Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 23 Feb 1956, p. 5

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mlor e i t th e Un - sowÀer. tlioc trio wvhich controi bodily funicti( fýro-r tihe abî ties oI Lhe sula- ;in thte ýorriage, bres are ta corne ours.Ila can oc- Sseveri- muscles. cause a definit de- the only ,la j ,J be- rtd a. lVhen Il an tions tele- 's ar'e too, -with the hLlmIln body ant artery breaks down or nl- up bijo od pours igh tise wails of a vessel. lnnicatioa uines - in this thse nerve pathways ,- ng from tie bain are ed and perhapis destroyed letciy by blood w1hichs uas nly beea dliverted fron- tion of )ni how cen in- .he Lf-f ofr -Haro are eight of the most frequeDtly a S k e ia, questions about stýrokes, and the aniswers: 1. What, aetuafly, Isý a stroke? There are two mali types, aid each is litaraily an acci-dent occurring within the braits. One forni is cerebrai hemor- rixage, ia whiçh ian artery rup- tures, suddenly spilîs blooçd into îLhe brain and Leprives vital ercas of tiseir- normial blood sup- The second form is cerebrai tý-rcmbosis, or thse blool0ng of zn artary by a clot which alsc tuts off tise necessary biaod euutpply ta brain cells. aîr. In l-llst casï'k thera is def4site evidencaetofpaýalysis.For eax- ample, tise pujpils of one ,ye mnay' ba m-ore conitracted $a thse ather and tise face may lie lopsïded. In~ addition, the limbs may be n-ior~e rigld or loase- en ana side. Ans attacik of cerebrai thromr- bosis is iess diamnatic. Thie in- divîduai,ofctcn wakas Vo fEnd an arm, leg or aven a» ïlentire siTe uselani, or tisdre iyiy be a un- CLASSIFI ED ADV ERTISI NG white Rocks, it Sussex. Re Columibia Rioci HE'S GOTJFIlS NUMBER - When J. L, Goldenstein got his first sel of licehse plates in 1919, hie liked the number sa mue!, that he requested and gat it every year sfice. He~s shown above. in h~is gar'age beside his collectîon af plates - complete fram 1919 through 1956, This year's plate wiîh the favorite ïium- ber is beirrg carrieci on bis son's car, however, as Goldenstein bas decided ta pass an the family "h-eirloQm." explaincd ditticulty in speaking. It is possible that the patient Wili grýaduaJjlal lp into a Co- mia. ý. %What first aid measures should you take for a stroine victim? Summon a çioctoùr, 0f course; iand gently - very gentiy - tt.imn the patient on hit back and raise his head and shoulders on pillow%ýs or a foldedi coat. Loosen the clothing about his ncck and. 1chest. Don't trýy ta rouse the patient, Don't carry himi upstairs and put hlmn to bcd. Any but thse slightest mnovemnents may in- crease the escape of blood coin- 1ing from the ruptured vessel 6. Are strokes always major, dramnatie attacks? No, There are 'littie strolces,"ý no more thaii oozing la tise brain, whea victims arc una- wzare anythlng has happeaied. Sometim-es a ittle strokP causes slight but confttsing changes 111 clharacter: A persozi with a fine jnenory finds himself forgettipng things; an orderiy idvda lases lnterest in neatnes' I -friendly anc, turns-, uarreiso me, Little strokes, points eut Dr. Wrgt, do hot po duce serious cdtrne4tt7.cu, but they sisotld bé ,eg4cas danger gnalsi. oï, at- ten'tion. by adotor, ijH- be àbJe :to sggttef'i wllich wîfl redîxce the passibl1lty of a mnar, crebralacdn later on, ~ a~içln 7. Whist causes, ètrokes?' The cisiefoulprits '#ie 'hih blood pressure, harde4ii' f the arterles, or both. If the water jpipes of yaur hause are old' andi corrodaiT, even thse narmtal Pressure of the wvater migcht cause thcm ta burst. If the pipes are aid and tise water coanes charging througis at a pa-rtïcu7.