IN 1690W W U à B .el ~W- Aà9U k -m . e IFROM THE WORLD OF SPORT Lady Driver Y.-n 1934, the Automobile Club, ff Europe stagedil annual Con- tinental cross-country grind. Il was a grueliing fiftean-hundred- -mile race across dangarous wind- Mai road, which, from yeaar to year,5 had paid off ini injury or deatb f or some unfortwuate drivers. That yaear a girl joined tile most famnous dlrivers in Europe te comipete in Ibtis gru)elling and djangerous automobile race. To th'e surprise of ail, she iise the race, whîle otherf ar mnoia famous maie drdvl ald Her daring feat created a se-1 ealion! The world was even mocre estonished when il learned that *,his dJaring girl automobile rac- ïng driver was thea most rem-ark- able versatile womnan athiate ini a-11 Europe. Sha was an expert heùrsawoman, a champion swTi- mner, a fine sprinter, winner of three Sandînavian tennis tilles, exid holder Pf eighteen skiing ehamipionships. Nor is thal al. For in lime tbis girl becaa word-famou. Sha bacama the first gi!ýl athiete kx history to earn a million dol- lars. Now, for the past twenly years, she hnad remained crne of the most amnazing sport celebri- -des in the world. As the greatest figuire-skating champion in his- tory, Ibis girl has earnad -a for- tina of sevaral millions of dol-. lars. You know her as the fabu- ionas and glamorous star of ice sud sesrean-Sonia 1Renie. Safer in Action Footba,.ll has ils Iaughs as weil e-, ils bruises, ils chuekles as jielas its spraîns. Thare'.- the etory of Bob liarrington, wbo- 'who played at tackle for Detroit University. Bob ýcame uip te the elnal gamne of is senior yaar et Deatroit afler having played(,. lotir seasops in high school, one ,s a frashmani, and th1-ree on the wyrsity e1aven without-eever hav- Mng bean înjured. Nol, once ihrough eight years off football Niad bu suffered even a scratch- 'On Ibis, bis last day of foot- balarrington was playirig against a rouigi and br-uising Vilianova tuani. In lthe last quar- ter, head coach Gus Darais of Detroit, afler having walched )Bob playing bis heart out, de- elded to take hlm out 0f the gaine for a few minutes to g v E Nhma wel'l-deserved resl. Bob, =mmarked as usual, camne off the field and floppadl on tise bench near tise coach. On lise yvery nex-, play, there was a wild pztri-p al.tise sidae-Unes on a SIrelutirn. One of Harring- 25 l% eammnales was flu-ng intc tise Detroit bench rigist wbere Eohû at When tlie tangle was wiscambedHarringlon wa 1rlee oui on lise bottônm, cold *,id stili. lie had bean kiekad MIhe face, lwo teeth warel Inopked ouI,..and gashes tomn in Mis hp anîd ehin. Revived by tù1d waler, Harringlon lookedi uýip into thse anxiou.s ayus of bis "P1eýase coach," he saidthog tomn lips, "1please puit me baCk in the gaine where it's safe! Game OAtïiiete Clarence DeMar is the3 ran old mian of the Jlong,-distanrce marathon. In the track world, they ealu bim "The Shuffler." 7 1-t is a cause for wonder and amazement wheni this veleran enters another race, but that is the least note -worthy point about his g9reat career. For Clarence DeMar wasý born wîth a crookýed foot. Hle took up run- ning as a boy mierely as a for- of exercisingl, the foot, A frienýd whbo launrted hlm, ggd im into entermng a handicap race. ha wvon, and got the crazy notion that he ha,,d the m-akings of a runner la hlmi. He went on and won a tan-mile race, Flushed with victory, the boy with the crooked foot resýolveTd to become