Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 27 Oct 1955, p. 6

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'-i y [DY.1 1 ,of Chner4 $ýtoe I ndROYAL ARIULMJAWNTIER FAiR Sen chqueor ene orerwit ROYAL COLISEUMl, self addressed ewlpet: TORONTO. Genieral Admission: 5Oý ROYAL CLS Mtorontlo r, of: - Be xvrsiniainas wit j5lyfshhave beeni the b:gge st fori, ny ye ýarS, say naturalists. Somei swarmsý have numbered 40,0'00 te 50,000 bees. Catchera of bec swa;ýrm"s ay they rarely remecmber a busier Summri1ei' Swairus have held up traffic, made houses uninhabit- able, ai-d have even- stopped a cricket nmatch, cauising players and spectaters to rusi- to shelter. Quite recenrtly a swarrn et bees descencled on the hood et a car at Filey, Yorks. The ewnecr, withi his surprised f anily sitting be- hirid hirm, drove atsxy miles an ,houir te dislodge Ihis Un- wvanted passengers. But twelve mniles on-, atL Brid- lington, te were stili on the car h1ood. Re pulled up) in thie mnaini street and traffic w,.as heid ulp while a hele er remove-d th-e swvarm, it took hlm narl n hour te lecate thequnbe undler the frntaxe A- swarrn of bees onece invaded the beroom- of a honieymooni couple and could Dot be re- m-ovedl until two hours later he- Iive wtn iles n aay. Beýfore the wat'ý' a es e FEngland tj own ifound fthat bees were swarming ,ýse freely there th-at it h1ad(ito appoint a fil- tîm-e ofciito_ look after the- the only mnall in the country_ with Such n ppinielt Hle 1had to deal wîtih swarm whicbhad stopped Cdock,stee cars and rîwysgas Inl a Sussex v %illage a n nsýw, a swrDf be enter a pillar- box in front Of. is bouse. AS lhe chancred to he at bee keeper, h e setfor the ilg psmnt Linlocýk thle box. inteninlg to dam he swrm underan cienit hee l w d I,~be ButI thle postMan argued that everything tound in fthe pillar- bo~belnged to thfPl taier Geea.it wasnly a7 fter 'the vlaeconstahi hd been called thaýt the poýstman r eluictan-tly agsreed to "elvr"te 1hees te The other dya rdigQ sevn cildr re e chased by a swarm etao gyf bes'or mr ta numle. don't lest f;aîth in ailtesx In any tinie et indecisjien, turn te Anne Hirst, and receive theS beniefit o e"ber yeaS eOf pe etece aud obser-vatIOn. Write býer et ox 1, 1123 EgbtetbS. ]ew,, Toronto, Ont, Q.low eau 1I clean ohl Palutings? A, MIak-e a thin pa)ste'et raw pe,)tatees and clear 1wýater. Add seme fine p--umiice stonle PanDu on the painting very gentlY withl a spouge. Then wîipe wilth a dlean cloth and cllear water. Af- ter the surface is dry a ceat et lear v7arnish is semeýtim"es ap- plied. q Hjew e aui jrestere %veivet se tha-,t it looks like new? A,.Eld it ever a gallo" et boiling -wTter, te which one baît a cup et amymonia bias been ad- ded. Holdl the undersidle et the vlvet next te the steam. 'Q. IHow ean 1 reifleve jil; stains f romn white geods? A. Cover the spot 'with lemen10 juice and salt aud hold it ever asteaing «kettle. Q. àHow ean 1 remeve ehoco. late stains fro,-i:i lothiug? A. Meoisten boraxc and teave it on the tabric for several heurs, This should b, used ely on wbite ma,,terials as the boraxmit take the cler eout et dyed 'out- erials. Q. o1w can. I keep woolens soft? A. When laundering weolens, r inse them i the saine tempera- ture water as that in which tbey were washed. They wiil be nice and soft. Q.110w Ca"n1 dean suede shoes that have become bpat- itred wî[th mud? A.,tlub the spots with the fine emery beard f rom ,thi Manl- cure seti. It wiil leosen the . mud, which eau then be, bruishPd Off easily. Q. I'iowmea1 i ake ;k Ire screen? A. Form ithe trame wý9or-. out of heavy picture nsêldinig, it which la plaeed Xa sheet et glas5u for the! paneL. Thiiaw-I fford, AI R-MI N DED-Mýr s. Zaidcie R. Bunker, 68-.yeor-old g r e a t great-gr-ondmother, was e celntly certified by the Civil Aeronoýutis ,Aulhority ta f ly multi-engined air-cr.ft. T he vig.Orous fliler strited flying three yeao c!,-, "just forfn. Silice then shle's loDgged 401 flying heurs, ftying ocress ,3the counitry twice. protec(tion from ,the h leat and at thle sami-e time w-ill 'gîve the p 0asreetseeuing the tire. Q. How eau I preveni tu boru inowsashe-S? A. Ruh the cords ef the win- dIow-s tha-t are bard clte open euth soit soaip, and the sasherswili run smohly. c la loves be washed? A., Wash in mldsortisud> anld we rinsigusýe da water, but just as soapy as, the water ln whicb they were rsd Tt whill keep tbehe andseft. AfLi ter wsbing, slip off the handS.ý squeeze in a towel, blow eut the fingers. nd bang iin an airy spot te dry. Q. low eau I renovatea selsincat? A One cen make last vearW sealskin coat look like neuw b rulbingi with fbot sait. Tt wl absorb the dirt. KNEW ,,FUlS ST17F Relining on a beach, a W1o-1-131 dlrew bier hitsband's attention te a irl in a twe-piece bathing costume stnding by tMe promi "Look at hber,ý' Iremarkýed the sbe's Marilyn Monroe .-.