oif ttr shcou1d prompt you to call upon us in trne of sorrow. We stress simple beautiful serices that Pr-ove consoling to the bereaved. HARTLEY H. BARLOW e, in {i. u,Žterol rorouto calleci on Mr. aif- Mrs. M. Iobinson and MIr and -MIS. T Garbutt on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Hlpllnd of Toronto spent the week-end at their sumniner honme here. Mr. aind Mrs Gýeorg-e Clark* were ati thieIr summer home here for. the veeken id. MgNorman Therteil is spendi ng D) M. Smith of Camp bellecroft will be choir -%il! be in charg,,e of the music. In the ev-ening Rev., John Kitchen of Oron-o ,vill pireach with the Kirby c-hoirrdringathems, NetSuniday, Septemiber25h il bie Rally, Day in the Kendal United! Church. Thie service -will be Gon StanI-1 The Ontario PeeWee Chamiýpionish-i sought by thie Orono boys eae thni on Wednesday afternoon and now rests in B'othw,ýell. These twof teamis played a suddejý-death ganieÏ for the Provincial hionours in Brant- for.d on Wednlesdaly withl Bothwell be- inz rifhpI to a 27 to 1 win over Thie on leziE ,i jl, t FJN'ERAL HONTE- a few da-Iýys aitlher summ-îer home- here. dard timie. Oronco. P. Grahiarn pitching for 0ot to boys P,.rre 18,-7 Orono. 0Pon 18r2 sary Services wl be hield on Sna etTiùesdaiythe WA ofr elfcdol wnyfv rn ogto Octbe 2rd. Iii the morning, Rev. e-nce will be held ini the Quin-A-Lac bates, giving lup only three its and iîg te thie peacýhr, and the young peole's Ca p The bus leaves Orono at 8 arn o l. Uis pitching proved fast singils. ----------<0 for4O e ~ n O Û < -- -- -~ Wayn eSAVE AT CORNISII'S RED and WHITE - SAVE AT CORNISII'S RED and WHITE -SAVE AT CORNISH'S RED and WHIITE -- gs to ,.a .o. o.. O4O 9<> O !.~$ nedy. Lc <~'\ gjuhUf~u~aPireiiaBoneless Nou Waste i r ýVE A L R OLLIi lb cowsre coi RED and WRITEQ I 01 Toi lt'issue 9for $][.00 3lbs S9c il, Sweet Treat Crushed 20 Oulice the, .MI-. il ineapple 4tfor $I0BEFLVRhlE i Clark6 àucetis J v î. Pork 6oe eans jfor $,g 5 CuIvrIiuse20 o)unce tins CreCam Crn6for$10 Little National Pocket Matches 6- for $1,00 G'eneral Electric Light BubS 2540-6O 6)for $i.00C Bruîn sw ic i Sarine Ystin 12 for $1.00 Five Roses Cake Mixes 5 foir $1.00 EIegvlar ~ or Chuhbby 'Klenex issues6fo$10 Culverhouse Choice Peas 20 oz 6 for $ 1.00 Old South Grapefruit Juice 48Wo 4 for $1,00 AvImer Tomato Catsup il oz 5 for' $ 1.00 Spaghetti - Tomrato Sauce 15 oz 8 for $1,00 Cambell's Tomato Soup 10 oz 9 for $1,,00 u Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q n Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q a Q Q Q Q Ioc Baile i te ar when heliewent to first Wayne thennavanced t Id third o-n steals. Ma ie the next batter up dr-ive Wayn-ehoe swme Uth nly Orono pi i1bse and iciid Sotwc gaine webbt it eBailey ;star11tdoff pli oe for four and on--e-thii )be releved by Kenny oth boys did pitch gow a very few walks, ho0 ~inging Bothell ang out hits otha ha .g the Orono retreavei, eol were held sos ira-t adsUixthinlnlg. of their teamn. This cc in the severith. hiaying f was nei~t ;i inec expected minted -in urrII exi Bowmtýan r 1-ext ý ý i s Swift's,, Prem Franks lb -ce11o 37c 4 SIDE BACteONJI Hb pkg 35c Place Your Order Now AT Cornishes For Your Iý Thanksgiving Turkey I~ airs. ai Mu. ard Gail, Torai PRODUCE 288 size 2e doz 63e RED ir r- ~ - s - - #~ ~ dhas g a thi e, and Rrles ,anci 0 - t z' 4~t t~i 1~11 I~i i~i I~i o' i~I I~j t"' H 1 .i -àE&(ý ý'V _l 'ýýrj ýVp 0 Týlý>ý