Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 12 Apr 1956, p. 7

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Mystifyig lricks You Can Do! To Tell a CGarS Ask a persan f0 select anyit r rm a deck and have hirm place it ou the top,, of fthe deck. Then ask h-im lto cutic cards. Yocu then look Pt alil tbe cards end thien quicklY thrO-o ou the une that was seleciecd. This is hkow it is du:Notic caCrd "at bottIom of the rckbefore saf lngiý the tric-k The ,card elctc wilIfolow hiscard. VnsigCard Performner Shows s a P_( of carwdS in caseC. Hesemiglwv h daw-s the deck, annonces hoS1) »Ml 1mgialy ake a card leave Mlie deck invisibily. He rqcf t]bat five cards Lie drawn ,These,- 'bards are placed face dawn oui nihe table Sa u-o* bue seos' îhem P1erforr u ow picks tfhem iUp adskls somi-eone Mluhfli udi- ~ence trte down7r their namres as lie caîls thcm off. After- the 4carids aée listedi, lie puits them Jin the deck. Someoiene ua lookis 1hrough flic deck aftcmn-ptiug ta, I find these five selecfecd cards. Onfly four are found lu the deck. Plerformer then opens the cs ini which the cards camne thie missiug card is fauind ta have left the pack sud -one bacl Iof flic case. This is haw .t s dae: Wh'71en the performer withdriew pacili from the c!ase, al lie did 'aras ta leave one card in. it, sec- refly knowing ifs suit, sud de- noüminiation. Wher, performîi-er resds fthe namies of the five carvds, in place of one of the actual carcis really sclected, he xxentions the niame of fthe card whîj:ch has licou secret]\y lef f in theCcase. * *, * Card Pass Hlold a pacli of carda in the )d"t hand, between the thumb and the second, third and fourth .flngprs, flic firsf fing,-er being ,at heend of the, pack, with fhe >nail inscrfcd wherc Fou wish f0, maïýîke flic pass. TThe right hand nciw passes fowavrd flic packi (wài the licthumnb tnderucafi) *ynd as If docss 50th;e firstfifn- ver «ýf flic left liand pushes down ýý1e lower haif 0f fliepaciJto ýhe ïiglif hand, wlicre if is îlu- *atypalmed and îrelaced oli ýïop o flheright haif, This wmay ýe)unid af ler complcated, but ftra llff le praicc if is quite Red sand Blacks One of fhec most amousiug no. ;Dl card trickscaln be donc wlth- q)ut practice, and wit'hout slh i! aud This is known aýs Reds 4inid Blaclis. Before doiug flic frick, separate all flic rcd cards Jfrîfo one pile aud ailicheblack cards into another. ýow put f-hem together. Ask somneone to notýe whether it is d1rawn, fromr flic top or bof tomv part of th1 pa)cl. Now, affer looking aýt flc adhave if relaced in thle dcc, li. /eu if is rep-laced make. »sure- that if is put in flic oppo.- 3ite parf, of fthe deck vfrom whe ie 0, was faken. Obviously if a red tarjd was takien, if will beý fouodn i in the blscks, sund if a blacki tard amoug the red. The Card ini flic Glass The pe-rfor-Mer shows au emp- ty ý1glass sud flien covers it i Tth a pý.iece of newspaiper-. A card is ielcectd fromn the packi snd af- fer if is returned mseiul Pbaves the dleck sud appears in tht lass. This is io-w if iýs1 doîie: Paýste s piece of new-,s- vpperou th-e pc fa dutplicafe ,f fliccard you îutendf0 orice. ilia small piece of wax, stick if f o flie back of the piece you fcver flic la-ssvitl1, with card on ud side. A uIetpwl ubott1ýoru ol-te ga Haesdeck Cif raids shu"Lffled. Turu youriban aS go tto au- thecsdsouthe tbein fwa rowsth otftom liaving Que raidlessth0tflictop raw. For eapeif feu carda Sarc put in flic t op ro.w flicboffom irow, shoculc hve inie. Tel somne- on atake eighf Acards from ilthe top\ro,,you ay Luse auY qtler numer)sudthon fake as msiy crafrom the _botto ra.