Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 12 Apr 1956, p. 1

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VOL 19 No. I i ORONO, OtTI., APLIL Subscription $1,50 per yeai OronoFish d'He n Clu 0heOroo ih anirHtI Club ,mj t 1 ,B1 )din, when about Letyf< m-1emiberils'wl.re psesentwit som 1h cub vo iret disapprýova f 0-"ono Fish anid Hunt Club went on ' la orprýoposedrby-ca e 1recently passad te conrote uning atlag of dgs he drec Oef !the C1ub Qeeapontdto 1mee't wthlthe Towsh-!ip onî at tîheirc next reg- ular etngxhn hywill dIiscyss the tie1ing up of og in the Towiiship zan latheVilageof Or1ono. ikwas vordat themetn on ona zli ght whethýIlýý' ýe r 1 ortetilhe îbyý-1lawwas légal.TIs was questned whnit beexi given d th tbreereaigs at the List regular Twei etn.I waýis thouLht Ëthat theerainge sIhoul"d be oe a periodI of thr(eerg ula metigs.ktwas mvethatth JUirectorPs appra-ch -ithe Toish Councuil to hav e this b-a in the Tonsi nidPolice Village ,of Orono l:ecled vid A. The mot ion carrie i un- theFf anti Hunt Clýub would like to doge unnîg aI argei te Villageý 'faOronoi t as aiso Stated at the imeeting that s orne peuple hati been' told that they would net have t) oryabout thirds'eigault The meeting on blnday evening iopeneId 'ihthe showilng of, f*!îýis, Oiowit Qail" and "Three Littie Prepratins wre completed for the danre and draw onFray veig April2%th whhistoA e ieli ad theI Oroo Odfelows Hll, M'usir for t-be i~MEî CA~ERO tien ~a, Leshard, on April 4hafe uu nss utL,karýd aide f which art near Beifast,IreantI, e cm waldng usiessin oronto, Inter ma ing te Lekard. Whsn l j orld War1ibroke eut Mr. Ca ,eendn tnit tl le Wa~ten Frnt, u th Dnieelleso ar'i nieti Gen1eralAleh we hie entrd Jecrusalem iii !1917. avil-iniformeti con IlVersaq'tiona lisb- sagin týe Kirby hor.As a crafts- anhe was trly an art-jet. The fnenal ervie ws lela at ts LagMemour,ýIl Clapel, Orono, on Friday, A i'il h wit-IiLe He' John Richn ffcitig.Mr- H. ýBar-low Mn, Cameren leaves te mourn bis 'passîng' b issfe oisen Mrgaret Humipbreys and son Roy. lane i tebeprý-s iti"eti f*orby local t a en nd the pizsfer the irad'w Uilicui a sinigreel anti roti ant oter ishugtachIe _Also tiuiing t-bs ccasion lli be presenteti -Ce ho tin itrplies anthle birdlieus a1 ti e juigetil. Any c (hiltimay -enter he- bidbouse (cnitestandaren 'oraedtedo Se. Olti luliber is te ne ueti nti ny plaýj nmay be followed Ail liesemetberssd is t wbtbirdCIt- uit-eti fer a home. vleUnitedti luc, StutyApi * 't-býTl,, 15 nteiEiye Fac Joncs, aulerof Mn-.atimls. WiIlis IH. JoeNewt-env "'e1anti Carniann ,loyd C('oraisb, son of Mrs. Annie Co-iband t-be late oh1n J. Crad Orono, The iRevereat S. J,-u.seofficýiateti wet,.iing ms ati Mn.Loy St- son, Gobeur-".g, sang "B3e cau se" ani "'TheiV edtig Prapell" The bride svyns given ina marniage by lier fat-ber. Hrgcwn synws styletl -inl eavy Satin nitb il point siees anti V clhapet clut-ers of seet pearls. The foras fitting iodure liat a fui bofatskirt with secti penn tnim. A cnowal