazing icourage and stubborn defiance of a nation With the entire new executive fighting with its hack to the wall. [t resent a considerabîe amount of wsti prtwihagrdHte ýusiness was discussed attî îa a this spriihihaaeedtite ieeting, including plans for the Hal iand%ý,hich he tried unceasingly to wè'en dance and the initiation of re - ýrade nine students, plans for thie Germain newsreei abuts iliustrated ater to be completed lby grade te. the Fuhrer's anger and frustrationx. The new Student's Council elected The film~ went on to show the Eng-. Lst ~ ~ ~ ~ ls Frdyi-sfios a orking to replae equipmeyit Ithat had been ieft ail over Europe Pres,ýideat: Paul Rutherford just so that men could be saved. Associate President: Norah Wood "The Battie of Britain" was a filmn Secretary: Jo Ann Rutherford that, couid not but be enjoyed by all reasurer: Doreen Copping lIn attendance. Publicity direotor: Barbara Ann .ilJred ibal ,epresentatives: Grade XI: Susan Foster Gr,-ade IX: Conniie Tyrreil, Donj by- Grade XII. Paul McMackin !t IAthietie Repregentatives: Erie G«-,&ae X:. Caro, Yeo, Wiiiis Barra- Carleton, Bernice Luin eh Fies APPLIE SAUC Igs SC 15oz tin2 for 2ÇI RIND ScoRU» leanIb 34) tresh lean lb 53 ops lb 59 PAITE1b Sc. IGA Strawberry Jam 24 oz4; S IGA SWEETENED Blended Juice 20Ooz 2for 31c * J FANCY UIONEY 1lOD _ Pkg lb cello G IGA Peanut 'i Butter ALITY F-ANCY GRADE MEMOI AR AC" size Admission >OC=oc= to 10 Students 25c. me Available REGISTER TA Ice tim is available at the Memorial Are-na For details and reservations Phone MA 3-U728 For choice times make your reservations early. Pr"ES! ÎAND MIURS. an J aso "THE With\HumI~eyBogart and, Gen(ý Tiernley Wi-th Barabar Sawc and Bàrry Sullivan BOý.WMANVII INQ 15 oz