the flap -was left open. Wflen tflE' burn dwntfLe w1ho1e touest to spite rmnddby a lusclous red head to too n3ch time in the bush. e" Ontario, in Iwhich hie debates, the wis- returnied at the end of the daty and te b"r Sit dwn annd smok)le." Or a life size A reoent niews item vas thre ari- ial dom of ut ing annimais on these imi- noticeLi bear tricks around the 'tenit, Tomonagees tha-t thiese babe coyly iiin us' to be sure pointinent of Gregor-y Friend as 'priý np ortanut posters, and he tells whyv. the ar guy cldn'ýrlt resist ibbing :talJkirg arnimal signs miay empet u ie r n" efrhrsg aesceayt o.Gog a1n n't 1Then he siuigests an entirely differ- his companijtiion on the faet that, the 1"ira cute to city people, but have theget that there could be aspirants -Minister of Transport. Just onemre m eut formnat. And, brother, he is so tent was not damaged because thel opposite effect un an engineer whose among the scanitily clad femmes for Durham boy inaking good. Greg wa il, right. flap had been left open. 1ete efostobIld a new truck road are suhtte0s1Ms lwBunn fbrui uoe ame te Cantadiaat rin- r.Tosnsrsofbyelig ale itotettadstartled ben continually f rustrated byl 1955"1, or "Miss; Fire Extinguisher," the age of 9, durlng 1938, with hÉia me-4 of two timiber cruisers, out in the a big bear ,vithin wýho bolted through 1bc - vers damiming a nearby stream Ior, "Miss Pack Pumýp." Or perhaps '~rnts and sister Veronicau. T5À: ofwids ptching a new, exceptionally th~ e ak of the tent, rippiit to adfpzn h~ra ie.Adlq etn ontocss euycn aily nsetldo ar erT, ~y.fies il tetenoyig'~a oo sred, be tw mn sen a isr-would a camp cook react who has histest ini whic,-h us bnsh whackers would (Contiiwed on page 3) kk; .........