era den-p cmpagnthroughoju t theVillage by evervone. (irono i- often efrrdte as ia neat mncpaiand with such projects ý- and ssistance froli alil dwellers Ooocan tifly be a Village 4o t)eauýty. Mlay wepassý a bouquet to the conýerned( parties in the beau- ti~~~~ 'yn rga his year. Her trdubleýd ?ights are p ised, upply Andin uraohng ars W knW,4,0»0 Newcastle, on :2 floors, 7 roomas, She Las found sKweet reat at last. double lot, garage 'and work Sadly miýd hy her ons Eerett andRonld 6vir nd er amiy. LEROY HAMILTON, BROKER a-p Orono, Phone 1r16 S. S. 'Ço. 12 MEETING 0I=0C= =0 = =' The regula<r monithlvy eeting of on ueda, vl'u8tý t .3 pn.1* 3 r lumDing -Heating stead of M4'ndav, a 7th. Deea- 'tions will be reéuJed at 8:00 E.. aVéstroug-e4ing IFREE ESTVIATES SHarvey Partner i 1,y E;/ IMA. 3-240 Orono 1.0O0,F, Lodge, No. 43J ________________ imIeets th&ýfirstaid thîrd Wednesday. _______________ Ne w Pl9stcri)ng anla Repairs ISTU$CCO IFe"stlmates .Wlinianship Guaranteed A. C. WOODS Phonoe Clarke 2034 '1 R,R. 1, e t vil c c main coverages wýe carl Auïtomocbile, Life, Accident and Sickne-ýs, Plate Glass, Liabillity, Fire, Burglary Hospitalization, Livestoek, Bolier, Wind, Polie. HRall, Fidelity Bonds, etc. Every clas of Irisur.. ance is represented ii, "n fice. The f ollow- ORONO PHONE 1RI6 FIIRST MIORTGAGE LOANS iILeroy Ham"I'ton R1L.AL ESTATE îfl<OknLY ,aMeinorial MINU-ENT MAKERS CORNER STONES ANWD STATUAftY (On I¶o. 2 Highway Eat of Ç,'ify SLimàis) Manua4ctl1-ig/MemeriaIý,fremt the \~aieandrMri ï,avaiIable. flefoe making your final decolSion- see US. For mfqformnatiort withoeu-t ebliga'. tien" wrlte-RBox 213 îin Oshawa or caîl RA. 5-661L. v O~O~O~C ~ ;0 >O~~O O Professional Directory Framie Barn 2ýx3:6. Ten inioh pinelý A. F. iMcKEiNZIE, M.D. ,iding; Chicken -Fountains and Feed, PYIIN n 1GO 'roughs.MrPHSCNan UG N Apply Mr. S. Dunca, Orono. Office Heurs: >rone1-791, Oroo. V .200 te 4:00 p.m..; 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. FoyRc ALE Sunday3 and Wednesdays by i bthub w~i~ na~?onstel, appoiitment oni>! ýith fittings; also hot-water tank-, PHONE 1471 - OXONO 30 gallon capa,ý(.ity, with fitting-s, and Iotpoinlct re ater heater. Bar- -_________________ 1'ain for quîc!ý adie. D .W J A G R Phone Oropo9 171.,- D .R . A G R VETERINARY SURGEON HEP-WATDVteiaymdcnebolgct HjnWneLP ANy L CD o Veterintrmeknsebiica iam' Nursery <Ço Bbwmnani!!lle, dispensed. F{I SLÊPHONE 10),16 ORONO, ONT. Building Lot . 19~2 Libety St Korth., Bowmianvi1i1e. 0 -PLEA Qro NOTICEoedro Lawrence C. Mason?, B.A. ioon, Wednesday lMay 9th to Monday, Barrister and Solicitor v1ay 14th. BOWMNANVILLE, ONT. HEF1,11 WANTEDPhe: Girl or Womnan to help -ý,,t'h house- Office MA 3-5688 Hlome MA 3.3555 ,votki on a farm, MUrs. E. L. Gilbank, Orono; Phone ______________ r-3 a-p _____ ____ ____ JOHN REGAN, B.A. Homie dwiers Attention Barrister, Notary Public Before d ecidîng on you9-Septie 33 Temperancýe St., Bowmanviil. Tank, contact nie fer prices on the Phorne MA 3-3292 ready te jnstall, reinforcedi con- crete tank,~ (wilI pass inspection),> delivered alnd placed. Aise ask for prices on house steps and iron rai1ings, reinforced and place4l.JA K R I '-FRF4 -GRAHAM OoosLcne Representative for Brooklin Coerte Preduets A'titioneer and VaiuatoX, We wilI be pleased to pick lip dead or crippled f-arni animais for sa-nîtax-y disposaI. Telephone colleet, Cobourg FR. 2-3643 or Toronito EM. 3-313e. GOR DON YOUNG LITED 1REÀLTOR P.O. Boà 71Plhonle OiRONO -ONTARIO 2 Doors Southi of United Chtireh S1191 if yen wish STOCK remioe thien call us vo< ?G79. We also bt )FARM t WVay, mian.ville Orono Electrke PHLONE 1291 CONTERACTORS FOR FARM and IIOUSE WIRING Free Esîmates APPLIANCE SALES Prompt and Guararteed'Repaira c ai] makes of Electrical and Appliancea -"nas & 'leîtors. Water Heaterâ q teveRa Iran&. Pt AND 3 CAM, U!z FOR ESTIMÂATES HARRYE. LYCETT [ Phn Ar1 HAliVE You 'A HrOuSr"OR BU's1NE-ýS FOR SALE List yol,4r property with uls for S4tisfactory SerVic-e Esttes~ndprope-rties manag-ed WVe ae eoserve yo)u. For fgastAtinConltaclt TouM Le wis REAL ESTATE BROKEER Ph l03~ ) o' ~ert,-~ it. SPecialize lInB'arm and Furniture sales COnsuit me for ternis and dates Phone 5 r 1p TEl) JACKSON Aucionerand Vatuator -and at reasoInable raton Cemmunicate with hl.m at FPoe21 Perry, onitario, or see bis clIerk A E. Merten, at roo, far d&t.. LIFE INSURANCE Pension Plans; Educatjonaj polilu;" Protection and Savivgs Plans f Chuidrexn and Adults; Mortgag, u. surance Plan.. F. E. LYCETT Oroneo, ont. -Phon, 117,14 STAFFORD BROS monmntal Works Plione hÎhy552 318 Dunidas St. E., Whitby FlINE ,QUALITY MONUMENTS AND) MARKERS It's notepeset Let us erect a handsime, dlg- nified moniument over the. test- ing place of your loved one&. It's nlot expenslve. And seeing this lat tribut. wil give yen reftdless comrfort. The RUYI'ER GRANITU COMPANY Phone Turnier 5-5216( P.O. Box 622 port Hope, Ontarlo MonumntGveakr Engraving, Goldleafing "Buy direct andf save commisabaO REALE-STATE FOR -SALE Properties Sold, Rented Managed and Appraised, L. M.ALIO Reai Estate Brokerq Phono 2566 - Nwate a Two blocks north of trafflq