Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 26 Jul 1956, p. 7

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Empire Au'ctloned To Pay~ The Army Commnodus is quite the imast notorious of ail Romna)' emper- rs. Yet, strangely hie\was the son of Marcus Auirelius, probably thie best of them al. The Roman people ust have expected. big things tram a son Df the great and gooti Marcus. Btit their hopes received a viol- et shattering when, ln the, tri- urnphal procession la which the ïnew Emperor returned ta the Lapital ftrm llungary-wheme Mis father dlIed-Commnotius had hati his Chambetilain, an ex- glave and ex-charioteer, named Saoteruis, riding along-side hlm ii the imuperial litter. Very soon, the flagrant and abominable exc!esses of the Em peror brouight home the terrible fruth ta the Romans: that, once they had a madman reigniaig over them. And flot only the maddest, but thse m.ost vicious man ever ta fill the impeial throne. His frst act was io raise al biis intimate companions-box- ers, chaioteers, and othei "sprtsen"tonoble rank, and to put themn inta jobs of the greatest influences. Hie had enough sense ta leave the control of the Praetorioný Guard la the hands of a geni- eral, Tamutnlus Paternius, who was bath able and honest; but most of the other key positions ofthtie Romnan Empire which in those days mneant tise entire civ- ilized Western Womld, Comn- modus gave ta bis f avoumites, m,-en leadia most vicious lives, ail worthiy companions of gam- bling-crazed Commoduis, if flot of a Roman Empemor. Within twa years Commýoduis hati sa sh-ocked Rame that bis uilster Lucila, together with ber stepson and cousin, had hat- ched a conspiracy ta dethroae The cousin, Quintianius, how- ever, realizeti that a mere de- throning would do no gooi. fHe re1solveti theefore, ta assassin- ate Commodus when next the, Eunpemor .vent ta 'the chariot races, Unfortuaately, Quintianus, having draw.n his sword, paused lonig enough ta shout, "Tise Senate sends yoib tis!" with tise resit tisat the Em rr' guards rushed at tise assassin, oýverpowered hl-bm, and savedth ie Empemor's lite. Thse outcomne was not only tisaI Luclila, Quintianus and [,uilla's stepson were executed, but that Cammcodus's wite was banisheti to Capri, and tisere strangled ta deatis, by hem bus- band's orders. The general ofthtie Prýaetorian Guard, wha hati been inocent of any shame ia the canspiracy, relieved of his cormmatd and terured to deatis, andthie comi- INSPETED Y QUEEN - In fu'lI cerernônial dress, men of the Royal Scots Gr-eys stand ermartly at attention as Queei Elizabeth Il inspects them. The ceremony of the handing over of ihe newm guido.n to the regimient wvas held in Edinburgh, Sc-otland. mrand of tise Guarti was taken aver by one of Commjiodlus mostvios companions, Pe-ren- ai S., Now, T'witb eýver-y key pos- ition iseld by an uaderling cof tise Eluperor, Rame was tmly t1ise prey of a mnadm-an. Panic-strikeni by Ilis suspic- panions lan vice, Cominodus dlec- imateti the rankiàs of the senate by almost daîly execioni(ýs for "treason," ntil only thiose were lett, who hati proveti themselves nothinig but lickspittle servants of bis will. *Perennis wvas, as might bave been expecteti, tam more tIreas- onable than any seniator whô biat been behieatied for "higis treason"; but Perennis was blid- hing bis timne, until ise could piLunder the empire of a fortune for iimself anti bis two ambit- ious sons. in tise meaziwiile, the Em- peror's love ot acing bati sa crazed hlm tha-t uothing wouild ple-ase hlmn but that be must r-ide li the races himselt, back- ing bis *"colouirs" with sums equ- ivalenit, by to-diay's values, ta mnillions ot pouis. Soan the imiperia-l treasury was emptY. Perennmis, who hati left Ibis plaýns toa laIe, hati fallen undier suspicion, anti hati beeni sumn- mnily executeti. His exalteti po- sition wtas aow taken by a Greekz i-,neti Cleander, who -lati once beers an erranti boy la a bouse of ill-fame, andi with the pass- iag of thei empire int the bantis of tise mioney-mad, urscrupul- ous Geek, whaî little of saaity that hati