ORONO WEEKLY TIME'Q Yà -- - - - - - - - - - - - ---------------------- . .... ...lo ka those FI n-t e 7 Geiger Facts A statemnent made at the March Ieý meeting said that a check made by a. geiger counter had showvn violent re- action. It le pointed Qut that the.ra is radioactivity,, present in thisna- terial which is no greater than that found in naturally occuring ores. But hure, occurs a technical probleri of interprutation. A proper interpret- ation can on1ý< bu made by using- t reference standard. In other words, a. gelger couniter o!flow sensitivity wl react at a very high level even wherl Minute quantities o! radioactive mia- Ierials~ are rasent. Using the sameý geiger counter, violent îeactiolS: wpuld bu obtained throughout many- areas ln this country where radiýo-. active ores are present. No Health Problei From this, then, there is 1 o0arSenýiC content or radioaetivity -at a ve that could possibly present a healtit pr-oblemi, or prusent a menace ta( childien playing lna thut area. W'on't Harn. Beach Con<iderahle reference wasgîn to "lde going into the lake affec-' inig beach p)roperty and, t11eged1ly, ru- sponsible for the loss o! somte "pros-. spuctive" sales. The answer to this was quite definite. "There could ha AbSo1Ute-ly 1no ffect on the xater ini BowmaniVille or' Port Hope . . . as, ai matter of fact, the residue (ýou!,d ba diumiped dir-ec-tly into thje lane ith 1out affecting the water." tpaecl iittle credence on the re-por-t thaý,t -o- cafled sludige was ppearîig Iou' a be-ach sînce it ie a s-1d tD-1 o mtia.InI r.elati,, the rvrsi both Port Hope- w d Bomanill much imore adv-en.ze eff'-ct on thelae water than anlymaeni ntid ln the "r-esidlue." Lt is apparent that a close e~ig of hoth the que(stionisan nwsr- sligfroin the 'March lUth would do much to cl!arify a diAturbed situation. Oshawa Fair To Ç ¼a Fiini e,a ey The 1950O h aFMî wi'I th s 11-1-mak its -lenanurayo V-0 yearsopertion. At met~g~o!'Ifdiectors m- utlprepara,«tians ý foi- this yeýa-'s fur see taýrted(. HoWeVer, thje meeting wa notV on onbecausýe Mo!) oo() tunou eerDownI of Brookija preýSided. Dr.' W H. Gifford sat in) tie eet uyposition for GCordon RaWho WaS unable to a'ftend. The Imectijng appo Inted eight ]priza 1~stcomîttesand also decîded that 1te fir wi le]el this year on 'ust16, 17 and 18. P'ezsenlt at the lmeetinlg were dir- icetDilcitBranton.2dvcepei dent; and Blake E Hrt.,arl iWhitbread, Bob Batty., Carl Bradley, Per-cy Carte,. H. Gifford(, Ms.J. Davies and MrS. . Brown. 'J I .5 g I I / - S iM I VA YIG 40-uDAY IN TEY MATH'THETWISCON TFIT 1956 BUIK 4,1>or Rieira HIordtop RA 14ÂROTQP 1956 MtRCURY CustmPh-ceton Kar4top 1956 DOOGE Customs Royal 4-Door S.<kan RCA 2'Color TV Set. Thre. Frîidoire Washor-.Dry.r Com- 'bitioions Five TeIeviion $fts Cash Awards lIr: FUN TO PUAY! iTs UE mIONTU wI THE FUJN IS: math the. photos into 80 correct sel. of twins. -~ q IT'S FUN AND lTrS EASY ... clip the. photos...