"Tha leteryoupuibiished a whle a39L m hewf wore fused to h e ier ot-her,-il-lawp, JIve dith ler brings sharply be- fore me thine Yeaqr- Ï SPent ïih y ow»writes areet lui wifýe, "i aryn glad that hber hiusband std éby her; I don't thiik ne wold ave I1 iad thouglit I Ioved his mother, icut 1I came uto hate lher andhatedC inyseif sor it. * The nine ýEyea)rs ithat foýllowed *her mte-nlws cmn 4have bceen ane years ofsub- juainfor this couple, The o lder c mntook ovecracni- 4plete. She55c has run their pri- *vate lies, checked their com- « ngsan goixlgs, even pflanaed 'the farnily mneals. "'A il my hubad id was 1to bring àin *themoe" his wife com- 'p1,ain. "I-11have been maid of 4ail orleaning and laun- *deriag wýhet'her 1 feit ike it or Snot; rmy mothfer-in-luw, healthy and activ7e, has neyer even made hC er ow'n 'bedJ. She just had ai the fun of running our 4livec - and neither of us had the spunli to prevent li. As somne peopfle grow, oldmr, they are apt to become self- *centerýed: lile spoled childi-ri, *they do as they Qese wih no *thought of the consequences. *Here are tao nice people ho, 4witi every good intent, made 4the motcher welcome. What *happened? For, aine lonigyer *she has robbed the-m of thei *privacy wý,ithout which no mar- * nage can flower. SiW bas *supervised thir activities as 4thougli they lwere tean-agers, 4she la even chosen their *friends, Without a qualm ,she b as s-wept tîhem blindly on bier *probly ,prccniing hrefon how she "hel1pe-d t1he cud "My husband ,and 1 hn,7ly fakced it -and only- a moünth ago he fWda place for her tY Pirettiest Ensemble Ilve ' ,\ 1 I L 1 :t D<S -. lJoUL unjcUFersanidahow gratrfefu( 1 a rn for thf, uti stili ot heip reiproachîïng myslffor noft- tir,(n tny oot dwa roni fivery first. We have tried to be goodl Cînistians, and 1 learned f0 con- ceIry feelinigs, buitthfle strain has told on mle." "Hwtruc it is, as you'vc 0 f - tnremarkcd, thiat even ian her own homiboie a -,ifc cannot comrpete wfîŽr, , inri m; i,)r!' the mif e coôncudes, *To"WEAK tWOM)AN": if we could sec ahalia, 1w diîffere,-nt- IVl maayv of us would have *planned our lives! N0ine years- *ago ail of youir clouds were *rosc-lincd, and y ou had not tlfe heart to refuse your t molie-in-aw;do't waste this, 4new freedom you knmow today ii in rgrets, for if is unlikely 4your liusband wvould have fel't lie coul[d ref use lis mnother a *home, Now you are bath wAiser. *The years whiili lie alicad -%will be al the swcetcr for thle * eoyof those trying ones *you lived thlrougi. GRANDMA SPOILS "enAnine Hirst: Our littie so1 s i, and dcvoted to hi% grandïmofher. We, have been dis- tressýed forome timoe by 1er spoiiag, him. He lias a deIicateý digestion, and thougli shekow 1it, wliea he is atli er hlouse she, Jets him have foodsthaýt isagree with hîm. The chuild and w muilst Pa 'y tIc penalty, I haýie talhed this over time and ag-ain with my motlicr-in-law, yct she sill persists and, of course, Our son loves it. "I should not like to stopr hie- visitig lier; they love each other deaýrly, and in every other ýway sIc is discretion itLsilf. But wliat else cau I dc? fis faflier agreez wifh me, but you know -a man wo't face an issue. WORRIED -MýOTRER"* * i Yormtc-nlwbroughit *un lier childreni, 1 exaect, wvitli * flc od-fshincdidea fIat *anyfod the youngsfers ie wvre goodi for themn. Fortui- * naely lieysurvi7ved, so she * can pi-ove lier point, But your * itie soa requires a special * iet-,, and-id hugliý she adrmitt- *it, 5sIc is fao tender-liearted *to refuse hlmn. * Try once more. Convince *~ýO lie tatyoikow how' she *loves the boy but tel] her, >1 in dtilbo'w mucli and f10w, *long lie suffers the consequene- * s of lier indl1gence- If you *remind lier that fliese attacks *weaken lis resi'Itance anid carl *impair lis genleral lciath, 1 *believe she wýill co-operate._ 'Make out a ncw list of foodïs e heshouldnoti a, an fe * ler your doctorl- nsists upon * is following it, Say you miust *depend upon i er to ircsist l is *enfreafles (wlicl i you(doa, liehome) and stress your faîh ' *her compliance. * This should tuirn ic htrick. *Il if does rnot, ithea y ou wil * have to forbid lis cating anry - i *i tinga t alat lier house. 'If 1 had oilly kniown u-" HOW iwe regret what 'we hlave not clone! The f aet iliat we did wvhat we toiight rkzht ut the tnet should eorntfort uis; it surelY stregthnedour character. If you face an important decision, ajsk Anne irst-s opinion before yen niake it. Wrte ber at Boxr 1, 123 Ejghiteenlth st., Newy Tor- on1to. Ont. Van fr'om the madding crowxd's ign1oble strîf e, Their s obver wislies neyeüvýr lcarn'd to stray;, Along flic cool, seq1uestCr'dval of life They kep t Iffie noiselesstenr -~ftheiilwa Thojmas Grey. PASHION TELLS SHORTS STORY- lnspired by Jockeys' silks, beach outfit, at Pft, Is modeled in Florence, ltaly. l's made of white cotton, features long sleeve% and sewn-in neckerchief. Fe-edbag-like strow bonnet doubles a5 beacch bag, is carried by ear pieces. Three-piece canton ensem- ble, al, rlgh!, his n a traditional Bavarian ro5e-anid-scroll print and i,3 an ouffit in itself. One-piece playsuit has scoop neckline and above-th-e-knee Tyrolean shorts, is worn with matching but- ton-front skirt. Short sleeved boIera packet 15 flot shown. Sir Anthony Eden Calsid Slonpy Dresser One thiag you will not find Sir Anthony Ediea meationing. in any of lis speeches isý liow lie got lis M.,C. Anthony Edea wntstraiglit fromi Eton at the age of seven.. teen into fthc Armny in 1915, and wvithin sixlý motîs was in flic thick of thc Somime balttIs. Onie niglif lihe took a sm-all party info Nýo Man's Land, but whèn tle.hiy returned -found tlat a m an med lHarrop was mfis- sg.At onPce hie askcd, for vol- iunfeers, and wiftl,1wo mca rec- turned ndcer lieavy fir-e. Tliey founàd Harrop ilying wounded and b!edigprofuisely, and brougli him bac-k. For tis3 Eden was givea flie M.C., which leî1 alwvays said later was doled ouf wîfl-i his rations. Harrop bcm director o)f a Sheffield ironwmorks, and wAas chairmanof fhe Sheffield Brancl of tIc Old Cotem-rptiý- bics' Associaion. Onie of Sir AtoyEdoin's, greatst dislikcs is flic label f ùIat lias stuck to hlm ,al',lis life; thâf of being a natfy dresser. Hie hies if. Ycars ago an "Anithoniy Eden suit"' used tf0 be sold in Swcden. The picfure whidh il- lusfrafLed it sliowed aý crinkly hair Apollo wifli fli colossal shoulders of a suipcr-spiv and a slim, wasp waîst. Butthflicïeitor of filic T7ailor and uffer' ýpoint cdout fia Edn as rcally quit c slovealy and liad several defccts la his dress. The facf is fIhat Sir An- thoniy EdJea, like mostwe- dressed Englishminen. wcars well- cuf clothes but is ,not consdlouls ofr lis attire, and that alon ives flim a wl turnced ouf appear- anC. Sir Anhoy Edens flair for languages stood bim la good stead wlein liewa Foreiga Sec- His Frendl ndGern ai-e parficularly good. He Once re- vecaled tbat le paia-stakiagfly and consieniouly auglit Ilimself thie complexifies o f German grammar ouf of a grammilar book propped up nex-,t to lis mtirrorý wvhile shaving. Wleia licwas verv \young1-lis mothler look hi travelling abroad. Sfudying laaguagés was nettflic happicst part of fliose Jiolidays, but flic young Anthony ddso 1fo rnseeral h-ours tevery On flicir refura, lic. was taken by his mother fo ithe Edlea an- cestral mansion, W iadlesfone Hall, ini Durhaw-n As the, aliglteýd on fIe vil- lage station plafforus, the rail- way porter greefed the -Ad's motîer la broa Drlar. ialect and she- introduced hlm ti t lier son.t îorciga laýngUage, please!" lie protested. MORE DYIUE-RIA The numbeï ùf lid*ihrniza cases reporte 1 inCaiacli clbed ta 203 laît year rorm 12 în 1953, tcfirst ! ra ince144 luLast vwee(k as I wrote fln col 1mn3 we wvere sf111 -waiting for fie truck fo arrive for transport- iag flie cows fIat Pantner lad soid. If, was aimost aine o'clock at nîglit -before I e hig fractor- trailer pulled into )tIc yard. In about hall -anl-heur if wVas on its z way again - witî-al aur mrilking c-ows and thrce calves at foot. We put in ia long nDervc,-rack- ing day walfialg for thaf truck fa coirne! And of course Partaier lad to ti n fe cowvs agaii. But niowv t al beloags ta fthe past anr we have already lad the iexpenience of one wcck with- outcw. But we are Rotf witî- ouf m)ilk y-,el - Ilad p-lentyý stacked aw,,ay in tIc refrigýera- for to sec uis over for a lif leý white. If will semr odd whcra we start gýetfing our nmllk ila botfles -- or cans, or packef s- accordling tfo wliaf ,ve waat. Wcdnecsday tmora-iiinglgate look an ironicetist Iwas fouf a- I k'if dhen - at 6 a.m. ý - force ot habit will cotniue fo get us up canl 'y for awhli eý x ec.Looking ouftflic ino wh,'at slioLd 1 sec but a numrber of caffle -- all over flic garden,' of course, In a few minutes Partaer, in lis pyjamas, was o-u t dliasing tliem awvay from the .bouse,. We phoned oun- aearcst neiglibour but -ic was nof flec owacr of fhe sfrays, whidh we -founid fo be five two-year-old Hoîstenla.hifeirs. While Partaer, ,vas getïng dressed flic Icifers wanidered down tIc lbriefo fthc road and flice last w saw of them fhiey werc ruaniag down% fhe higliway alieadl of two pre- viîously fasf-mnoviag cars. At nioon we werc toîl they wr ia a aecighbour's wheat-field - but wýe liaven't leard yet wla those caffle beionged f0. When 1 saw those heif'ers Irell thou-gli t ifwas a Nemeisis "onl us for selling fthc cows! Ncw7,s traýVels f ast th-edas Our cows wercsf iliinlathe stable wlihen a young feliow iv- ing twenfty-f.ivc mi il es away camre la f0 sýec if partner waated t e sdithlicmilkiag machine. He did. A li4tlc later we ladnf wo offers for the milk-cooler - sel fhat's going out fao. Be-fore lqng 1 shalre-ally believe wcare eouf of the dairy business! Af pre- sent if semsi- like a woniderful dream fromr whicb I fear a rude awakening. If was reilly splent- did f0 se.,- Partnier stepplig ouf for fhe O.A.C. at Guclph last Friday without a worry ia flic world about wlif inie lie woufld hle lame. Howevcr, fIe forces of natu3re are connïiig te kecp him cm- ployed. There was a strong wind fhe other day which blew dQwrn part of a big ehestnut tree 'i) flic backyard corripl3eteiV wrreck- iagg my triple ciotheline.. So -now Partnier liassonna, won1k to do wlfh buick-sawx - pflus a C1othiz-. line fo fix. Thec h ave elSo beern pail; &nd piC etwalt!)factnvh the garden - it fias been so dlrýy -but thank goodnescs w,.e ldabeautifl raja last night Also a ithunderst orni 'uadI1 could waýtch the liglitning -and listen to the roil of Ille thlundcer witliout caring if thec powýer did of of- inisofar a's we were conceraeid, So