remiaiaed î npuublic lite com.pletely disappeareti. As the treasury was now ex- bausteti, anti obt Clearider anti Comm.odisneetied money for their particuifir purposes, Clean- dem starteti off by selling pos- itions anti other. benefits for enormous sumrs, i the course of- ,wiich he amnasseç a. fabulous fortune. Somte of tisis money, but aiy a relatively small part, he han- ded back ta Commodus ta de- fray tise vast expenses of the Emperor's harem, gambling fasses-;anti army of corupt isangers-on, He encourageti Commodus ta go c-hariot racingc, so as ta be frcee tapLuriue .bis awn plans, but bath Cleander antci tise Emperoirimatie tise great istake of failing ta pay thse Guardi. Li a Rame s9 tieprivet i fomTmo-i decency' as Commi-iodus anibis comrpanlôns hati matie lb, ib is flot ta be expectedt ta tise uapaid Guard were goig ta show any scruples. They prom-pbly engîneereti a holdý-up INTERNATIONAL T OU CHK - A Scottish Highlaind dancing con- test in western Canada resulted in a victory for Chinese-Cana- dian Betty Chan, above. The 1Iî - yearold, a reside.nt of Saka- toon, is showý,n wearing the Roy- ai Stuart tartan în which she carried off ca series of first prizes. Mer father has promised her a Chan tartan-if there ever is one----as a reward. m the corn supply, frnned pop- ular feelipg against Cleander, whorn they blamied for the fam- ine, and organized a riat in the arenia, even as Comnmodus, as usual, w inning a chariot race (the Cther conipetitorsi knew it neyer paiti to Win!~) Comimodus hurridly withdrew to one of his villas, and the rrob pour.et out of Roime on histal They found their Emperor cow- ering in temor, only too happy to save his lite by ordering the instant execution of hi& favoumite, Cleandler, When the leaders of the xnob cemanded Commodus lasted for a short while longer, but hils end came when he decideci to eelebrate the eighit anniversay otbis accession to the imperial thrrone, not in a so}lnin traditiorial ceremnony but in a persona! appeamance as charioteer. Warned by the howl of pop- uilar fury that the aninounce- ment of the Emnperor's plans aroused, his mistress, Marcia, andi two o)thers d1etermniied to gain favour with the nob by killing Commrodus. The gave hli m poison-anti when ithat had no effeot they paid Narcissus, one et bis favourite athiets, ta themselves masters of Rome anti murder hlmn anti -iake thema- The Eterrial City had had seine shocks in her long history but never had it, such a shockç as when on miorniing the tramhp of armed mie-n souncled ilithe streets and the Romans wateh- ed the Guard, brave la, scarlet cloth and steel and bronze ar- mour, march iii ordinary pro- cession to the Forium, traditional centre ot Romie. There they saw the1li Praet- orian Guard form Up ina Square, andi their Prefect or Gener-.,, mouint the rostrumn out- side the Temple of Castor andI Pollux., He had only a~ sho)rt ianf-luce- mient to -ný,ke-but î was one -iri uprecedented importanet his astoundéçl audience. Since the Guardts' 'wgges were in arrears, lhe expla ined, and there was now no Empperor to pay them, the vacant office of Emperor was bping put up for auction. "Well, citizens oft Roime, what ami1 bid for Rome ... for the entire civilized wamld ., . V' The ~Guard stoad firm; and so did their ,Prefect. Andi then, as thaugli the pre- posterous offer hati net been, startling enaugh, the next par- alysing shack 'camne. If the Pretect andi his men were in deadly earnest ...sa were twa ambitiaus senators. The bewildered, scandalizeti Romnans -had the incredible ex- perience ot seeing two men actually bidding for Ramie-for whaýt wa 1ten thie known warld. At sunset, ERme was knocked down by the auctioneer ta Soýn- atol- Marcrus Julianus. His rival couailtinat top his biti of ýl,50O,OOO,0ü0O; d that niglit, a new Emiperar slept la, the purpie-hungi- apartments on the Capitoline Hill, But not for long..