i Ull c'eiolevn TRUSTEES oI O CKElifY rul Turkey Bai-~ en oý-vrmoe hun- ntll attenired. FOI-~ iinterestiig pro-ý onl the StL. L h was served Planto attend th'e O0 on"Ati-j Auditojýum- Association Bingo tonight (Thursday> iiteOdflowsll, Oronio. ais opinion uroan developm-erit cannot develop withloiit Saitar'y Sewersý. We w -,ili be pljeased( to pick Up deadl V- Jf o crip le far iai for san oboia FR. 2-36484 or Toronto EM. 3-313G. GORDON YOUNG L.iMT'ED The Orono Boy Sat-urday, Febru.i thleir paper co!lect of Orono. Residei are a.Sked to havet secuirely tied and for- Pick-up. Proce- ture is used in scou and distriet. paper curb Our complete service Ward robe g -rantees year round pleasure Newcastle, Ontar' f*0e00,ê0p..,4,9 .on.o~o.eo~.oo~,<.i. FOR ALL Ilailf sizes Women's re par sizes i these fashionable f rocks, styldÀ4 fit and flatter r~O i ALE -At ýprces you cu 't afford to miss Th ére are i ,resses, ail differeiýt styles and colors. ýS'ze 1I :25) reg. $15.95/$19.50 Sal. Prie .95i 1 18 Dresses i rnted taffet~as, crepes, bengalijes 4lannel. Reg up Yo $21.50. Sale price $9.95 -Ail the ot ér dresses in twees, crepes, silk, CÇâojrsi gree, grey, cocoa, te,?,, bluet, black, navy. 1 ounclay. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Brooks arnd buby son Chris, Oshaw%,a, visiteil on Sunidiy with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wood. Mr and Mirs: ise Z osborough and Mariyin Df Niagara Falls visited with Orono frïinds over the weekend. Mr. and, Mrs Jar Bryson and daughter ofT4rt.ntoni speint the week- end with 'Mrs. Milfred Sherwin and Lawrenice. lith M ver, Bý Rev. ormer Ptumbing Fixtures Accessories and Rep.irs Warm Air Heati'ng and A'Conditïi g B-H Paint an a1rnishes, etc. R.E. LO GAN, Pro P. phione Il1816 Qnn ~ are real bargains xpleated, flared choose f romi. On your own wTuse Coats trimnied with (hbelt. Colors liglit blue, roy, for $9.501 Fred priced from.. ...... ...... îc to Candy Valentine Gum Drops, Pound.... ~Pound............. ilýn, stop losing your " air ................ Iron Going intoi ~save ~ Girocery Blue a-lear 10!/2x11 face ~tax iiic 7:43 to again tie nded the scoring )f play, in the overtime giinîing to appear w'ou1d rest in a ti minute of play Doi 2 regular Vi-tone IPudge Mix, .25e AL 0 ri Nem i I N N N N N N N N N N N s N q N -"~~> - t of fhese i red.. Harold Store Open Ail Day Monday ~' I "W-ý