a great long-distance runner. So he entared the 26-mile Boston Mvarathon, a gruelling ,aIlop that trîed thle huarts of the- best long- distance,. runners in the world. And, withoutil experience or clas. and pitted against the best run- ners in the wvold, Clarence De- Mar startled the sports wý,orld by finishinig second! In the thirty years that follow- ed, Clarence DeMar ran i thirty marathons and finished -worse Ihanî third only once. Hle won practically every important ma- arthon in the world, and seveft Limes has copped the famous Boston grind. A runner born wvith a crooked foot proved that he, 100, touid walk with the gods of sports, aven if ha had to shuffle 10 re-ach the pûintiacle of fame!* * * Itow Hie Started As a boy, Johnny was doomed ta 1i1e of iles He was a frail weakling, and the doctors wvho examined hlm sadly shook thecir has One of themi sug- gested that Johnny take swimn- ming exercises. But there was one d-rawýback 10 thal bit of mne- dical advice. Johnny hated the water. 'He couldni'l swim a stroke, and, for that ma-tter, iieither could his f ather or mother, Up to the age of 12, ïJohnny had neyer been Jin a ilarger body of waler th'an couid be contained in a bathlub. H-owever, the doctor insisted. Johnny, reiuctantly, look up ,wirnrning at the age of 13. Ue started paddling in the mnuddy liquid of the Des Plaines 'River. -And he hated il, hated every stroke he lried týi take. 1lie want- ed to quit, but they wouldn't ltl hlm. Finally lie learned 10 swim. R is f amily m-noved and Johnny swrilched his paddling t10 Lake Michigap. Aflter yA whiie, Ithe sport of swimrming begin 10 ap- peai 10 hlm. Hli appened 10 see some raaliy good mermen and, bo amuse himseif, ha began 10 imi- tale Iheir swinmtning strokes, Eventually, Ibis sick waakiing who had 10 taka up swv-iming in order bo save bis life bacamie HE PLAYS A SWIMMING GAME-Alfred Huber of Austria Iooks more like ain enthusiostic swimmer thon a hard-ploying tennis star. These pictures of him in flying actionwere taken during bis match with Great Brtatin's Geoffrey L, Ward in the AI-England tennis tourney at WimTbledon. Huber's gymnctstics, by the way s,3eIIed victo6ry for him.,_ tise world's most famnous swimn- mer. To tbis very day, wbenever tisa world hears of a naw swiYIl- Iming sensation, Iha. question, .1s ha as g-ood as Joisnny'?", is tise fimst one askad. They measure tliiam il againsltisae grealest swimmer in the worId, lise n- compüarable JohcnY Wisuer Twice The Heighît Of Niagara You cari hear the tisunder 7 mles away. You can seaer towers of spray 25 miles iv,,ay Il. is. said 10 bluthe greatasî river wlondem in tise wtrld: 'They cali il Mosi-oa-Tu±iya - the "Smoke Thot Tistnders" -- Africa's f abu- bous Victoria Falis. For iles aboya, the broad Za'besi iver heaves green and laziiy. A sunbatising crocadile ý.links silantlyiy m the water a' your approach; wiith a spluttar of bubb!eý a hippopotamus goes down; birds of a hundred colors c-hattar zanid cal againist a sky the bluasi, of blues; mnonkeys and baboons saprcomiplai-ning iibt the trees aI your foolfali. Il 'is tranquil hure. Tisen aI the bink of the faims, as thougli wiippud by a isuge mixeur, the river lis suddanly a churning, leaping avalanciecf dazzling wbiteness whicis Ibrusîs utit and dôwn ïwo the'e-wide gasis acrosa tisa reJddust Of Riso- dusia aI 75,000,000 gallons a miin- uite. Il spilis mass2Siveiy in a wali 0f never-encling giant columnls