- Let's Face it, Men! If w-e wanted ta be ~mean about it we coulti label this piece, "For Men Only." Sa girls, ,will y-ou be about your business ani leave us men here alone ta discuss a vemy important mat- ter? Leave us face it, men, we are uip against a crisis. It is one that requ.ires more will power ta face than anythi-ng since the fist Bermuda shorts came oni the market in baby blue and ma-uve. The tact is, gents, the powers-that-be have decreed lemon yellaw for men who came this yeam. Theme will be, dam- ling lemnon yellow spart shirts, warranted not to show spilled imustamd, and ail the other gar- mients in the samie shade, ia- cluding lemon yellow Bermuda shorts. Now that we are here in cau- cus together, let's put it on the lime: Are we going ta submnit l- stantly and spenti the suimmer looking like smaiull boys la aiîs- ter's dresses or are we going fo ise up, declare aur inidepe-nti- ence anti then weam lemon yel.- low shorts? For let's flace it, men. If it hias been decreeti, youm goose is cooked, The Lest you can manage is a routine and sporadic show o! indepei- ence. But when you stamt get-. tiag lemoni yellow shorts- for Fathers' Day; lemon yellow shirts on youm bithday; ani when the distaf side tells you fimmly, you've n)ot a thing to wear but those lemnon yellow thiings-, the-n you'll have to give la, finally. Sa why not be Ga gooti fellow and get yourself prepareti. For this year, mien, it's lernon yel- low for men wvho care.-'"Hart,- ford "Courant." If the chiltiren get chewing gum inbetided in their ciothing or la n carpet, rub with a piece of ice and scrape it off. If a stain ernains, sponge with carbor a woman of sl'abby- appearance who waated a cheek casheti The teller was coumteoýu~s but did the lady have an account> here? She- didn't. Anti was there- anyone wvho coulti identity the lady? She saiti she'd retumaj with some one. A f ew minutes later she mre-. tumniet with the traffic cop fromr the corner. "He knows who 1 arn," she sali, pointing ta the offlcer, "Do you know her?" asked the teller. The officer notideti. The check was theii cashedl. On his lunch hour the tell.i" approached- the. eop, "Sorry te pull you Cff yottr post fCýr iha* wôma. Bit1Irequired soxn* "Yeah, I kno(w," said the of. Cer, "thfree years ago I iarrested" her for shopiifting."> Rust froi4g a ciothes uecati le-ave bôthersomrre stains 0-n gar.. mryents. But these can be reniov,- ed by sprinkling sait ver th* the stain, miostening it with lemon juice and then epoin it to stroing sunlight, Tnwn thle lemonl juice-- occasiojftallyý CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING AGENTS WANTED Go INTO BUSINESS for yotwsreIf. Sel elusLive houseware prQclucts and, app)liances wanted by every hiouse- 1hlder. Tiiese iesarefmot aold in stores, There is no com1petition. Profit up 'oa0 % Write immediateiy for free color catajlog with retail prices s hown. Separate confidential hl sale priee list wlll be incluided., Mur- raýy Sales. 8822 St. Lawrence, MIonkt real. S3AB% CHiICKS WIDE range Bray Chicks - Pullets, dayotd, started, prom-pt shipmnent (lncludîng Anes InCrosse, more e,5gs, 1ess, eed. Oder Sept.-OCt. brcI1erýs. FuIl particulars. BraY fratcherY, 2 John N., Hamilton. CHICKS and Turkey pouts for Jly and August. Ail popular breedscof. chicks formai m egg prodIuction,ý duil purpose or broilers, -non-sexed, puilets. cockerels. Turkey pouits for heavy roaisters or turkey- broilers, Broadi Breaisted Bronze, Thompsofl Large Whlites, A. 0. Smith Broad Whtcs, Bel1tsvtlle \,'itles non-sexed, henis toms. Catalogue. Aiso started turkýey put 2 ani 3 weeks of age at bargain prices TWEDDLE ClHICt HATCHERIFES LTD. FERGUS ONTARIO EDUCATIONAI. PREP SCF400L SM~ALL boardinjg with pleasant homne- ike atlmosphere. Indiyidual Instruc- tion and th.e closest persoý;al atten- tion in ,aIl g rades to matriculation. Guidance and testing. Enqu1iries Wel. comied. 4240 Girouard, -Montreal 28, FARM 'MACHINERY USED grain combine bargans. Five, six and seve n foot cet, egn drive. McCorrnlck and Mse-Hrl.Phonie Dealer- edIl, 820ý Simrcoe, Ontario. THRESHING Machine 32 x% 46wie grai thrower, a]l hi good condition. Seilor trade for ivestockç. W. J. A Concord P.O., Phone AV. FOR SALE FARMS & ORCHARDS - the nieh "Beaver V l ley" Georgian Bay Area. Carefully "appralsedl" offer exiception- al value. HlghIy lmproved, hydre etc. Acreage; tiaiity, terms to suit Fou.