-w ias thore are leff in flic, top row, Then ihave the resýt of 'hefltp irýow aveawyThe number oi cardCs teff will nohe seven. T.he n iumber of cards Icft will al'wsyslibc js one less than, the numiber fir-st fak1en- from thie 4top ro. his is one of flic very few card trickis yau may performi overt he teleplione. C'il up a friend suadti. Minçt RedingTricli Gef fwo idecks vw-i thIlsam-e bnkSpreadl one dieck facýe up ou a table so flic Sun iglit will ge ti or todays which w7ill turn the facesc slîghitly yel- low. Now have a buncli 0of cards selecfced from Qu) ie deck, cx- change tflic-ers asud bave Éthe cards return ed ta the uew dý,clck. You mnay casUyv locate sud pick ofescli 'chascu card. Flow"er Stunt Haveý- a pDackage of fiffeen or more spriug Ilow.ers in clips. AI- soca, fishI- bowl or jar sud a large handlierchief. Show flic -liand- kerchief sud liowl, Pick up the liaudker-chilef with 1fli lowers nuder if. Drape if over fi bowl aud release the flowcrs. Draw thec han.dker-c-hief off quickly andf tlic bowl is scen ful of flowers, Bîiï andi LemnonTriek, Borrow three oir four, builsud pla e hcmin a paper bag. Burn flic bag. Have a lemon f«reely ehosenl by a specfat or. Cucthfle Chosefi lemon open wlt'h a Plnife and f ake ouf flic buîis. This is how If is doue. Procure a one pouud, flat boftom, paper gro- ccery bag. Lin one sid-e starfîug an inchlind a a lai!from flic top, eut a slit about two iuches long. Holding tlic opencd bag w ifib fthc cut slit ract he bacli, borrow a fcw bissud if old tliem f0 a quarter of fhcir lenigfh, Place fhem lunflic bag <pushhng fhcm theougi list Lt athe plm o!f the other hiaud) sud fold flic top over to close the bag. Now set flic bag o l ront o! your tal.Have a lemon cliosen from several lu a dish- Cuf ýa slof- in fthe lemion ta0 show if is a real! leman. Show thie lem-on oucil l ides. Borrow a hanrdker- checsu place thie lemion under iif in flie baud w-hich contains fic palmeS bis. Pualisfic hebuIs Lrtocfic slot lu the lemon sud flicu nlay flheic mon on flic fable wîb lic siof sud bilîs at flic ra.Pick, up flic paper bag sund cus nsd 1urn if. Th en pick up flic lemon sdcuf iflu liai! sud tal itf the bis. WISE E IN DETROIT The icTïgers lest fthc first game o' lc1933 World Series, 9-0, Before flic seconid gamre, crie of their, root ers offLercd adon pisof nln f ok s athe f irîs Tigeor wba Lit a hormer. Growed anila ger St-'eve O'eil,"Oa' >but make sure thos!e stockiugrs Ihave rulns in MI LONDON--.-Svet Secret FPlce Chief I van Serov, left is sh-own wilh Jacob Mallit Soviet Abssdre,,the Russ-an Embassy in LonDrdon, afte-r Serov orrived 'm the Briish capital from Moscow. ~"ro t h'-eto arran ge secority mecsu.rers for coming CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING UNDERDOG-Undercover, that is. No memnber of the secret ser- vice, this pooch i Epson-, Engilond, sports a harnessý-mounited umbrelica whenever she's taken for a stroll on raîny days, iHo W Ca n 1? - By Anne Ahe Q.Wiiaf la remedly for en- larged pores'? A. Mx6ounces o! cldcr- flo-wer water, ½ 'ounce eau de cologno, 1 dram fiincture of bcn- zoin, .10 grains tannie acid, sudi apply fwv'iCCdaily. Get flic ap.