ORONO WEEKLY TIMES THUE -BING ORIONO ODDFELLOW'S HALL Tbursdlay, Feb. q19th GanleTime8:00 P-. Special Games Jackpot $20,00 Spalnso-red býy the OrOno Athietie Assûciatio n ISPECIAL ME] LJ I PLAN TO ATTEND THE ANNUA it uunIaIl<nTIIUU I Iuuut.LI i Orpno Town Hall wriday F eb,. 17 -2.00 p.nt. SPECIAÙ SPIEAKER,-Mr. Eldred Aiken, Chairman, Ontario llog Producers' Board MPEN DISCUSSION PERIOD DODOR PRIZE-Putre Bvved WIeanlIing Sow Pig- to those present befire 2:001 ).m. ~ COME AND BRZING A CARLOAD Brucýe Taylor, President E. A. Sumimers, Secretary ,,,.,,o.eo.o HYDRO s i E 50 YEARS 0F PROGRESS v T'le fifty years since Ontario Hydro was created Mn 1906 constitute one of the most im-jportantjj eras in the history of our pro- vince. The Hydro family has played a major role in the progress of that half century, energetically developing Ontario's water resources to make available to farms, homes and industry, dependable electric Power at rates amnonig the lowest in the world. in the process, the Hlydro family has grown fromn the original 14 partner municipalities to 343. The number of customers served through these, plus rural, local s ksens and industrial customners now exceeds one and one half million, The combîned assets of the Commission an.-d the municipal sytes almost two billion3 dollars. In this, our Golden Jubilee Year, Ontario Hydro and al]. the Hydro municipalities salute the men whose foresight and enter- prise founded the Hydro family . . .' We salute also labour, industry and agriculture, ahl of which may be proud of their part in helping to bring about the present hig-h s tan.dard. of living in Ontario. What of the next 50a years? The future holds great promise in electrical living. 1-ydro will continue to provide an adequate supply of electricity to meet the power requirements of the provine . . power for greater prosperity for aUl Ontario. F AM I-lY A S S URES YO0U R E L E CT RIC AL FU T UR E I CASH Shoots Ris TV Set But, that wasn't the end. Asthi ,tory goes, an old times in Saskaýt- chewan was -watcbing the program ora-, televiszion and became so angry N?- Mr. Tucker that he picked up b irs shot gýun and peppezed away at the screen, completely rnining the set. Poor Walter bas been takingr quiteý a ride from al bis many friends here.ý- International Police This column will be of a generaý2 nature this week because I've already- written somethig about inost of the subjects which have been discussed. sucb as the arms to Egypt and Israel5.', and various private bis. On the tne m-iddle east stua1tion, the latest d-- velopment is the talk of establishin- an international police force in thesz area. After dismussing this possibility- with several people wh-o should knoe. I doubt if anything -will corne of it unless there is a larg-e scale outbreak there. Comimies Want Trade Somne interesting visitors are in Ot- tnwa at the moment, a trade delega- tion from) the Soviet Union. We woa't. mmid if they w-ant to buy some of our- excess agricultural products for ia, fair price, but there appears littie eagerjess on the part of the go)verni- mtent to encourage them too much- Along the sainee une, uhere hias bepi- considerable discussion this week-, among ail parties, on a suggestion hy thleSve Union that we should ex- change parliamnentarians. A ,,-)oUP from oir parliamecnt wouild visitMo- cow an-d spenk in their equivalent of- the Ijouse of Commons and they~ would corne here to speak in ours, Fratnkly, the idea is mieeting with no enthusiaýsm whatsoever and will bEs gîven1 littie Con1,ideration. Some of> our membersý would like( to visit the'! Soviet on a faýct-findin 'g tour, but thec thought of those communists in eui flueof Commees le (aves1m'st t !' us nauseated. Ini addition, everyonei; knowýs hwthle Sov-ietoI"o, aatigthat was; saîd for their owr., propaganda pur-poses. Sir -Anthony Eden W,,ill be a nrost welcome visitor on MnaThi- wil he bis first visit to Canada as Primne Minister of the Ualited iký we are not onfly looking forward tco, interesýted iii the m 1):a t say. Hie will address a joint meig of the Senate and flouse of Commons, ýAlways, 1I hav-e been nmost fortunate on these occasions. ,ébecause my e-ý,t isabu six feet frm hesutwho-re the \visitin1g ignata1ries ýstand we thynathe heir11 speeches. ýIt shouMi be most nesta. The Rail Dispute at the moment is what theouom will be of the conciliation board's at- tempt to settie differences betwe-(en the railways and their non operatiag employees., The unions are askinte for an increase amounting to betweenm 32 and 37 cents an heur, which the railways estimate would cost them, over $155 million annually. Abou, 1<040employees in 16 unions are- involved. At the mom~ent, we can only. hope the differences will be ironed out without difficulty. (Uontiniued page 3) fly ohn . ~frosty revenue have gonie on strikle, After a couple of weeks of comn- Te o,1,0lu1,11 paratively balmy weather, clear roads iey wv' emrting $2.50 4n ourand adsidewalks, Ottawa has i noidmnd$35wbfoe£e-mn aadwork. At [the moment, th(' "treets a--iEe turned to a more seasonable climaite. 'a mes s which apastobhe alil ýin h About timie too, because next week tie' ao.Ho hytmdter the city featuires its annual dog slecI demiandis so perfectlyis 'a msey derby with somie 40 or 50 entries andi, without sn-ow,, the event would have A Excîtjng rga to be cancelledi. 1However, the coning Onoftebssorsofhewe of snow also ljroughi-t problemis. Dueanoethtbogtaeltum to the miild winter, the city ha savý\ed 1u~ from (ýevrone in the Cmos soi-iething like $100,000 on snio-w appeared in the Ottawa peso cleaingil as compared with >ast WviflThrsa afternloon. Walter ucer ter-. Now, the hundreds oý,ftuc Liberal «,.P.for RosthernSk, par- dirivers who depend on tijis tLyle of ipte recently in a knlock dowri- drag 'em out television rsscnfr enice alonig with repre-sent'atives o the other tbreeparties,. Johll n- baýk e, Hamn iiArg'ue and Vîctori Quelii. The subjet ws atener ne for wsternrs 'Weat!Actually, te proramwasa ess î imyop)iion.ii The chairian lost control of the itu a"tion as j asto b4 xete hn teewere fthreeopoionsekr- Io onýe dfniggvrmn oi Rumior basit that tiie program dir- ector g-ave themn a p)ep )ta!kbeoe they went on to mke suret'herc, -wouldc be plen'ýtv of action. During tue'- prgan.which -,en~t faIr byn expectations, the laddlie who was n nonhI(Ie camera was La'Izughing 1bard he could hardly do hbi. job,. Mos't of the timie, ihere were at least threes of the paniel talking at the, same tim-e- What a shamnbles, -k wý HYDRO