Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 16 Feb 1956, p. 1

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-. S 4'- 4' VnTIMES VO i 1)..à ~Ui ORONO, ONT. FEBUUARY 16ti', 1956~ _____________________________ ~ 'r-*'~' ~-"-*** *7-'-~ Clarke Considering Planning Valeaine Day lias Area F r Town hip ufuî Iistoîy A rea For T own hïp St. Valentine's Day, celebrafeê on ~Tuesday, tilueugilouf the world, pri~- The Taen.sIip of Clarke Couac» Was elmost necessary. This Depart- 4utdwt efr ffiidcnu3 -et for file second time~ last week on ment, ile said, paidl fifty per cent of1OChristian churcil officiels te combat .F'riday evening lu file Ceufiil Cilani- fie cafire est of file land, buildingfthe early Romian version cf juvenili bei-s of file Townshlip Hall Atthi furniture, architeet fees etc. The costI deliiiqueucy.1 myeeting file Council concluded the for sucil a building ruas between1 The "day of sweefielrfs" is named' buies t iand aad thon weat into $48011. and $6000. a bed stated Mvr. 1 effor Sf. inta Crsinr conmitfe t dicus othr pase ofBron.'f thle County build a eue I wilo was martyred lu a Roman arenai Tewnsilip busInless-. bindred and fifty bed Home fthe cO$t about 2,70 A.D. -1 could ho in thle ueighibourileod of tii a i n t d uf t file meiting$75~0,000. 0f sucil a cost tfie Counfties If was fie customn of Roml-anyouths ~ila ifi~ ndestod fleta ptit~n ould pay $37.5,000. Of file $375,000 of fuîs era te cenduct e pagaIove _,s beiing circulafed ccnceenI-i1g th Mr. LQWer-y feit 'filt Clarke Ton loffery on~ Feilruary 15, in houer of ýý,ew proposaI for a dumip unfile viia-'silip would have to pay five percent, fhiurgodess, Juno. ýifycf Mr Corners. If was de- b y reason of file new equalized <ided te de neith-ing te tuis end until assiet Thiaoutde Tle young m'en placed file nemnes ýachfatie as any petitien buld ho Thisplus feit-fura d eue percen of availeble girls in a peffery con-s couricl. ThReev, forinteref* ovo-4)r ande ney yearTcenteeiner and drew lots for tfier favors - -zi-sented ttetfile te continue tilrrougileut ovr tfile yFebruerys J, T. Brown, was te inform tfie reeve ,figures are 'net actual figures as ne fescotino upe rullate eru fýý Newcastle on itilattafer as botil actuel coaf ilas as yef been set up ou etvlo uecIa ._Towcvastle and tfie Township were en- file proposed bulîldin.Chitincurimeflo ufae ez!ring inte file use of file dumip un- lCrsin iserechived fieur qutaw .dere jont areemeut.Mr. Brown alse ufrmdCounicilifickefs te the lottery, but in profesf Mr, E. . Dent presenfed a1 resolufion ila filte actuel cosfiug for file TeWj subsfitufed naies of saints for filose ýte Council in~ whici was asked assis-' Municipal Buildîing et Cobourg of grs -tanice freinih l Mînster ef Planning anmounts, te $878,80J and debetituresi nd»eekpmnttepln udde isehav been issued for tweinfy years eti FESTIVAL, DISA-,PPE-ARED fiýile.Townislip or-ai-oas- inte a Plan-'e cest of $2830,00»0. If was sfatcd by ýing Area. Mr. Dent sfefed fil e t h ie reeve fthafile Counties ilad first As file Ron em crumnbled, î-w roads in fil te area woul bring passed te carry file bu'ilding ever a 1epd file Christien churcl gew lu ný-ew developninent and in fuis he foît Iýtton yeer perlod fer $II2,ü0ü but ,vas sfreugfl, file festi-val e f Luiercufle tieesheuld ho seilePlanning. l In Cpteteiot ers i ie iapae, and afilo'y Chhistian preseniting file resolution Mr-. Dn ne ouftfilet fie ceunfty essess- feasf day fook ifs place. asked fit-if hoseconded and fahled mont st' oeulzdeci or u1 ieyugsessîlrcgie unfil the uext m-eeting of Council ho- t st eeulzdeh er 1Bnte ugtr siircgne, foéayaction was failen se filet M r. row etfie ie am eer ieir seflaf it oeufson umeumers ciil th ie proposed afion at file Ifeue would bei clesedf fs dy, and