- 1proval of yotur physiclin or S ruggist before using. Q. How eau I make'fthe sur- -f ace of a&miu )(a)k l A. By paung a fe Gunces o! vinegar lu echadisuminuum uteusil. Heaf t i lnscour flic surfasec. Q. How eau I renovçe Per- spiration taîiins froma garmenits? A. Dy ixlng one part o oxalie acid fo tweufy parts o! w'ater sund appling wifh aj maibruali. Q. Holw Cau, 1 preveut fearlng whcu losseniang flic leaves of head lettuce? A. Cuf ouf t flccoc plaCe i s bowl under flic cold waféjer fau-cef, snd furu water ounui Tiie lettuce wiil loosen su-d îeau li ecaSilly puiied to pieces. Q. I«Ow cani îkeep clotiuig free fronl mofIts? A. The odor of branchjes o! flicarlior vIfae laver y pleasýauf sud wliolcsomre, sud wili kecp flic ciofhiug thaf la ftelic packed away free of moflis. Q. jIIow eau i maie a sub- 'Stitut e for soap? A. Iu an emcirgcncy,oam l la an excellent substifute fý1or sosp. Pliacsamali quantify lu-, a cheeseclofli bag sund wash juaf as if usiug a bar o!r saap. Q. How eau I dlean willow fuirnituire? A'., 3sC a Solution o! satariu wafer. Appiy Io furuijýjture wifh- Ds flif bruali, scruliwelanSi flinCu dry fliorouglily. The fur- nifure will also lisaflonger flirougli this rm-efliod o!C4leaus- inig. Q. 1-0w ea Ibleýz.aclil tra bat fliat is badly snund AlRemo.výe fic baud ad fasten flic latIotahfliinside of a woo den box. Thien iuvcrf flice box ove7r s digli o! burning suli- pliur. Q. NHaw c an I test flic fresh- ness Of an) egg - when purchas- ing? A. Looki at flic sheil. ifrog anS du,,if a eiylad We e"ggs ag9e, flic' sheila býcoe am'coathier au- somiewliaf losy The coor- lis ofi f0 do if fh lqaIjty or01age o! an egg, A single hair cau trap a mr der eCd, for, no0f wo perlsanIs hv exacf]l' flicesamie. A hair can indicatu,e i ae se, ge pysical condition, sutd somieimiies fic occupation ai flic person f0' wbom ifbL_î,ougs. The hair o! a whife mran Si,ýf- fors in shape sud structure ta fliaf of a Negro or Chinese B'y ifs diamreter, leuýgfl sud coarsc- ness ifhindîcates wlieflir i, 1 1 longcýd ta manm or wamaua If flic roof is still adlijening- if will shnow ý,wliefir i fell ouf or was tom riouf. lie hi rcadily shoaws wlicfhe f tlic pèr- son fo- whom iflielouged h ,ad faken a poison like arsenic. Finalyv, liair will asorli li- quidasud gases wifli w,,ýhieh if comfes int o contact sud vwihI re-- fain flic ameli o! fire, samroke !rom coal, -wood omCj les!firs anud even !og. If w,,ili retain fluýe saw,ýdusf, nmefai dusf, salit, soot and other substances whiceh wili 1show flic oeccupation of ifhc per- sanfamwliomif itcame. Sidney Fa x, who was ex,,ecut- cd af Maidstone lu April, 1929, kl,ýled bis mothler ta gain flic insurauce sud set fire fa lier room ta caver lis crime. H e thon raised flic alarm sund sware thaf lie bad neyer entered flic rom. ,ýHe liaS a fhi«k'sliack of hair suid suspicion -,as flrst at- fracted fo hlm iena womran, seekl'ng ta conisole him, remark- cd, "'Thaf boy's hair is fui! of A classjc case wvas the hold- p of flic Southeru Pacific Ex- preýss at Siskiyou Tunnel lu Oc- talier, .1923, wheu flic englue driver sud guard sud fwo other men were killed by threc bro- f hors, A suit 0 f overails was faund sud af fer examming thlem au expert sid, "The man whotý wiorc these overails wasbý lcff- h-anided, a