Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 3 May 1956, p. 7

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fn June ef that year 1 spent two weeks h2 southern New Jersey witbi my parents, Onre day somieone who knew of mny interest in birds told me of a maan a f ew -miles qway who ae t- exrted thlem. 1 called him on khe télephon-e and te mY delight lie told me that he fed birdsý hi sumrmer as wefl aÉs in wîin 'Zer. I shaih neyer rorget that vilsit and what it taught me aboiut the fun one can hýave frmfeedling ird'eils- insomr Miy hast hadi only (mnelag eeeder i» the center of his yardl, but he had plan-ted along is property 1 i n e s several shade trees, thickets of shrubs, anid dlense clu-mps ofhnescl 41sid grapevines in whichl birdls c-ould hide tLheir nests. Cardin- ais, catbirds, robins, tîraushe-rs, »nd ïany ther birds sat in his Prt:etops or shrubbery, visctl- lngP., caling, or flying from tbliket 1to thicicet.While wex watehed, a flamning red cardin- ai fiew te the bircd feeder, ted thJere- for a few; moments, tIen Dew to a hanr-eysuckile bush îin a corner of the yard. "Watcl this," MY hast saici q[tietly. 1-e walked to tIe bird feed- irg station, took some English- wtaln)ut kernels from his pocket, eind spread themi on the tray ar týhe open feeder. Instanlly a cýlaMer af young bird voices came fromn the honeysuekie tieket. The maie cardlinal pop- flew back ta the toneysîîckle bush were 1 could see if pake the piece of wainuf dJow,ýn tf toat af one of sevecialunisýy young c;arnIs, frot long out of the nest, that crowcted aboxut the parent bird. Stil the young irds cahled, perhaps mare loudfly tha'n befor0(. The lemale car-dinal now came t o the feeder. Sh3e, tea, piJçked zup somne of île wuainut meats,, back ta the young birdl,-, and led themi. Bath Parents now workecI feverishly ta leed tle clamrorin-g yoLing ones unitil aW] oï tle walnut kernes an the feedinig trùy had bleen carried away. The young birds Mt ]caSi ed Iaudly, ibut wîen île man moved awvay from the leeder and we walked out of theirsgt behind the house, t'hey werec suent. "Don'f let ayoytellyn tlat Ibir~ds rnt'mat"my hast said smnilingiy. "Sh-ortly affertune young crdiais left the nest, the parents, in addi- bion tA eedmng them insects, gave them iwalnuts that 1 lad been put ting in ftle feed fray for the aid birds,, The young birds took a likîng ta them andi soon learned that wvheniever they saw mue althte leedler, that meant walnuts. Sa ai] they haveý te, da nowv is to make a lot ai noise and the parents 1111 the wvifh mwaInufs te siiut tlLemup.fD" Iftakes only (Due experience RIGHT HONORABLE WINSTON CHURCHILL"S LANDRACE BOAR 'Chcrtwell Viking 3rd." bred four îïmported Swedish csewsusi rýeceived by -Fergus Landrace Swine Farm, cswn-ed by jack Tweddle and Harry Cassie of Fergus. One scw is seen aove. 'the prolud owners of these outstcinding in-rîed Landrace r.ows which wvere brod te this outstarnding boor cf S;r Winster Ch-urch'Ili, aise iteceved with this shipmnent a totalý of 13 imperteo rcws and 1 bbear 'F different Swedish bleed unPres., These ani- mvals were purchased frem srrns ef the mesýI eutstandiïng Lreeders in Great Briîain, This shipmrent makes the feurth importation cf Landrace swine which the Fergus tandrace Swvine Fairm have brcoght te Fei-gus witl'in the lest few months. 