ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, Iealtli Unit Advises, n, tue eveal, SCCF le Proinient Citizen Dies MaTjor1,GeneraiL b. R al~eof .eMntrea1, ormier heacd'of theCa- ;diau Legion and. World War 1 hero, dnIied the sameday as S4ula:tor Fà11llis. Il e r-red biffihalva xr oriîfan ii mitted to charge 295 per'month ý)a 1wans Up to0 $800; 1%ý on amonnits V e a i n A a .i t a ie,,, frm$8300 te $1,000 and 1ý' of 1 ,, o TheBwm vilWngm Juven r c ti n A a ns a i amilounits fromi $1,0,0 to $1,500. ieHce nal ia lyo~ Farmi Loans Increased wihi raigagetda uve ftenme fcsso 14 days wi,ýtini which timie it will ds Th amLasAti iebigserte hcl ceti-agi(a el i iv fterme cses fa inatural death i aisi rsa Th ain oai eti Iý ý1'1'ofitretamlong local hckyfans, irabies occurrinig in the Province of if it dies, etain t es d ainfrr FIevised upwardlýý. At present, farmers -s eantebd n ncýà, wfio canguif may borrow up tLo js pro)ving to be aerswiht ma-Otarjio, Dr. Charlotte M.L HornerteHatofAiisBac fth $1200-41000on irt iotggeallel. At present tw.\o gmshave been Medical Officerf of Health for the and~~~~~ i200o.a hr emclaea layed and botih have eiided Àliii rtumerantDrhmHealth unit DeparmnfArcutr nBw second nmortgage. This wîll ba il]- fu- tie. advises that ce(rtaini precautieusmavleoBeeile cesdto $p15,00(0 with the secon-d The first' game of the series washould be taken. The reservo)ir of in- Dr. lirerjlso Idvis(es any iv mota lue1liated. 'ttv'-ll played inu Wiiugham on01 udy1n fection is i m wildhlfe, especially in the son, wýho has been bitten te meot now, be rase -',5%OU the assessed t 1 he gaA'ie eddin a fu il fie. fox 'populat in, aa1d as thi<s ai ural ely and thoroughly cleanse th~e ,v,, fam aueistead of 6%asfrer g iast inighit ln Bowmiianivillebe- iares, the ChamCeýS of conitact wt ihsoapt an4 ruanin.g water and t oe lv. O0 er ~0 iloshave been br oea pcedaen either Iof the rabid a11inmaýis i much g trthlan seea their doetor. lIe wùîi av11 row~ y frmrs ndr tislegs-twý teams could break the four-aI in the city. Ail 11dogonrsaedvedw terrnt the treatment t Dar- stn ne199b 3,0 oroes tie. to keep their dogsý tied or on the leash vent irabies is necessary, ndrthe FarImprveen Loans at aflI tim,,es, or te have themi vaccin- obtafined fr-om chartered hanks ani Tbh third game \\01 be playedilu ated sgainst ra-bies. Dogs should be The Pasteur treatmient Coý1siSta e guaranteed by the governmeut, $600 Winghsm Saturday -with a re-tura èný- !tîed up frthriee- weeks flo ina- 14 or 21 daily intramouscular nèt- mlin haebeeni borrOwved since gaýgement in owan Ale edncS- jectionl to sllowv time for fimniity. ions. Once the sigais and symptoma cf 194i4.. bosses have been negligible. daty. . Onliy eie inj.lection is required sud it rabies dievelop in the 'humafi' or u- is, apparently without reaction lai the 1mai, desth cannet he prevented. a record f!ear fr ite g oasatinalpre-ssve caireer -both in the ,armny, O rb 0 preduct point of yiew.la ciiila and dipflomatîc life. Youoi e lI n Jb ctv Wro ith , ita f ie wa. a or i w ill reca:ll that he w as A iib iýsad rR e e si e t v ý abouttHe laggiug 1iamecouiliýiom aldodriogrJua Perou' *amlast days off ri- uide and ft the, Pre- týon1side.ring btca b )e *onle rteidet's palace only 15 inuttes before A .$ oprten, en't h Pi-elpf Vhin ht if on hbe retorued demcract soehepbywy f~i ncm 0x~ that bewildered counltry. - tren agt ae ', re"1ý,ctiou for fr~smight 'b e a Sickne s s ad isl im o' sreu agti a ,god etodof- providiug -sreMore Committees eeyu.Au'd ài laeven more diffh imceBiee 2-5Ys tangbleassstace 1e1tom.ci-lt if the patient lîvas in an almiostG ever, we salhave te wai1.ntil luthe (seof Cmonthe de- iaa'eùsaibl are.s. Sometimies the Mýarch 2thor 211h boire ind out, b- btsoustîn pcomtee o-etl(1,mutb ýv1ff onb- Te42icSugoi siiýic o -ausýe Ïbudget secrets are the best tinues. This wýeek a johintcommiitteatemtutbe gion a oeuhe- T e i4-nc tgýe ,satdto