file twe festivalsi plan. The Reeve sfefed fthafile plan ýas lest yoar lf h1-aù lest mony, ltfil pageau Chstan andtuaLyb- -weas n stop in file rigilt direction and proporfy, if file new building is builît came merged lu filhe coursee f hsey w,,itil fhe setfing uip of a Planning îf is possible thet file Counfies wvill iffl a eoddaotS.Vi -Board weould assist fthe Township la ibId ente it as Ifs value la, likely te -Ltt î,s e're 0otS.V ifs- governîng,. Mlr. Deut's reselution increase as Hilwýay 401 is fablcd etînes Day frein about fileî2fh ecen- iv-as seconlded by -Mr. Lowery sud on epasfiioui-i.yu3 unfil fthe 1iddle Ages in Britaýin moio y lIýi- Walkey and MVr. Sav- wilen cuistoins ai-ose whicil iad liffle eýry if w'eas taIbled auntIil e iLct meef- Thle final site for tile pre.posed "conlection Wifh t-eligon. in.Mr. Low,ýemv su<gested filet file Counfy Homne will be determined, Dy filon, St. Valentine's Day !,ad 'Townshlip discus fie Planning Ai-enaeid Mr. Brown, by Counfies Council.smilowý fallen luto file by-ways cf -with menîhers ef Darlington Board -,s Derlington lias lied a Boerd in Followiug file discussiwi of file superstition, wifh a prevalent .belief pemation for sorte time. County Home file Councîl went into Mr Dent mnforined file meeting Qommlittee. eilat 'Mr, Ken Telunie iled re4un.sted_______ i1iat. the Townshlip consider an opeane Caoe ~et £-Yeason tis year on deer in the Towý,n- am e Met I chiki, Mi-.Dent stato& that -he was Wu-Ace feemèed tilatfive cther fownships j IEAL4dE -were- holding eun openm seacu tuis The Orono Charnier cf Commerce, yea~The liant weua l. ce pe-n for heldfleur first èxecutilie meeting on iesidents only and sogi,5would ho Wedniesday evemning iunfile Municipal Thle Banquet sponsored b7ie -the only rg~ur, used i the hut. If was Building wifi a good attendance cf OddfeIllows and Rebekahsins a tljr ie1f'by fthe fiseme Warden tilet if was officers and di-eetors. Enthlusiasin HIall on Wednesdey,. Febx-uary $ti Wa4 ,pysbe fiat deer were becoming over was shown and ift is expected file- a a very successful and satigfaiÇ 1. ,reulated in til areu ead file-t fs speaker freirn Port IHope or Bowmuen- event. Thle Banquet itse1f we-s> iluxe tt could ho file ause of the-Ln- ville- Ciamber will bo present fer the w flexcIInnt ser-vice by cur siaters. erqae i -%olves. No action wes faken ýfrcil meeting te assis' ln forming Thle pi-ogre-mn affor <conlted of pieao en tiis matter until such a. fine wilen conimittees and giving informatioil solos by Miss Warilyn Cebbledick, tbe~ twvo menbers ef the couacilwilo on their dluties. Rozs aud Jon Tanblyn, >,-re eppohted t*teilaiere Tow -______ _________________ ehip ianme- Commission have beenr presenta -fa mleefng o-ffie Commis- rf L«1 ...... ale-ria% w 3 Couricil was inforned that te date neinformation had been received as te filee înake up of file Road Appro- pý'riation. M~r. Dickinson <id say filet hoe understood fhaf there was te, be a ',t in maintenance hel~p this year bu1-t on file other iland cime could in- ceaeon). new conistruction. Mvr. ,~own said tfit Ifappearod thaf file Doepartment was lookillg towards fthe conmstruction and paving of rends. Mi-, Loweryinoved file thougil f f fiemeeting towar-ds file pssible con- struction of. file Courty 1ýonie and a,,sked if tilere was nf place in file Týowavsilip filat thle buildjing rigit ho erected. Mr. Dent tilen easked if file fwonmembers cf Couacil woattend County Council could nef bing soaneliîght, on file County scene. Mr-. Brown informed file meeting filaffthe County Reine Committee kad centrected al- Muicipalities wF-ilere water and sewage was avail- &bll. and asked thaf they contact file Ceoinmittee if they wefe iinterested i proposing a site witbhin fhier Muni- zipality. The reeve