95% cof the swine in Deqmairk are Landrace, but in the lest few years this breed has baecomne very popular in England, Scotland and the United States, and many rwinie breeders in Canada believe they will becomne very pepu- far in Canada. The> are the bacôin type hog, langer thon manory cf thie breeds in Canada, they do net becom-e as fat, are very hardycandil Is predicted they will Play a ver-y important roýI!ini impreving fhe quality cf our bacon and ether Park producis in Canada. OILS, GRPASES TIRES ani varnishes, -electlc rnt, shop machinens'. Dealers went.- Vite: W,,arco Grease and i 01 ri, Toronto. "1T S wanted. to seil Stand-rdd ig C a d a, %with orwihu .ine. Excellent commissions. Send mples iodas'. Standard Greeting 195 Perth St. Brockiville, Ont. SELL ELECIRIC SHAVERS! antI distributors wanted ta WELL DONE-icel Shoefer, 13, returns te his home in Chicogo and his mom's proud welcomne. A Boy Scout and a poîie, victim, Jeel has just completedi 131/2 he-iurs cf wligte fuifili re- quiremnents for a hiking menit bodge and the Engle Scout rank. Hiking 20 miles along t he historic Lincoln Trail, thý scout used' crutches menst of the time. like tlis ta convin)ce yaou ta birds in Che back yard are in- teesing at i imes ai the year. -Fr'om *SI"Songbird(s n YouLr Garderi, by Ji n K Tc One of-fihe sprigh-fiest wits in radio, Ed (Dufify's Taverni Gardner, onc'e panicked the Newv York Basebaàil Writers As- sojciation with his tale aI a two0- headed pitcher nam-ed Athios and PorthosMGnns [t seemned thaýt the hoe'u lacked color alld the manager Called Lupon i-hs players for ,sug- gestions. CI knowv where there's a fwo- headed pitcher, Skçip," voul,- safed one oý the playerjs. ,you think flat wolcibc apnovel- ty?" "A pifcheýir wttwo h,-ead(s, eh"mused the manager. ',S o îatif hie aif't a niovelty,? Wheý else could we gat ta atchlirai and third at the samne tm "And what a greaf gu9y to pliclidouble . headers!" ent lus- ed anoher' player. "Where is he frm?" asked the manager. "Walla WauilWshinton, af Course" was the reply. MOTOR COAT - Continental metoirinig cecrt in water-repel- lent, windpr-oof white pop... i a recent newcomer te this coulntry. lt's cul full for Com- fort and hoodeci for weair in th-e little, Open sports cars se Poe'pu- lot these days,. Coait is butteýned and buckle-d in caîf. The great Tw-,o-Tap rpre ta camp warnga fxdand everybody in the hote]loIbby turned ta stars ai thim. "Wlat are yeul staring ai? Two-Top demnandied. "Aini't any af you people ever see a tuxedo kielore-,-" The manag.er saothed i lus find by tîelling him ithiaftîIere -was al masquerade bal :scheduled thiat evening.,- Two-Top attend- ed and wonj first prize, lHe ap- peared es ia pair of boekends, with a book betwveen the fwýo heads -- a 'book entlitled "My Soni, My7son.' The next day he- was equip- ped wifh a uniform wvith two caps. But in lis first start as- a pitcher, Two-Top and île catcher becomne involved in an argumient. The catcher had sig- naled for a fýast bal, and Two- Top had nodded yes wvith orle headd shaken no with l(le other. "l'ni getting sick and tired of two-lea,-ded pitchers aro-urd here," the catcher complined- te tle manager. "1Don't get excited." rejoîn- ed the skipper. "Go out there an-d taik, it over with Twci-Top. Aller ail, three leads is bet- ter than one." But Two-Top's heads could-n't agree aind he l in- ,gered but brie-fivy in the big leagues. Later lie landed a jobli th ing tennis nmatches Io.