shapet heatipiere ofseceti peanls- held P.sftlycauglit- veil of týulle illusion gracefLtlly scatteret wlt-îh rhlnestones anti seet pennes. Shie car,- rieti a white testamnent -i- a whitc crchd iianti stream-fers of white stepi-1 entis. Mns. RonalRthun Trent-on act-i et as mnat-non of ]a9our. andtih-le bridesmniailte wer-e Mns. Gortion Shantz, R.N., Kingst-on anti Miss 1en~B,> N , Lindisay. Th'le at- tedat- ei -re oned ai luacacia yelwbrocateiclnmspntaft stli lupinces une sytI V neck anti ocktillth. MaItchng 1use- haii hetipicesfconimeti teinl. ent- tirce ant t-by raniet n cscade of mauv cîrsan-hemmuswit-h yelîow -Mi'. 'Roy C. Forrest-er, Orono wvas beet ma1,11 anti Mn'. S. M Jonces, Mâon- treail, Que., br,,other of't-lic bride anti M.Douglas Mc(Gee, Torontlo, usher- Arepin was (Ilt in t-le Sun- dy choel HaIl To reeiv e, t-le bnitie's mi-ot-ber were cannamuglit g-reen saitin vit-h chapageacesoianti a côoicage of taway roses. Tlic bri de- alegobine satin b-ackedtiacetate wit-h pinik accessonies anti a corsage of p)Lnk.Sweet-heant ,roses, Thehoae-ymooa -was spent-la t-be Mit East-érn St-at-es. For.,travel t-le. bride close a navy blue ensemble with1 wh-ite trias with i navy tambourine style !bat- antimatc-ing accessoncwies. Mn. anti Mrs. Cornisb are miakingl (Continuad pagLýe 4) Orono Basebali To Aga in c eek To Enter Lakeshore Basebal! On Montiay eeigbasebali en- th'usi'asts of t-be Village miet t-o for-m their t(iecision- as t-e where t-o play this year. Orono Nvilhl tefinit-ely have a basebalilteam t-is year but as yet it- las not been tieterminet ln wich, leagu-e it will piay. Resulting from t-e' m)eeting o ni Monday evening it scrme t-bat- Oronoi 'woult lîke t-o enter fin t-be Lakelore Basebaîl leaguie but at- t-be nti of t-be-1 season Would like t-o trop back ite anothen nlase for t-be playtowars. Thse Or-ee team woulti ike t-o enter t-le Ont-ar-le playdowni-s iun ether t-le 'C' JThouight Fer fThe 'eek More horse-sense and Iesg horse-power would ilprove molor- or 'D' (Iase anti are eligible t-o do se. It- n'a satt-at t-le Orono team-use only locýal beys on t-be tenm t-lis yenr andt t-sonse of tise boys fr-oi t-lic Mitiget, age group rouîd be -ad- vanzricet inte t-be senior t-eamn. Fatinig t-e corne t-o tetris wt-t-le aksoegroup t-le local eat-ry ,Vil seek adrn-uttance into tise Dlurhas BaealAssocia-tion wler-e it st-artet tebnt n number of years agîp. A represent-t-ive fr-ein Or-eue wiLl attend a Lakeshocre Basebali m-,-eeting laBwi avil on Tliu-etay evening hîich, will open t-le onganiz ation for t-ha coming ye(ai,. It lias buea net-et tha BoynsnvileLhinsay-aiPort Hlope are2 inter-estet in ent-ring teamei ila ~the league t-is year. Last year on1,ly ýfour- -ame-ie enter-etinlut-be leaguie, -these being- froin Bewnan- vilOr-eue, Cobourkg anti Celieorne. DisappoiutinginluIat yeai5s league w'ns Coîborne wlien t-bey failedt to t-arn unpfer a aiuïi-ben cf ganses A ~~~ ~ lne Caantons<pf rnerwa kiletiFr4a~ iigt i a wo-ai Th trno rphns ocky Club H Eso o ihwy15 at the