- iarly higis pressure, thfe pipes wîli probabiy burst soorier, Agreat 5sOUl prefcrs m odcrati on sf FI'(E c - ZCeJfouse of Seag~rain Al1tiwkQ think of toamQrron>z pracifre moJeration ioday 8, Cai) anything he done to prevent 2a stroke? Ycs, and the rules apply es- peciaîliy ta persans pat micdieP age. Although strokes are not uncoamaon before 45, thse large maiorlt)y of victims are jm the aider age groups. Thse prinsary injuniction is ta kcep the blood pressure from soarlng, If it is taa igh: avoid excite- ment, stay home nights inistead of going to parties, keep weigcht downý, get eight hours or mare sieep nigistly and take time for a rest perlad ev-ery day. If it is normal but youi are middle-aged or older, are êver- welght or have a tamily h-istory of hïgh, biood pressure: have a regular niedical ch.eckup. A great. deal cari be donc teavaoid complic±atons before they have a chance te develop. Strokes come' withdut warri- ing, but thse canditians- that bring thern about have bc-en telegraphed to you long before. Doný't miss tise message. Lite 0on Warld's Lonehst Island Ty dinI4 nnarry in haste on -i heô.nc-list island !il the wrlâI - engagenments ustiully Iast vt least five year's. whein a -yodng mail b',gin s courting on bleak, starm-sweprt -Tristn da Cunuha, 1,500 milTes fram Qape Town, he goes each ev.eing to bis gill' htoise anid just Ëît5 by the tire. N14o word of love i', spf1ken he twvecn Vlhem, but, the, far4My ily kpow. hyilS h ere 9'rWhe -liFs showtxlQarly tliat he eallgy loves the girl, he giyves henis weekly ieasinig t-o do. If e undtrtakes ,to do vîit, it's a sig-i> that she has accepted ini.' They itisai begin ta wal7ak about thse isIaad together onr Suniday aiter- noons and .alwapys dance the first and last (,ances together at s(o- cial gathcrings. Sailing ta this island with bis wife and tisree ciltdren Soan wilil h the Rev. P. H. Bell, Who1 has beca appolnted 'chapiain. there. Womnnon this tÏIny volcanic islaad wear long, iseavy skîrts and chin-higis callars. Thse 2501 people, mnostly of Britishs descent,i pay na taxes and h~ave waged a daur struggle for existence siace tise lsland becamne a Britishs pas- sessijon in 1816. They live lan stane cottages anid are proud et the f act tisai they are descendants of Britishis ol- diers wha wvere plnced an Tris- tan whcn Napolean vwas seat ta St. Helena. 1 They use sea birds' eggs andi 1patatoes as currency. The isianiT hias no manvies, trains or cars, no serions crime. Tise isiander stili speak tise jargon of Weiing itoi-'s soldiers and exist on seai mecat, peaguins and potataes. TIELAKEVIEW HATCHERY LTD. Phone No. 7 Exeter, Ont. WH1ETHER you are a commercial or a farma poultrymnan it makes littie dif- ference. Twaddle series 400 401, 402 wlll frit your poultry operatdon giving Yeu efficient egg production, lien housa livability and aboya average pro- fit. We aise have three other speclal egg breeds and three special dual pur- p ose breeds. For broilera be sure of the best with Tweddle lat generation hi- dian River Cross anti Arbor Acres, White Rocks. Turkey pouits. Free Ca- talogue. TfWEDDSIE Ci{ICK HATCHERIES LTD. Fargus Ontario lSt BABY CI-ICKS 13e, ÇIIA!ADAN Appro-ved. Production lireett. tfamp X Sussex Barrati Rocks. Redi X Roc k s New Rampa. Reda. Sussex andi White Rocks. MIxed 0$1 pe r 100. Pulflets $19 per 100. White Le.lhorna Red X Legl)oLrns Brown Legliorna and Minorca X Leghoirnis. Mlxed $13 per 100. Pulils $27 per 100, Guarantaed 10% livo dejivery. $1 donbaane C-0-1). Sun Vallev Hatcherv. Chatham, Ontario. STARTED COX CAINAJYIAN Approved Heavv Braed Cox. lIay OI- 8*:2 w eeks eld 12e: 4 weaks old 20e. Legh-orn Cross Cox. day oId 181.50 per 100. Guarainteeti de, ltverv,.