Vol. 19 No. 14 Chamber Approves Incorporation, 'Welcome To Orono' Scheme The Drectom, of the Orono Chain- ber of CÎ-ommierce ne, on Thursdlay Sev ~evenirg i'n the Oronio Municipal -Buiiding wimth a goodly ýnmber of o MDrectors present. T'he president, M4r. A. L. 11ooey, b!eld h chair for the meeting- and IMr. . F. Porter, seecretary' resd t he T intsof the previous mi-eeting. Christian Te, 1their Gold3 ip lits selver a date to see weeii thE years il SubYscriptiQ1I$1,50 per year ~Seventy-five Attend Achieve' )n ment Day Held I Orono ,School For Instinetien Où Seven,,ty-five 4-H H1omiemaking Club ýri . - - - .Leaders and girls attended tieAch- Tcoget] awards nens of , o VLi thee Eouses in the presented as pageantry o rod vuy-ool. at D 'n wiinn 1' ges were Mrs. flare~, Miss from Newcastle and Mrs,E iinian from- Kirbrt These owledge was tested to de- ed vinners as each contestant r lent. Miss Cairolyn Jonesth Geýor4e 'Carson fvue ýocali solos eachi accompani-io M. H,Staples, OBr( at fin, Marilyn Qobledick, vH6 judges retired toi Mrs. H. Rowe izes to pupils of as J. Brown Fieldman toi For ElenCnte ~b y Cc ton, ecett J. Br h as bean annpoiot- Watsi 01)L per The At W.A. NME field in Clevlan l 300deegates.,re! on1 Apr t, Mrs. receIve-d a book. Mmý,.1 thaaked each one who h, rt in the programi and to î 1made the contest a succes ith the National Anthem. .e±j"'...vau ay iturnuL puoino ini-j icorporte the "Welome to Orono After a geeýjraj l di scussion ion ln- corporation of thel CVillage of rn a motion was pssdby th recor ofý th0rono Chmber, of Comnimeree as beagii favour- of Incorporatioýn -)r the Village qnl extaindled ae around tha present boiun'daries. It %vas pointed out that in the procedisre now to rncorporate that only SeveIt- fiv;e signatures are necessary as 6-om- pared with sevently-five per-ent a nunibýr -of years ago. Iantthe discus- sion and fromi fi 'gures presecnted by the Police Trustees itl, as feit that tecost of oparating an incorporrated Village wvould not incvease the mi rate but could reluce the rate to .,ome d6gree-. In respect' to purchas-. iag hydro unmes for seryica to pre- sent outside area it was learned that no price bad a yet been received but- that it was beiag- soug,-ht from- the Ontario Hydro. Orono Basebail Team To Play Enters Lake shore L.eagui The oo Baebliteam w Nas,'on iîn-terested perïsonIs in B~b1 Thusdy eennggienthree days Orýono held a meeting at w-hich th of grace in which t inake up) theiricdecided to enter a tLean-,ini the Lai dciCision onl ehr oenter "a te arihor)ie league this yeara he a 'on TI ig the Thursday Thought For The Weeké Pleasant mamoies st al-ways ha arranged for in ine. The agu wiil ba malde p Bowman11 ýville, Lindsay, -Port Ho Cobourg and 01o.010 At tiore Orno meetiiwg ,the club) e te tei fficr for tire yea*lr MecrScrtry .M.i',Lmýv are ew ppoatmntsto tire- te, -hat ai fow new f ýca will annear aý Thre Orono Am-ateur AthletileAs- soîtion promo1ted onle of its m suc-e.ssful financial camipaigas of the, seasýon when theyý held an auction on Friday evcening in the Orono Muni ipalBuilingrealizing a total of $246.0O. The scheme wvas promnoted jointly by tha -Athletic Asësoeiation aned thre Orono Figure Skating Club. Prior to the auction saile the toy was camnassad door by door forý t icles te be placedl in thre sale. The articles -were gifts te the auiction aî in thi(r sale represented a one hu dred percent profit for tLhe_ orgai zain.For tirose who attelil-ded. t sale there was a, wideseeio articles, -withi dishes and g!asswv 'holdinth ie peoiaigpositio-n quantity. SThe town becamieaar of theass earlyv in the evening wlnea mua ar- and un- iudge, being on thýe officiai jýTs, ()fing he Judges of the Hoisteinj Friesian As- mnb sociation, and has placed the (,awards at a numberti of Black anid Whitetem Dalys. iirec( H1e will start b his new !l'ties onaar iay1.C[hure] ioomed out from the Municipal 1ars.IvCMLYlul Building drawing attention to this Minister, and prootin.Mr. Jack Raid tucýtioned adsr t the aticles whlch raýnged fýrom naiiwdaufmi te old and atqe t j ray-s t Durtiing Ilth R. W. Yeýo, At present it the thought olf the1 istrW.i twvo organizations to miake this sale tenda-nce an. an annual avent la thre Village whichsect their1 helps te provide funds for th e tire close oft promotion of min.or sports ini the, VilL s prod ag,,e of Orono. port on her .A r iIé R à i , of~ in To Feature Points Ini aC An 'Appla Blossomn" tour fostered ifayd lvne scby the Bowman-ville Chamrber of Coin- Boma-Ln-ville i: -merce drew to reality veeently ns lovely a town plans for the tour wera discussed by street, during 241 a-reibers of Zone 2 of tnre Lakte is a grando !Ontario Development Association at our 'natural ws Port Hlope. t 'o several hunc Designed at, bringiing huadreds of bours." % e city-dWeerms ito th is ar1-ea1, ext A 3gýsQ monti, the tour, described by Elmier a "Batterwo -Bantiag, President of the Bowman- tate of the Rt, for ville Chamber of Commerce and ie- Other feature, îey presentative for Durbamn County on Sie the McL ke- the Lakte Otario Developmie'nt Assoc-Sepn Mound liation, will haý comparable to the in Stouffville "Faîl Colour Tours" sponsored by the and livestoclk, Toroünto Telegrai. . f aming endea of A publicity represcatative of the Fi"nal dletails )e, TAlcerni bas been ia contact miihbe worked out the Chamber of Commerce An tean-1for thea sucees ai-cm taaPlans bave bean drawn up for by Mv. BantiL ce- a calvacade of mtrss with thi.blso tu M-ifamlies and pinie baskets, to leave odu get a fnl] an Trotoon Saturday, Ma 26(ad ral-'vt BomnrleTo Býe lFýcal Point public eye,ý" rly Bwavlewoubld ere's fca Te ou point in theý tour as permisson has suposre byZ tedibeen recivad for the grounds andarjo Developn lso facilities at the ,cOntarlo Traiing organisaion f itW Sehoo For Boys to ha used as a lunc tin oftbie d mue, an resting Place in thre tu. rutrya !As M Banting said, "e epeo iw o0 aboý'ut 200 Wyker wl ls a 2 m ri oionlo attake Presbytery Bloor 'St. tJnited huc on MondaY Acce, were just evenngMay 14th. room church but L ave become Mi's. Lloyd Paggy and MàrrsTL . T1.L lity' ia the Grov)ýe of ýSt. AnIrew's church conduc- ifs. Asscitin ed a Memoria servce after wlich R - foster tue o Cmuinwsdisýpensed burChi Lfl HmesRev. H. A.Mlo. rl ristian par- Aftar a luchonsrved by the W. E. Cý )ny natural A. of Nrhisea hc greet- hamjj, ,tion te4, belings w-,ere hardfr-om e C. W. Ms emperance, ilttonj, chairmnof Prebytey, Si xti Social e- .T. Hfijott Pesdetof and )Mrs. Mvla&i rnadian As- M. C, Fisher, romthl-e WmnsMis -__ a ndC so on 'svnrySociet, ýthe atronses- gliter of a sion bagan with a davotional period as Fi ortance ofj bers of tha Columbus W.A., Mrs CI-e £amlily Ernesl'ýt Wiitc. Mr!s. Waltar Hollidaýy -N -yo Stogether. anid Ms R. Rîclkard olso ssion MIrs. A sot'question and answer par- catioia the NÇorth- iod codute b Ms. A. Col n the1 hiose iý Ms W. C. I-,es iras followed by y0linet i- " Itou Ca and ascoo y Mýrs. A.. , M church ai Drmmîlond. At the end of the, daythe rthe busin- Mrs. WX. T. Elliott inistat'lildthu newly tr e gce a re- lctd offices, Mus. E. D. Cornshsee Armstrong t, of-nuot of seaýson si ýain Armjstrong, ofe M r. a[ £lr. Mr. Fraýser Carr vwas tire 'bis ~ ~ ~n Wilairstog r nlatCe Hesang, "The _WedIdin1g ?caye lay Cava- Ultdchur-c1. "h Voice Tlint ete lost Daffodils, sn-apdragons, baiby muýIIs Ee. gb- and fera daecoratedl the cuc when Rav-,. Cib officiated at tGo cara- A reception uan eSA in the bride haýV'll. The bride's nmother assi., as- The bAeworaa flomrlegh raeive, wearing a blue fl ey. iow o hiteSAlkfaïi madawih enmlewith a corsage of p- fittetibodie and fard fWliskirt an-rosas.Aso sistingas tireg the haned-with a trimming, of sequirsns otho'r, 'rcgpale blue art arly ,ndpendIsIlier finger-tip veIwSdrswihsrrdbiean ,dS held in place by a headra o ie qarter epngtir slevas Wan îar~~~~~~~ ~ lefdsg1adsr aridabuut sage was of red roses. of redbtan oss.Sh as given lJ ustncj u f ov to mac-riaIgab er tre.CrIn _ntrî! ,Bufalo paes Misýs Grace Newll as her Sistec's P"ort Dvr odn St. Ana.ý idbridsmad, emile l aJleria ontoLakaie(huon, Pe.tari we pi and net work bolio jatcket andl gauniets o t nt Secarriei wIbita Foc a týp tFiaa a Fn tiecanations. the United States thre bide Tvo ousnsof thie brideAMSSI sgechenille s ti1ath dre:ss ~ec HatarDoleof Otaa nd Miss rnoehing n"essoisant a On- ilaina Taras were flowar girls.ý They w\ýool aheeca on the si anl woce simîar cdresses of paOLachades 1or «ich esasfastenedal aoxr no- of aueanti elow nylon lace, gblden >sunsetroe. -- aq'g- atiiggute andhadrse Dbtotcomeet their coumes. Thy ar- Mc. and Mrs. Avrmstron- pre inosegaVs of mnauve anti yelow mIaketrerhoeatOo trane have ~each VillIag Wuction Sale Nets $ 246,00 Expect To Be Annual Scheme, te Or- 4'Beg