>M Ot, awa B John M. Jamres, èM.P. I Sirloin ?orterhouse69 S Round Beef, First 5 RiÀ bs, Short Cut ie Rib Roast eshly Gr9urnd Beef lb 5;3c lb 29c "Talerite" Tender, Delicioins; F9ranks lb 37C Fl 1a kes 12 oZ. 23c Grad e m i lb print 59)C 2 15 -e'.' oz* tins 9C apple TiZ2c IGA Sunnly r ee llb SÇc TABLERITE BEEF IS GUARANTE ED T EN DERi EVERY TIME!' j'Lw y ou G L~1 Spray, Standard Dessert Pe airs2l15oztins 27c Ay lmer, Choice BMue Lakie, Cut B>eans .2 "' 31C IGA Deliciels Rot or Coldi, Inistanit Chocolate lbc A Smaill Worl)d It certainl1y is a simili worIld. On1 Thiursday afiternoon , there wals anl oldfahioedjointrnolmination meet- ing atinaot 45 mi1les from Ot- ing affafirs with là cadidteson the ou~d.Some wother speaker from Ot- tawa hadi been selected for thie Liberv- ais, but cotildn't make it and 1imhp- pen-ed along abouit that time andm was Thee apeaedto be about 300 in the Arena a)s the M.P.ý for. that ar-1 eaý unýd I walkýed in. 'You can icà r Coursuprs whlen the first personl weme insideý the door vas the Co;n- aervatve sît imemlber Ïfor Durhim Hlon. John Foote. Nihrof uls ke the other was to bje theve, but w-,e did manallge to get thrýioug-h our> speechýes wi-thout getting intCo too hot a verbal bate t might be an interestin chIainge for Durhami- County to try onle of those mj-eetings somnetime. They cer- tainly bring out a large andc enthusi. aistic crowd. We're Iïnporting Monkeys Those citizens with youngsters will be delighted to, learn that Canada has decided to order large numbers of Rhesus mnonkeys from India. Thou- sands of them will be imported, *with the first shipment of 1,000 corning in next week to Toronto at a cost of a- bout $35 each. 'Most o-f you will know wliat hap- pens to thiese aiinimaIs. They wil be used by the Connaught Laboratories and other groupa making the anti- polio snlk vaccine. The monkey kid, neya play a big part in the înanufac- turig procesa and the animals aiso are used f or testfing the fiinished pro- duct. This move wl ensure Cana- dians an adequate supply of the v.ac- cinle for the fulture. Until niow, we hanve r.eceived Imonkeys t1hrough the United States. 2 BOUGIIT RITE In order te bring you oply lte finest mieats avaiuable, TableRfite 13pyers travel far and wide to select the fin- est Red and Blue Brand meats in the nation's coolers. CUT RITE Tableffite is eut an~d triiumed the way you ike it. Cnt juat the right size for aRy family size fainily and trit- ted of ail excess fat and boue to give yott more edible meat for your mone'y *PRICED RIT~E TableRfite la not only -priced te save yeu money, but, becatise of proper trnm, plus the fact that it is uatturally tender, it mneans more ecenomical mrent buying than you have ever knowu before! *NATUTRALLY TENDER TableRite mneats, are tender because they are carefully selected for those qualities which assure teniderzness. TableRfite tenta are then properly aged te insure yon that just-right *IT HAS TO BE RIIT IF IT'S TA13LERITE Re-memibep only three out of every 10 catle met the rigid specifications of our IGA Beef Buyers. Only natural aging guaranteeg yon tender 'beef everytime. You save tee, because every eut is table trimmed; excess fat and boenie i reinoved befere weighing. It's just better value! Serve your favourite steak or roast front the New Grain-Fed IGA TableRfite Reef and see the differene. set cnieal by evidence provid- ed by hnmnwhio wenit o a I'i he- gory details of their partïiu1ýarly~ gruesome businless, varjiotus member (Cniudof-%page P5) Phlone -61r2 Calbinet Maker Oreno Electric Phone 93 r 1 CONTRACTORS FOR FARM anud HOIJSF WIRING APPLIANCE SALES Prompt and Guaranteed Repair* to &Il makes of Eloetrical EqùîpmentS and Appliancte 1-weh aus Moter&. Water Heateru. Wl st.v.a. Ir4enaRt. Il WEI LDING and ACETYLENE SCylinder Blocha and IHeads welded Specialiving in.1[ ALUMI1NUM AND ZINC BASE METAL FIRE SCREEMMS etc. Ail Work Guaranteed- JIN CAI(ERON Phone ORONO I ring hNext -mon. to Ured. i This Thurs. to Sat. "Vanishing Prairie" New Disney Feature- Lenigth Nl'ature Studly -litCinernaScope Wiýt'h Rock Hutdson aiidI Barbara RwAh VKfNâ*r "THE BRIDGES AT TOKO-RI") Great Human-lnterest Drama of War in Korea With WVILLIAML HOLDEN CGRACE KELLY FREDRIC ARCH MICKEY ROONEY M "I ashed, J'ong White >tatoes 5Ib 33C Red Ripe cello pkg 19IcP 1-eads, good size. te Grewn for tasty Salads 3 bchs. 19c 9ce Bee hive Golden CORN New! Non-Drip Plastic Squieeze l Dispenser T FROZEN FOODS This Thurs. & Fri. "Rich oung and Pretty"91 inU Tchnicoler Withi Jane Powell and Vie Damene "Ch'ina Advent.ure" With Edmnond O'Brien and Barry Sullivan This Saturday Only AiI-Techunicolor Show With James Stewart- and Joanne Dru "SERPENT O0F THE NýL'E" With Rhonda Fleming and William Lundigan Turkey - ( ýen or B5eef Coming - Next -Monday to Wednesday -A Delightful Siall-Tewn Comiedy-Drama ........... No Electrie Chair Althouigh it has niot Yet mande its! -~ 0vtthre ppersto be lih#lkelihobd that the committce 'q uee nne and iious - of Comnwmns - Cutl n oroa PuýniShment!ý and Lotterîes will reco-Menld the :1- Jiýonor ning for-condem ned tee la known in the ,rridor'S ns the ITap, Strap Mndcrap Comtte While their stomachs-have bc p , M,