Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 13 Sep 1956, p. 6

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AN Dear Annse ffirst n-lost toa asliamed to problemn, but 1 nced advice. Our daugh cheating on, lier fia his absence from father and L are frai -Lhreatens to tel lier The~ two got engagec mas, -and se is weari A wonderful offer car West Coast that neci his incarne; knowviný Qthey couid mc)rry t]- -jumiped at it. ",By Mardi she ha( date another boy al rugit! She liardhy1 but lie litas lier under ase lias changed Sc liardly known lier, an 13y defies uis. Her Iii Lomnething, is wrou?.g her up ta ask if sli with anyone else, SI ýray yes orno.. so fondi of the flaný thouglit lier futurea we al.most feel she servýe hlm. Also, lie nronthly checkçs for accriunt against their "She does neady r-egulcriy,, and we grateful for- any adiv - somonecese can C( -how; dishionorable haefailed n-iserabl.- DISTI Sit, is liéartbreakii *presumnably nice * ross any man, an< ] y cruel wlien lie -1 far a.way to ma'-k. *tune, * If your datigliter - * ist on lie assura lo1ve, if she mnust - * men's attentions ti Scontent, she shoulci Spramised ta nari *agree witli Yeu: *reahîze liowdsg 'is behavings, and d s1tay truc t, hier -~ she cannat (or wi. Sgse shouid openly e ngagemenst, andi - * nny her fianceIl * er possession af a lmost sinister n( NE I4IRST. Famdq v 1:I anai- * equaily guiity; you say he expiain our * knew shie was' engcaged '10-1 soine Sounsd *they met. Unhess lic uphaldb Ler, ýI9, la lier cesuai idea of lionor, lie ance during *sliouid realize she c2,nnOt b home. Her * truc ta akny oan ac. ltie, and ici * Asking lier ta leave home isîý ta leave.. no solution. Na maltter haw d at Christ- 1 she is shaming youi andlier ,ingý lis ring, father, she is stili yaur daiigli- ne fnom tise *fer ando enticd ta wlialever rly doubled protlection hier parents cari gý it meant "provide, Better ta havelier at nil yer ie home. 1 Isymp,ýathi-zewithi you bath, td St 'arted ta I hope -when she raiswliat imosl every * others m-ust think af lier, she knowý, hlm, , wilturc£ri ta tise riglit before rlis timb *se tasses asid tise )ave of a m,-uci wýe *soodij maian cd en.ounterýs Ldnc se open. * ore trouble then she tlas ance enses ever kon and calhed* * * w ýaS going "Dean Anne Hirsýt: "I've been heoi' woint gigsteady vwith a boy 'for. We boti arc Sevenrmoclis; samietimresw'v ce nd ad dolible-çlcted vwithiny blest gi aiii set. Now and my rîvl:icd's buddy. d1ocsni't de- senda lier "owwen«nt os steadyv lier -avng any mae /.. y girl fricnd's r future, cousin cam-e here ta get a Job aur caîu_1mn apd èfthlihave. taken an aýpant-ý wvi!l be s Mmnt together. Wc met lier et ice. ehp curci, and riit away 1m-y Perhapsfriendi asked his buddy ta get anvince lier him a date witbh ler! Tliey havef ,Ze 4,eccli ther ev7eryrgi1 a RAC1-l ED tiepast !twa weeks. ing toSee a "What cen i do? 1 still love gr ta sec hlm. 