lçep iuormtio hi anaa. vanof eth euss t reiew ud epot cusethe nearest hospital may be be twent etwny-ie ersod thedae e te hd~t pesntaio onprgres or heFedra Dsrit iles asway. Tha,,t's wvheu lIed Cross recenitlyaknin bake Simicoe, was hasnetben anou'c,. omissonin mplmetin te pancomaes te the re-scue. Tho lIed Cross-hflirst reported caiught there sincae r the, Nationial Capital wa tbe ,aýuP uphoard (or Sick Room Supply 1898, serigte TH. R. MaîcCiirimon, Citizeos Protest lied a-,fter s f ail]poone e Srie is establishied for- such situ- District Bilogist of the Outanie De- aiens. _ed, WeeI chairs, crutches, partmoent of Lauds sud Fores.. lu1 Port Hope, the Eldorado Miuiiugba. oswohveeutetae hopsital bedis, ill the necessary sický- and Ref"inling Qu lan !hs ba e ln o h aital wllI"1ealze-heroom a1 quipiis oue y Id Although ewfishereuem be caî viig- ome unfav-ourable pubicity wor1kwbich hs bendoen po rs t epcstesrin.Eey ilthere was once a s~lcommercial abouit its neil wduolp ila thaWesleCy- viing the faeokfreeor the whera th E hlp is tneeded, file'sickl fishiery for sturg,,een- in Lake Simce. Ville ares, en thie lake frcont. iTwo rmot be-autifl ities on t'he cont1inenlt. r'oom sppliesý equipmeit -of RedCace of 4turgeon wr firsýt re- meetings !have been b eld wilocýal iU,,oubÉ~ly, ii will be 1mauýy *Years Cosis cntnî l icltoprted iin thfe commercial returuis thiera rasidentýs who are fearful that radie bleforeai of the ulisighitly sud lu- aogpo sufferu acdetor In 1881 sud vreaehed a peakhevs sctivity is prset s we1ll as ohr couveiauet a ecof tliP ity hv lnSs.Somtms hla s ein 1891 wheasome tweuty-eigkt elemients iojurieus ;te he lboth ,of been ra ýmCove1d ,sud rpaebut weuspemalteeasfr nsacee hosndpunds owerýe taken. Thie anmas udbmas.Myiforation the plahd beniopleted Ôttswsl a little boy crippla& from birth. Iu fishiery dropped Off rapidly afler ;s thlat their fears are grounldless; s1oulid 1beev(-a s ore ttractive!a lIed Cross whalicair 1;l i s csir1894 sud the sturgeon, became s for- tha wanth fdealcrwucopay it tanatprset.for- hlm iaud bis family. Through lIed g-tteii fish in bake Simi-coe. Betweeu spenit $1/ illions. reîcatly te e,- Cross haiel,ps himrself sud threugh l1881 land 1898 1.11Plake yieiddaut costue te i -eplnt t nl- 1Deeuralize Induistry3 you the RIed Cross cabelp him. It 1.36-,00 peunids. sa oectinabl cemcas udoter Seal otrimportanlt itLemis w is only oeue of theseorvices you lhelp Theotugnis a rmrkbyslow-~ cotetfrm h dmpdbypodctdscsdanldin areoltin ya aitan h o ounteer your growiag ýspe,,ins which loes fnet reachl priva umie te member te consîder what set- dollars te the lRed Cross. msturit utilabout tet*asof Jlowevair, at a meceting on Saturday 1 udh tknt eenrlz aage asud may ,lire te a very old age. alist (of questions wsprced n uty roespesrad te agrae :ýk-i toin 1When the olntercalîs, pîcase I hope te hvethe official anisweVrsi euibe.tayosrvb g\i. 'quickly. I feel sure they wilî remnove that scha resltould bha i late rmmbrtat o ereb ivaig lo,$,18123 oa betv the suisp)ic-ýis sud fears. Thisý plant boast initerests cf Canada, but sugogest- 1Nationa uoai58072.Ouai quota 2813 oa betv is~ ~ ~~~- mptatttePotIoeares iO1 ons of aworkabla nature on how itf___________________ fro the epîcyentpointope viacoufld be onc wcre few sud far be- ,mid, Ikowthait federal soirthorQities twveen. Seýveral cf us fromi comý-biuied wifl ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i homs nxiu ecer as urIubn rts 'of Ontario iuitend1--t e nia g O fN ew R..oad 'lo uuesa4asaotit. cd oite spca1k offn this, from tie Iangle, of % decatrlizngindst esfrom the lagP iteb ut faIt like pikers whan i ik A vailable B uild i ng ot L la te 'Moun Plasui-B1hnythe casteru aud western Canadians _________________ ý,nd Ida araýsa, the death of Senator prcseîîtad their hepes of haviug larýge Tv FlliS 01on Wesdayi,',Marc1a11 indstis ea u(c)Otfie o- nWe(hdady eveniug cf Lthis week steetrunning