Seventh h&M ine aquet on Thursay concssio ofCava intrsetio. evnin of astwee(kThe banqe cri. a( paer f thei(, teain ant.dirc tosantimngeetpresentî, wolived wt i ldry iowd A rn-o ofthe Orphaas iz,,hockeyý umother. metinuad it wýas genera-illy agreed that the cub haI Idoýn uwl l fitnni- Twooftbeinurd, iltak» o iiyusiaig tePort Perry ie for the Civc esitlPeteýborogh, cepese! oespeciallyc"osng that idc'nified aisLian P. Ro, 3, and hi i phs ete ani outside team to Micae Brn,Co eeboog:The'ta ria thirdman, epoteiin ciiclcon- dition, .w asno t jI înmc-d ýiaîtelyii t-A jlook at thefauureo thle 1Cl0ub fYe0,,a ats)1o'brought into focus for thýe Police said Lufk, iriving aon, ietante Club, houlti netyear was rrossin tVise highw\ay rm o noits own rtgrta an side d roat whn lis rrcasruck'C hcke, hi, t wS thouglit broades d bte oet-be vesce.Itsoc-i might- ment-bat the OronoOrplans - cpatswee etrnngfrm thetr may haveteoeutMof theLake jobset tha enerl Mt-or p n, upreint-ermediteLeague. it rwas net Osbawa.-sblhadt tbe local cl]ub nay fintid _____ antherleaue le .oplay in turing t-l o nxt easn.'It n'asaiýýse theopinion1 al games eut of t-ie Village.Her it- a consitieredtiat thle Ora-ffas The fnzox bouty nNnhubrat ani f)ows the ýpatteraI , se yPter- borogli Vetria anti Uasings Ceuinties. The ni-adContis oua- cillons tieitie i stFidy -batht-e sent conditions. Thie rabies incidence in the pro- Somel of tht e members fethtat a pe etinsysteeii f inocýýu'latio n fer immnizaîtvýýion sheuidbe startet inl the Maîteiti Counties. jDeputy-Reeve F . M utherfortiof CamýpbellfordI, siti a ci!ililad ibeeni helti in the t-own anti that it lad preved mnost popular wîtli t-le cit cf~ ~ ~ ~~~b imuiainaol letaekle-d at the micipalleel WarienP.R. aybereeve of Camleiforisaiti there lad beýen 11.50 anlimais inocuflatetiat-,t-be clîr Wbnasiket if'thewere il tiqgs lie sait there wpec also 400 rats." WProposedl municipal hy-is fore- ing reshiets te lýiuntie their pets j srenet popular wit-b the cuclos They poineti eut that the Departaseut-i of H1eaîtb at Torenit-o ladprvet freýe clinics in Vcoraad 1Halibur-1 tonl anti feIt- thcy shlti be ex--tendeti te Northumberland ani, rlam R,'eev\e L, A. Heooton, of Cavan' piteti eut t-at two cases of rabies in ani area were necessany -te qualify for- a goverument--sponsereti clinic. He suggestedti-at the Ceuntie-s apply as eue unit and la this, mariner the re- quireti number of cases rouît -be Met Mr. Hootoni said t-bat one cow la.d was a tîreat-t-o farmiers. been infect-et andti tat- t-le ie The couacil entierseti a meove te aply for freclinice for rats quàd tiogs la-ije Contes. Deputy-Rceve G. Rickand of Dar-ý liingltoni, brougit somie laugiter w,,hen lie asked for, a broatier tcrm thdan "rcats and dogs". It'c peculiar, somyel of the t-hiags corne people keep for pets," hie explaincti. eoldu e Newcastle r'ink if the w ar icilre planlt is inistalleiqlaI the Newcstle inkL- -D ThjisinBu of t-beOoo Unitet Churciiler t-be leatership j ofMrs DoaldStaples ant Ms.A U, HToocy