'Hec lasn't came ouI and - it - I ouI said we are Ilirougli; in facc, tr1aveed so 1 ha ven't eycvn seen hïlm, Wlict c2 their fo- do you thlink? lIe is 22 and I cm 18. LOVTE SICKi" Ucam'ïaot cx- * Steady detirig for seven- ance of his , monthis' s apt ta make a girl have othert * feel so possessive thait she o 'kep lher * takes it as a reaI ýffeiticeif àneyer lhave *tise boy s nuchîas 10okS et ryhim. îf * cnyonc e--,se twice. Yet, since sise shauld * theýre is nt) engagement be- acefully se * tw-ecn tliem, tiis girl is lielp- etermnine ta less ta abject, lIc lies [lie riýgIt Promise. If Ita date cnyone lie likes, anct .1l not) then 1 Su lias sic. brea tie 1Waingfor a w-andering retur(a the led ta camne back 1$ anc af las sent lier; ~tise mast lrying situain e it adds an girlj faces. She fecis sa lest, Ie ta iser * 50 oncly . Alil siccanrdo is aus ~ *Ît îhlde li hrt and -,et as is daticg is *tisaulgilieýr heart were cai.l *breaking, and tuis must be DoMes your raie for a whilc. Let Dpilis ~file ladi pursue lils newc fleme, D ut y youo,- r own wcy, 100, * cd cutivate aller bmyss yau yffl# M know« if Dn]hy to kecp you]r'schf *in crucin -1cmvyor ipay not ic dis- rate, liold youri head hIigi, and remeier cal taspcak of hlm ta anyane clisc. That mniglit ta ng,Ie witlh other friectls ccd ']Iltolast appeer te, be enjoying yvoursclf. No met- ter vbt ipentia il comiort you, 4 AND THE GUARD GOT WET - Smnilng under an iumbre:lk as the ramn pours down, Qiueen Elizabeth ins>pects a guard of honor oi: the -Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, during lier recent -visiitot Oban, Scotland. Her Maiesty's escart, sword heldf higli in royal sailute, go1llnIy got drenched. wq~&tt~RN. Vôk If we liadn't thougi)t it bie- fore we would crtanhyreise now that television is a great miedium for education H-iow cise couhd we- have receivcd such a clear picture of what takes place at the great part, convention,,, in thse I.S.A? Tein system of preparing for the clection of a governmncn is s0 different fromr mar own tlat it is sometimes a 1Hte ddffcuIt to understnd. But now, I for one. certainhy know, more about i t tin 1 did before. Imgltevnoffer Pa littie citbsn ut vwIly bother -- wliet aur i!rnds seross the bouéer do is entirehy theircwn l)affaîrý's, a l inge Farm we,.- can just sit back nd( remein nlrstdonooes.0 course vw e guI a litîle tire,,d ni somn-e ai he seechs bu yc W2 couc'n't dryg ourseves away from tise TV,patulry n Frsday nljit. 0f 0course vwe would havma ohavedonc sa bcd w-e been gtigu ihti da-wil as we used ta"o. Froire now on imany of those aItise Demiocratie convention 3Ài111lie ta uis, nult merely namecs ln tise ncws, but cdefinite Pers0aetiticýs. And the, of course wilI ~l ta Republian caindidaystes0, whosýe con ention wc sha> we-atch wtieulinterest. But we are ghad we don-'t have ta, vote- for e ose nc side ar tise ather! Presidient Eisenha-10wer lias sucli a wondcrfui pe-rsoniali- ty -. but then une f ound aur- Selves eqtualhy ipcscdwith Mr, Stevenson and Mr-, Kofau- ver. Buit we don't have ta0 mnake any decision s0 we canIf straddcle the fence in comifort - if straddiing a fcrnce cai eve'r be clscribedl as conslforteble. week wsquî xctig.Thv, Sue Cefercnc, nd' -if xl. isn't incongruous ta menionià Lurscans . onques-t ofihCe Strait 0f Juan de Fuca. And 1 l ied a sdcilutole naug ofmy awnl. JusI ntetneetn Women'sLInstitut cf f ar. )Tis time il 'was a tea andte x hibit of prize wnigetist con ilection witli ise, al J çbmpctitionsponisore,,dbyts Salada Tee Company. There wcre FIlirýe Tcesm i isory, ScrcpbI.ooks sawn ah Iafthe ,goad, but that af Bridgeport W..in tsM KthneF Wtr loo district- was dcscrvedily awardcd the f irst p)rize.. Sucli be(aultiful ilsrtosfeet[uriflg pioncer sceile-s.They appelcCd to be iredînninl There iwere also w'onçlerful bhback and white sketches byMr.des Zimnsrcimai- Tise entire bok was wcll arrangeci and tahulet- et. Anathe splendd pr-)' 7 winning cntry wsf rom B- stack Bay WL1 The disti'nguish- ing featureý in this book ,vas the ritnentries. 