browu-hsaired lumber- jack not mare than 295 ycars old, about 5 fi. 8 in. lu heiglif, thicli-set. lHc was c'leailhae eud had been wo-rkluig rcceufly lu Northi West Oregon or West- ern Washingfou amnoug frees. Ali liairort o th ov- right-haud pocief, sud stalus io! wood pitcli were flic ducs from w ýhich flua description was d eeduced,. Ifs absolute accuracy itrapped flic killers. What You'dl Find on The Planet Mars Seen flirouigli a felescape, Mars is not 50 red as if appears f0, flic uiaked oeye. Oel-e f flic besf oliservors 0f if lias campared if f0 an opaî lunflic divcrsify o! aspect fliaf if shows f0 diffe reuf observera from dîffereut points of vie-w. No other plane, lia licn ou s sbiected f0 controver- sy over watappear..nio, ifs sur- face. This is partlyv duc fo ifs lieing flic only planet wliose surface is witliouf doubt open f0 aur viev. and in s situation wliere if can lie minufoly std aSsd parfly fa fic facf that flic contr-oversy luvolves qustions concerniugr e u iintelligence, -whicli are alw'ays o! intense human infcresf. Mat- fers of flua vital sort arc noever accptS ifha-ut dispute. Thnt. is ancwe of getfiug ut flic trufhi. I ictsityo! flie dicsso efi question of flic ex.istce .ýof flic pilenomena snd fliat of flicmeing ascribcd f fhm are samimites uncs sarily mai:de fa depend upon carý(l ofber. lInflic case of Mars if ayweill lie lat fliere is iess difere Ifeoffinian, 5 f whala realy seen ou if1s sur- face flian as fhefic eaning ocf f-ic phenomnena. Tîicro arc recordeS bera tions mrade of Mars a.s early as 272 B.C., more tfln. fo thous- sud years ago, sud if lias been neaýrlyfw hundred sud flfty years sinice flic suow-caps -were firafaccun. Tbrougl iflic flescopc no' oiy 7 the snow-caps arc plaiuly visible af flic propcr seasons, but fliere are also vis- ible darli patches over flic sur- faceý, showýing a varicfjy of color, sud in certain parts chaugiug s ome ,wh11at as flic seasons Change, It la 0one of tlcsc pst ches, flic ouf huii-e of which sug'gesfs s somewhat twisted cye, thaf is kuowu as flic "eye 0f Mars," The main surface o! fh l îsef la reddisli yellow ilu color; flic patches ou if are vani- ousiy dcscribed as gray> gray- lali green, or biue, colors w1hich AGENT* WANTED CILS, GREASES TrIRES Painits ani varnîshes, electric motes, Flobbyshop machinery. Dealers w at ed, Write: Warco Gîrease and 0CU ARTICLES FOR SALE P'RECISION Reloads f oregnan domestic rifle and revolver amis-u nition. Prec-ision Reloads, Morrlsburg, Ontario. BABY CHICKS L AYEF.RS CLARE DALE larm -Hatç1hery, Nor wvood. llatchiag weekly - Lueghorns, Rhod llnd lOIdsand lt.lR. XLeg. Excellent layera froro Canadian Apj- proved lock. soine started Leghorn putilets availablle Ioew, Ani R1.O.P. Breedjing f aroi, Telephone 2-3712, Norwýood, Ontajrlo, BROILERS - for Mlay-June - should be ordereti new. We have on band! pffllts, day old and started - miixtd chicks, coclterels. Alil standard breeds, crosses, and spei kue Ames lm-Cross, etc. Partieulars, BRAY HTHR.120' JOHN N., HAMILTON, IT'S RESULTS that count and bring ba'ck aatisfied customners. One af aur eustiniers orderi-ng is chlcks the othecr ,.ay 101<1 us hc \was producing eggs at 14( per diozen. This man has Warren R-hode IslanRff eds. Try them is iiyear, they lay more eggs on leas freed than any, ctler heavy breed'- we have ta offer. Alil popular breeda, 9 pure breeds, 12 cross-bLreeds ta choose from.