some 350 faut -- twica tisa iseighl of Niagara - 10 tise chasmi's bot- tomi. This is no escïarpmant but a fissure in terrain whicbl isi levai aboya and below the fls Tise gorge zigzags and wIl 5; tli some 40 ýrniIes lowur tis Zambasi reUgdns ils olci paca Huindreds of gallonis of water- funnal back Utis-)te face of tisa gýorge in great banks cf spray from tisa bollom 10tiste brink andi than as high again, In April tisa river levai ýis 50 faut higisr than in tisa hottest anc d driest monlh of November and tiseni tise spray aI times obsc2ures tise viaw from lise opposite bank. But wisen tise spray danies ithis view, it provides an aterna- tive. For thea spray tisaI faiM iagain liku heavy ramn nourisises an Eden in tise huart of tise dry, parched sc-rub tisat stretches for, miles On tise bank across from lise f ails is Africa's mosl famous ramn forent -- a ramIr forent made by spray. Witlis adjoining amuas il is ika a Disneyland setling' icomae true. Tropical plants spurt jin tangied -lushnes Tisaunder- growlis is a fantasy of fiowers ex. cvery hua andi colorof tise Speclrumn, reflectedi, il s-eems, in the vivd rairibowrs by day and thse exqiite lunar biows at nIgist' cau.sci by tise z;prgy, Creepu-rs festoocn thseIrues wbich arcis up and over into Iea;fy roef tops oe. wbich thse spray drums continually. Drip- ping, bushes and leaves glap a! your legs. The air is heavily scented. Everything glistens. Tisera is moistuIra everywhera and great pools lie in your patis. The roar of tise falis is constant and you catch glimpses of tisa thiundlering ,water tisrough ieafy openings. Everyona wears a raincoal, haýt, and boots. Despite tbis he returns 10 his hotel drenched 10 tise skin, for ini season il min, heavil.y ail tise tîme. Scsvardancy is peculiarly-meaninglul în Africa where wa- ter Fo of tan means tise difference betwaen starvation and abunçi- ance. A hundred Years aglo Ihis year Dr. Stanley Livingstone crawled through tisa spray 10 tise edge and discovýered lise f ails. Todlay tise f ails are stili virtually frce of commîercialism and modemn intrusion. Tisey are untouichaie in thse bush, witis just a uîy isotl a mile away. So naturaliFi it that animais roamn freely. A sig-n as youle -ave tisa hotel warns blandly: "Ail Wiid Animais Are Dangerous. On one vîsît an armed gamue war- dan on tise oad wamned our pamly 10 gocaeiy as a bnci- tempered alepisant was craqingiil lhrougis the RainForest 1Half an isoum's flight away you can sue ail tisa gamae you wouild wishI f or. Somalimes 114e animnais ara mlore at home thian tise ourisis. This was lise discovemy made by James Chapmani, one of the early travelems, wisen ha observed the spoor of elepiants, risijioceros, bilffalo, and iippopotamus oni lise vumy adge of tise gorge. For hie wrote: Il makes 'one's hair stand on endi 10 sea th is ner- ous indications of tiseir midnight ra.m'biesý on tise vary edge of eternity. RHeatisay cone aI thea dead, dark nidcnight hours 10 drink the spray and ,vallow in tise mire; andi on my askîng a native how il vas tisey were nol afraici, ha askaýd me in ralu-rn: 'Didn't lisey grow Up togetiser?' By ANNE ASHLEV <I. ow can 1 prevent straw- barries frein settîUng te' the bot- tom of the Jar wheun eainlng themn? A. Af 1er the strawiberries are sealeci in the jar, iay lise jar fiat uinîli cool, Ihen sisake untilithe barries are all lhrougis tise ,,yrup. With Ibis treatrment the biLrrïes wil! neitiser mse nor