1 have been wondlerinig Sin-ce whetcr 4 as Italic iandwýriting. The thir prize histOry was in two voli- umies. It, toc), was a car efly arraniged andc attractive plece of «work. There were also tliree beautifui oit paintings of rural tcenes, and thrcee prizc-winining Hope- chcsts whichr included very fine specimi-ents of crochet, cross-tich work and other ypes af embrodery.Ail tme entries were conclusive evidence o the talent thnat exïsts among tise W'vomen's lInstitutes of On- tairiofi Of c-ourse wwere wel- coîmed by offic.iais of the Sal- eada: Tea-- Compa)ýny, after which- vie weresered wt piping hot, tea. dainysandwiches and fanuy cakes. I expect tis tea was roaby he last function nt whlich itlie Prov-incial officers 'f tOue W.I. vwill appDear before leaving ClandaOn their wiay to cyloi 9ncndhe Tri-ennial Coni- vni ni of th 1,Associated CO[un1t cone fIthe Wrd takinig place this fail. WHellvwe hear on the radio thet harvest operations in On1- tenu are pretty xwelh over! WVe wconder xwlere. In this district most of the wh-iat lias certain- ly been treslied or combined butt spring crops are stili stand- ing-- and I1expct mst of tilt farme.rýns iwîth spring crop are praying that na big stormi cornes along and knocks them fiat be- fore tlicy are readJy for' the binder. in fact we lknom of sonie fairms, wliere the crops have ai- ready suffercd that fate. We get such 1fireakîsh ýtor1nS these dy.Saturday we had :iust a sprinklýe of reýin. Later when BOb) came ý'up tra1, kvil h feidrte the le a Vi e,t ratau- riicelctrijcel sormi. At the con±rutio plntlig"htninig ran one mnachine to another, gave alil Oie employses a scare 'and yet rodmgewa reported lodey the weather in defhlt- fully c (ool. In fact there is a feeljing of f ail in the2 air.'Tise winjd liýas orflsighing soun11d; bluejays a're soun'dling forth witli loud, unmusica] njotes,,uindhast nigIýt there wias a gorgeou1s su1nse'ýt, unusal for summerci evenings. I suppose we mîght learn mnore about wvhat tis wethe lis in store fru if cc lied a greater knowledge cocrigplants and trees. For instncewe avea hickory tree ~downl by tise n"cak that is bcad- Modemt Etiquette... Q. WhDat is the rie on thée lisiodutio alfyounig and pld A. Tise yaun-ger persan is al- wvays introduced to the aider or more distinguished, but a, gen- teiman is ahways presented to a lady, eýven tihougli he is an ohd genle-mr a ad the lady is a; mnere slip of a gilOf -course, a woman i"s presented . fo the Presidient of thec United, States, a roya-l personage, or a dîgni- tary of the chuorcli. Q.How does an unhmarried business woman idenitify herseif Mi ss Ruth Johinson), ofsuli and - such com-ïpany., QIs it correct ta Wear ear- ringýs âat aany time, or should. they be reservéd only for rcr- tain occasions? A Snmai' earnîngs Pcarti Ïbe wornl anywhere and at aiy time. !3,t the diamnond type and long, danglinig onres at:ebest worn l'lonliy wi th evening or dressy p)ar.ty frocks. Q.Is there any wvay that one can possily rinseoe' fingers at the table if no linger bowi bas been) provided.? A. It is permisshicieta, tip thie waterglïass against