- compare ihe phots-. . and match the photos in th-' matching hoames pubIisth.d daily ini The Tetegrani. You do flot necessurily hev.e to match ai1 sets Of twin photz te wiri a prize ... the. most neurly correct ontries wil be owarded the. prizes lunder the rules of the contes, Zqseirvec The TeIy Daily nt Your Fuvorite NewsdecxIer . .F*r Home Delivery, Order from the Carrier on Your Street, or Write Thc TeIegram, Bay and Melihn4 Sts., Toronto 1. t cent p'r ga Lý FkdeI Oil 6 cnt ~ ai. For DeIli'vcry Phone B 01 RONO 15.97 or OSHAWA RA. 5-1109 - - -~e - 19'56 MEitCURY CUSTOM PHAETON HIARDTOP leý>6 DODGE, CUSTOM ROYAL 4-DOOR S&DAN Seveîial weeks of pro"ýest L eig adýo iMhngamdi eingof port 'Hoeculminaited last weekend in ia 4 detiled e fom theCrot Wi ! Iyvile ortGra' by meetin)g ovur ,,hp dlUi'tpingI of Eldorado residue in the rom thýe deiled ruply it would s, rondlss Acrrin t Mlanager J. C. Burger of Eldorado this r'isidue, dumiped in a wide gulch, bas been confused with radioactive waees .ignatngfrom ýreae <w on- erýations - a procesa Tiot carried .ut i Uranium N't opepat. ai any raacim tit s , It can bc said of this residue that the original r'adioactvty in the ore. yil Rep lys byj'o not Pr-epare Quiestions fL A iprotut meetnig held on March l C, î. urotesw Meuiîng1956ý), at the _,Wesleyv'ille School, or- -gnedby frmes ad propertyý swners suxrounding the residue ae~ And re-pre(sents a sinIlýar ativity aýs- wsated1yMr1on1.'Jm socite itha klarge num-ber "of ur- hP_, h, folowing thatmetn. aimprop)erties throughout Ontalriofradd iue ovrn)h aind Wes;tern Canada. In additimi on, f usions of property, owners on the artfical adiactvit isindcedin ort Granby ar mea, to R. J. lienry,. a'ny materials during Irefining ope-VIce-Proiit of Eldorado Mining ations a-t the Port Hlope Plant. and efiing Different, Process No ress Conference Aga-,in there is an element of con- Orîginally, J. C ugr Manager_, fusion oVer the, nature of the residue ReýfinjingDvion Eldorado Miningt nowý beinig dumpeýd in the Port Gran- and Refining LtI., had planned to at- by area v.ith the residite peios tend the itrhlt eta.E a dumiiped at thie Welcomie storage area. his understanding thaýt this as te, No comparis on cati be drawn bu- have been a general meeting tao1lu- wenthese thro materials since they formn local property ow ners of th- a :e t ,he product of two entirely di!- facts and conditions of Eldorado op.- Lrc(ses. rei eration, but upon hearing that thi LessArsnicpress were to be present feit 'that the Atf the W'elcomle residue area& it mte a encridbya u ia lleged tliat arsenic in the rmn- jur ha diction. byod I otwater hail contaminated a creek runi, between the area and Lakeý Petitioni Province 'jLtarie. At the Port Granby axjea,f On Mirclt26, a petition was drafted the arsenic content is consideraly sa iug, in brie!, that the waste, dump' lacs and, due to a new prýoceas, is in aj is detrim-ental to both al s;rroundirg- Ifarmiag country and 'ail ir=ediazte lake front property. 'This pe*tiio M'as receîved. by The Honoura,1o John Fote, M,P.P. Summary of Questions A brie! summary of the mn questions and answers rusuiting froni the Marh 10meetini nicates a po- itiv-e conclusion to an apparent"a- armi campaign" that has buen going1 on1 in the area fo>r suveral weeks. 'j An WhyBIld Feace? Àiexample of thîs is the quusIolv1 ofwya strong fencu. Ail govera- ment properties hamve a two-fold - 1 ~sonsiili'ty. Fences aire providedfo thu cýzame reason that mIany industriaà firs fnceoff their propertyý, or that p buinesesereCt "No Tru.spassing'" Isigne, or, 'that few ývfarmei(rs allowý, 't-eispassing or hunting on their pro- perty; secondly, as a governmenta- gel cy controlled býy the Mtondc En- ergy Regulations of Canada, it is in accordance -with iniposed security re-