lelti a successfulAfeno Tea on Frkday, April 6th. Th-e pro- I etsfor, theLaf-ernioenws lre matecly $23,00. AI!lhtle young miemiber-s assisteti Iwitli tecerat-ing-t-he tea tables wtl TrÉAfMtil anti Pussy Wîllows anti senvd thiruests in a n-ost capable Hostesss mwbelmeit-le gueteA- ~tbedoo. Beurtfulsprinig flowef's Sdecort-eti -lie Suniay Scheool roomn Mrsý Rowena Danmatie a delicieuts cu. f ta which t-lie yetilig girls servti wt-hplent-yof snwce anti fancy çookieS. Ch a pr-ing Concert Being On Wetiesday andti Tburstiay even-1 ings, April 18 ati 19 t-le Bo)wm --aniville Chenal Societ-y will 'be precseit-inig itbeir Spring. Concert.Tihe concert is being lielt inlut-le Bowmianvilie Te-wnii HallH.1 This year t-be Societ-ylbas obtaiinçti Mn. Fi-etýirilk Geogliegan as t-he ir special art-ist- on bot-h niglits. The ar-, tist le one cf t-be iost- brillianit of the youinger schôol of organiste ant isl eutstanding in hie refinensent anti tremendous technique. The concert is being directeti by Mr, Hugli Manctia of Toronto and 'MrS. Aibert Cole. Bowmaavile wil lie th-lai ini St W.M.S. And W.A. HoId Easterý Thank-Offeri*ng Meetingl The Easter TliankOfrigmpeet- Lîbrary report. Mrýis tRobinson read igof the Afternoon Auxiliary of thie treasurer S report for, Mrs. Cor-ý the W.M.S was held on Tuesday af- n ish. ternoon ini the Sunday Sehool. room During -the business period. lunchl together withi te regular W. neet- was servedi which was mnuch enjoyeti ingl- ant Mrs. E. R. Rainey, president by the large gatherinig.1 of he .A.presideti. The imeeting Aa nimn asmteof the openeti with thehy , "Oh with a W.MIS. Presbyt.erial ml-eeting in Osh-1 dloser walk w-,ith Gotid;" Mrs. Ml H. awva and W.A. Conlference braaich Staples accompanieti at the piano. meting in ,lakefieid, vwhich con'ludl- The ievotional perioti wa ondruct- ed the busi nes.s. ed hy Mris. Porter based on the, story Ms.Drummeýndti ten favoureti the of The Wallk to Emasus, one oýf the gahein ith a delightfull solo. Ioveliest Enster-time stories, pictur- MIrs. Rainey, introtiuced the g uest ing, the sorrýowý of Jesus followý,ers specaker- Mrs. A, A. Crowle of Osli- who -were left witout hope. Thea the I awa -who gaýve a me neetn joy and peace that cameni-,as the pre- talik on the séventhi Assem--b.ly ineet- sence of their Lord wais revealed to in of Unitedi Church wne held ini themi Mrs. Porter closed the Devo- { lvea tast year. Mrs. Crowle'sl tional with prayer. addes ws fuil of insiration and Me'Rainey then dealt with hea thene on behaîf of everyone buLsiness and Màiss E. P'enfounti reatipesn for this niost interestîng1 the milnutes, of the last, Wý.A. nç1 tl.uat. W.MS imeetinig ,which ,were adlopted. I The offeing wÎ as ,.eceîvedi and de- AIl outstaing billîs were reati anti dicate-d by Mrs. Rainey. 