that Mr. Foirresteýr stated their wa-s no go~ in. ____________ prticular reason why ne Xuarther ac- R. C. Fürrester presentecl compar- boen was taken on sewage o)ieo ative estiinateçl figures between the SMuini«cipal _l-%ct*ýý Mona ,!Decepiber i When a poil will lie open ýt ten O'clock ib the mrîg cniu ntlseven O'clock intGe afternoon of the same day ý-Id ao.longer in the Rydri Office, Orono Deputty Returni g Qffice>r Mis. Ephiriam 'White Poil Clerk - 'Mrs. ,1. E. M1ilison and that at said Eetion . E. Millson, Clerk, shall be Returning Officer -o-' - Orono Orpha (ifnsinp ono. Robinson secured-i., pass fromJunior West saýy Ywas a mnan short. finthe first jaine iri *eid Lindsay .;bro scor-ii- spiee aind put th th lead by scorinig foui puttingth soe at eh, These g'oals were scored Itwo, Cra,,wf ord and Dr<, Cowle shortly nifter- the, m rark~ went throughi the ýLyzem o coueandU xeuurnin aII 1 minute and a half to tie the score at eight ail. Ris goal -%as assisted by Chaqrles Armistrong and Fred Morti- mer. The winniin g ggoal for the Or- '" phans passed the Lindsay goalie at 17.10 leaving the stick of Junior Westi with an assist te,. is blfotlher Dean. o Final score of the ganie held at ninej to eight. The Bowmnanvilie Barons addeda further -win to their row of con'quests, on M"nlrday evening in Port Peiry -y Oro à wvhen they defeated the Orono Or-' phans by a score of se'ven to three. 1 Vi1iag The gaine could harrlly be said to be d c u ns one-sided as the score indicates.; ol The gaine provided plenty of hockey wihonjy eight penalties being hn- ded out drn"h entire sixty min- ý utLes of Play. Five, wenit to, Oronlo and three to Bow,,mîanvilL,. orono held the lead after the first Itwenty minutes of plnay by oegai in a three to two counI. Th, three Orono goals which wvere the total for i !the locals 'were scored by the thrýe'< 'West Brothers, Raye, Dean and% Juni- Iior. Lloyd Hamilton, the star for the Barons,, picked up bis first of three for the evening in the first period. The other -\as scored by JedI Wilson wowent on to count another Iter in the gaine. Maxie Yourth.te the game in the second with his goal nt 3:20. At the turne Kith West wns sitting out due to-a slashing penalty. This was thle only goal scored in the secýond,-pr- iod which ended în a tie. Durïng the third period Bo-wr7naxn- 4ville sh<owed their strength when -they put four pueks behind Gearing in the Orono nets. Danny Girardi counted the first with~ Lloyd' Hamil- ton folleveing when Don Mercer was serving a penalty for falling on the puck. Jed Wilson scored the sixth goal and Lloyd Hamnilton camne back seventh in the Orono tivine. nhe.gaine ended seven to three for To the Townsl stand RUSSEL SVE the Electors of 01 if electeda Police Trustee for jo 1 wouIi plan and conduetthie,1 ie as carefully as any ' rivate uct his or Ii'r businjýK U THERF Lpeople~ namne to 4onday, the Village of ,businiess of the citizen would 0R0 >RE»-ZLEVT ROY C. F0 For R Police Trustee 'Your Vote and Confidence agaîn Respectfull' ' Solicited."Y TQ TE ELECTORS OFO RONO Your' Vote and Influence RESPECTFEL 'SOLICITED FOR ~For Orono Police Trastee for 1956 10 T.he 'T out that for Dealings RESPECTFULLY Solicting, -our Vote and Support For Trustee - Village of Qrono