Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 17 Nov 1955, p. 7

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sauad: !tne il hic ýv 1t.1 vriably he L'en) the ground up. ýrt William native broke Toronto Amenas and tus -e Arenas wvere playmng a Canadiens ini a 2-gamne st game on1 home ice 7-3 iike the Aenas quit aind ,real ice.bInte this situ- ayhem, camne the tow- rived a rough, slugjiug Arenas went on te 'vin Jack the Joll'y can turnc Jnited, States capital of ably has teairis fot 001Vll have won the National g seven straight LUp to eJolly cao tumoi of deep eligious iguage and once her to keep fris ýraftsin-an in rthe LERS ewas Sound wn'cf l ceuves Frunen 15s- ]and fomn the mainland of Denmuark. At once the 'planes swooped on their prey, and a hall1 of bomibs scream-ed down on tLhe slinking sea wolves. Unable to crash-dive or manoeuvre in the narrow Sound, the U-boats were ippcd ap!r~t b-y the in- ferno of high explosive. On May 8th the European wur cnded. Some yei.rs afterwards the Dunishi authomities decided to clear Lillebueit Sound. One sal- vuge firm aftem another tuckied the tusk of raising the sunken U-boats, but al failed. Finally,~ permission ,vas~ given to a scmup metal firm f0 blow up the wrecks. When a diver went down te inspect the first U-bout tne found a nuntber of skeletons inside. With explosive charges the huli was split open. It was then that the divers made ank amnazing discovery. The subrna- rifle hadl caried no ttrpedoes o-. her last voyage. In their place the torpedo compatmrent was stucked tightly with cans of food. The amount was fan greater thaPn could possibl-y be needed by a submarine setting out on patroL. As the loads of scrap metal from the wrecked vessel ,vere brought ashome, Daush police scrutinized each piece careful- ly in an endeavour to establish the identity of the U-boat, but without suceess. No trace has been found of a log-book or any of the ship's usuai pupers. Then, in the second of the wrecked submunines Captain Olsen of the salvage vessel Kia- !5ten Jensen m a de anotber strange discovery. It was half of a woran's floral patterneçi cotton skirt. Captain Olsen, who has worked on several Germian subrnarine wrecks, de- clared, "This is the first timne f have found any taces of wo- men having been on board." The U-boat is sf111 unîdenti-. fied. Some humnan bones have been brought f0 the surface-, also a gasmask andi a piece of mnaterial bearing the niame "Do- mnogalski." But no further lue as to what passengers, if any, she curried. So there it is. Did Hitier commit suicide in his Berlin~ Chuncellory as the ,7orld offi- cially believes, or did he fiee fromn the doomed& capital, de- teroined f0 malte his wa y te South America by U-boat, tak- ing with hixo the womuan whc had remiained faithful to hiyn? I EUROPE NOW CHOICE A AVAl LABLE to H~AVRE, SOUTHAMPTON to GREENOCK, LVERPOOL t-o HAVRE, SOUTHIAMPTON to H4AVRE, SOUTHAMPTON } k COBN, LIVERPOOI. }to COBH, LIVERPOOL lifx durina winter months. BLUSHING SALLV littie Miss CensorE test, is biushîng sorship did to th, sion of "Seven SaIIy, who storrec ilyn Munroe role says the movie sorable thon the TO Can mnornin, super Mahion Steel- $3 a ' work oi he coulý inçg. N( beci. "If>s the cci absenteeism,"" reckon i îs sa, year." the kmgaom), and il ow ne ac- taly did lose himself bet-weeu Doncaster and York. The court- !y and ecce-ntric Pepys, together with htis wif e, travelling in their own carrnage, lost their way twice in one short tour, ai-d -oni the second occasion nar- rowly escapeçi the penance of passýing a comnfortless niight on Sailïihury plain. Thecodto of the ods was often frightful, especially after a fal ot ram1, when travellers were sosnetimes delayed for a week . . . It was only in fine weather, even iv, the l7th century, we were in- fommed by the most, delightful of modern historians, thaï; the whole breadth of the oud was available for wheeled vehicles, Often the mud lay deep on the rîght and left, and only a nar- ow traclk of firmn groujnd rose above the quagmnire. Let uis next spee what ideas these ançcient isianders had about long j ourrneys, and w7hat wvas the ordînary rate ut which they were accustomeéd te, travel, MVany of our reuders will cali to mind the boyish wonder and awe with which tbey were wont tU listen to thie remniniscences of somne ever memioruble journey- ing exploit performied mûre than half-a-century before by some venerable villa ge patri~- arch, or city Methusejah; the months he had spent in antici- poation, and the weeks in anxious prparation; how he had gonte about taking tender uànd dolor- ous farewells of friends and nleighboumis;-. ýqired two dciys for a our niey ,whîch is now effected in about two hours on the " reînt Western line. The stage to Ex- eter occuipied four days. Even se, receritly as 1703, when Prince George 0if Denmark, visited the sately mrainsion of Petworth with the view of rmeeting Charles III of Spain, the last nine miles of the îourney toolc six hoirsý Several of the car- ïJ ages ernployed to cove is r-ýtinue were upset. An ur' u- nate couirtier in attendance com- plains th at, ilu r ing fourte-n Iiours, he never once alighted. excepot when, the ecrach ovýer- turned, or stuck ýiin the m-ud. Think of Qhis, and learn to be grateful, yeý moderr grumb- lers at sl ow trainsý! - From "Tait's Magazine," 1852. UNULE TOM M\1r. Hfoneyfuggler is lookinig for a new job. He lost his old one when he thoughtlessly in- troduced his bird-brained bride to -the head of the flrmn at anl office get-together, "So you're rny Henry's boss," gurgled Ms Honeyfuggler. "'He's toldJ me so, mui-ch about you, Mr. Legree!" M"-ERRY MEI4AGERIE irivent -gad, bed. The In cr husbai plantxing leet in ing a bellows of the f ire un( 'vater. The l8 a super-alarm the sleeper by a sitting posil A Bohemiar vented a lullh people- to sleE tune on a mnu ftie morning, ~traist, the samo ecmbination of bals playin, march, Nor coulcl fhrough a can ini 1815 that3 by igniting a powder. No onje kno, the first alarr Romians fhad à pul,ýed a cove: automnatically sieeper withi HIS Fleasati Wages. ývste1n 44 ICtnâ i.egMI àm w N N N N N N 'N N N 'N N * N N N N 'N N N N 'N N N N N N N s 'N N 'N N s- 'NI N 'N N N 'N '1 N N 'N N N N N N N N N N NI N 'N 'NI N N N N N N N N N

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