$, 1 O;dûwn. balance COD. Ontario BOOKS SEN,3SATIONAL OFFER: 2 FOR PRICE OF 1 THE Il MASTER KEYS TO FÂME, FORTUNE & POWER. Keys to Dreamas andi Visionis, Black MxI&gic, Love, HealtI, Good Luck and Prosperlty, Poewer, Af. ter Deat, The Future, etc. Amiazing Eook, PLUS FREE with e-very ordar our Big Entertaier of Ftun, Mitagie and Mystery. Both books sent ta you hIl plain wrapper Postpald for enly' $1.00, Send your order to: WAL 'FRADE, 111 lQgStreet, West, Sherbrooke, Que- MUMMïIES, ,eweis,. Bars fG e" Buekets cf Placer <bld, Historoical Data. I've handled someN of il. Amaz1ng! Thrîllingl Reati my booki, "Cartes Mlfssed The Bila."' Ed1tion go;ng fast. Senti quicklt', only S dilnies i o.r yonu e2opy to:P LHowland, 1613 W est 84th Place, Los Angeles 47, Cilfornia, DOMESTIC HELP WAt4TED GENERAL for 5-rooni apartntent. Doctor's resideace. Ail moderr appli- ances. Own roon. 'Two eurnone mehool age. Good wages. WVll ad- vance fare, if necessary. Mrs. H. Woods, 5138 Botirret, Apt. 4, Miontreal. FARM LAND FOR SALE 150 ACRES H-uron Counitv 1 miles from village of Gorrie. located on. good rond close 1o sùhool. 95 acres lindter cultivation, soliF igl-ili,x produc. tive loara. Exceilent grazing wïl~i' 5tunîing water, timber. gooti fehces. bank barn, modemn 5 rooem BV. bouse. hydre. complete plumbing. good water. rlce $950. Ternis. Timmediate qccu- Pa nc, ifnformation write E. H. Kinif. 'oute. 1, Windsor. Ontario. FOR SALC SECRET To Snioth Shaving! FIip-Flop Pracision Razor biade Sttropper' Sit g1 or double edge. 1,000 better ashave.,s froni one blade. Word Produ ctsBp 606, Jo. Sel,, Sta., Jersey City 6, New Jersey. CANARIES <Germa-n tomersî carefuliy traineti anci gradeti singera. Exchange if not satlsfactory. Free catalogue. H. W 1Hundrieser Canarv Hthr and iyilmPort CDelta Ont, WITN FALSE TEETI 1h l'eu ilave trouble wth pistas ihat alp, rock aF ,eýore sx - -try hi-nn,, rlastl-Lîner ont e applieaxlon nmalte lae isal leolheuh pvaeroresebepe Brîruj Pasï-înr ardana per- Manetly te youi- la ý t r l .ineand0,refla leese plates le. a way no pVewder or este tan do. Bren on old rubbe, plates you set gond resulta ehl mouthm to a year or longer. vOS! CPN Ai' / NYTHIIG! Slnly lay soft trip eh Plaati-lel on ti-eubleome uipper or lower. Bite and lt moItIs perfêtiy. xEsa, leuse, ateless,.odortese. barniles te you an.d your platesi. lemovalle- ag directetl. Plate c!eanar lucluded. Mvtoney back 1! Bot coibpLetely satlaCied. Ava*la1e at al Drig Ceugtîr-s. WILDROOT 170., 1FO7 RT E, ON r. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 31 lir$lm25Express prepuidOýcw Ir YOTJ ARE SUFFERING STOMA1/ýCII DISTRESS. CAR-13IS-CO. a stomalzcl corrective Lias satîsfied many usera, for overs, sxty vears. Twelve ou(te bottie sent prepald $2. ROY BROWN'LEE, Pharmacist. St, Thomas- Ontario. POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISII thr, tormeýnt ot cdrv eýcma rashes andi weeping sUn tl roubes, Pcost'F Eczemia Salve wil] i ntdltap- Oint SoU t3 iiig. scaling and lburn- îng ecze)a, acne. rintworr.. wnaiee anifojot eczemaa will respoili readuly «) the stainles odorless ointmnent regardless of how, stubborn or o- es hey seem.