:ricultural College, Guelph,! 2i0litra eo poecsit, from, an gi nop~liIyir breakage.ping and seeing what they wish iný -inig of poftatoes in good years 1.Ala erebg,28 uh. , ihlwpiedyyaselS, yield 84, quaility 141, total 2.25, ýSince highl socket temperatures are aiso fire Ihazard1s the hoods should Along with mrore wdsra u. m] ',11. G. ak an, lthdn 93 bush- hav\e opein-gs aroý(und( the to)p to pro- lit(,eeLt, membership in 4-H club) Woeati l ast wîn e, yield 83,,ulity 142, total 225. ide circulation fJor coo!inig. Pore1lainrk sicesn sedl n ~gt utm wa himnsockets arle usually cooler than yea estalIshýed a new record in Can., evening. ~~17. Ifector Uortoii, Sebago, 264a sisoet.aa f7278 enoed n ,5 ag yelsper acre for the bushiels, yield 75, quality 137j , total or the Iast ten years are as 21.f l? ervcecordC, too, should be clb-uices f401 mmbr 10made of hleat resistanit imaterial that and 1641 clubs over 1954. Average age ,411.1 bushels; 19.-4, 432,6; 1First prize, since the winner hade already been ~~~~preselited with a gold w, otdtrirtwe xpsdto fte7,84mesl,15 5js 6,5.5; 1952, 445; 1951, 3-13,;wach ws glcofriie audheait as will ordinaryý rubber inistal- oe 13 year's amd a-veraige emer 11;1949, -419; 1948, 53-1; 19-17,1 ý sA1ý fr lzrVl i tins.memershi boys 1exeedfgirls bya 1946, 447; 1945, 289. at $85. Second ýwas a silver combin- lei-brhp oys x'e 1rsli tnd<ngll for the- iyeaiý, variety ation muffin and vegetable dis h and infra-red lamips are very useful' 640. per acre, quality score and toal, 10 cash; third- and fourth were ïY'- for. providing heat for breoding. for 1955 were as follows: tons of U.F.C. and C.I.L. fertiizer;, J hud leuei nasf fifth 13 eighty-pound bags of Shuý- Te hudb ue na ae Delbert Oiani, Cfiippewa, 699 gaini fertilizer; sixth two 50-lb. bagsmanr- I ByYuTiktNoI ,Is to the acre, yield score 200, 0of dust and $*5; Sevenýtth $10; eighth BvYuTiktNo .y score 190, total score 390'. te eenent $5 each. For The 'liff*ord Curtis, COippewa pota- 4_i___ iyimeniosnip DJR MCUNY UIO busels 147 yield, 190 qual- ....1___Cu ; A M R 818. 'uïsappoIBIweuLinoLxpre47C, j Onie of the,. most Successful yearýs ~yield 136,)«quality 318. l n Jnlr cubwok lun Canada :1will 'Iale Waterlt Sbl-o,48) rî-ýpn üe1 b a uweïo cum ntel the 25th Annual Na - irls13,Weathrlit ,tt, e ago, 486 IIOe0uet -Da WIS yiel 139 qulty1'7, toal ional J4-41Cub Week in Toronto, frd ohstnSeag,469 Disappointmnent with ow prices re - Novemberý 13-18, during the holding yield 124, quality 173, total ceivect fils year was expressed re- of the Royal griulural Winter o ýDFELLOW'S H~ALL and ý boys ilatn, i fwo rthPorter, Chiippewa, 447 enit tobacco growý,ers iiu the district , have beenl r outtnig Sllo 1 Yîed 18, uaity170 toal Prices received at recent sales in' club work in theýir respective provini- rIa, 'l WaheilSeag,451Simicoe ave2ragea 'two or tru1ee cents' ces. At 6:30 p.m. Sharp) yield 129, qualitY 163, total blswer)than hosereceiequbymend nesotine na le Cured To- Togh the ilbekp us f anut nDlce $1.75 baavano, ChipAsociaian.Toronto conmpeting in National judg-1 2st CvnCipw 425bac oer'sscto. ing competitiens to select Canadian I Guest speaker:?. T. M. PurvilS,,- ied121, quality 167, total Growvers outside the association put champion teanms in clothinig, foodl, ,1 their ci-op on sale recently - ten dairy, beef, swine, poultry, grain j ,t Olan, Sebago, 4104 bushels djays aiter association miemhers and potato projects, it wiîî not ail erou Wlcm quality 164, total 279. deait wîthi buyeris. Lowest price taken OO ' is said to be 35< cents a pounld, uind tuie n -.e1. 