said filat fileý qjuestion wes stili wide open at file pcreseut finie. Clarke Tohnslhip Coun- rl felt thaf fthey ilad no suitable site fs til0y eould not prîo'vide file iieces- îary sereices atioi as wafar and sew-1 âge. Couacii dcid bpwever. passaa cwiawhich islte be presenfed te eýuaty Countil reqiaesting filet con- î.jderation be-given teo ha've file build- ilng built within the- County cf Dur-- Mr. Browii nfo exd th- ineeting z-it haf h ief Itispecter for file- De- partment cf Pu~blie -Welfare liad re- mxuiinended that waterad sewage Tkought For The Week "Thle best anle wifil which te Sapproacli any probletu is file Misgi.n Band floFs Ya'ft:'iae Party The second mieeting of fthe year for the Mission Band wah held on M~onday, February 13th. TLhe meeting wvas openied with the eall to worship. Carol Vaggý secrefary, rend the minutes of the last meeting. Scrip- Lture was read by Judy Vagg follow-ý ea the Treasurers report. After roll eall and collection Mrs. Hooey read a steey. Juidy Temblyn, Pianist, pflayed hymn 614 while fthe chilren sang. The miost exeiting part %vas when tche Valentine Party starfed. The pa- frol leaders passed out, candy while thle children made Valentine cards. The mneeting closed when Carol Vagg passed out the World Friendi Papers. that if was the one day of th.e year when the bir4s of the air chose their maâtes. Not to he eufdone by the birds, a yeulig girl of this peried would affi- a~ single bay leaf tg eneil corn-, er of hier pillow, and another in the centre, on fthe rdght before Sf. Val- entine's Day, believing- that if she d-reamiid of lieu lo-veit sle would. marry hum- within a year, Aiiother sure fortune-fdling nieth odi was te roll a pa1per carrying- the naine ef ber s\weethearf into a bai of ulay and drop it info, a pitcher of Water. Fortunate- indeed was the young mnan whQse naine encased in eday rose te the top of the pitcher before morn ing. If if stayed atthfie hottom, his (contiuuedl on Page 5) eIIo w's Banquet,' Thec .uest speaker, Mr-. Harold Hillier, was iatrvdced by W. J. Riddell, who sfated Mi-. Hiler joiaed - flaro ydro 25 years ago as e- neumber of file Building Administr-a- tion ivision, trensfered te Sales pro- motion Depari-fmoîfin 19,fland be- cane e nieinîer off the Infornmation Division ini 195bl. Mr.Hiler spoe on file Sf. Law- rence Seaway and Hydre Develop- %,uuuourg %'.îaIms Lountu fHome"F'ofdee,o'nenT. H auinefrein Lake Superior to file'Giif of St. Lawrence ohowing h.iew file water le-vls decended in fhi , 'oo Valuable To Scrajjourmey, then te file developinep t - The flo£iag la a letter suhnifted ilese te opeî-efe efficienfl.. stalhhish te file Chiarian of file Special Build- ed by test. If greefer pressure and ing Comiiniffee by thle. Mayor of file volume more consired necessary a Tomav of Cobourg. booster puimp ceuld ho. instalied foi- If la file opinion of file Municipal ai-ound $7,000. Council ofile Town of Cobourg filet We-.sfrongiy urge fiat the pi-sent file presenf County Homo is tee val- Ceunty Hoine be included Tilaf ies- uaille a building te scrap sud shiould pifaI and otiler necessaryacoi- hoe iacluded inanay plans for incree-sed dation hoe dded or previded lu sep- accommodation for filecae of file arate building. We aise reimd yen eged. If is a splendid structure, enly ltiet yen wï1l be spending public about fweafy yenra old, a-nd lias 'beertn mney, part of iviich wiii bc paid kepf in file beaf of condition. If is by Cobour-g, and we do nef mil fihe under crificisin, ouly beceuse if is b-ilte ho larger theu necessai-y. We overcrowded- and le-ek- ieapifal and agi-efilet oui- needy ead aged cifi-l ofiler necessery special ecommrode-- eus sileuld b holused ia conforfable -tien. Af foday's velues if ýweuld be quartera. m,,orfi l liovor $200,G0#1.0Uý, ierlJ.DBunt(1 The Cobourg Generel -Hesp*-il l ici-l .D.Bre (My ever twice as wcMi as theco~utity Hlome and if is beiiig infegratod mifihE thle nom ing, as a very imnprtant Lxpect T o Ho-Jlci Part of file noir iospifai. As wo Wll hv opay a substantial part of fileE cot of planning for more sace foriK àise F n file Counfy e-ged, me are vifelly la- terested la il hs i-atter. *Thle seirer could be exfea.'ded fic aorlrt fil no CoatyBuidin e- e eafcf Ie oreao pay off tfile deficit on theiie%ý-Couty uilîngat cot e th sesonseperetiens file execufive eround $12,00» andfile Tomn of Co- e ieOooHce lbepe-t bourg meuid ho millÎing te pay $5,000 have e dinîmer l il te 1Oddfellow'sî o f fhis 00sf. A nom 6 inchl watermair.ainte ea ur t$50a could ho oxtcnded up Brhm St.all in fie ne a fuuree-t$-0 0 a et e cosf of eigilt te aiine fhousand cash if youra la file lesf naine drawn dolli-s mnicil fie Counfies mould out f tffie dram-.. For these milo,_ have te pey a file ,xater is delivered na-m-res are dre-ma on nurnbers 'O, 20 et close te coat and your consumlp-30adu o19 trewilbFml tien is. sinali, present abocut $15.00 noationupres1 i. ll esnl per umuilot. cnoete ss The prestit six incil main gives These dinners- have been a success -- a iiormial pressure etthfieilydraut la- in Oshawa -e-f$15.0 a plate andi a1 si-de yen-r gate cf about 24 pounds. $2500.û0 -eadprize end 'u Bommnan- Tie sinchèi extension frini Burn- ville et $10.,0e- plate end a $5û0.û00 4aul Stireet,.tofile- saine location grand prize. Tilei-s more bofil ste-ge wouicr give a normal pressure of a-. parties but file Or o onee miii hbel round 30tpoadsnl case of fi-e tuis ladies and gentlemenr. Se fis sun-p-f pressuire could bc somiemilaf increas- -ortuinity te flnd eut who la filea ed. This would alloir four linoes of iloodoo lai yeur faiiiily-Of course self, a iluge project me-de possible by file skill of Hydre Enginee-rs financed by Ontario Hydre, Ste-te cf New Yor-k and féderal aid. He also silewed the moving of ilouses frein Iroguols 1% miles heck and tfil-building a uew fowa completée. His address lasfed only eue heur but ivas surely educa- flouaI. Mi-. Hiler wes filanked for bis wouderful address. Mi-% Fred Jackson of Tyrone enter- faied with us magie sets, nmucil te file deligilf of ail. May we extend our appreciat ion te oui- Rebheis for sei-vitg file Ban- quet; teouiouf nerti-fîers and te file cifizens Nile made if a finenilsc ceas. Net proceeds $134,'5. Tbank IBanquet To ds- For'Qrphans if is said sawdusf wiIl do for brains if you are lucky but there are somie people se unlucky if~ it Wo~uld rain soup fhey would bq filere witil a fork. There 'will oaly be 20-0 tickets sotd because thaaf la aIl1file h.all Nwill ibid. The Canadien Bank of Commerce are delighfed witlithfil an because they have twenfty lackîers on fthe note andi don't care if it isn'f paid off foi, fwenty years. It's fte twenty-backers on tile note thaf have the tc1uto pay.j However for a eood '$5.40& ne yeU have a cha4nce te ' in$250.001 cash and file coniiràttee don'f cire- if ,Yo, ,coine with your pockets etuff pd full 'of hers-eshoes, four leaf cloversj and wishI bones for good lucil. O0rono Orphans Secure Play-~Off Position In League The Orono Orphans during the two goals by Junior West unas-siste& ' latter part of Iast week juniped froin and by Fred Mortimer froin bise a four-th place, which was in doubt, and Armstrong. te fie with Lakefield lu second place.' The Orphans led six to three goinge The fwo gaies which determined this into the third but iiurlng this periofi4 new position for Or-ono wvere played held the Barons easily at bay. CharFes? ' on Friday aud Saturday nrights of Armistrong and Keith West both putS last week. These gaines were played insurance couinters