ý Sent post Free on Receipt ai price PRICE $2.50 FER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 399 Queei st. E., Corner ai Lngan OPPORTUNITlr:S FOR MEN AND WOMEN BE A NAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'$ LEADING SCiMOOI. Great UpporiunltN Learv iHairdresinp- Plassant. dignified oroiessiiun guuo weagtes Thousanda of UCPs1 marvel gradutates Amrerlca's (ireatestqal vser iflustrated Cataloe ree W4ite of Cali llA RV EL. *A111DlESbING (atH<M>lS 358 Bloor St W Toronirc Bran(ches 44 K(ing St1 larn!uttp 72 Rideau St.. Ottsýwa MAI<E Investigations! Special lCanadI73i Course in Detective work written by ex-Mlountie. Now operatingý private le- tective agency, Free particulars. 5 Hamilton Roati, London. CLEVELAND la Booming! lligh-paviag jobs plentiful, Send $1.00 for- classilled eopportunities in varied industry -en- tre. Martin, )Box 5127, Clevelanti, Obio. CARICATURE ail àMovte Stars have comieIlikeniesses, self', frie-ndca, Sl Black ink, lbeautifuil white paper; guar- anteed, $3. Roy Oliphant, 3237 Nlortli Market, Wicblta, Kansas. MIAKE 'up to $75 weekly, miajiiag cir- culars for advertisers. H. E. Hlarvey, Box 43, Pottstown. Ps. RING - VALVE JOB - $8 IT'S TRUElE 1 MOTALOY DOIS IX iI1 La amazing and proven proceýs that gives voU a ring and valve job througlh tUn platlng pirocess tvMle you 0drive.ý Effective for Ilite of car, PHONE: MOTALOY SALES CO. We#sýt St., Godetich, Ont-. (240) -THER1ST0NHAUJGU&-, C 0om o-ain V Pat>ent Attoriieys. Estalishted 199Q. 600 Universlty Ave. Toronto Paýt r-n ts el couinries. AN OFFELRtct every If vcntor. List of lxiveations andi ftll lpfoppta±on sent. free. The RamtsayvCo., Registcedci Pt- ent Attorneys, 27j Biak S13t, fawa, 15!RSONAL $1.00 TRIAL offer. TIweiity-five deluixe personal requiremants. ,Latest cata- l4ogue 4ncIuded, The #lyledie Agecy Box 124, Terminal "'A". TorODto.', Ont, FREE! Mint set of stamrp8 witb aýpprro- vals. Adn 5e posta ge and~ hanclliig,~ Charles -àooýe, USNS, C-Div., Najvy 103, c/o FPO, New York~, N.Y. WANITEQ W£ éeed' an- unattachc1 are. Dr Schaffer's ÀimlfopîI Sinons Island, Georgia. NWGOOSÊ ANDJL DUCK 31ATI1ES. We p)a. $1.40 per pOund for roose, 65e )e pound for ducit. Ve -a se bu horsehalr eoniinEigs $1.10 par oound. qhlip cl -et We aise buv wuseti feathers, ceose aýd- dck ZENER FEATIOER COMPANY 7 $sld-wil Street 1Toronto. CO NFIDENTIA L MAIL one dollar for infornintion where te boy electric razors $3.50 eaçh. Perfutnt advartised $18.50 for $1.00 eacli. Quarter carat genufie dianionti $38.00 and spectal infor- mattoix of confidential nature for mnen onlv. Post office box 2129, Dow. ney, Calif. TMAYBDE YVOUR LIVER If ifge's not Worth living it May b. yoizr I;veri IVE à eil t 5tRlke. up to two pintaojf hver bile a day to keep your digestive tract ine tp ehape. If your Jirer bile la not flowing freelýy your foodi ma.y not d;geet -...-gas boat yopr epah. Uf eut! vntatd lil the fun and sparkle guo ut 'f 1 lut', when "you need tmiki gaele arer ltJE, Liver Pla These fan-ouzs v1eahe i ep eîuat te flow or livar bile. ýon youir digestion atarta fiinetioning proprndaalte f eei that ha-ppy daU ae berc-e agaielM n' ner stay uk. Mon, 1-n Qze,' it « LivQr Pijlla n1,9-i N 'N 'N N N N 'N N N N N s- N N N N 'N N N N s' N N N N N N N N s' N N N N N -N. N N N s. N N N N N s N N N N N N. N ~'g~ ~ N N N 's N N k 'N N N N s N N N -N N s' N s N N N N N N N

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