7 cents. I Association members' prices wýere t quoted as iranjg r beeen 41-il dLuAN OINCNG TH jcents. RE-OPENING OF vàa le ue obcoGoerse Fm higher thian las;t year'S.IIQ j No0 re(gula.tionI on the amiount cf acreage laited la enfiiorced on lnon- - oing oni sale later, sla ss likety jN v non tobacco growers -Inl Heat Laines And Fire hazardsi Iï Hair-Styling----an'd Cutting i Fire hazardls can arise by careless Phone Orono 152r7 for an appointment use of infra-red hecating lamps for brooding chicks and smnall farlu an- imals. Temlperatures of 60 .degrees F. were mneasuired on the face of thie ______________-.~-.:.Lamp and 312 degreesý F. iu thesoet Iiu tests conducted at Penusylvai Staite college, uig a20wt ___________________ lampil, straw litter -was ignited where t -e-ampwas eju-u inob At Munici ai ElIection Pulc. NoieTw Mh' of Clarkie pubi- N iac s hereby 4ien, thý,at a mengof the MncplElectors of the To nshýip o)f Cllarke Wil lne held i thle P liItHL , K N 1955, ant the hour uon oco ini te -ferno r0 te nomination of candidates for the office of REEYE, DEPUTY- BEVE ANÎ 3 COIJNCILLORS Clarkie for the ensui ng year, in c0nf0rm-f« the Corporation of the'Township of ity with the provisions of the Mu 'ihcip aj-aws of the Province of Ontar~io, alsoi1 nomination of Three Trustees for aYÎrke Township School Area by Ratepayers in School Sections 1, 4, 8, 9, 13, 17 and 21. lIf more than the necessary nuniber of Candidates zre noinated and a POUl is relquired the proceedings wil l1e adjournied until 1)55 when a po1 l l"e open at ten o'clocJk iï the niorng-, and continueuti sevn 'd»lçlu heaterîoont of the sam day and no longer in, eaeh Polling Sub- Division of the said Township. And that at said Election H., E. Milison, Clerk, shaih le Returning Officer. ARTHUR McKAY Reeve Ml E. IMILLSON, Clerk three luches it charred, and scorched ut six inches. The recommensdatiols, that have r:esulted fromn thisv study, are that J~ With. Insuaè sralwasce best bet. N.Ê PORTER S: J. NOTRTOýN Phone 61-F-3 Consuit us don ail things ap- pertaiîing ta the beautificatioL of your home. Paperhaning and IntertoT Decoration a specialty. 'CAREER MEN IN KHAKI, TheIInr6 Rere s a icjjobr î the active mIan wh6 uses his head' likes the f eel o4 action and woDrkin in the open air, Today's lnfantry soldier, recogi ,'-ed as tl'e most important muran the Ariýny, has ît 1z est - - n tau ing, weaipons and care. His chancés for specilized training and promûotion are almost nIin-iifed. lnfantry and \.th othek speci 1 Ibra*iýhes of the Army off or hundied of gà od-payftn , il ýtimoe careers. To sec- where y'u fît, visit yoiÀr /nearé± recruiting office, No obIigation,"0f coUrseý Remember,i 4e A'Èry y *tecuiup with men crnd leaders you rely o î- rig44 down the lino, Serve Caiaduo nd-oü ef ini the Army Tii. Army requires mers of reliaible chçracter an2d stabiiity--able to pass apecicil Army tests. To be eligible you mu.st be 17 t 40 years ef ege, skilled tr4idesmen Io 45. Whers applying bring birth cerfîficate- or other preef oet age. h,. 13 Pe'rnnel Depot, W"AllsHanse. Rideau & Chrotto Sis., Ottawa, Ont. - Telephcin.D -45ff Arrn» Reruing Station, 164 Wellingtnn St., Kirgstrn, Ont, - Telephorne 4738 Anuy Rtcrultlng Station, M0 Rchtnond St. W., Toronto0, Ont, - TeIephone Em 9-8431-LoQal M7 Nâ. -7 Personnel Depot Wûsoey SalTcks, Oxford, & Ellzabeth Sts., London, Oad. - Telephone 4-1601 -â.Local 13ý5 e ArAy Reehrting Station, 230 Min RtI. W., NOFtb 82Y, Ont. - TelePhM 458 >rn» Recruiting Station, !84 King St. East, Hainiflton., Ont. - Teleph)one 2-8708 063W.@ le s"e. ec $G. "Dczteln. . "îhe e.sftignew TV .Wàw - ,vey etor Ïrbl.> ig 4