..shqýuld prompt you to eall upon us in time of sorrow. We stress simple beautiful services that prove consoling to the bereaved, HARTLEY R. BARLOW P11si~e 18r7 FUJNERAL HOME Orono, 0-- i>rnne I8r2 (Coetinued front page 2) higher prices to the producer. Re- ports have placed thern. as high as $3.001 per hog in sonme cases. This meant tlie packer paid that ainount lover anld above the mnarket price, buit Ihe pr-oducer received little if any of that suni. Mr. Mlelnnis adds that the Ho-, Producers have nD intention of sque1"ezinig the truckers. They' provide a necessary service and should re-1 ceive fair payment. H owe er" he' feels the trucker is hired by Z'~ ar nir, and paylnent for his service should oly corne fromn the farner,ý ,who in) turn should receive the fulil pnice paid f'or the hog_-s by th,,e packer! or butcher wvho buiys theni.1 Five tree nurseries spotted strateg- ically across the Province ind Oper- ated by the Ontario Departrnent of Lands and Forests will prodùice 30,-1 Oùiü0Oü trees for distribution iiex spingi-. The 03,040,041fo tree advance over Fast yea's target was anneurced by thie Minister, lte Hon. ýClare E.1 Mlapledoram, and is reported wllon the wqay te fulfiliment. Prýovincial nurseries are at St. Williams in Nr okCounty oni Lake Erie, at M-\idhurist near Barrie, at Or- ono, sonie 55 miiles east of Tornto, in Durh'am Counity; at Xeniptville im with tne appointmnent of E.. J. LZavitz1 to the staff of the Ontario Agricul- J tural College at Guelph. The f irst stock wa.s iiniported frorn Europe but with increased demand the policy of nurýsery establishmrent w-as adopted. Ontario's first nursery for forest tree, planting -was es7tabllish-,ed in 1908 vbenI land wa,,s purchased ait the vill- age oF St. Williams. There w-,ere exý- teinsive areas of Iight saýndy land wvhih had been farmed beyond its capacity, and once vegetable matter wýas gone mnuch of' it was subject to eiîosion bywi. It wais ta aea whiere e ~ - - A OMISRDadWIESAVE AT CORNLSHI'S RED and WHITE -- SAVE AT CORNISII'RDSndWHT PRODUCE ITEMS At V~J*7fJf> y- ~ ,.',,~.. o' O* .~ornishs MostPpua for Jice and Eating SUTNBJS' ORANGES size 252 California Finest Grapes RED IMALAGAS DO'Z 38c 2 LB 25c Rradfird Finest Large COOKUNO ONIONS 3 LB i17c 20Ooz 2 FOR 1 9c firm heads 1 2c g Culverhoi4se Cream Style 20 oz. RED and WYHITE PURE ~Cr 0zfr3 Pean t Buter 6 ozjar 1 ~Cuiverbouse Choice oCatellis Cooked WAGSTAFFES ORANGE and GRAPEFRUIT - gSpa ghetti .20 oz tin 19c Marmala de 24 oz 2à5c 0Corn Srand2lb 31c S Red and White Instant DOC JBALLARI1S CHAmPION 1~ Cof fee 2 oz jar 57c Plog or Cat Food 16 oz 3 tor 25'c Camps 1Toz 2 an VgetMe25c 0 SUNIMAID (Lunch box size) for29 gSeedless Raisins 5c u k rMuffets frMný Robinhood White and Chocolate gCake Mix both for 45c 'U Keens Dry FAOZEN FOODS M07l o stard 4oz 39c 8 o1 BIRDSEYE For a breakfast treat serve SW-MlITS 6 tinsguo Bleef pâles 9 oz 29e Grape Juice 2 for 390 on k 9 I~i ml- z! t~i il I mi z' i i I~i t!" t~i I~i 1111 mo g i.' fl *> MEATS Sifts Brand Bwneless Roast Dgeef SZtealîk or Roast 9 Pork utt Roast lb 59tc Swift's Br4ookfield Pure Pork Sausage lb 45eo Swift's Preium iiiRidless Slicedl ;»14e fBacon ~l k SwNiftsPemu rFranks I lb cèllo Co LIN ISHJ e 37c, DALTON'S RED MARASCRINO Cherries 6oz 23c Bjritish Empire Dinnerware SAkVE $1051 On New Modern Coupe Shape 4.-PIEOE STARTER SET Regular Value $2.50 For Oniy Witb Every $5.00 Purchase It 4,e&ea 3cu*P 4 I i~I I i or ev-ergreens withal 0,M1 vvwildlife fo recent dev-elopmient. ut Lso lias assumed for giowinig orinmeý anting ý,aIong with ýs to, say )t foir PL John ilC. of -Ref o hipped e hi and is planting, ,l iiur>seryi atles [nigs, e ,er belt. of 25 u t aYnd $10 1net the native ýr miaple, Slocust. I would likei ity to thanik th tives and neigl Kenzie, Rev. J. of lte Orono 'L beautiful flowe kindniess shown death of a belo, CJ Mr. and to thatîik tl atives, als( their kiail cards for 3 in the hosl accident. S 1 xvoul fniends à dutring n 111 Kenzie Stadff Three3 The fÈowý Jndl issed amandeve rrpvei by huband ndïewand an ance is represei our office. The ing. are some- miain co-verýages off er: RED #F 2ç VEA T C SPD "ý il ITP-- SA VE Trim and Fresh Holland Mlarsh CARROTS Ontario Trimi and Crisp) OABBAOGE 1~ MONARCH WRITE Cake Mix 16oz 25c r 1-logs 1 ý Lile im %F e -- 1 "& ma e Alb» 6. < %0 qe %, C---> 0 C= 0 0 C-= 0 D cý