ý Turkl1ey Poulîs Siend for 1956 catalogue. TWEDDLE CHICK 1HATCHERIES LTP. P$RGUS 'ONTARIO FAR.M IELP VWANTED EXPERREN"CED Imarr7ieS Manl ta handieâb ail nmodiem farm equLipmieit, good bhouse. State exýperienice, r7eferen-ces snd waee No. I Ribrnond 111,nario. FOR SALE CP-INESE ELM HEDGE LAT WILL qtukly, provide a five ta fifteen. foot hiedge. Nine ta twelve-inch ipLants, $4.-50 per hunYdred. Edgedale Thorpe Nurseýries, Aylmenir, Que. F0OU SALE-Dairy Goats, mnilking or due îresbeni. Why suffers ulcers, ec- zem-a? Try Ntuire's way ta bealth, ,Goal's L, k."Fred IHoldeni, Ne6ý,market, Ontario. BER VICE station an No. 3 Illighway. Suitable for adding motel. App1y: Elgin FeliS, lagers-vilie Ontaýria-. HAKWLLIAMS RECORD SPECIAL 69 cents Eachl T'lireMGM factory has off emed us imiAteS ume of brand new WiH- liarns records at ,a substantîal saving. We are psssing tis savmng on ta. you. Order today by number with i! ad(V,2rtlsernent, ACT 1N11W LIMUTED OFFER! 1, Lost on the highlway, 1 just tbld marna goodbye, 2. E ssw the ltght. Six more miles ta g o. 3. House witbaout love, W1,eddlng bells. 4. Moain ithîe bLu1es, Loveslck blues, 5. i'm 50 loue- somne I could cry, lues corne ar=ud 6. My sweet love al't aýraunGd, Ln I one daddy. 7 H-onky ,tanIk blues onlg gane lo1esame blaes. 82, cheatin' heart, Cold cald heart. 9. S3ettin' the waods on lire, Kawflga, 10. Fou wtn a.gain, i could neyer be arhamed o 0 a.11,.ilHey go.à od1m', Haif as much. 7a PM UONLY We cnnotaccpt COUD0on fi itfer. Ordter prepaici only, and addi 35e, for msailing and hsandàilng Shîmnient ps ively goaranteeC againsÈ los s or DESTRV RECCOS P.O. Box 747, Montrealý P.Q. iu cominiationI could easily fake ou a tanie of any of tltjem *acr Int th e ee of the ob- server. The water is supplied byv the melting' of the cýaps (if snow at the pales duriug Mrinsum- mer, the expan-dinjg of the lines Of vegetation seeminu-1g to oc- cur at pDeriodls correspouding ta the time reqluired for 'the water of ithe mecltiuýg suow taureach the oss The pressure of this vast sytemn of artificial wter way coerig alarge parýt .af the surface of Mas mkes if, seem probable that "Mars is lu- habited by, bIeïings of same sort or other,," tha tese beings are 'ot men such aS wè kuow auy- thing about, but that '"there may be a local initelligen-ce eulto or supe-rior tao urs.", These conclusions conceroing what is seen on Mars are flot held by any one to be çom-plete- ly provedi, but are thaughbt by their aut 'hor te follow, resson.- ably fromn the phenomena as It is plea!sing, however, f0 contemrplate the ides of there being on Mlars, or on auy other planlet, anl active inteliligence ofay sort resemling wat w have here on esrth, and it is niot strainge that, sucb a wide.-1 spread pojplar lut erest should attach ta Maîrs, in vicw of vwhat has been sugested by thnemak in.gs ou its surface. -- From FOR SALI HEREFORDS P0 HEAD Incldlng lmrportecowsamil heifers bred ta hornedî and polled bo"IUs, co3ws Wth alves,. Polled lireü heifert; and shlow prospects from one colçan. ýda's leadsntg herlds, Saturd(ayApi 281h, Summiit Hereford F,,rms-, tieh- mond Hill, Ontaria, A.Gbsn owner, 22 O)RN.AMýENTAL large shrubs $ý4. Carragana 20 iluches, 10,$350. IRe - Vuet Catiog. CR-AMER NURýSERIES, Wle. wFox, Sask. MACH INERY SELStonie Boats. Sax, v 