often stormns corne uip just about chore time and in the past 3a power--failure wý,.as my one fear -- forcing Partaer to mnilk b), hand-a thing hc his crippled, arthritic hands are no longer capable of doing witb- out tr-emendiouseffiort ad conl- siderable pain. That raja must haýve ,bc)aa bleshÀ-ig to the strawberry-grow- erýs. Withiout it there would prob- ably have beeni a verY Short season. Next week I exp-c tet le away ýo 1I got mny be-rres early. Now they are safely stowied away Îin the jars. 0f course it being so nearly in thje season i had f0 pa'y top price for my fruit. Now P'm thinking per- haps it payýs to buy early. Th(ese are such beautifuil bernies- no wasfe - so to my SurpriseI put down, th-irteeni pints froni ten boxes of bernecs. My goodness, 1I almost forgot to mention that important evenit t-hat took place last week. The- .Provincial Elecion. However, we didni't forget tao vote -- whichl is more !han somne people can Say, At the itfle rcoun1try sdiool where we cast our votes there were 164 on the vofe-rs list. We wenit alonig abouit four p.m. and at that ftme onlly 54 citizens had been to vote. HJ-o7x7 is it possÏible for so many to, care so littie for the pr7ivieges of afree demnoc'- r-acy? 'No doulit there were more out before the polis closed but usually the couintry people get out early in tIc(- day. Well, this dlihronicle is comning fromnl Giniger Farm. The ex one --- if -my plans hoki good may bc, written nmany mlsfrom hlere - exact location- unknown, 1 have been vrybusy laying- in Supplies for Prne-esaysý it looks as if I. were preparing for a siege! How0-ever, lewill niot be alonle for long at a timne. Thc family ?are taking if An tuins taincorne home anase htaii' WeIL.So ...yul bet hearing :from nme again nexi tu .4t£etWkeiQ- Dress-up your dinlng taIble witli these ncw ',pansy"Ild1iliaO! Simuple crochet forms theý pretty design --perfeiét frbuffet, clair-sets to--o! pattera 883: "as"diis Crochet directions for twosie, larger 15 ladies, smaller 0 indhes; in No. 30 mercerized cettofl. Send TWýNTY-FIVE ET In coins (stamp cannot be ac.ý cepted) for t1his patterai to BOYx 1, 123 Eigîteentl St., New Tor- ontoi, Onit. Address. Pîriat plain- ly PATTERN NUMBER, youy NAME and ADDRESS. 'LOOK FOR smartest ideasir Needîccraf t in our Laurea Wlieeler Catalog for 1953, Crê- chet, kniýttiaig, embroicry an lo-vely thiags to wear. r, os quilts, aprons,, novelies -- easýy f1un to mr-ake! Send 25 cents fOr, your copy of this bo)ok NOWIý You Wil ant to" order everyý newv design ia it, PU6LîC MARKET-AII buyers miay se. your stock aod id ld ginst eacb other for ifs posses- sion when it is offereci on the public market, On 0, normal busy day, mnore than 100 different buyers opercite on the Ontario Stock Yards maorket at Toronto. When vour stock is sold tbrough the mnar- kat, competition influences the price you reçeive; competitive biciding assures you of maximum prices. FULLY-Q UALI FIED SALESMEN -Abattoirs hire well-trained huyers tuacat for thom; their first aim is t0 purchase as cbeaply os possible, You need a fully-qualified salesmran to represont your interests, to make sure you receive full market vaqlue for your. live stock. REMEMBER-The Public Live Stock Market is the only place where fuIly-quaIified saesmnnare oIwaÀys avaàilable as yout representcative. This advertiseme#t publiîshed itlttie terests of tho- PUBLIC LIVE STOCK MARKET AT TORONTO hy twsof Canada's 18adi1g live stock~cmisonaet BLACK B1ROS, LIVE STOCK COMPANY UIMITEDl o>nd McCURDY & McCURDY LIM,,ITCED It 1