setle, anci il wiilalsoid, great 1tlhe flavor. Q, HOW shouid eggs ,bePMe- pared for storlng? A, E-ggs sisould neyer bc, washed before storing, l1nlemi-. they are for immnediate corsurip- lion, as washing redures *the keepinig qail ONTARIO chieks anti turkey poulta ein the vie. la chicks wle TWR"U 'e-.IC .TCE1SLD FERGUS, ONTARIO SATCHING EGOS IIATCHING eggs wanted by onle 0f Capacla's largest anti olde-at established3 batcheries. Eggýs tékenl everY week If- th~e year. Bi,« prenmium paiti. For fil details write Box 131, 123 iigh'tenthi 5t., New Toronto, Ontario. EMPLOYMENT WANTED YOUNG Canadian, Protestant ,vishes tos manage Farm -for Wlow or Farmer. ettea or. woyk for. tbem. Experienced, rellale. Box 133, 123 Eighteenth St, New Toronzto, Ontarlo, FOR SALE LANDRACE Boars front our Swetil Landrace Sows sireti by otstan3ding9 LandraCe- Boars. For f uil particulalrs write T'ergus Landrace Swinïe Farm,ý Box 460, Fergus, Ontario. COMPLETE bathroom suite $2.5 Complete lUne of p1uimbing supplies. Pipe, fittings anti fixtures. Inquire without obligation. Clffiordt, 7161 Tenth Avenue, Montreal 38, Quebec. HELP \WANTED ASSISTANT hercismian for purebred Anigus breetier operation. YOung single man tdesirlng to malte a career in this fieldi preferred. Location iMýetropolitan Toronto, exýcelenit workîng anti living, Conditions. R e pIy Box 132, 123 Eighteerth Street, Nc, Torento, On. tarin, IT'S PROVEN - EVERY SUFFERER 0F RI4EUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SMOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE, 335 ELGIN, OTTAWA, $1.25 EXPRESS PRPAID. POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISI- the tormient of dry eczc7ma rashes and weep-,ng altin troubles. post's gczemna Salve wMI not dfsap. point you. ltching -ýa]119g and burn- ing eczema acne, rngwormn, pimples and foot ecýzema wlll responti readurY to the stainless, ordorleas oninýimeni regardiess of how 4tubbornl or lopeless they see-ni POST'SRE EDS PRICE $2.50 PER JAR Sent Post Free on Recept of Fric,. 889 Queen St. E., Corner of L@gan, TORONTO [SSUE 29 -- 1955 JOIN1 Piaasaiil Wa~*i 44 *100 TRAL oft er, 'wenyfive deux,ê personial reiluiremelits. Latesi1 cata- logue lncladed, The Medico Agency, Box È24, Termin a] 'Ai' Tornto 0n~t, TEACI4ERS WANTEO OIWASeparate Schuýioi lioard ce- qutiries teach4ers for regular asnd seil cla;ssesý. Apply stating qualifications experlence aad naine ni last tnspec- toi, tfoý Aime ArVisa1s, prntfdi. 159 Murray Street. Ottawa, Ontaro "SUDBUiRY DISTRICT" Two rovw moti- ern two-room schools, 4 niles fronm Sudbury require principals (2radei,- 4-8)1 approxfinately 30 eupflis eaeh, Saiary ini accordance wýith quaiftlca.- tions. Duties Io cornmence in Sep- tember 1955. Please seti apprlicat;ons, to Mrs. D. R. Forbes, Box 395, Sudbury, ont.,, People seldom' Improve when tb.ey have no other model but themrselves to copy, AN EFFECTIVE WAY TO OVER-, COME SANITATION PRGBLEMSI, C OTTAtGES-FARM S SCHIGOLS DESTROL, Britain's cargst sei age disposai unit, is now avcûtla *Doesfias trmeqidrenWter every * oe lot rqîe mne empfying. No N expensi;ve sepîic itank en~dfille bed tu inmao. * ,-"pleteiy odourless <Des.. tAn4e treated). The Oestraî unit ra sald bhy reccg. , ized d eal flirouglTout Canafia. Maig attached cou- pon, write or sein. pttowe for dealer ü,îose taIoyou - and ïllutateti lit. eraturce. ABSOLULTrLY NO I le Stays ea antun a Atrcive - spu 1Naine....... . IAtidres . . . . -M 1 1