south from obldc must have 'brought back many memr- ster- maràiime ecenomie2s.a special meetfing was ed uth treet. Agreemient on the project was « ories cf her schiool-teachiing dayýs. The !i s malLasOronio Municipal Building at which unsuiml'ous an d this port-Ion cf road time iuterested propcrty -wesaidrnîg ot o orhnrdfe faiywasswl-o and hg tlli t is expectad, 1 q opanied aarly1 respected. in the onrtheru atc hesalbn epue1cm ute oieTustees discussed th IYrhm udbarniuany frledi uti o iedru icsinc peniu ac sroad east of Church this umer The opening off this section off road Iwll make aivailabie tan building lots lu, this ares which la now, of lltle use sud not lu production cf any type. 1The Police Trustees havqe agreed te ceustruct the ditches for the read wnd uise the earth fromn the ditches te crowu the road. The preperty owuars agreed te make available the prop- erty for the road sud aise te bear the initial cost cf gravelliug under a local improvemeut achamae whereby they assume, the cost. At prescut the Trustees cculd ret assure that the road would continue south te the fifth concession. The Trustees will investigate s sche.me cf last year te continue the ditc-hiug -te the fiftb concesshin-but here again it d&pends on certain proparty owuers Lind thair approval. C INO CREAMERY ogor cat. Any veteinian w-ii ill give1 this inoculation f'or a small fee Ail The presence of rabies may aïet îiurting dogs sho,.uld ba vacciua.ted. mean an ecenomie loss to thi eri for sýheepI, cattle, horses sud tr Children shoul be advised not te anials anay be bittes and die ef thzŽ handle apparently sick or bnjuredlldeae Dr. Horuer cites one ca.u, wid( or dom-,esti(c ainiaIs, as child- - where a farmner lost 9 cüvwa wivzp, run have boen bitten iin this manner rabieýs, and the animal later proveni to ha 'ai.D'ead animals ýhouïld not ha Msnly 1municipalitie- oaded rfitgïlîig dogs scparated. colunties (do not at t! If a aniWmal bas been biten or ap- b ave a 7oy-law to conti i vetraian Do not kilI as suspected Heailth requests the animal. Destucton of tho animl e very dlog owner ia pirevents the eýarly diagu1osis of'abes to limiit this outbres! The animal shoul be confined for is own dog or dogs. the present t?,ae troI doýgs rnig co- oper'atien ofàý doiuLg lhis pr More high sehýool gfiMs are going into nursing today thp n ever bf;Iore, And, one of the Most- chalien$gi brncng of the entire profession is. psychIîaturic nursif, g-the care and treatmaent of the mentiIà y îIL Psychiatri;c nurses cire speclalisis., ln the dJVLee1Wfied fietd of nursing. Today, mental ilîness prasents a major challen-ge te'- medical science. Gîrls on the threshold of-their carears can play a fasciinoting role lin helping t6 meet this chal- lenzge by anrolhlng at one of the Ontario Hospital Nursing Schools bocated at Brockville, Kingston or Whitby. Yes, you, Nwith training and knowledge gainaed at one of' thase three schools, can becomne aspecialist inx an astab. lished profession. Join the psychiatric taam that bar graduall>} unravebling the mystery off menxtaIl lness. While ~training at one of the Ontario Hospitals your recebve afmonthly honorarhinm ranging ftôsn $25 to $50 a- moùth, free roomn and boàrd, free uxniforims anid launtdry,. threeweéks' vacationnnixally, and ail statutory holldays, Serd thâs couponnw Fterinendent of Nursing I Ontario Hoita / I ;'d ike to know...w61eabout how 1 can start a car-eer la nurSîng. I AM................ ..... I ADDRESS........ ...... ........ ...... i r ...V...........,...... ...... ... PROV ..................... L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ONTARIO DEPARTMENT 0F HEALTH Honouroble Mç,ckpnan P141lips, M.0, CM., LLD, MiO6ist - ~. - ooo.oeooe ~igr ,iU 'oeOi cents perï gai. Fu~eI Oit 16 ,cent-s per gai. ~FQr.. Detivery Phone ORONO 1537 or OSHIAWA RA. 5-1109 Bu4fget Fore( Parliamientary ng lp %- u u I lu peis ithe~' thar ~les and - ~ I I ~ ê ê -i