bejiind the Bew- againsf Port Hope in Port Perry and nmanville goalie te end the scoriug aký Bowinanvflle in Bowmianville. Bofh eight to fhree. gaines were decisive victories for the On Monday night in Cob-oiurg tht- local entry in the Lakeshore Inter- Orono Orhhans miet the top feanie miafe League. the league and showed up imlpressiv- Tl'le Friday night; gainle played ely by putting fihe gaine into over- against -Port Hope in Port Perry en- fumef before aIlowig Cobourg -.,-y ded eleven to fwo for the Orphans place in the winning goal. The Oir- who showved neo mercy in their scoring phans were cenýipelled te corne frane, power. Dean Wesft t4ped the IjBt beharnd affer fthe second period to tie,4 for the Qrphans nofching fhree goals ftle gaine with fwo goals in fhe fhir& 4 and at least a couple of assisfs. Mac period. In the overtime periol fivea Christie and Freddie Moritimer were goals were scored with the wvinni aise shootiug accurately and both cine coiing for Clobourg five secoadi drove in fwo couniters a piece. Raye before fhe final belL West, Junior 'West, Keifh West and Orono wenf ouf in front in fhe first Charles Armnstrong picked up fhe re- per-iod when Erv. Welsh pick(cd up z iiliring four goals. Bolfon and Doug- pa)ss frin Charles Armistrong tcÈy' ls wvere file top two forr nt Ifopý-_ScOre. This was fthe only goal scoreffd wifh botil pIncing the pueil behind in the~ period. lanfthe seonid perieê I erigin fhe Orono nets. In the f'ne Lumibermen tfook the i nitiative fo 4 game fhe Orphans held file edge nef fhree counts bhidLaff-erfy thiroughoui4 faj<pn- a ~four to one thle Crozxo nefs. 4 lead in fthe first, s&îen te one lead i Going irnfo file third period Orono 4' file second and eleven [c) fwo at file was beh-indi by tweý' goals bLut W-ereN end of file third.bruh up to a fie con ceunters bye The venture te Bownmnville on Dean Wîesf freiniunior and Fred?7 saturday niglif again founrd the Bar- Mîýortirner frein Mac Christie. enIs displaying very little inhoke The overfiiane period off toin inî-utez. whiech uow holds them -in four-iplace sýa-, plenfty of scoring wifh Raye West in the leagu -ihetepohld yfiedoing the top hbon-ours for 0Orono With 4 Barons in fhe first of fhe schedule bofhi goals iand witil assisfs bofh go- hias cerfainly left thei n ad a re- ingte junior West. Raye put Orcuo-* suIt have droppied frei firsf place te ouf, in froim af fhe 14 second n-ark thle Lasf playoff position. This gaine te be shortly equalized. Fellowing , ,,ent te Orone hy a score of 8 te 3 this Paye again scored and se 4l& vwith Orono nieyer in dang-er of lesing Cobourg af 7:27. ThI-e gamne proceleded 4 if f0 fthe Barons. in a fie unfil five seconds r-emiaiii,- - 4 In the firet period Junior We-st and Cobourqy found the mark to taka starfed the sceizing for file uocals tie -gaie. and couinters folloIowcd by RayWe, Dean and Junior West now have- held Offithe board during thle peiio passig the sct'ing record and Jauilai rwo penalties wer-e handed ouf ln the Wýesf needs ofnly fwe points to put_. period with bathl going te Orone, hlm in line for alike otour. Witk. Edwards and Christie. four g-anes yet te ho played by the- The Barons showe-d what strength Orono Orpilans ini the playdowns both s they had in the secondl periodi when filese boys should be able to pas tilt they scored' aillof, tlhir four goals record of 76. Orono will now remar- 4 with fwo of thein conming wheu <>rouo idle unfli fthe play-off s which shoulil was short handed. Bill Dyksfra hut gef underway soamefime next week for file Barons first while Edwards At present if is net known who wiLi s'as off for jaferfereace. Then Bird play who as thle top team ~has ftbe ' eounfted when Raye West was serving choice of cho-osing tileir first opo two minutes