'eterdpait, I.Crrespoatienre was Th-e -me eting closed with theeliymn readl anti discussed. Reports of offi- f"Oh Lord of eartli and heaven. and cers -were given. Mlrs. Porter gave thle sea" and th'e Mza Benediction. JCou nty A heecrert fg'Uhsdee- pi cdvu k ; opjed for th loatino tiClay De ywrv . .Cartere HWoefor the lAgest ithnhePor o! ynxy, cc skedp Pl l-her il ïwaa àoe it bàng uthie mjo ityreomC'osibe f eaibe o:sevie mendtio ef -besperialbuilingAo lti omeat los, than $5,000Uberi cMMittee. abLeti temporarlyetheV' %b beaniybý week'ssessin aM nthctîionaandoeiing to sap about tpat", replie 1 Juest"Tn-ng.-M'l' -ree-, P"[ "e-are 89 (there ro the prefrience for the Prt Hpe site rlaimning aaiabe andin Campbel,-;,tl- TeBwavle ersua- for dwt-h t-le services anti the rate appeareti netctue the 'ePiY y an cor utiiis, equaiig and i ayeilu-!fh'got I- bu ietetx Pp gPort Hope'. pyr odteDprmn fWl fane t-gt-n ifsa Wtxpayrs t peilmeetingla -night it e gvr We catite architecte came PulcUtilies Comiýs.si>on to disýcuýSSdontoerhIfwae tcae bile ~ O posbuiy o king t-be i ry bu b esadnx -etx t(own'lsofe more attractive. MHeev C p- r will gobre. ity ap IWeinestiayîs Cont Council Thpee wereCails of "Hear, er session,fllocing criticim of Co-i t-hougntoecaumeantitliefarme-ns bourg's implieti lack o01!f no t-eoen -o AWe shouiti sit tiwn antit-î tispin etthat"Arcutueis in if os er" heo Q&i. Cerainofciais of:fiuly .. in a snsous codton t- vces. ReveJ. T. Brewa, ef Clakchair.- mawn of t-be pecil buding commît- tee, st-uck ti -o his guns. Hle ciaimced t-le approach teit-be question cf t-le neeti of a new Home as agaînet aditions te be oi.ua hati been maie in an uh aseiai fair mn;r" oHcas not-etLi t-bat t-becomiteteii aniircmenain ba.ýd been an- nieiat -"after- a grea(t dýeatlofinvst igation anti telibration" A geeraldiscussion on îit-leser- vices t t-be pese'ntbuligatt-i i-'la reltiont-osrie rult <'est esvma- eus-eeve Bu92.g :lArsggso wa mtiet-a-sm Mn. Brous expliin t-bat- t-b eyin- 1 as - t was teciMUati t-Orti - t-y C-oun1cil bat iecitiet i onbuilding mt--awer uit-il aft-er te idv cniî-cism îfrom t-bCe pee nie-e ources. liopinions as t-beecneatî wee hlingt. are I1ilet, De- the necessity for a et w Homeu, u seting fro-eusrig f Mise citiciseti t-ebilig tce, y iClieLouis- Ali, tau Ot f Mr. "We went- Offt-be deep elit- at- tleite t-oMrPhlp uryVech 0vîngtie,1l j-eniti.,"Fiat t-ligeso n OfCMn.intiud Mrs. Themans A.Veit-dl sisuétihave beau frst." -c j-.1e.M. C, Fisher premd Wc E. Bretarhtet asnkeij aeS a'ftlieegn niM ln te give an exprt'sopinnmnt-eaMi-Allia ws soLie. visnbiity of buidng a w Home as I againt atiiig t-o t-be existng buiàt- - Given isnrnirage Iby ien- fat-len, lng. Hadein-eCut ti- a twas geu-t-ouebride mwnee abouj fant- gsv c eraiy coasàitiertu tebe more ecno +- tlle wtl lc-ppiutioea i irai te st-art frush anti sait,-TIeol eu de sci, 1-01d wit 111vpoint- buldng is net adaptable The future leeves anti cat-letmni t-nin.le use woulibe acmpromrise." j ie-t-ipvil was hýelti by .