-,. Mvovie-, tone News. Gossip cotlnists niow say he's courting a movie actress. Her name? Simone Simone, of course j 345 Cr 1i q East tMontreel GO i1NTO BUSINESS -foryore. Seli exclusive houseware products and arppiances wan-ted by every house- holder. These itemis are noi soîri in stores. There is no competition. Profit uip to 500%. W %rite immrýediately for free color catalog wltb retail prices shown. Separate confidential whalle- sale price li.5t will be included. Murray Sales, 3822 St. Lawrence, Montreal, BABY CHICES BRAY cockerels, prompt sbipmient. Pollets, started, dayold. Gsi ourfcoin plete liai, you'il find what you need Ordepr July broilers. Bray Hatchery 120ý John N.. HamiUtc». llýE'S proof why it pays ta buy the highlesi qualty chieks: first initial cosi 00 of the investmeni 1i your stock; productive life of bird 2%' of the investinent t» youir stock. We are not telling you som-ething you don't know-, we are trving to miakie cean the faise ecanomy of trying to save maoneyý on cbick cost. Wben yoii punchase' Tw,,eddle chieks you Ca» depend on1ilie besi fior egg production, dual purpoiso or broilens. We bav;e srpecîal breeds far eacb purpose, also Tur-key Poults. TWEDDLE CHCI ATCIIER1ES LTD. FERGUSOTA O RECORDS COU~NTRY and WESTERN WE are Canada's couintry andI western record bieadquarcers. Wilf Carter, Hank Snow, Webb Pieýrce, Kit Wls Elis Presley' , Don Messer. Records by, these, and l al the o;ther country stars available brand newv only 89 cents eacb. SaFc ~delivery positiveýly guara.) teedan hee Write todlay for our big niew FER CATALOGUE. Destry Records, P.O. Box 17, Montreail, .Q. P3 INTEPESTING Novlties. (, oo d quaility. lllagnetic top, paper balloon parachute, conpiass, etc., $.1.Moniey- back gzuarantee. Pacific-New Eng.land, Tra., Box 11,52, Stuidio Cils, California. CHINESE ELM HEOQE PLANTS W1LL cquickly prrvide a five tciicn foot biedge. 1Nine to wcv, d plants, $431per huidred Edgedale 'l'orne Nurseries, Ay'Lner, Que. NIELP WA11NTEL MARRED n» for fully ce(qui1p1ed dams' farrn, Toronto district;biousel hyfiro fuel,.nik garde» supplled, yar1y' emplos'ment. Ras' .-. Barker, WidbideOtario. MEDiCAL SATIlSFY YOURSELF -- EV ERY SUFFERER 0F RHEUIMATIC PAlINS OR NEURITIS SHOULD' TRY DIXON'S REMEDY. MUNRO'S OIRUG STORE 335 Elgin O;IQWU. $.5Express Pïepaid POST'S ECZEMA SALVE IllS te tonnent of dry ecrema111 rashes and weeping ski»trou1bles. Post's EczemaL Salve will nect tisap- point s'ou. Iltcing, scaling antid um.- ilng eczerna, acne, ringwvorrn, pimples adfoot eczemna vill respond rea,.dily tathe staintess odorlesis oinitnent te. gardMess of how stubborn or oplelesa thleys'eem. "Sent Posf Free en Receip f of ric.e PRICE $2.50 PER JAR POSTI$ REMEDIES 889ý Queeta St. E., Corner cf Logan TORONTO OPPORTUN-,ITIES FOR MEN AND ',WOME'N BOYS AND GIRLS HERE'S 7our chance ta miake some real money or wvin a lovels' Premiumi sellîng di nk1powder antI Ie Crearni Paw,ýder. Terrifie sellers. Seyid for a $5 re todas' Vour reward. for sell- klg this prder la one ibird, Send no money. WFs trust s'ou. PARKER SPECIALTY CO., 52 Giiin.shorouigh RoatI, Toronto 8. SALES Advetislng Dlistributionl Ser- vice atitbis large tsolated North -,Af' ian Air Base! 90% al punch a1es don.e by Mail Order. Sheets, leaflets, pamphlets, books, and catalogues. ouit let for your sles. Write: John H. Ellars, 7272nd Mint. Veh. Sqdn. A.P.O. 231, c/o Pastmaster, New YorR, -N.Y. FUILL UP MAIRVEl 4,1 300. WAYS FOR wvonien te earn moneyv at bome- how' to start, ha to do, o to dc h. Postpald $1l49. Possile earningr $ 10 to $60 or more. macGREGOE QOVELTIES, 173 Paradjise Roaýd North, Hanlilton, Ontario. VERMÎCULITE 15 RIGMli LET thïs' prove», guaranteed procesa brilg bcknev, Car performance. Ha' surfac es cyhinder walls, piston ringn effectlvel, $W.95. Safety guard. Posi. tive pulicture sealing campoundc la boratory tested and approved. 