- The hîinband didn't even glandei her directin, but con- tlhued te lHe back sunning hlm- ston the sand "Aren't you iuterested?" urged biswvif e. "Net particuilar1y7" was the lacenic reply. "If she'd beenj antiglîke MarilynMoro you wouldn't have asked mre te, bave a 4ookM This is the wU-eat'r1I ike7 arndays and cool nights, but neot so cool qhat we need te lîght the furnace At present the kit- chen range keeps the house quite, comntortable for the tw70Oof us. Good old kitchen steve! Peeple' corne in and exciaim - "Oh, how nice to have a tire in th1e kitchen, - and a wood tireý at that." Sure it'S nice- but how'mn peoplé have sacrificed the old k-itchen stove for the neat, c)Dld comfiort et ant electric range? Some friends said te us the ôther day - "Well, wen we get a Place et ou-r own tbait's one t'hing we. intend te have. a kitchen- steve!" I wvonýder,. A kitchený steve doiesn't arrive withl a 1in ter's supply eft fuel Partner bas bDeen sawing and chepping weed for weeks and hiad quite a pille stacke(d iup. The wVay that pile bsdecrensed is amazin-g. First thing w"e kno'w we shahl have te Start oricoal. S0 tar ve hveescaped a kiliing night frost - for Which Iam vr thankfti as there is stJli tverk te do in the gaP n And do yeu know what? We are stîll eating green beans adee afwStr'awberries. The beanrs are more luck,: than geod mnan- age,)ment. Earl y in the seasen '-, were tee generous with the bug: dýeath and almost burnit Lt-e beans Later theyv camie te ife, e lik-e weeds and se now, he mros;t people 1have forgetten w,ýhaL tbe1y taste like, we are en jo)yung a bate crep. And threstab- reThey ;are thre ee ern va1ey from a fe plants broughit me by a readlcer etfthis coluimn Ilast spring. Knowini-ý-J w'ould 1net he here te look after t1emihanded them e ver te oy- te plant in her garden. îlhey haedonie re-markably weil and( every tîmre for the last few weeks that Bob and Joy hlave cerne uIp tbey have brougb-1t LuS a few ber- ries Netmany as1Itink there are n 1ly fou-r reots. But 0et Course tlley'V put eut runn-ers, wbich Jey transuilanted, se next year thiere sbhouid he quite a nurmber et planits The samec reader br-ught me s- ome dleep yeflew wallflowers - jusýt Loo cenvince mre that wal- wlwrs Mh grow in Onitario Thense grew, allilriht - -ad th'? pla-nts are bloemning yet. 'Buti he(re-'s the $64 question. f)ne day we hd OIld Couxtry friends vis- itig bre and with muritch pride 1 said "See nmy English wall- "Thiese yellew onesý? Th-'re c)Qt E n-l i shb wall fi0wers Thiat va-,riety is konas, the Sbra Well, English or Siberian, they aevery nice. Actually 1 a sýome just like mine ever liu En- Iagbut 1 aise saw the kind that 1, bad had ýin mid - Swýýeet- scented. '.ricb brownishi-red lu, oouand witbi petals îil;e ifibis a grand turne et yen just WlÈ weeks and% bright anid 'ý in0e to rest. wLe dPrIay 1lipfing geranitýmv res ad lutting.gSoe a o!i C rtem ndwereuslipped a n eoft te uAgsthr were qupedad eJIýte- en. uT pa wPrent plat t grown she uarentheplast few grweks I oght e th ak ev chaesa1 d plat 1 aoltamor slipsnct and e psa e teJL slas. tethem Isna ita robe, c wte kne what t d th poant lu ui brioem? Y o o he te ti i tm teeloo? - at the n ! thei sea son heyae bendinga their esit Onahe blohrihga ta es haneOndtheou mayhgo eute smeanmennand find then blcn oed by uinexpeced fr>st.y Olcne d semuc eeiess the next, wilted ieaves ai witbered head.s.Que could ai- meost weep at the sight. But isn't it a goedi thÎing te have these mner distractions tg worry about - and fr many the WTorld Series te interest the;mj just i aie if, lnstead, we galt the jîtters ever the Stock market because et President Eisen- bower's untortunate illness We pride ourselves about, the Nortbt American continent beig demo- cratic -- and yet, although 1probý ably net persenally concerned, the îllness et one man ama cateapanic. Even .if %ý we by on a bach concession weca' be complacent about it. We may not ewn stocks or bonids bti evetualy hatafects BigBsi ness affects ithe farmer as Those of us whe tuglc threugh the depression know tha oulyv tee well Howver clI exý pect the President willeve -ýwe [hope se, --and thîngs <e turn te normal - utinl uc time as somecthIïng eClserop te create a nikey'v w rnchi! l tbe meantimue Our îtere, lss hçould be cen,ïtred on the eraPo vinciaI Conferýene ai Oîw The taxz agreement -- or disattree- ment - and thne National Fealih Pla.i n may tuch ourlvs ut clesely i the e ,t te ditan COMPRW MISE A liunter with abigu.oe acurIrenIt 101,01d, meit Up w a bear that had ne gun ut al,j BuIt the bear hadj claw's-an wit - a.nd refuised te concedef deteat. Ile asked the huntiuï "WbIat are yen Ieoking for"e "4 fine fur ceat," s;aid the bunter. "Me,-"'nm lookiug forbraat, declared the bear. "What do Yout say te cemning te my nice warm,ý den, and talking over ourprs pects?", i Se they went te the den andÀ worked eut a satisfactoryco- prbm-ise. The bear, eegn sole from the dlen, bad enjoyedl ai splendid breaktasý. and thec bunter wgTs wrapped uip in a finýe fur cent. AFRICAN HEADACHE FOR UNITED STATES

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