them cornler 1) the npiand then wipe the fingers on tis damnp corn-er". Q. Is there a11Y special mark- ing cuistomary on, a eake to be served at ain engagemept party? A. A traditionaliy favorite diecoration is thie first nlames of, the bride-elcct and lier fiantceý enclosed in a h-eart. ï). On whicb side of the plate should the napkin be p1aced, and bow shouild it be folded wvith th;e open edge toward gr away fron tthe plate? A, On thie left of, the plate with ('Pen edge ctoward th liffleunlss it is ;foldedan there is no edgc. Q. W01141 It be proper to have twvo maids OFf honor, both is thein i ressed l l)white? A. This is ail riglit, if you w ish, iithou,-Ilusualhy onhy the bride Ls drcssed in white. In some summier weddings, an, al- i-white u-edding is vryeffective. 0f _course, thie bridlesmiaids nieyer wear veils af any kind. Q. I have been tiold thkat onle -who visits a sick friend inu-,a hospital should always b)rîng, some, kind of g-ift. Is thils Cor- rect? A. Tis is flot olgtr.You mnayv do as you ,wish. Q.What is the correct ivay to eat a banana ut thse table? A. It s;houlid be peeled into a plate> and then caten w,ý-tihthei fork. edl witli iîuts this year. We wn der why blecause we haven't had hickory niuts around here for years- and years. There are alsa quite a lot of -wýildl grapes on -vines where I have niever seen grapes 'before. There are plcnty of choke-chierries toô. Last. year there there wasn't onie to be seen anywhere WThy, -No doubt native Indians could ti Add ta your %wardrobe with 'tiee se es--a ,thrifty wcy ta have maniy smart fashionse for sumr' ul Thrcc chassie- styles., -with cheves . ittle varia- tionis in collars acnd pockets. Sew them ta mix and match wili your favor-,ite skirts! Pattern 4660: Misses' Size I10, 12, 14, 16, M, -20. Size 16 uIppr veisia0n, 2¼ ý yards 8-nh middl i~syards; iower 1 This p -er aY ta Use, simr- Ple ta sew, is tcsted for fit, Has coletce ilustrateçi linstruc- tions. Send THIIRTY-FIVE CENTi (3')(stamrps cannaI be ce- cepted. use postal note for, safe- ity) for thi-s pattern, Print plain- ly SIZE NAWE , ADDJFCS ~STYLV NTUMBER- Send order ta ANNE ADAMVS, 123 Eighteenth St., New Tor-If t., Ont. COUNTED SHEEP'TO FALL ASLEEP - ln Ibis' case, reol livo sheep. Gerald Wilson, 16, takes lime oui for ac i'îat the' Missouri- State Fair. The Corridaile lamb salisfying bisý curiosity through' thîe barr-ier i-4 ant of 1,500 cntfriSn in the àfanir's wool show,. M EVES AND y-Ars DannIY MacFayden was pitch- ing for Jýittsbuirgli. With the counit 3 and 2ý, he delivered jne that um-pire Bill Klem called bail 4. Danny charged the plate, whipped off hlis glasSe-S, and prof erred them tLo klem, yelI- ing, -You need 'em morýe than f do!" Neeles-,s to sayý, he wa pi,)i-ptlyli eaved ouit of the iganse. Manager Frankie Frischb arrived on the scenle and at- temipeted to pflacate, the ancrIy urgmpire. "Bill, Bill" lieplaeth kddidn't, mean it. He was ex- citd. ave a a eart." Kiemi remnained adamant. "Fak"le saiýd, "I'm flot'heav- ing him for casting apersions on my ey.esighit, But he mas 1screaming -ýo the crowd couic h-ear him. 1 just can't tolerate that." MacFayden lboedintzo the arg-ument. I [wasni't yefIlIng to thie grandstand," lie sýnaPpccd t Friscli, "I -was hollering just ini case lits ears are as bad as hi,, eyes."

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