Aylmer Fancy Sliced Pineapple 10 lb 39e l5oz -m Tin 77 John M. James, MP.. t,, Busy Hlousewives knlow that IGA is the place te save tiue and mny Compflete selection of top quality products teamved with fast ceurteous Ser- ice makes IGA an ideal ONE-STOP-SHIOP! rtin mj Redpath, Granulated 35c White Sugar 10. lb 79e ICA Canned 31/4 b. St. Lawrence 1 h1e hi en $1 63 Special! Swift's Allsweet Margarine I lb pkg 29c Swift's Jewel flý S*hortenîng i lb pkg 25C Cris p Cool Salads .................................. ........... GAEXTRA WHIPPETJ Salad Dressing ~ ~.. 6oz Jar 34).c. 3MS11 GROWN CRZISP SOUID EADS ita rLETTUCE LC qilivitaL a Regular M6C Uc 6 oz. cello pkg. 49c 43e FAIOZEN FOODS The Battie Continues Stili ne truce in sight as the 1955 Battie ef Ottawma continues unalbnted. By the time this appe-airs ini pint, seme Solution imay h ave been founlld bcuethe contentieus Defence Pro- duction Bill wiil be debated for three days this week te try te bring it te an e-id. Once that has fiished the balance ef the work of Parliamient shouild proceed 1rapidly. Likie A Serimn Whnat werries soeeof us is that teeis neaipparenit fl of urgency Usalas a Session nasclesiug", tr-ere',s a chýange ini the tone e)f de- bate mhich youi can feel. It could be cemiipared te a pastor's sermion. Neair the end his voice lowers nnd everyo-ne losthle concIlusionl is net far ,way 1?hat feelingl has net yet Put lu ap)pearance. Onl Frîday exactly the opposite Situation developed v'wheu we] received a letter froml the Whip ask- i-ng io-w nmany sitting dnys we weuld hav-e te be absent between niowý and Auigustl 1.th. That a a disturbing' tinig te apring on us whil~ e suiffer- ,ed through the heat o)n Dominion Daiy. J'ackçed Galleries1 There's always a bright side te any situation. The thouisand(s of tour- ists are enjoyîing our extenýded stay in Ottawýa and as a resuit -we are de- bating before packed gaileries. On Friday ail parties were o Perating' ,v ithý skeleton, crews and there were far more watching- from the galleries t'han were ini the Chanaber. The Mem- bers who realiy have beenj upset about the session going into July are those from the far- east and west whbose Ottawa apartment and house leaýses expired the end cf June. They have sent their famnilles home nhlead cf them and switched to hotel1 roomns. Oteswho wvere slated te attend of July are wondering-I if they ,vîll be able te m-ake it. An Officiai Song-leader Onecf these days, Parýliam)enit wil ha'«ve F appinlt anlofficiai songý- leader. On Fridaýy, the Prime -Miniister suglgeste2d we should sing O ( Canada ani-d God Sav-e the Quen te om--me- o.rate D)omiiiiinDay. Seme tenor start ed O Canlada about an octave teeo hligh1 fe ocf us and the-l'esit a teribe. r.Speaker tried te cor- ret t for, Ged Save The QuePen annd pitched it way doýn lw By the end, y-ou would swear it wns gigte die ;it sýoundIed 50 mPuch like a grenul.. 1 was most haippy the Queen wasn't AIl-Teclinicolor Show 'The Beachcoi With Robert Newton and Glynis Johns <rdû«~te~4e te **,* * t Qrono Electric Phone 93rl1 CONTRACTORS Fort FARM and HOUSE WIRING Free Flstimates APPLIANCE SALES Prompt and Guaranteed Repairs -o ail makes of Electrical Equipwmwt. and Appliances 'ih as MOtors. Water Heatcer&, ELECTRIC and ACETYLENFE ç. Cylinder Blocks -~ and HReads Welded ALUMivNUM ND ZINC BASE IIETAL ORNAMWENTAL RÂILINQS FIRE S1CREENS etc. All Work Guaranteed JIM CAMERGN Phone ORONO 1 ring 5 :tWJd. & Thurs. RItT SPOT"Y Tth .Ginger Rogers tt 'ard - aSAAi--0 "Rag At awn" "The Rainbow Jacket" With Randolph Scott Racing kilt, ini Coter and Main Powere N0R~I(~09 HIGHWAY 2 Il E I Q ' il' ' 1-*' 'e#' ' 1 1 This Thurs. & F i. lint echniicolorl With Ricardo Monitalb .n and Cyd Charisse 'EL ALAMEIN With Scott Brady aInd Rita NMoreno *This Saturf OnIy 0-',anted bMep With Randolph Scott and Jocelyn- Brando Great Automobile Comiedy Hit NG -- Next M1Vonday, Tuesday and Wednesday pr'esenit tehearit. Btutter To Czechs Two deals novn butter and wheat Caus;ed sOeecomment in the Gem- monis this week. Czechosiovaia îa&- agreed to buy sonie 8,00f -Iurhdý of unsalted Canadianm butter. 1t1,l be shipped byI a Canadian exp)orter anid repiaced -with salted butter froua- Canaian,-i governmenit supplies. T'ne goverimient hoids no unsalted buctter. The price will likely be arounid 38 ton 4()c lb. wvhich is world price. This inI botthe same price butter was of- fered to Canadian -institutions carli- er this year.ý Opposition critics point- ed out that it would ameunt te ai, $75,13,0 loss to Canada as the .een ment mriginaily paid 58C to prOducerL.ý 0niy a Drop in Bucket Governmttent spokesmien pointed o-uÈ that this -was surplus butter whicLa was oniy a small part of the 52 iil lion pounds now in storage. It ol have been unw-,,ise te put it on thbc Canadin market fer that price, h (Continued on page 5) Meat Welch's ve Juice 39e 27c Pkg. of Mix 2 Jumbo25 Heada Çalifoirnia Red Cardinal Crisp Sweet Grapes lb 29e California Vine-Ripened Salmron Flerh Jumbo Cantalo.,ups size 459s 150 NEW CROP ONTARIO NO. 1 New Potatoes Bulmanns Choice 13.C. Cut Wax q2Ooz Beans'-2Tins Dr. Ballard's HEALTE Dog 3 15oz 37c INTERLAKE WHITE CROSS Toilse2 Rolis 23c menu-" 11!1111111.wll Cl 1