ý State your requiremrents 'NOW'. Garfield Case - Carksburg, Ontarlo. Gordon Stoutt Ltd., htealtors. RILEY aid McCormick Ltd., Calgary, Aberta. Pioneer Sdle Makzers of the West. Write for aur free catalogue on sipurs, bis anid ail cowboy gear. MEDICAL GOO0 RESOLLITION - EVER SUFFERER 0F RHEUMATIC PAIN OR NEURITIS SHOULD TRY DIXOW'S REMEOY. MUNRO'S ORUG STORE 335 LGINOTTAWA $1.25 XPREfl PREPAIO MEDICAL POST'S ECZ6MA SALVE BAýýNTSH the torment of dry eczemal£ rashes and(1 weeping skin trOuble, P ost's Eczenia Salve %will flot disape point yqou. Itching, scalng and hum.- Ifig eczema; acne, ringworm, .p1mp1es and foot eczema wilU respond readily to the tainless, odorlesa oitment e-, garâlesa of iiov;stubbomn ri .hopf-eeal they seema sent Post Free on Receipt of Price PRICE S2,SQ PER JAR. POST'S REMEDIES 7.865 St. Clair Avenue Fast, TORONTO OPPORTUNITIErS FOR MEN AND WOMAEN SIG PROFITS RAISE Hyurid, Earthworms year rotuacI i backyarçl or frasement, seil to fisher- me, horticuiturista, etc.; 35,, bring illusirated bookiet "There's Moneyii Earthiwormýs." G. 1HOWL; 1106 Gle- cairii Avenue, Torontoý. BE A KAIRORESSER JOIN CAM ADA'S LEAPING SCHGOL. Great Opportun'ity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dtgnified profession; good! wages. Touanda 0of auccesaful Marvel graduates. America's Createst Svztemn 1llustrated Catalog Free Write or Cai MARVEL HIIRSIG SCHOOLiS 358 Bloor St. W., Toronto Brainchesý A, King St., Hamilton 72 Rideau St., Ottawa PATENTS IFETHERSTONHUA UGHI & C o ni p a n y, Patent Attorneys. Establlshed r890. JO0LlhvrstyAve. Torontlo Ptents aicountries. A&N OFFER to every Inventor Ust al Inventionis and full hnfornoiti4n sent fmee. Thie, Raniissyý C'o. htegistered Pst. ,ant Attorneys, 738al St-. Ottawa. PERSONAL $1.00 T'RIAI. offer. rwetnty five delua,7 pe-rsoflal requirements. La'p-tea tz- logue hicinded. The Mediîco Age,,ncy. Boxý 22, Terinl"Q" oonto Ont. * SWINR LA&NDItACE now are the comidng bmeed ii Canlada. 65 -of the pigS iii Denimark are Lartdrace, and the Danes bave captilred ~thie Britlsh ~Arket, Wýhen startng buy the best. We have hsd many visiters &t our farm sand thaey ahi tell us they haven't sean better imported Landrace Swine an13- where in Canadâ. Guaanteed tL,)-pig a5owa, weanllng sows, ami hboars for limiedïate dehtvery, AIl gttaranteel breeders. Folder. I"ERGUS LANDJLRACE SWINE -FAPtA FERGUS OTARIO ISSUPE 30 -1956 BUGGER, SETTER TRAN EVER CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION FABULOUS EVENING GRANDSTAND SPECTACLE lnternationally famrousteany, Dancers, Musiclanis, ie works, Featurlng lhe Royal Canadian "Mounties" in their breathtaklng "Musical Ride'" . Crack Drîll Seýuusd* from Canad' Arrned Forces,.., . Plpelbands, every î-4i4ft on tht World's lorgest Outdcr Stage. Y W m FUN-PACKED AFTERNOON CIRCUS Starri-ng Gene Autry and Annie Oakley, Clowns,Aekt* Comedians, Entertaîners, plus the "Mounties" îin their fanmoff Musical Ride. Write noew for Advance Ticket Order Forms to C.N.E. Box Office, Toronto 2B, Ontario. World Renowned Coid!.reamý Guàrdaý Bond from 2noitand, Daity on lb. BandshelL, Misic, C h a ; r , Square Dancing, Se. Superaon1ic Jets in Action ai the internaionQl Air Show Sept. 7 andLý tth ut the C.N.E. Water-front. A Wamnan'a World of ,xcithng Pli. &hiana, POada, Floweru> Furnishinigm- Canvao' Grealest Aeray of Ant1ique Cure. WM. A. I4ARRIS Preak~enf 'N 'N 'N 'N -N '-4 N -4 -4, -4, N N 'N 'N 'N "N 'N -4' ~ -4' N t N -4 'N '4' 4, 4, --4 'N N 'N 'N Prh. wîîning Livestock, Poultry. Oaiiry producte, F r vuî 't, Vegetoblea. Deg Showsý, Cnt Showsv in laigese A94- tu!tvrol Dlsplay Iii tha World. National Morse Show Aug. 24-30. Se, îhe Eskmo Kitchen Iin ihe new Mulîil-rnllion Dollar Food -Pi'ducte Building. A Mle -of Laughter, Thrihs, Comea on tho Midwtsy. I4IRAM N. -McCALLWMGouleral Manager 'N --4 'N 'N -4, "N "-4 N s, 'N 'N -'N 'N 'N -- CANADIAN NATIONAL EX(HIBITION TORONTO AIlS. 24 . SEPT. 8- ,ýiCE

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