129M Four tubes $1,92; literat(ure agent, wantedi, Arthur D. Baulne, S;Jles Agen CY, Box 234, Massey. Ontpirlo. FREEi CATALOGUE CtOTHI NG, SMALLWýARE$ % VritLe: ECONOMIC eMAIL ORDER 216St. L1ene Bld ept. i Mantrea'l Que. CANADA'S LARGEST HOBBY SUPPLIERS EVE'ýTIiI'NG fore be ot]y], .Sené for free Bulletin or 25t for 'ilot,ýratecl catalogue. 24'-HJour Service. L-eonaird'a HobbyÇCentýre, 608 Byiw Aeu Dept. "A", Toronto. OPPORTUNITES MlEN AND WOMEN WIANTED - youngýý men for Telegrjapb jobs fon Rail*way3 Big emnf, nion ps.we Saccore]jobs'. ACShorthandedlualihies forSen- r'apher 1in 10 wveeks at homre. Frea fderetbjrer course, asnSsea 20Spadina Roafi, Teonto. 196Coýn çcatalogue $1.601. Hanrcly oi album- 75ý eacb, .1 for $2. MrnJao Dyck, 320 E. 55 Avenue, Vanjcouvecr FET FErSTONHiA JG H & C o m p an y Patent Attorneys. Estabblsnbed M1890 600 Usilversity, Ave.. Toronto. Patenta ai] couintries, netosanltI fuli]information sentý free, The amsa'y Co. Ilegiste(red Papt~ ent Attorpïe,,s 273 Balkst., Ottawyaý £10 RIAL or-ier, relt ive rt-ex personial requîiremdnt!s. Latest cata. logue icue.The medico Asency. BOx 22, Terinalýz "Q" Toranito Ont. REpAIRS REPAIR youir Singer, or iany otiler sewing nmacbine, We hveparts. ,SeudI $-1- now o epi ana.Mabn Tradýes, 5î Libecrty Avenue, Dnuy MIONACO Ptrince fiâin -er set el 6, 2 5 Witb approyal1s. Cliffo rd Ritellie, 19ý Randolph RaLeaside Ontarlo. SWI NE tWEHhavie ,»neofni theargeat and bLesi heards of regiatered. Landrace swine, tI»i Can1ada,' 33 breeciing Sowýs, 19 ol thee imprted, 4 fimported boars and 125 wealiling-Es, 4 sow.s bred teoutstaud- i7)g bca, ofsir wi,nsnChrh1 o.CameandI see ibis berri If yoo a' corne send for photos anli fcaIder., Pedlgreled unrelaied weaning sows and boars for immnedliate delivery. FERGUS LAîNDR-ACE SWI 'E FR F~ERGUS ONTARIO Prtet 'Ur BOO-KS aaï-C -ASH "rom FIRE and THJIEVES. We bave a sl and type ai Safe, oï Cabbljet, fat:01any purpos'e. Vist ;us o'r vwrite for !onÎce. tc. to Oeppt, W J.&J.rAYLOR LIMITED TORONTO SÀ&FE WORKS' ,45 FotSt .roronto , strated ualaog i"ree Wirite or Cal IIAI1IRESSING SCO S Bloor Si. W, Toronto Br-ances King St.,Harýnilion A nman asked for a seat on îlie next flight t te i oon. -Sry sir," said th'e ticket agent, "lbut al the passenger fligîits lave been can-celied feir the nexi f-ew days." "How's thait?" inquired theý Mani. "Weli" anwere theagent, themoon's fuil rigît nw M1-M-M1! FAMILIAR Tlie pir lod lady was giVen the first glass oaI gin she h&d ever lad. Aller sipping if fer Fa mom-rrent she loaked Pp with a -puzzled aîr. 1 "How odd!"ý she murinuredl. "Il fastes j'usti J ke the medti- cine mny husband l as been tdk- ing for 'the hast fwenty years," Drive With Care -t 't n n -t' -t' n n --t n t-t --t 't n -t n n --t -t n -t n. n. -I. -t n t- t-t -t -t' n -t -t- n -t- 'n -t' n 'n s 'n -t- -t t-t t-t n '-t s -s' -s t'- 't--t 4- -t 'n n t- s' n n 'n t' -t., '-t n "t 'n 'n "-t -n "t" 'n 4-' 'n -s-t 't~. "n 'n 'n t-t t' "t, -s n -t n 'n -t-' 'n

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