-amacl liiag appl'iqued cnown ati ie arne Alutig t-ot-le 5D cents on t-iI wht-e r ei n a wht-e Bible I ola eal ofîeti ývbi -e OntaieJ site w-as net-t-ocimportant, He lso Hlowsar, nmatr-en of -houear for lier noteti t-a-the grant- incutietievery-1 s't-e * Mrs crre Har-sbays, ter t-hîng acroýset-le boarti îclutig t-ecf te groom, ant i M s.Jean Nskes. ceet of erics.1 - wer- wt-engh fr'ecks o inneti down t-o an estimat-eticost- peeny rose itsena ffeta, ati,' lacet on t-le led unit le sait$4 ma0onpninces huies mit-l t-ucketi bodices, a bcd; $5,O00 a lied furnisheti" M. ani arietcacaesof rosýes, TIse Bar-net-t cniu by saying t-le use fiosver girl, Miss Cathy Handaaw, of unàd bldbg enemly rese niece f the groom, wasin turquoise- mos aentuiDingBageoerallym, t.affeta, rnrying a basket-orf f1wpers moe arunt -hn -bt-efa se ee.John Veitrbwn hast- mjan for bis "The new one PWud ee't- $600,000 for brother andtih-le uSba~ware Thoamas 1G5 paeople," lie saiti, "ai wý,oultiluG Veit-li, brother of tb roat cor-purat-e hobby shops, sisecial bat-be Paul Allia, brother of't-be, bride. for thiereapeut-ir usq anti ct-lir-itemes wh'icb are net comipulser-y but tiesin- A recepatien foîowýet inlat-he Suiia-y able TIsere is only $50,000 diffeec e <ool Hall, ant ilt-er t-loie brIe and This incluties oaiy construction," 'le groom 1left- onuna e tiigtrip. DeImifi cit064OOEi st s litUited Counites M1,embers of ýNorthumibenlanti anýth-le far-t t-bat t-be accesmneat art- lad Durbam rcountijes couancil,ina cession bceeaa men"tiet permit collection of- lu Cobour-g, were reintiet by t-hein eut! of -year t-axes at tat t-be muni- audit-ens tînt counreil hati ba spentd- cipalities were expert-edtto pay t-o t-le ing more tSAilBey wdne receiving,' counities t-ein portion cf these taxes. t-o t-le t-une of a $64,00 O tefiit. 1n1 Mainr-cas on, it was explaineti by addition, attention te t-le1955 déeict tcounci, for t-be ieficit- was tBat- Î; t-he aud'it-ors sai ti ta tle eouncil lad lad oiginally been experte-et'o ro1- ne legàl riglit-te epenti more t-an thse lect- taxes on t-hene eqaie as-~ aontraiseti. sessnment anti a surplus cf $50tTl,0 lhad beau budget-et for, However t-le While t-h-e eunties are $64JO la Ievy on t-le new assessasent- was suc- t-be net, couacil lAs undértakea aun esflycent-est-et onut-e grounds expenditure of more t-han $450O0tîthat-be customiaryý, year's niotice 02F forj a Pew administration bildiglie-,t-e new amsssmeat lAd ne-been cause it- feit tBat- t-lerenteti quarters given. in t-le town hall ,vere nso longer suit-- "We- foun Bat nt mw wene Imot- on able. Aise t-o be bujît is a new reouis-1 egal, groLuatis to-levy on t-be uew as- tics homie fer tBe aget iWhel ll ss Pet t-tisetmeanti we lad te ceet- in excress of $700,000.I abses'b t-ele be," saitD 1epnt--eevaý The ait-rs point-et eut tînt - TheIW,. Car-ruit-bers cof Bowînanvilîe. rounicil shouit get tiown t-o brass tacks I ' ComàOs Trea8urer Ken Symoss anti keep t-hein estimat-s t-bic year itirew attenahtioth-e fact tBat- les- Iine w-it-h tise ansount tBnt- kilpitalization reste unexýpect-etily juup-. sast.Tley aise trew- attention t-o'et anounti $9,00O, CORNISH~JONES Nuptials C 1 Fl vm-' IIC Mll je cri

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