for -hcking. Berwick sition and the top place ftre oiî then followed wifh a goal. During still change althoug it if s not lkl ~ 4 Mhs period the Orpilans managed1 o Orono Public Schoël Discusa The Tn'to f file Orono Publice ,gard file local taxpayers. Sciool met -on Tuesday epeniug in fMi-. Lyef f -poîaited te tir sggs file school wien the meaot impotant f ions, a portable clâssi-cei, or fthe metter for discussion iras file open- use of file St. -Sevioursa Sunday _ ig of e fourtfilrooïi< for file scilool iScilool Reoni, Mrý Websf or, Phju, mn file ceming ter-.i. Piosent fer file Scileel Inspectomrdisceuraged-fhe useý 0figbesides file fhree Trust ees of anofiler building as if ires -gemer'. were Mr-. R. R. Weý'ddell and Scilool ely found tee expensive and ia meet' Inspectera Mi-. Houten and Mi-. Web- cases grants irvere nefoIfbaiehle. I&- ster. 1- file matter of e Portebie (less Roora_ - Mr.Lycett pinte outthat filte Inspecter foîf filaf fibre woulct prsn Mi-. e wyepoed27ouf ile ntheet odifficulfy lu ebtaniiuga g-n Pi-setbbeierere 127n puptil s in i e since the Public Scilool ileâd availailhoI Publicr thcilo ndfieat etimfede- -pwic rsbià, etdott -oie t w l increase te 1 7. He f leC t hfie Higil Sciool. Fui-fier hie se-dhfa t rehuent mliPortables oveî' a long terimperion? fiat file Higil Sciool was e grepat as- wr otý u aeaue-,,eea set tothe Cni reiand fil e il emperary increase lu enrelmonnt is_-n tý,aking of any rooins fon £teIigh detei-mined, Portables, hoe said, wer*w Scilool migilt mean filet the~ Sciolel ilard te get approval for and in aW ,vould leave. Mi-. Lycett pointed te opinion were a poor solution. file problei of eitiler building a f er- Mr-. Webster stafed thet Po-î7tehIO ý porery Huildiug eor a permanen)t eue. Clnssrooiacest frein$600» te $8ûýW The Higil Scilool as a tenant in file could nef say whetiler Orone c<*lê building wns nef, assured lunfile ftf- receive fthe ferty per cent sub.sidy ait lire and thus added te file probleni et tiswould ho deteruiued iu Torqmt hand. secondary schools receiv.ed- (;0 pee The chairinan asked Mi-. R. R. Wad- cent subsîdyii building an ud jeat- deil if ho ceuld express any vici te i one d if t'le. Higi Seileol coufd ereCt - the future pÔlicy of the H-igil School. file needede aeêonmdaqm. EHe f Mi-. Waddell asked if aay egreenient filet th i uale i 1gh Shools wmore em e>isfeil hotieen file Public Scilool fhir way out e-s ini bs opinion sft<t- Boardlead file Higil Sciool ead lu ing lu tilese >achaols wouild hcom til no eue spemed te kueir for ceiS difficultith ie futre. Mr-. Wadp tain. Kri. Waddell foît filet an agree- stated jilet laiite- aien Iligm Sbeq ment mes in existaee as if lied heen fithaifàmas nef beîng faced with t with file Board ni Newcastle mhicil diffieulty as file rate of pay in O fk mes ibId for five yeers. Mr-. Waddell omo ,e-s filesaame as ft a R6,wmaa,- did peint eut fiat lest yeers Iligil ville and Port Hiope. Mr. Websfer ouiex- Snheol Board mes quife set on cen- pressed filhem tiat the Ilfgi Schoîý tinuiag file Orono High &ilool- wIil utnrtf a Portable te ho nsed by tl(,- four classes. Mi.-.Best as;ked if filePuli School and ieta. an greementý District DHi.h Scehool Board-ci mre con- ifý possi~ble drawn up betwen h-- 't~b~idIng e pw scilool -te t1W Boards. - -w h e hMr-. Waddell answei-ed fila Mi-. flest asked 'hem long- bear ho mhd nef ileard of fis. Mi-. Tami- oee ddiionaî e-wsa room woulZ,-ad wtt' bÏy yp.sked if fibre mas-ay me-y e eoùi e hc ef7t e &k1 fiading eout juqst hem long fle11g -amrvas grnMiss. Foster poiu;a SýchooI ,vould beiný flhe building -ad ofta i~taa~ip~ ci fil ug if t s s ", Uld bu done teusfe- a ý-4 th e u ddtonpage a ni a, 11 INýu Subsêrii)tio'n 91.50 ner < vear

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