C. Gamey, Secretary. Mr. %aniM family' vf fSaraýii ith -Mr. and1 Mr. and Mrs GirI's nylon. Cardfigans, plain knit colors pink, blue and- navy... color lue $3195 er, f aý ey knit. Plain nylon S cpres, A lshades Priced at ... ..........$1.19 Plai or pleated Neck Scarves in silki oi heer crepe. Priced 29c. - 69c. en's f lannelette Pyjamas, al s' es. Priced at..... ....... .9 es, Skirts, Blouses for this week Mitts Meu's 100 p.c. nyloni 5 star r,6k vhite Socks, 2 ply yaYns, shrink proof -Ioth $1 .00 Pro, , long wearing' no darn g-, color grè y\with red or blue top dý heels. Pricedj at...............$1.25 15.95 ClI1jldren's ail wool Gloves and INMitts, à-1 shades. Prieý ... 65e. - 95c. Wers s Angori Gloves with es genrd o and black trim -with SI. 9ý5 gOld thread an"d pearîs. Prieed . 29 Store Open Ail Day Moriday Co., or more o tax'!n nainLegion Biancih 178a Mr.R . For-rester - r guests t he owavi Lions Club on M d1ay eve-ning at a MUemorial Banqu helaiin the Bowmianville Lions CJoi IGive a ibArary pMemberchip as HColistns gift. Mrs. Milton Tamiblyn and MAr.s. Sýuttoni attended Cadnms Woni Association meeting on Tueý evening- at the home of Mrs. %wood MTcKee. There -was a sple attendance and Mrs. Tamiblyti plained the inspiration and educn acquired b-y Locals through mem ship with P'resbyte.ry and ilso wonderful expinding- contacts chur-ch work DIIoiion Cotinc-I* man' s Associaýtionis d,, oing throi out the' Dominlion which is on)ily sible 1w the rowving imemiber-si the Local organizations. IN MEMORIAM In loving meinory of mry dear band James Swarbrick, who pa away Novem-ber 15th, 1952. Mingling today with quiet tea Are bappy memiories of bygoi years. . ind CAIM CR nd VT of ving pleasure iet ilsl ugh- J ~ POs- j p ofj ~ is no respectorrof persons AMn XT.&I.NUISH,,Et mighý ave yourHouse, Barn Car o rg We c4n s"pyoneto suit Iwur needs R. E. LO.GAN, Prop. Phi-ne 11,16 f)rçOr'ý (,-" - Table Laimps, T. V. J,;ohnI Brush, Comb and iýfrror Sets, rias GreigCa s w4thenvelopý of for......... Laýlies' stre jlhes, ail sizes .... Clarýke .pair. Set fo............... 19 our feet dry, non skîd, hard .o.....$..9. -utioneer. F or Sale Tenders w ndersigniedi n the 30th .or the purc] heic late Mrs. ,ast sie of tChur-ch S ýonsisting of ýning on wli .omed franr table and ba Termns: 10, Oaincflto +n h e Kernel Cor Bags, Crown over 30 yariE rn Coffee, regular s, Chocolate, Your- choice Spice, Golden 1rown Brand. iips inl-a 6 oz. re-m, r ideal f or use in1 price ......... urs sing..i n(