1Mandreis. Circularýi Sawvs Gumned. Emery Stands Cernent îMixer-sPulleys. Hoalt Winchdes. Graham's Welding & McieShoCp, Caledon, Ont., Box 2d. MED!CAL lTS EXCELLENT, REAL RESUL tFrEÎ, TAKINC- DIXONS REMEDY FOR RHEUMATIC PAINS AND NEURITIS. MUNRIO'S DRUG STORE POTSECZEMA SALVE BAN I1 511 te torméint i uidry ý-erema rashe, anSd, ep i n gskîn c, ubles Po)Sts Eczema salv]e wil udsp- point vou. ltclsîng. scalina an, burn. ing eczemah acne rnwr pe and foot eezemia wifIrsoo edl 10 htie ýstainiles ools in n e gardiesa ai houesitubborn o hpees tbey seemi. Sent Post Free on~ Rece,ýii os Pice, PRICE $2.50 PER JAR POST'OfREMEDIE TORONTO OPPORTUNITIES FOR s. N s. s. -s. s. 'N N N 'N N N N N "s, N N N N.. N N N MEN ANO WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHýOI Greal OpparOtun'l Leamu lairdresslin PlaatdigiSti pofssongod wages TIosnaa se*su Aimerica's GreatesiSstn lillustrateci Catlog Fre Wieof Cafl MAP VEL HAIPRDRESýSINC,'Stl-IIIOLS 3-18 Bloor St WV.. Toronto-l Braniches 4t! lIng StL, HamîjLon 72 P.ideau St. ttw NEW-1,000,000-. invenltýinËI,Lne nul- ation. Maierial casI $5. Do i, Vour- self! Save $100. Formulaý, InstLrue. lions for makina,., lstlin U$ilkîns, 3314 Knih, Dallas. Texa.s. CANADA'S LARGEST HOBBY SUPPLIERS EVERÏITHING for tire Hobbist, i.S.enS for irec lBulletin or 25ý for lutte catalogue, 214Hour Service,Lcnds Hobjby Centre, 608BavewAene Dept. "A", Toronto, OPPORTUNITIES MEN AND WOMEN WANTEO - yauing mien for elgmp Jobs0on Raillway. Bigdeya.Uno pay. We secure jobs. ABC Sharthanid qýuliles forSen- raýpher in 16 week;s at oie' Free foideýr, eil.ber course. Cassan hysteins, 20 Spadina RoaS, Toronto. PATENTS FETHI.ER5TONIHAUJGH & C otpsny, Patent Attornoeys. Estabislied 1ý8e0. 600 tJiversity Ave., Toronto, Patents Inventions andS iful informatiion 1sont frep. The Ram-say Ca. iegistered (iPat- ent Attorneys. 273 Ban1i St., Ottawa. PERSOCNAL $1.e0 ITRIAL affer.Twnydeeux Persoas] equiremnents. Laes ata. loguebinclud5ed. Tbe e iclice gny Box 22, Termlin-al ""TreeOt. SWINE TOP QUALITY Ladae r olgt soake a lot of nmouey for tho ltat: buthem. Like îany ofedaIpig tc r are same bhetter than others. We hav,-%e same of the best i-mported s.tockat mainey ,,ill buyv. Don't puirebaseý anv- where until you see aurouanig blerS. VWeailntngsows aS bamasîs service-able boars for Cieda ede liy. SenS for descrIptive adro ibstype bacon lliog. FER'GUS LANDRACESW EF M , WAINTE D BEAR CUBS WVANTE'D 1956 bear cuba.Rndi partilars ta DON ,JM;GDONLD, 2t, WinrgtonBomnleOtai YOURL'VER le life'8 fot Worthlivirig it May be your hvr 1C5 a a i!t iatkeb Ur te twO pi ts aI hvEr bie, day te keep your digestive tatatop shae! f yur liver 'b1le is Dot foU0g3 re yor ood may not diget,. a betse rour stO 'ilae, - i ufgýel sisi a d a1l the fio ndSsprle goeaut Ilie h when you need nlr geoeiIred ut Liver Pilla, Thes areou gtaepls ep gtimuAte efiow oI livýer bile.SOeyaur di'gestion a ýtarta fun!eti oniný properiy anS you tee! il,ha happy Saye alre hem gan!Do ,versy ,unk. Ala1u -or arer Lutt UÀver PiE, on banS )ISSUE 15 -15 335 Elgin 'N N 4 N N N 'N. Ottawa 1 N N N N N N N N -N N N N N ,, N N s. k 'N N N N N N 'N. N N s N -s. N N '-s N N s. N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 'N N N s. N N N N N N N N s. N s- .5 N 't s. N s. N N N N N N .5' s. 5'- N

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